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Journal : Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management

Determination of Tebing Keraton Recreation Demand Functions With Travel Cost Method Deni Rusmaya; Astri Widiastuti Hasbiah; Tsabit Walad al Wahad
Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Vol. 6 No.1. March 2022
Publisher : Department of Environmental Engineering - Universitas Pasundan - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (432.531 KB) | DOI: 10.23969/jcbeem.v6i1.5346


Forest recreation services as additional products that are intangible. It can not be quantified because it does not have a price on the normal market system. It underlies a study to determine the economic value of recreation, with case studies Tebing Keraton using the Individual Travel Cost Method. Analysis of data obtained from questionnaires using data processing equipment SPSS version 21 with multiple linear regression method to get the Tebing Keraton recreation demand functions. The variables that influence the number of visits are travel cost, total income, age, mileage, and gender. Coefficient values of variables determine the trend in increasing or decreasing the number of tourist visits. In this study, the demand functions divided into two recreational functions for students/scholar and for working people considering total income per month category. Based on the regression results, demand functions for students/scholar, is Y=-2.179–0.0000347X1+0.286X2+0.159X3-0.0000794X4-0.267X5, and for working people is Y=1.994–0.00000164X1+0.53X2-0.32X3-0.003X4-0.334X5. The regression result obtained a coefficient of determination (R2) that the percentage of the diversity of demand number of visits to Tebing Keraton which can be explained by the independent variables in the model. R2 value of model for students/scholar is 67.1%, which is more than 0.5, showing the moderate accuracy. While for working people, the value of R2 is 48.9%, which is in the range of 0.31 – 0.5, indicate the weak accuracy.
Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): Vol. 3 No.1, Maret 2019
Publisher : Department of Environmental Engineering - Universitas Pasundan - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (938.054 KB) | DOI: 10.23969/jcbeem.v3i1.1499


Pesantren Al-Ittihad yang terletak di Kabupaten Cianjur, Jawa Barat merupakan sarana pendidikan dengan fasilitas asrama bagi santri-santrinya. Kegiatan di asrama memiliki kemiripan dengan kegiatan domestik jika ditinjau dari segi sanitasinya. Untuk mempertahankan kualitas hidup dan belajar para santri, diperlukan kondisi fasilitas sanitasi yang memadai dari segi kualitas dan kuantitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi fasiltas sanitasi di kawasan santri putra Pesantren Al-Ittihad berdasarkan pengamatan dan wawancara kepada penghuninya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sarana air bersih dan air minum masih baik, secara kualitas maupun kuantitas. Sarana air limbah masih mencukupi namun memerlukan saluran untuk pengolahan grey water. Saluran drainase sudah tersedia dengan baik, namun perlu peningkatan pemeliharaan agar tidak terjadi pendangkalan atau tertutup sampah. Dalam pengelolaan sampah, walaupun sudah terdapat pemilahan, namun masih terdapat sisa sampah yang tidak ditangani dengan baik, terutama di sekitar tempat pembuangan sampah sementara.
Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Vol. 1 No.1. September 2017
Publisher : Department of Environmental Engineering - Universitas Pasundan - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.961 KB) | DOI: 10.23969/jcbeem.v1i1.1367


Sebagian penduduk Desa Sukajaya Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung Barat menggunakan sumur gali sebagai sarana sumber air bersih yaitu sumur gali. Lokasi sumur tersebut yang berdekatan dengan sumber pencemaran yaitu peternakan sapi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi poteni pencemaran air sumur akibat kegiatan peternakan sapi tersebut dilihat dari parameter Coliform. Variabel yang diteliti pengaruhnya adalah kondisi fisik sumur dan jarak peternakan sapi terhadap sumur. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi 41 sumur gali dan sampel 24 sumur gali. Hypotesis ada hubungan jarak peternakan sapi dengan keadaan fisik sarana sumur gali (dinding, bibir, lantai dan penutup sumur terhadap kandungan bakteri coliform air sumur gali). Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling pada suatu pertimbangan dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari 24 sumur gali diobservasi jarak terhadap sumber pencemar (peternakan sapi) ≥ 15 m yang tidak memenuhi syarat 100 % dan terhadap parameter keadaan fisik yaitu dinding sumur kedap air 3 m tidak memenuhi syarat100 %, ketinggian bibir sumur ≥ 70 - 75 cm tidak memenuhi syarat 70,83%, lantai sumur gali kedap air radius ≥ 1 m tidak memenuhi syarat 74,17% dan penutup sumur gali kedap air yang tidak memenuhi syarat 54,17% serta kandungan coliform air sumur gali tidak memenuhi syarat 100% (Standar non perpipaan dan perpipaan 0 MPN/100 ml). Berdasarkan analisis pengukuran dan observasi di lapangan secara signifikan ada hubungan jarak sumur gali dengan peternakan sapi, keadaan fisik dinding sumur gali, keadan fisik bibir sumur gali, keadaan fisik lantai, dan keadaan fisik penutup yang tidak memenuhi syarat dapat menyebabkan kontaminasi bakteri coliform pada air sumur gali.
Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019): Vol. 3 No.1, Maret 2019
Publisher : Department of Environmental Engineering - Universitas Pasundan - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (546.395 KB) | DOI: 10.23969/jcbeem.v3i1.1495


Pemenuhan fasilitas sanitasi merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang penting dalam kehidupan domestik manusia. Sebagai asrama yang ditempati oleh santri, Pesantren Putri Al-Ittihad harus menjaga fasilitas sanitasinya guna menjaga kesehatan para santri putrinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi sanitasi di pesantren tersebut serta menganalisis kebutuhan air minum dan fasilitas sanitasi yang diperlukan dalam kegiatan keseharian santrinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis ini adalah pengamatan lapangan serta wawancara kepada 95 santri sebagai responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara kualitas, air bersih masih dapat diterima santri karena tidak berbau, tidak berasa dan tidak berwarna, namun secara kuantitas masih belum memenuhi dan perlu ditambah dari sumber air berupa mata air yang terletak di sekitar pesantren. Pengelolaan sampah belum optimal karena sampah organik belum dimanfaatkan. Jika kegiatan pengomposan dilakukan, maka perlu rumah pengomposan dengan luas 13,5 m3. Terdapat 137 ruang mandi yang disediakan untuk 1785 santri. Berdasarkan ketentuan dan perhitungan, jumlah MCK seharusnya minimal 179 ruang. Fasilitas dan teknologi lain yang perlu disediakan adalah lubang biopori untuk mengatasi genangan dan septic tank untuk mengolah air limbah.
Mapping Water and Sanitation Condition to Improve Universal Access in Bandung City Astri Widiastuti Hasbiah; Lili Mulyatna; Hary Pradiko; Hidayat Hidayat; Evi Afiatun; Hermin Aulia Racmie; Nine Triani
Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Vol. 7 No.2, September 2023
Publisher : Department of Environmental Engineering - Universitas Pasundan - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/jcbeem.v7i2.10260


Many developing countries lack the necessary infrastructure for clean water supply and sanitation facilities, especially in urban areas. Cities in Indonesia are also facing this problem. The rapid growth of urban areas puts a strain on existing water and sanitation infrastructure, making it difficult to meet the increasing demand for services. This can lead to inadequate mapping and planning for future needs. Water and sanitation mapping is an important tool for monitoring access to clean water and sanitation facilities to gather accurate data and improving access to clean water and sanitation. The purpose of this study is mapping water and sanitation condition and calculate the sanitation index. The mapping carried out includes source of drinking water, wastewater, drainage system, and solid waste disposal. The study was conducted in RW 06 Pasirluyu, a community neighbourhood in Bandung City. The methods used are questionnaire interviews and direct observation. The total respondents of study locations were 225 houses, but only 101 houses were willing to participate in the study. The study results show that 89% of respondents clean water source comes from deepwell groundwater for cooking and washing, wheran openmain source for drinking water is from bottled water, 89% of respondents use septic tank for their wastewater, 11% of respondents dispose their wastewater into open channels or conduct open defecation, 89% of the draineage is open drainage system, and 61% of the respondents conducted solid waste separation. Sanitation index assessment in RW 06 Pasirluyu calculated scored 1.25 for drinking water aspect, 1.23 domestic wastewater aspect. 1.21 drainage aspect, 1.02 domestic waste aspect. Overall, based on the sanitation index assessment results, the RW 06 Pasirluyu is classified as good.
Rasch Analysis of Household Waste Reduction Behavior: Case Study in Sunten Jaya, Bandung Barat Regency Ira Endah Rohima; Astri Widiastuti Hasbiah
Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Vol. 7 No.2, September 2023
Publisher : Department of Environmental Engineering - Universitas Pasundan - Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23969/jcbeem.v7i2.10383


The reduction of domestic waste in developing countries is a critical issue that requires attention. Behavioural intentions of households can lead to reduce, reuse and recycle behaviour in waste management. Many factors influence the reduction of waste. Psychological and behavioural characteristics often hinder the effectiveness of technical solutions in managing household waste, so it is important to understand human behaviour to design effective policies. Rural areas also face waste problems, but they do not receive as much attention as urban areas. This research aims to identify the behavioural intentions of households to reduce waste in a small village in Bandung Barat Regency. This study uses Rasch model to measure a person's perspective in an objective way. Data for this study was collected using a questionnaire. The questions were rated on a five-point Likert scale. The number of respondents who participated in this study was 27. The small number of respondents was due to difficulties in finding respondents, as most people were farming at the time of the study. The result shows that the person’s reliability is statistically misfit, whereas the item reliability is fit. The respondent/person misfit may be because the respondents are farmers with a low level of education. The Cronbach's alpha value, which measures the interdependence between the person and the item, is 0.70. Since the item reliability is 0.95 and the person reliability is 0.62, it can be concluded that the quality of the items of the instrument is good, and the consistency of the respondents' answers is also good. Questionnaire item I8 is the most difficult question for respondents to agree with a value of +2.09 logit. On the other hand, the easiest questionnaire item to agree on is I18 with -1.74 logit. From the results it can be concluded that the respondents know about waste separation. However, they never carried out waste separation. It can be inferred that the behaviour of the respondents does not reflect their knowledge.