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JURNAL TARBAWIYAH Vol 11, No 2 (2014): Tarbawiyah Edisi Juli - Desember 2014

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A city can be called developed when the population or community has a high interest with evident from the number of books published and the number of libraries in the country. It should be more and more publishing newspapers and magazines, it will impact on improving the reading of books. But unfortunately, this is only limited interest in reading improvement of peoples interest in reading newspapers and magazines only.This evaluation is expected to generate inputs to increase student interest in reading at Kota Metro, considering our constitution also mandates the government and all of us to educate the nation. In addition, it can be used as consideration in policy-making related to the school library, city library, the park reading and other things related to the culture of reading in order to promote a culture of reading among students and the public. Keywords: evaluation, reading, students
Improving Speaking Ability and Self Confidence through Task-Based Language Teaching at the First Semester of Accountancy Thresia, Fenny
Jurnal English Education Vol 4, No 2 (2012): English Education
Publisher : English Education Department of Tarbiyah & Teacher Training Faculty of IAIN Lampung

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IntroductionEnglish is one of the subjects at University level. The students needEnglish to access information, broaden knowledge, and promote international relationship in order to fulfill their expectation to meet their future challenges. In this case the Universities provide the academic programs that can support and motivate the students to catch their ambitions. The students have to take the courses as the University offers.PISA 2006 database and PISA 2009 shows the level of students’ readingproficiency. Based on this kind of proficiency the writer assumes that students’ language ability is also low because reading is the most important skill among the four language skills. Murcia (2001) stated that reading is assumed as a very vital skill in foreign language acquisition. In other word, other skills like writing, listening and speaking are integrated in learning reading. In addition, they should be integrated to find the idea becomes a real means of the interaction and sharing among people. According to Oxford (2001) the integrated skill exposes English language learners to authentic language and challenges them to interact naturallyin the language.
Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference Vol 2, No 1 (2016): 2nd SULE-IC
Publisher : Sriwijaya University Learning and Education International Conference

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The objective of this research is to know the correlation between students’ grammarmastery and their ability in arranging jumbled words into good sentence at the fifthsemester of English Education Study Program Muhammadiyah University of Metroacademic year 2015/2016. This research is quantitative research. The population inthis research is fifth semester of English Study Education Program MuhammadiyahUniversity Academic Year 2015/2016. The researcher used saturated sampling; allof the students at fifth semester. with amount 45 students. The data collectingtechnique used are the test of grammar mastery especially at simple simple pasttense and the test of ability in arranging jumbledd words into good sentence. Theresearcher used Lilliefors formula to test the normality of the research and ProductMoment Correlation to test the hypothesis. Based on the data analysis, theresearcher finds there is correlation between students’ grammar mastery and theirability in arranging jumbledd words into good sentence with coefficient xy r = 0,97.This value is consulted by rtable =0,294 and the result is 0,97>0,294, therefore there iscorrelation between X variable and Y variable. The conclusion, there is correlationbetween students’ grammar mastery especially at simple simple past tense and theirability in arranging jumbledd words into good sentence at fifth semester inMuhammadiyah University of Metro academic year 2015/ 2016.
An Analysis of Domain Mood and Modality of Interpersonal Meaning in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)’s Speech Amalia, Mustika; Subandowo, Dedy; Faliyanti, Eva; Thresia, Fenny
English Language Teaching Educational Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/eltej.v1i1.144


This research examines the interpersonal meaning in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)’s speech. This is based on the details of speech or writing to define an investigation. The object of this research is the used moods and modality types in interpersonal meaning of SBY’s speech under the title “Toward Harmony among Civilizations” by Dr.Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The aims of this research are (1) to observe the mood and modality types used in SBY’s speech, (2) to observe the dominant mood and modality types in SBY’s speech, (3) to describe the interpersonal meaning in case of mood and modality types in SBY’s speech. The main sources of data in this study are taken from the SBY’s speech at the John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University summit on September 29 th, 2009, in Boston, USA. The data then are classified and collected in tabulation. This paper is based on the discourse analysis and systemic functional linguistics approach by Halliday. The writer analyses the speeh by SBY mainly from the interpersonal meaning which focuses on the mood and modality types. The results of this research are (1) there are two mood types in interpersonal meaning of SBY’s speech namely indicative and imperative type, (2) the dominant mood in SBY’s speech is the indicative type which is declarative with the total number of 97 clauses or around 95%, while the dominantly used modality is “can”. In addition, the overall dominant modality type exists in median degree modality with the total percentage 40,6%, and (3) the researcher discovers the different mood and modality that might affect the value of the speech to the audience.
Journal of English Education and Enterpreneurship (JEEP) Vol 1 No 2 (2021): JULY
Publisher : Journal of English Education and Enterpreneurship (JEEP)

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The Influence of Documentary Video Toward Students Ability in Writing Descriptive Text Eleventh Grade At Senior High School 1 Kota Gajah Academic Year 2020/202. The urgency of technology integration has arisen due to the current pandemic break. With a sudden shift from conventional learning to virtual learning, less proper preparation for utilizing the technology integration may occur. The present study aimed at writing ability using documentary video as a medium. By applying experimental research with observation case study design in Senior High School 1 Kota Gajah, this study gained the data through questionnaires, writing tasks, and an interview. Brata in Annisa's (2019) documentary video is a form of audiovisual product that tells a daily phenomenon. This phenomenon deserves to be a reflection of the audience. The results of the study proved that the use of documentary videos as a medium in improving students' writing ability of descriptive texts, In the pre-test, the average score of the experimental group and the control group are 53.26 and 56.77. From the score of the two groups, the result shows that the experimental group is lowest than that of the control one. However, the result of the post-test of the experimental group is higher than that of the control group; they are 87.49 for the experimental group and 71.20 for the control group. There was a significant difference in student’s English writing skills that learned writing by using Documentary video and conventional media.
Journal of English Education and Enterpreneurship (JEEP) Vol 1 No 2 (2021): JULY
Publisher : Journal of English Education and Enterpreneurship (JEEP)

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The aim of this research is to find out the influence and significant difference of using animation video for mentally retarded students’ vocabulary mastery at SLB Wiyata Dharma Metro. Animation video is a digital recording of an image, object and sound that moves across into or out of the screen, animation video also the rapid display of the sequences images that create an illusion of movement. This research used pre experimental research. The subjects of this research are the mentally retarded students at SLB Wiyata Dharma Metro academic year 2021. There are 5 students at 8 class C or mentally retardation class. The research instrument used to collect the data in this research is pretest and posttest. The result of data analysis indicates that the value of gain score obtained (0.76) was higher than gain score table (0.70). Then, the result of data analysis indicating the value of t obtained (3.70) was higher than t table (2.77) at the significance level 0.05 and the significance (0.020), and lower than 0.05. It can be concluded that there are influence and significant difference of using Animation Video in students’ vocabulary mastery.
Dedication : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2017): DEDICATION: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM IKIP Jember

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Salah satu isu sentral pembangunan yang berkembang dari waktu ke waktu adalah persoalan pengangguran terutama pengangguran dari kalangan terdidik. Program ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan dan mewujudkan mahasiswa untuk menjadi wirausahawan baru di masyarakat kalangan kampus dengan bersinergi bersama UMKM yang dijadikan mitra. Adapun UMKM yang dijadikan mitra pada program COOP ini sejumlah 6 UMKM; Berkah Jaya, Fisago Clothing, Studio sambal numani, Bombay, Tapis Wawai dan Bougenvile. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan adalah dengan seleksi peserta. Hasil seleksi peserta dilakukan pembekalan dan pelatihan tentang kewirausahaan, penugasan magang bagi peserta dan seleksi terakhir untuk menghasilkan unit usaha baru. Kegiatan Co-op ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan. Tahapan pertama diawali dengan sosialisasi program Co-op, yaitu dengan pemberitahuan atau penguman adanya kegiatan kewirausahaan berupa seleksi pembentukan calon wira usaha baru melalui media cetak maupun maya. Tahap ke-2 berupa seleksi peserta untuk menjadi calon wirausaha, tahap ke-3 berupa pembekalan calon wirausaha tentang kewirausahaan, tahap ke-4 berupa pemagangan calon wirausaha pada UMKM mitra, tahap ke-5 berupa evaluasi pelaksanaan Co-op. Hasil akhir dari kegiatan ini adalah mahasiswa calon wirausaha mampu membuat unit usaha baru secara bersama.
UAD TEFL International Conference Proceedings of the 4th UAD TEFL International Conference
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/utic.v1.170.2017


Writing is a process of communication which uses a conventional graphic system to the reader. In writing subject especially descriptive text the students’ find some problem, such as: they find difficulties in developing their idea, their vocabulary is still low, they get difficulties to make sentences and the teacher uses unsuitable media as a tool to teach writing. The media presented as a solution are picture series and realia media. The objective of this research is to know whether there is more effective of using Picture Series and Realia Media. In this research the researcher uses quantitative research with quasi experimental design. The population in this researcher was 711 students at the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Rumbia. It was consists of 20 classes and average each class consist of 36. The researcher used cluster sampling as technique sampling, the sample of this research is X3 as an experimental class and X4 as control class. To analyze the data, the researcher used ttest formula. The researcher got the result of ttest is 4,59 and ttable is 2,65 (on criterion 1) and 2,00 (So, on criterion 2). It means that thit>ttable. The criterion of ttest is Ha accepted if thit>ttable. There is different result of students writing ability in descriptive text using picture series and realia media. Picture series is more effective than realia media toward students’ writing ability in descriptive text, the statement is proven by result of posttest and hypothesis test.
Teaching English Based on Character Education at Senior High School Metro Fenny Thresia
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2014): 2nd ICEL 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Character education as the deliberate use of all dimensions of school life to foster optimal character development. The aim of this research to give a teaching model to English teacher at senior high school level in Metro especially in teaching English based on character education. This research and development study took subject from all six senior high school in Metro consist of six teachers who teach in tenth grader. This study focus on design and evaluation of teaching instrument. The result of this study show that most of teacher still confuse with character education in teaching and learning process in English subject because most of material in English book do not integrated character education. Therefore this study helps all English teachers to apply material with character education. The teacher is not only taught English material but also teach value and character building. It influences the students’ character in their daily life. Students become more polite, honest, diligent and religious
The influence of using podcast toward listening comprehension Nur Oktaviani; Fenny Thresia
Language and Education Journal Vol 6 No 01 (2021): Language and Education Journal
Publisher : Relawan Jurnal Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52237/lej.v6i01.201


Listening is an individual concentration on specific aspects of aural information, build context from passages, and connect what they hear to prior experience. Unfortunately, listening activities are rarely given to students. The problem is formulated as follow: “Is there any significant difference of using video podcast toward listening comprehension of students majoring in Multimedia at the first grade of SMK 4 Metro?”.The research design was quasi-experimental. The students Majoring in Multimedia at first grade SMK 4 Metro as population. To assess the students’ listening comprehension, the researcher used a written test. Based on the result, the significance score of 0.002 was smaller than t table 0.05, which meant that Ha was accepted and there was a significant difference between students who taught by using podcast and those who were not. As a result, podcasts became an enjoyable medium to use in teaching listening skill.