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Pengembangan Aplikasi Click Issues untuk Meningkatkan Hots (High Order Thinking Skills) dalam Ilmu Ekonomi Annisya' Annisya'; Sri Handayani; Ni'matul Istiqomah; Emma Yunika Puspasari
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Vol.13.No.2.Oktober2020
Publisher : Jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang

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The study aims to produce an application that can be used to improve the thinking ability of students or commonly termed HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills). The features provided by this application are related to the topic of existing problems in economics that are being studied. The method used in this research is the ADDIE Research and Development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). This research was conducted at the Faculty of Economics, State University of Malang. The appropriateness of the developed application product is based on the assessment of media experts, material experts as well as Economics Faculty-student respondents. The evaluation aspects that are evaluated are related to the material aspects, learning aspects, aspects of the appearance, and operation of the application. The average of all assessments that have been done by experts and students are as follows: 1. Material aspects 85.10%, 2. Learning aspects 87.15%, 3. Display aspects 83.15%, 4. Aspects of application operation 86.51%. The conclusion obtained from these results is the average of the total ratings obtained from the application is 85.47% which shows that this application is suitable for use in economic learning activities.DOI:
Peningkatan Kemandirian Belajar Mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 melalui Penerapan Blended learning pada Mata Kuliah Evaluasi Proses dan Hasil Belajar di Universitas Negeri Malang Sri Handayani; Annisya’ Annisya’; Andy Prasetyo Wati
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Vol.13.No.2.Oktober2020
Publisher : Jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang

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Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, learning was carried out online (online). With online learning, students are required to be independent and learn. Increasing independent learning can be done using Blended Learning. This learning concept is learning designed by combining offline and online learning. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by providing an open survey to respondents who are participants of the course. From the results obtained, the learning independence possessed by students in the Process Evaluation and Learning Outcomes course is very high.DOI:
PELATIHAN METODE PENELITIAN UNTUK MENINGKATAN KINERJA GURU-GURU SMKN 1 KOTA BATU Farida Rahmawati; Sri Handayani; Hari Wahyono; Imam Mukhlis; Hadi Sumarsono
Jurnal KARINOV Vol 2, No 3 (2019): September
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.446 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um045v2i3p157-160


Salah satu upaya meningkatkan profesionalisme guru adalah dengan meningkatkan intensitas guru dalam melalukan penelitian. Tujuan dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru-guru ekonomi dalam bidang penelitian yang berkaitan dengan proses pembelajaran di SMKN 1 Kota Batu. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan melalui dua tahapan kegiatan, yakni tahap penyampaian materi prinsip riset dan tahapanya termasuk aplikasi SPSS, Stata, dan Eviews dan tahap pendampingan penyusunan proposal. Kegiatan pengabdian ini diikuti 25 orang guru. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi, penugasan, pendampingan dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan adalah terdapat peningkatan wawasan dan semangat guru dalam melakukan penelitian bagi kepentingan pembelajaran, keterampilan guru dalam penggunaan aplikasi pengolahan data serta terdapat proposal yang telah layak untuk ditindaklanjuti dalam bentuk penelitian.Kata kunci—Profesionalisme Guru, Pendampingan Pelatihan Metode Penelitian, SMKN 1 Kota BatuAbstractOne effort to improve teacher professionalism is to increase the intensity of teachers in conducting research. The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the ability of economic teachers in the field of research related to the learning process at SMK 1 Batu. The implementation of community service activities is carried out through two stages of activities, namely the stage of delivering the material of research principles and the stages including the application of SPSS, Stata, and Eviews and the assistance stage of preparing the proposal. This community service activity was attended by 25 teachers. The methods used are lectures, discussions, assignments, assistance and evaluation. The result of the activity is that there is an increase in teachers' insights and enthusiasm in conducting research for the sake of learning, teacher skills in using data processing applications and there are proposals that have been feasible to be followed up in the form of research.Keywords—Teacher Professionalism, Research Method Training Assistance, SMK 1 Batu
Jurnal Terapan Abdimas Vol 7, No 1 (2022)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/jta.v7i1.9011


Abstract. The industrial revolution era is an era where cyber-physical and manufacturing collaborations mark the change. The challenges that exist must be faced by various parties, including the world of education. The world of education, which is at the core of human resource development, must prepare a learning design that is able to answer these challenges. STEM is considered capable of being an alternative method used in learning. This method integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The aim of the training carried out at the Economic MGMP in Kediri Regency is to improve the professional skills of teachers in making STEM-based lesson plans. The results of the activities that have been carried out are that the teachers are very enthusiastic about participating in the training activities well and as many as 80% of the teachers already understand and can make STEM-based lesson plans well. The hope in the future is that teachers will always use STEM-based lesson plans according to the subject matter they teach so that learning activities can be well integrated and can achieve maximum learning objectives.Abstrak. Era revolusi Industri merupakan sebuah era dimana cyber fisik dan kolaborasi manufaktur yang menandai perubahannya. Tantangan yang ada harus dihadapi oleh berbagai pihak tidak terkecuali dunia pendidikan. Dunia Pendidikan yang mana merupakan sebuah inti dari pembangunan sumberdaya manusia harus menyiapkan rancangan pembelajaran yang mampu menjawab tantangan tersebut. STEM dianggap mampu menjadi salah satu alternatif metode yang digunakan dalam pembelajan. Metode ini  mengintegrasikan antara Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Tujuan pelatihan yang dilaksanakan pada MGMP Ekonomi di Kabupaten Kediri ini adalah meningkatkan ketrampilan professional para guru dalam pembuatan RPP berbasis STEM. Hasil dari kegiatan yang telah dilakukan adalah para guru sangat antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan tersebut dengan baik dan sebanyak 80% guru sudah memahami dan dapat membuat RPP berbasis STEM dengan baik. Harapan kedepannya adalah, para guru selalu menggunakan RPP berbasis STEM disesuaikan dengan materi pelajaran yang diajarkannya sehingga kegiatan pembelajaran dapat terintegrasi dengan baik serta dapat mencapai tujuan pembelajaran secara maksimal. 
Studi Komparasi Metode Pembelajaran dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Keuangan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Yogi Dwi Satrio; Sri Handayani; Muhammad Hasyim Ibnu Abbas; Januar Kustiandi
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Undiksha Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpe.v12i1.25314


The COVID-19 pandemic attack the economy and society. Economic activity collapses, the economic activity of the community experiences a setback due to many socio-economic restrictions. The logic of economic action from consumption and production works out of reason. Financial literacy cannot be separated in life. Financial literacy is an important skill that can be used to make economic decisions. Many pre-pandemic programs have been carried out to increase Financial Literacy. In the field of education students have been taught to be more sensitive in applied economics, only an evaluation tool for the effectiveness of methods that have not been accommodated. Researchers examine the condition of financial literacy at university level students. Based on the learning methods applied during the pandemic, using the score collection method. The analytical method used in this study was an independent t-test based on the teaching method implemented, respondents were divided into 2 group, 46  students in online learning classes and 46 students in game based learning classes. The results showed that the learning method at home learning was not significant enough to develop individual financial literacy.
Pelatihan Penggunaan Game Edukatif dalam Pembelajaran pada Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Ekonomi Kota/Kabupaten Blitar Yogi Dwi Satrio; Januar Kustiandi; Sri Handayani; Annisya' Annisya'
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 13, No 1 (2022): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v13i1.4416


Pembelajaran tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai perkembangan zaman, minat dan kenutuhan belajar siswa sudah tidak sama lagi. Kecenderungan minat belajar siswa pada game, terutama game online memaksa para guru untuk mengadopsinya menjadi bagian dari pembelajaran dalam kelas untuk meningkatkan minat dan motivasi belajar siswa. Dari fenomena lapangan yang ditemui, kebanyakan anggota Musyawarah guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) ekonomi di Blitar masih sedikit yang menggunakan kemajuan teknologi sebagai metode pengajaran. Hal ini dikarenakan keterbatasan kemampuan dalam menjelajah internet dan mengoperasionalkan game-game pembelajaran. Tujuan dari program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini lebih berfokus pada meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran dengan meningkatkan kualitas SDM dengan menggunakan game online edukatif. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, pengabdi menggunakan metode sosialisasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan penggunaan game online edukatif dan penyusunan artikel ilmiah pada guru-guru ekonomi di Kota/Kabupaten Blitar. Dengan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat tentang pelatihan pengaplikasian game online edukatif ini dapat menambah wawasan, pengetahuan dan meningkatkan kinerja Guru MGMP Ekonomi Kota/Kabupaten Blitar sehingga mampu meningkatkan minat dan motivasi belajar ekonomi pada siswa.
Peningkatan produktivitas kerajinan tangan pirografi berbasis digital Lustina Fajar Prastiwi; Inayati Nuraini Dwiputri; Annisya’ Annisya’; Sri Handayani
Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS) Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS)
Publisher : University of Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jipemas.v5i1.13707


Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah  (UMKM) di Indonesia berkembang sangat pesat. Battosae Kertosono adalah UMKM  yang bergerak di bidang kerajinan tangan pirografi. Namun, UMKM ini memiiki beberapa kendala antara lain, masih manualnya peralatan yang digunakan, media pemasaran yang monoton dan masih rendahnya pemahaman tentang financial technology. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah, kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian yaitu: 1) Penambahan alat produksi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas usaha; 2) Penambahan variasi metode pemasaran; 3) Manajemen Usaha dan Pengenalan financial technology.  Penambahan alat produksi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas usaha. Penambahan alat produksi diwujudkan melalui pengadaan printer laser kayu engraving dan computer untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas, kerapihan dan efisiensi waktu pengerjaan sehingga produk yang dihasilkan menjadi lebih baik. Kegiatan peningkatan variasi metode pemasaran diwujudkan melalui penggunaan sosial media dan marketplace.  Pemanfaatan media sosial dan marketplace menurunkan biaya pemasaran dan mampu memperluas pasar.  Sedangkan kegiatan peningkatan managemen usaha dan pengenalan financial technology dilakukan dengan pelatihan dan diskusi bersama pemilik usaha. Melalui kegiatan ini pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pengrajin Battosae Kertosono semakin baik karena dapat memberikan kemudahan transaksi dan pelayanan kepada konsumen.
Life-based financial literacy book as a teaching solution in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic Syahrul Munir; Agung Haryono; Sri Handayani; Yogi Dwi Satrio
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang Vol 6, No 4 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/abdimas.v6i4.5349


Nowadays, the problem of teachers in Economics is how a teacher should teach not only cognitive abilities but the ability to apply Economics in daily life. This community service program aims to provide skills for Economics teachers in teaching financial literacy to students. The method of implementation in this activity is training and mentoring in the implementation of financial literacy books. This program is intended for Economics/Accounting teachers at MGMP Malang City. This program was carried out in four stages, namely socialization and discussion, implementation of problem-solving, training and mentoring, and evaluation. The implementation of this life-based “financial literacy” book provides insight to teachers about the implementation of financial literacy and learning innovations that can be applied to Economics learning in schools in the future. This activity is a forum for the development of learning innovations in the Economics/Accounting Subject Teacher Community or Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP).
Rationalization of Action in Education Investment Decisions: Parents' Perceptions Andy Prasetyo Wati; Sri Handayani; Durinda Puspasari; Jefry Aulia Martha
Ekuitas: Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ekuitas.v11i1.62249


This research aims to see how the rationality of parents towards their decision to act in improving the quality of human resources owned by children through education. This is due to the problems that arise from various theoretical studies on "Is the decision taken by parents in sending their children to school a rational action or is it only limited to the fulfillment of educational policies that have been made by the government in supporting the improvement of the quality of human resources through education?". Therefore, to answer the problems and objectives of this study, the researchers used a type of quantitative research with correlation and regression test methods. The research data was collected using a 7-point scale research instrument distributed through an online survey, and the data obtained was 185 respondents. The population and sample in the study were parents of students in class XII, Malang, East Java. The results of the study revealed that instrumental action rationalization and value action rationalization were able to significantly influence parents' decisions in investing in education. The hope of this research is more emphasized on the ability of parents to think rationally when making decisions to invest in children's education, especially on rational analysis of costs and benefits, and avoiding implicit or emotional decisions. Therefore, further research is needed on how parents respond to the decision to invest in education when viewed from other factors, both from internal parents and external factors from parents.
Rationalization of Action in Education Investment Decisions: Parents' Perceptions Andy Prasetyo Wati; Sri Handayani; Durinda Puspasari; Jefry Aulia Martha
Ekuitas: Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ekuitas.v11i1.62249


This research aims to see how the rationality of parents towards their decision to act in improving the quality of human resources owned by children through education. This is due to the problems that arise from various theoretical studies on "Is the decision taken by parents in sending their children to school a rational action or is it only limited to the fulfillment of educational policies that have been made by the government in supporting the improvement of the quality of human resources through education?". Therefore, to answer the problems and objectives of this study, the researchers used a type of quantitative research with correlation and regression test methods. The research data was collected using a 7-point scale research instrument distributed through an online survey, and the data obtained was 185 respondents. The population and sample in the study were parents of students in class XII, Malang, East Java. The results of the study revealed that instrumental action rationalization and value action rationalization were able to significantly influence parents' decisions in investing in education. The hope of this research is more emphasized on the ability of parents to think rationally when making decisions to invest in children's education, especially on rational analysis of costs and benefits, and avoiding implicit or emotional decisions. Therefore, further research is needed on how parents respond to the decision to invest in education when viewed from other factors, both from internal parents and external factors from parents.