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Dampak Pariwisata Waduk Kedung Ombo (WKO) Terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Lokal Widodo, Yoto; Fandeli, Chafid; Baiquni, M; Damanik, Janianton
WIDYATAMA Vol 20, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : WIDYATAMA

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Dampak Pariwisata Waduk Kedung Ombo (WKO)Terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Lokal Yoto Widodo1, Chafid Fandeli2, M. Baiquni3, dan Janianton Damanik4  1 FISIP, Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara Sukoharjo, Jl.Let.Jend.S.Humardani No 1 Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah 2,4 Prodi Kajian Pariwisata, Universitas Gadjah Mada3 Pusat Studi Pariwisata, Universitas Gadjah Mada Abstrak Pada saat ini pariwisata merupakan suatu kegiatan yang memiliki perkembangan yang sangat cepat. Pariwisata diyakini memiliki potensi besar meningkatkan pendapatan  masyarakat disekitar daya tarik wisata (DTW). Realitas tersebut menarik perhatian para pimpinan pemerintah daerah dalam rangka  meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) di daerah masing-masing. Pergeseran minat kunjungan wisatawan dari tujuan pariwisata tradisional ke pariwisata alam, sangat menguntungkan bagi daerah yang banyak memiliki destinasi wisata alam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka untuk menjawab pertanyaan, Apakah keberadaan Obyek Wisata Alam Waduk Kedung Ombo (WKO) dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal?. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei, yaitu  dengan  tujuan untuk  mengadakan  penjajagan  (eksploratif). Penelitian ini dilakukan di dusun Geneng, desa Rambat, kecamatan Geyer, kabupaten Grobogan dan dusun Boyolayar, desa Ngargosari, kecamatan Sumberlawang, kabupaten Sragen. Dua dusun tersebut merupakan dua daerah yang masyarakatnya terkait langsung dengan keberadaan obyek pariwisata alam Waduk Kedung Ombo (WKO). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masyarakat di dua dusun mengakui manfaat positif keberadaan Obyek Wisata Alam Waduk Kedung Ombo (WKO). Mereka secara tidak langsung telah melakukan diversifikasi mata pencaharian, untuk responden dusun Geneng para isteri berjualan barang kelontong sedangkan untuk responden dusun Boyolayar para isteri berjualan ikan hasil tangkapan suami. Keberadaan obyek wisata alam WKO dapat meningkatkan pendapatan mereka sehari-hari.  Kata-kata kunci: Pariwisata alam, Kesejahteraan, Masyarakat lokal
Karakteristik Geografi Regional Indonesia: Analisis Peluang dan Tantangan terhadap Penggalian Sumber-Sumber Dasar Kawasan Indonesia Timur Baiquni, M
Forum Geografi Vol 11, No 1 (1997)
Publisher : Forum Geografi

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Pada dasarnya pengembangan kawasan andalan yang diprioritaskan di Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI) bertumpu pada pendekatan yang berorientasi pada sumberdaya (resources based oriented) dan pendekatan yang berorientasi pada sumberdaya manusia (people centered approach). Karakteristik geografi regional kepulauan Indonesia ditandai dengan dominasi wilayah laut dan perairan pantai. Luas wilayah laut sekitar empat kali lipat dari luas daratan, yaitu 7,9 juta km2 dibanding 1,9 juta km2. Ini berarti wilayah laut mendominasi sekitar 81% dari luas wilayah Indonesia, dengan garis pantai sepanjang 81.000 km. Kepulauan Indonesia dapat dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok. Kelompok pertama adalah Jawa, Sumatra, dan Kalimantan serta pulau-pulau kecil di sekitar dangkalan Sunda di sekitar perairan Selat Malaka dan perairan Indo – Cina yang berasosiasi dengan Asia. Kelompok kedua adalah Irian Jaya (bagian dari Pulau New Guinea) dan kepulauan Aru di dangkalan Sahul yang berasosiasi dengan Australia. Kelompok ketiga adalah kelompok kepulauan Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, dan Sulawesi dengan dikelilingi perairan dalam atau palung laut. Sumber-sumber dasar pembangunan yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini dapat dikelompokkan menjadi tiga, yaitu sumberdaya alam, manusia, dan budaya. Pengembangan KTI perlu mendapat perhatian karena masih adanya kesenjangan pembangunan yang terjadi. Kesenjangan ini dapat dilihat dari tiga indikator dasar yaitu luas geografis, distribusi kependudukan, dan konsentrasi industri Pulau Jawa dan Madura.
Eco-Geography of Coastal Areas: Sosio-Economy Dynamic of Land Ownership of Coastal Areas of Indonesia Baiquni, M
Forum Geografi Vol 11, No 2 (1997)
Publisher : Forum Geografi

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Indonesia constitute an archipelagic state which passesses resource of ocean, ecosystem of coast area and social economy dynamics of various maritime society. The nation of Indonesia had ever been welknown as a maritime nation which dominated Nusantara territorial waters as far as neighbour state. Fish cultivation in embankruent  system has been being known since the era of Mojopahit Kingdom and likewise boat industry was held along the north-oast of Java which was ever glorius in the beginning of Dutch Colonialism. But, up to now why a large part of Indonesian fishermen are still using simple technology and method in fishery and fish cultivation? Change in policy within Dutch era development. Which was farm land oriented and plantation had influenced the maritime tradition slip off. Opening of railway and land tract transportation in Java had changed economic ativity pattern of the oast area to hinterland. Investment and human resource were councentrated to farmland development and plantation was directed to export so that it affected the coast area slip off which was basically fishery activity. Development after independence, mainly in the era of New Order, it started from farming activity raised to industry society. Coastal area came back to develop with industrial growth in the urbans of Java north coast. Nevertheless development in fishery does not yet return to show the sign of glorious untill the end of this age. It is  hoped that, with properly judment of the islands coastal area out of Java, goverment will direct  its policy and investment to develop the new maritime society to go against the glorious in the 21st century.
Rural Depopulation Pattern at Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY) Baiquni, M; Muta’ali, Luthfi
Forum Geografi Vol 12, No 1 (1998)
Publisher : Forum Geografi

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Rural population in Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY), in the last two decades, have shown dramatical changes in its quantity and quality. Depopulation is one of the interseting hanges which may considered as unique in term of its spatial distribution. Rural depopulation is a nebulous phenomenon which many factors, actors, and other  phenomenon are involved in shoping depopulation. It is related to socio – economic hanges such as a) shifting economic structure and labour in rural areas from agricultural to non – agriculture sectors; b) growing urban economy leads by industry which may creates employment opportunities and adsorb labours or migrants; c) improving social development related to technological innovation, accessibility and resource availability. Besides the sicio – economic factors, physical geographycal factors may influence to depopulation pattern.This paper is based on a secondary data research i.e. statistical data at rural levels in Yogyakarta, thematics maps and other documents. Statistical methodes and map pattern analysis are employed to analysis data. The result of this research are as follows: a) the rural depopulation in DIY can be found in 189 rural areas of 393 rural areas (48.09%); b) the spatial distribution of the rural depopulation are in Gunung Kidul District (80 rural areas), Kulon Progo District (59 rural areas) Sleman District (33 rural areas), and Bantul District (17 rural areas); c) the rural depopulation in Yogyakarta at least related to six factors whih have been identified as out – migration, local resources, carrying capacity, geographycal location or accessibility, rural infrastructure, and service availability.
Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi Lingkungan Vol 1, No 1 (2009): SAINS & TEKNOLOGI LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Teknik Lingkungan Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Our civilization has dractically changed since new scientific revolution led to technological inventions andaccelletared by industrial revolution. Human dominated to the nature. During industrial revolution thenumber of population has increased sharply and their lifestyle and consumption level has achieved certainlevel beyond that in the past. By the time natural resources is being exploited and environmental pollutionand degradation is becoming worse. Ironically human welfare is not distributed equally, social gaps arewide and conflicts often happen, which are related to moral degradation. The end of this paper is areflection on the human mandate to lead the world, Khalifah fil Ardh.Keywords: Industrial revolution, population changes and environmental degradation.
Refleksi Kritis Terhadap Program JPS Jaring Pengaman Sosial Studi Kasus Proyek PDM-DKE Baiquni, M
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik) 1999: JKAP VOLUME 3 NOMOR 1, TAHUN 1999
Publisher : Magister Administrasi Publik (MAP) FISIPOL Universitas Gadjah Mada

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This essay is a critical reflection on the implementation of faring Pengaman Sosial (Social Safety Net) programme introduced by the Government of Indonesia. There are two level of analysis focused on this essay. First, the author analyses the paradigm used in understanding poverty issues which is in turn reflected in the government-supported poverty reduction policy. Second, analysis is focused on the case study of field experience in Ponorogo District. So far, the program has come to two different impacts. On the one hand, the program has positive impacts in terms of empowerment of the community and improvement of the government official openess. On the other hand, there are several weaknesses that were not anticipated yet such as social jealousy, social solidarity threats and gender bias.
Membangun Pusat di Pinggiran: Pengembangan Wilayah Melalui Kerjasama Ekonomi Regional ASEAN Baiquni, M
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik) 1998: JKAP VOLUME 2 NOMOR 2, TAHUN 1998
Publisher : Magister Administrasi Publik (MAP) FISIPOL Universitas Gadjah Mada

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From the centre, frontier region is seen as an area of underdevelopment that has not been seriously managed. The multidimensional crisis occuring in Indonesia is caused by --one of many-- centralised development which has been concentrated in Java and ignores frontier areas. Efforts of developing the centre in the frontier areas have significant prospect due to economic cooperation with neighbour countries. The global era characterised by technological transformation and informational network have brought the society living in the frontier areas to the global environment. Globalisation has opened up isolation enabling the decision makers to build new centres in frontier areas in accordance to international economic cooperation. This trend of regional economic cooperation, creating new centres in the areas that were previously marginalised, can be observed in the region of ASEAN. This paper discusses aspects of the trend toward regional economic cooperation and offers policy alternatives to achieve sustainable development in this region.
Karakteristik Geografi Regional Indonesia: Analisis Peluang dan Tantangan terhadap Penggalian Sumber-Sumber Dasar Kawasan Indonesia Timur Baiquni, M
Forum Geografi Vol 11, No 1 (1997)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v11i1.500


Pada dasarnya pengembangan kawasan andalan yang diprioritaskan di Kawasan Timur Indonesia (KTI) bertumpu pada pendekatan yang berorientasi pada sumberdaya (resources based oriented) dan pendekatan yang berorientasi pada sumberdaya manusia (people centered approach). Karakteristik geografi regional kepulauan Indonesia ditandai dengan dominasi wilayah laut dan perairan pantai. Luas wilayah laut sekitar empat kali lipat dari luas daratan, yaitu 7,9 juta km2 dibanding 1,9 juta km2. Ini berarti wilayah laut mendominasi sekitar 81% dari luas wilayah Indonesia, dengan garis pantai sepanjang 81.000 km. Kepulauan Indonesia dapat dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok. Kelompok pertama adalah Jawa, Sumatra, dan Kalimantan serta pulau-pulau kecil di sekitar dangkalan Sunda di sekitar perairan Selat Malaka dan perairan Indo – Cina yang berasosiasi dengan Asia. Kelompok kedua adalah Irian Jaya (bagian dari Pulau New Guinea) dan kepulauan Aru di dangkalan Sahul yang berasosiasi dengan Australia. Kelompok ketiga adalah kelompok kepulauan Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, dan Sulawesi dengan dikelilingi perairan dalam atau palung laut. Sumber-sumber dasar pembangunan yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini dapat dikelompokkan menjadi tiga, yaitu sumberdaya alam, manusia, dan budaya. Pengembangan KTI perlu mendapat perhatian karena masih adanya kesenjangan pembangunan yang terjadi. Kesenjangan ini dapat dilihat dari tiga indikator dasar yaitu luas geografis, distribusi kependudukan, dan konsentrasi industri Pulau Jawa dan Madura.
Eco-Geography of Coastal Areas: Sosio-Economy Dynamic of Land Ownership of Coastal Areas of Indonesia Baiquni, M
Forum Geografi Vol 11, No 2 (1997)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v11i2.487


Indonesia constitute an archipelagic state which passesses resource of ocean, ecosystem of coast area and social economy dynamics of various maritime society. The nation of Indonesia had ever been welknown as a maritime nation which dominated Nusantara territorial waters as far as neighbour state. Fish cultivation in embankruent  system has been being known since the era of Mojopahit Kingdom and likewise boat industry was held along the north-oast of Java which was ever glorius in the beginning of Dutch Colonialism. But, up to now why a large part of Indonesian fishermen are still using simple technology and method in fishery and fish cultivation? Change in policy within Dutch era development. Which was farm land oriented and plantation had influenced the maritime tradition slip off. Opening of railway and land tract transportation in Java had changed economic ativity pattern of the oast area to hinterland. Investment and human resource were councentrated to farmland development and plantation was directed to export so that it affected the coast area slip off which was basically fishery activity. Development after independence, mainly in the era of New Order, it started from farming activity raised to industry society. Coastal area came back to develop with industrial growth in the urbans of Java north coast. Nevertheless development in fishery does not yet return to show the sign of glorious untill the end of this age. It is  hoped that, with properly judment of the islands coastal area out of Java, goverment will direct  its policy and investment to develop the new maritime society to go against the glorious in the 21st century.
Rural Depopulation Pattern at Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY) Baiquni, M; Muta’ali, Luthfi
Forum Geografi Vol 12, No 1 (1998)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v12i1.478


Rural population in Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY), in the last two decades, have shown dramatical changes in its quantity and quality. Depopulation is one of the interseting hanges which may considered as unique in term of its spatial distribution. Rural depopulation is a nebulous phenomenon which many factors, actors, and other  phenomenon are involved in shoping depopulation. It is related to socio – economic hanges such as a) shifting economic structure and labour in rural areas from agricultural to non – agriculture sectors; b) growing urban economy leads by industry which may creates employment opportunities and adsorb labours or migrants; c) improving social development related to technological innovation, accessibility and resource availability. Besides the sicio – economic factors, physical geographycal factors may influence to depopulation pattern.This paper is based on a secondary data research i.e. statistical data at rural levels in Yogyakarta, thematics maps and other documents. Statistical methodes and map pattern analysis are employed to analysis data. The result of this research are as follows: a) the rural depopulation in DIY can be found in 189 rural areas of 393 rural areas (48.09%); b) the spatial distribution of the rural depopulation are in Gunung Kidul District (80 rural areas), Kulon Progo District (59 rural areas) Sleman District (33 rural areas), and Bantul District (17 rural areas); c) the rural depopulation in Yogyakarta at least related to six factors whih have been identified as out – migration, local resources, carrying capacity, geographycal location or accessibility, rural infrastructure, and service availability.