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The Effect of Principal's Leadership and Participation of the Industry World on the Quality 0f State Vocational Schools Aris Wiratmoko; Masduki Ahmad; Desi Rahmawati
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 13, No 3 (2021): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (509.501 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v13i3.960


The quality of students graduating from vocational high school can be improved if the principal's leadership and increased industrial participation are supported. The purpose of this study is to analyze. This study employs a quantitative approach and path analysis techniques in conjunction with a survey method. The data collection instrument is a questionnaire. Instruments were thoroughly tested prior to their use in research. Validity and reliability tests are conducted on the instruments. The data analysis in this study was conducted using both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. This study was conducted at seven State Vocational High Schools in Serang City. Principals' leadership and industrial participation, according to research, have a direct effect on school quality. The principal's leadership directly impacts the school's quality. Industry involvement has a direct positive effect on the quality of education. Principal leadership has a positive effect on labor participation directly. This research implies a shift in perspective regarding the quality of State Vocational Schools in Serang City, particularly at the leadership level as a manager accountable for the graduates' quality. School leaders ensure that collaboration with industry is demonstrated through participation in the development of industry-related curricula.
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis (JPEB) Vol 5 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi & Bisnis (DOAJ Indexed)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (125.629 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JPEB.005.1.3


enelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) di Pisangan Timur 10 Pagi. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif evaluatif dengan model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). Peneliti menggunakan model CIPP karena pembagian keempat komponen yang ada memudahkan peneliti dalam mengevaluasi standar isi, standar proses, dan standar kompetensi lulusan di tempat penelitian. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan memberikan beberapa gambaran serta beberapa penilaian dari peneliti sendiri berdasarkan instrumen yang peneliti gunakan di antaranya seperti kesesuaian silabus, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP), media pembelajaran, kualifikasi dan kompetensi guru, dan komponen akreditasi yang sesuai dengan Badan Akreditasi Nasional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan untuk komponen Context terdapat kesesuaian untuk tujuan, latar belakang, dan prinsip pengembangan kurikulum sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah. Pada komponen Input, yaitu perangkat pembelajaran dan kualifikasi dan kompetensi guru telah sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan. Demikian juga pada komponen Process, yaitu prosedur untuk perencanaan dan pelaksanaan kurikulum sudah sesuai dengan peraturan. Adapun pada komponen Product yang mengacu pada pedoman akreditasi memenuhi syarat dengan hasil A, menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan kurikulum di sekolah ini memenuhi kriteria sangat baik dan dianjurkan untuk digunakan kembali di tahun ajaran berikutnya. Kata kunci: , ,
Pengaruh Academic Supervision Of School Heads Dan Interpersonal Communication Terhadap Teacher Performance Sekolah Dasar Negeri Jakarta Selatan Ratih Kusuma Wardani; Heru Santosa; Desi Rahmawati
Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (404.941 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/jsmp.v4i2.2110


The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a direct positive effect from Principal’s academic supervision and interpersonal communication on teacher's performance. Total of 59 teachers were chosen as research samples to obtain data and analyzed using quantitative methods of path analysis. The results showed that there is a direct positive effect (1) academic supervision on teacher performance, (2) interpersonal communication on teacher's performance, (3) academic supervision on interpersonal communication is positive direct effect.
Analisis Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter dalam Pembelajaran Daring Di SDN Menteng Dalam 07 Dewi Octavia A; Qori Septiani; Rachma Alya Maulidhia; Desi Rahmawati
Risenologi Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Risenologi
Publisher : Kelompok Peneliti Muda Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47028/j.risenologi.2021.62.199


The Covid-19 pandemic condition makes all activities carried out online, one of which is the teaching and learning process. This is a challenge for the world of education, especially in an effort to improve the nation's character education. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the implementation of character education through online learning at SDN Menteng Dalam 07. This research is descriptive qualitative with literature study documentation and interviews, in which researchers try to provide solutions to the implementation of character education in the online teaching and learning process. The results of this study indicate that: contributions between teachers/schools, parents, and the environment are important in improving the character of students, and the concern of teachers and parents is the main key to the successful implementation of character education in online learning.
Pengembangan Prototype Kurikulum Adiwiyata Berbasis E-Learning di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 4 Tangerang Selatan Arvita Dewi Febrianti; Ulfhatun Widiastuti; Rastianta Rinandani; Daniel Mongan; Desi Rahmawati
Risenologi Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Risenologi
Publisher : Kelompok Peneliti Muda Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47028/j.risenologi.2021.62.202


The older the earth, the more problems that occur on earth, one of which is global warming. We can fix all of that in various ways, one of which is through the Adiwiyata program. The learning process is realized through the school curriculum that leads to efforts to build the character and behavior of teachers and students who care about the environment. The use of e-learning is expected to improve the quality of learning and the independence of students, and the interaction between educators and students. So the researchers decided to conduct research on the Development of the Adiwiyata Curriculum Prototype Based on E-Learning at SMAN 4 South Tangerang. This research is a research and development (RnD) research. Sources of data in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of this study are a prototype of the Adiwiyata Curriculum based on E-Learning in the form of an android application. This application is called Go Green School which includes 4 programs, namely Care for Waste From Home, Reduce-Reuse-Recycle Online, Planting Trees From Home, and Changing Clothes and Thrifting Online, which can be used as guidelines in implementing Adiwiyata training programs at State Senior High Schools. 4 South Tangerang.
Desain E-Smart Inclusive Sebagai Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pendidikan Inklusif Erfan Kurniawan; Siti Zulaikha; Desi Rahmawati
Risenologi Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Risenologi
Publisher : Kelompok Peneliti Muda Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47028/j.risenologi.2022.71.304


This study aims to design E-Smart Inclusive as a basis for developing a website-based inclusive education management information system so that inclusive schools can be created that are friendly to all students. The E-Smart Inclusive design was developed from the Kemendikbud RI Dapodik, foundation websites, inclusive education guidebooks, and previous research. This research refers to the Borg & Gall development model in stages one to three. Starting from the data collection stage through interviews and library studies, the planning stages of E-Smart Inclusive, and the initial product development stages of E-Smart Inclusive. The results of the research that has been carried out can be drawn a conclusion that researchers have designed E-Smart Inclusive as a basis for developing a website-based inclusive education management information system through the stages of development from Borg & Gall. At the data collection stage, the researcher conducted a literature study and interviews. The literature study was carried out through previous research, guidebooks for the implementation of inclusive education, the Kemendikbud RI dapodik website, foundation websites. Interviews were conducted with Special Education Teachers at SMPN 259 Jakarta and the Segar Amanah inclusive school. At the planning stage of E-Smart Inclusive, researchers made a list of E-Smart Inclusive features, namely the homepage feature, about us, inclusive education data, inclusive education information, our contacts. In the initial product development stage of E-Smart Inclusive, researchers developed it according to the list of features at the planning stage with materials in the form of laptops, servers, domains, and frameworks.
Self-Efficacy, Teacher Leadership and Teacher Professionalism in Secondary School Anisa Rara Tyaningsih; Suryadi Suryadi; Desi Rahmawati
Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Iqra' : Kajian Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/ji.v6i2.1331


The article was to determine the effect of self-efficacy on teacher professionalism, the effect of teacher leadership on teacher professionalism, and the effect of self-efficacy on teacher leadership. The research was conducted at 14 secondary school in West Jakarta, Indonesia by using survey method and testing the hypothesis with path analysis. Sample of this study consisted of 85 teachers selected by simple random sampling. The data collection technique was conducted by using an online questionnaire which was google form. The variable of self-efficacy includes learning strategies, class management, and student engagement. Then, the variable of teacher leadership includes four dimensions, namely collective leadership, leadership opportunity, leadership engagement, and supra-practitioner. Meanwhile, the teacher professionalism variable includes four domains, namely professional skills, autonomy in decision making, collaborative practice and commitment. The result shows that there was a positive direct effect of the self-efficacy variable on the teacher professionalism variable, there was a positive direct effect of the teacher leadership variable on the teacher professionalism variable and there was a positive direct effect of the self-efficacy variable on the teacher leadership variable. The result of the study was discussed by considering the relevant literature and implications were made. Keywords: Teacher Leadership, Teacher Professionalism, Secondary School
Publisher : Neolectura

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi kepemimpinan transformasional kepala sekolah dengan subfokus kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam memberikan pengaruh ideal dan kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam memberikan perhatian individu. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, pengamatan dan studi dokumentasi. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kurikulum, kepala tata usaha, dan guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam memberikan pengaruh ideal di SMA Negeri 89 Jakarta yaitu kepala sekolah yaitu menjadi teladan yang baik, memecahkan masalah misalnya dalam kedisiplinan guru dan pegawai dengan cara mengamati dan menegur secara personal. Kepala sekolah memberikan penghargaan atas prestasi guru dan pegawai seperti ucapan terimakasih dan memberikan reward.   (2) kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam memberikan perhatian individu di SMA Negeri 89 Jakarta yaitu kepala sekolah selalu menindaklanjuti kebutuhan guru dan pegawai, selalu mengadakan workshop, dan pelatihan seperti MGMP internal maupun MGMP eksternal, dan pelatihan IHT (In House Training) yang merupakan program pelatihan internal, dan memberikan kesempatan belajar bagi para guru dan pegawai untuk melanjutkan studi.
Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 27 No 1 (2013): Perspektif Ilmu Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (350.646 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/PIP.271.1


The purpose of this study is to discover the motivation strength of the students of Education Management students at The School of Education, State University of Jakarta. Employing descriptive and explanative method, the study was conducted as from May through November 2012. The data were collected using questionaire and interview techniqes. As the result of the study, the students’ interest, the problems in developing a business, and the students’ evaluation of Entrepreneurship course were presented descriptively.
Improvement: Jurnal Ilmiah untuk Peningkatan Mutu Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Improvement: Jurnal Ilmiah untuk Peningkatan Mutu Manajemen Pendidikan
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (405.466 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/improvement.v4i2.10411


This research aims to determine whether there is a relationship between organizational justice and perceived organizational support (POS) with teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on Junior High School in The Duren Sawit Sub District, Jakarta City. This research is quantitative with three variables there in, namely: (X) organizational justice and perceived organizational support (POS) as independent variables and (Y) organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as the dependent variable. The research using survey method and analyzed data with correlation and regression. The result of the research showed that: (1) there is a positive correlation between organizational justice with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) (2) there is a positive correlation between perceived organizational support (POS) with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and (3) there is a positive correlation between organization justice and percieved organizational support (POS) with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Keywords: organizational justice, perceived organizational support, organizational citizenship behavior