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Jurnal Riset Komunikasi Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Februari 2019
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komuniasi (ASPIKOM) Wilayah Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24329/jurkom.v2i1.59


The coverage of sensational conversations in the context of pornography between Rizieq Shihab and Firza Husein became interesting to be exploited by the media with a tendency to focus on female actors rather than male actors. On the other side, the media is also careful to package the news according to their interests. The researcher chose as an object of study that helped publish the news stories about pornography Firza Husein throughout 2017. The purpose of this study was to find out positioned women in the news discourse and the commodification process formed in the discourse. This research uses qualitative research methods using Sara Mills discourse analysis. Data collection techniques used are documentation, observation and interviews. The subjects involved in this study were The unit of analysis of the data taken is 5 news by using pusposif based on google analytics. The results of the study show Firza Husein to be the object to be discussed and the Police become the narrator, then Rizieq Shihab is shown as a victim of slander. Commodification of content seen is news raised from a legal point of view, workers who are involved in totality in digging information, then audiences are harassed to advertisers with invitation adverts and government adverts categories that are displayed in the form of special news columns.
Komodi kasi Berita Pemerintahan pada Media Online di Riau Chelsy Yesicha
CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/channel.v7i2.14037


 After the 2019 elections, various kinds of issues emerged, online media have a responsibility to present it through government news, bearing in mind that it concerns the interests of the people. The shift in news consumption behavior in online media actually demands the media industry in riau and to be ready to package the news so that it is feasible to be trusted. The research aims to determine the construction in the online media industry through ideology, the commodification of workers and audiences in government news. Norman Faircoulgh's discourse analysis approach method is used by collecting data through documentation, observation and interviews. At the end of the study, it was found that the affirmation of online media ideology in the performance of journalists became an important strategy in editorial management for the sustainability of the media. instill clicks to monitor the existence of readers while always maintains the quality of editorial and media independence. For both of them the news of government leads to advertorial which becomes a financially profitable journalistic product but in the post-2019 news discourse both professionals become the mouthpiece of the government. Commodification of workers with superior planning is adjusted to the professionalism and mastery of information technology mastery in disseminating news so that work and tasks are carried out according to media needs. Commodification of the audience of both media always keeps the click of the reader / user, maintains their goal to be recognized as an informative media by offering news through an automated system of keywords contained in the link # in increasing media pageview while assumes the reader is king, through the title game in the language of journalism, marketing news at a certain hour becomes a trick that is maintained by
Publisher : LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Services) Universitas Andalas Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (557.605 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/bina.v2i2.138


Gemala Sari village, located on the outermost island adjacent to Malaysia and the Indonesian island of Batam, holds a natural and exotic beauty. The challenging condition of access roads to the villages will add to the challenges of the natural tourist adventurers who are currently being loved now. This becomes interesting if the village community independently wants to manage the ecotourism potential while at the same time introducing other potential potentials in the village. The red lake is caused by the red water due to the swampy ground. The red lake is still somewhat closed and has not been touched by the ignorant hands of the community so that the red lake is still maintained its naturalness. Independent community service activities in collaboration with students of the University of Riau develop the natural potential into their thematic programs. The implementation method is in the form of assistance in realizing ecotourism, and the results of the output in the form of promotional videos of Tasik Merah ecotourism are expected to begin to open people's eyes to develop this potential. From the results of the evaluation of assistance, it is very necessary for the participation of extension participants, especially the local government, to be able to manage this potential on their own. The team hopes that this activity can foster their motivation to be selective and active in media. Smart and critical attitude in media that is grown makes them village youths become a virus for their friends who have not participated in tourism promotion. They also hope that the activity can be carried out sustainably, bearing in mind that this is not just education but also entertainment and foster motivation in developing the country by utilizing the potential around them.
Swadaya: Indonesian Journal of Community Empowerment Vol 1 No 02 (2019): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) - Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Riau Province Leading Tourism Village Planning in 2015 from the Riau Province Creative and Tourism Economy Office (2015: 210) explained that the analysis to determine the leading tourism village in the study was carried out in two stages. the first stage, the data shows that basically has a positive response to the development of tourism activities in all prospective tourist villages (15 villages). The analysis showed that the majority of respondents expressed their agreement if the village area was made into a rural tourism area. In the second stage, the results of the field survey data assessment showed four (4) selected villages that have the highest value in terms of potential, affordability, availability of facilities, and the variety of activities that can be carried out by tourists. One of them is Koto Sentajo Village, Sentajo Raya District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. Kuantan Singingi Culture has a very exotic sale value in 2017 Kuantan Singingi Culture is included in the National Strategic Tourism Area (KSPN) and is included as a major cultural tourism destination in Riau. Efforts to improve the competency of the tourism village community in Koto Sentajo include public speaking training, village web creation training, tour guide training and e-commerce training. Keywords: Increased communication competence, village tourism, training.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pembuatan Produk Teh Gaharu di Desa Wisata Koto Sentajo Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Yasir Yasir; Yohannes Firzal; Chelsy Yesicha; Andri Sulistyani; Safri Safri
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 3 (2021): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.3.255-263


Koto Sentajo Village is a traditional village that maintains traditions so that it has a tourist attraction. This village has a lot of potential, but still has problems to be an independent village. In this case, this service activity aims to provide the ability to manage agarwood plants to improve the community's economy as the village's superior product. This service activity is targeted at BUMDes managers, farmer groups and PKK women. This service method uses a Community Based Tourism (CBT) approach. The implementation of service activities is carried out by starting with community socio-economic mapping, holding FGDs, and providing training. Service activities found that there was a lot of potential on the one hand, but on the other hand there were still problems with the community's economy. The FGD was held to discuss the problems that exist in Koto Sentajo Village. This FGD activity contributes to increasing community understanding of the importance of developing gaharu plants, because this village has a large forest area and land as a provider of raw materials. The training focused on the manufacture, packaging and marketing of gaharu tea as the village's flagship product. This training has a positive impact on the community, however, it is still constrained by licensing issues to be developed in a larger and wider production scale.
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 36/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v7i2.2171


Reformasi memberikan ruang demokrasi yang ditandai dengan kebebasan pers hal ini mendorong lahirnya film-film documenter di Indonesia. Wacthdoc sengaja dirilis Sexy Killer pada masa tenang pemilihan umum dengan tujuan menginterupsi perdebatan para pendukung kedua calon yang sudah keluar dari inti permasalahan politik saat itu. Diangkat dari realitas kebutuhan pasokan listrik yang menjadi tuntutan bagi pembangunan dan masyarakat manapun. Sesuai dengan karakternya sebagai documenter, korban dihadirkan sebagai narasumber yang berperan langsung dalam fokus peristiwa. Lebih dari 22 korban yang memberikan pernyataan dalam film tersebut sehingga muncul asumsi korban menjadi sumber komoditas dari media untuk mendapatkan keuntungan politis atas nama human interest. Analisis naratif Chatman dengan membagi naratif kedua bagian yaitu story dan discourse yang bertujuan menganalisis konstruksi naratif dan visual korban dalam Sexy Killers. Muncul makna Sexy Killers yang mengandung arti pembunuhan secara perlahan tanpa sadari. Komodifikasi ideal victim antara korban laki-laki sebagai sosok yang tabah dan tetap berjuang sebagai kepala keluarga yang memberikan nafkah, korban perempuan lebih emosional sekaligus menjadi pendukung dari penderitaan oleh kaum laki-laki sedangkan anak-anak dikonstruksikan sebagai korban yang tidak tau apa-apa dengan realitas yang ada. Hyperealitas dimunculkan dari repetisi angle kamera dan naratif membahayakan korban selaku kaum yang tidak berdaya dengan ketidakpastian nasib. Ancaman akan kerugian, kerusakan lingkungan, kesehatan hingga keselamatan disimulasi berdasarkan fakta visual dan naratif yang disampaikan, korban kehilangan hak mereka tanpa adanya kepedulian dari pemerintah dan pihak perusahaan.
Indigenous Community Participation in Ecotourism Development: The Case of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park Musadad Musadad; Mariaty Ibrahim; Chelsy Yesicha
Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jish.v11i2.42012


Previous studies have explored community participation in ecotourism. However, only a few have addressed indigenous people concerning their participation in ecotourism development, specifically within the context of a national park. Therefore, this study examined how and why indigenous people are participating in ecotourism development by taking a case study of a village in Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, Indonesia. This study collected data through semi-structured interviews and field observations using a qualitative method. Four forms of indigenous people’s participation in ecotourism development are found in this study, including discovering tourist attractions, conserving the forest, working in the ecotourism sites, and managing ecotourism attractions. Furthermore, this study discovered two factors encouraging their participation, i.e., community empowerment by the national park office and perceived positive impacts of ecotourism.
Analisis Framing Berita Penangkapan Gubernur Riau Annas Maamun di Surat Kabar Riau Pos dan Tribun Pekanbaru Al Sukri; Chelsy Yesicha
Jurnal Komunikasi Global Vol 6, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (667.786 KB)


The arrest of Riau Governor, Annas Maamun on September 25th2014 by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Jakarta, has attracted the attention of the mass media because of its news value. In addition to his controversial figure with a seven-month term, he was the third consecutive Governor to stumble over a case of corruption in Riau. This research uses constructive paradigm using Framing Pan and Kosicki analysis method with the assumption that each news article has a frame which functions as a center of the organizational idea. Riau Pos and Tribun Pekanbaru have their own views to frame their news. They are the biggest local media which are parts of the biggest news networks in Indonesia. The results show that the two media did not deny the urgency of the event but they have their own point of view in addressing the issue. Riau Pos tends to uphold the principle of editorial policy by maintaining the honor of Riau and Tribun Pekanbaru has the principle of raising public awareness to keep Riau. 
Dekonstruksi Wacana Subversif Meme #IndonesiaTerserah Chelsy Yesicha; Budi Irawanto
Jurnal Komunikasi Global Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (536.595 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/jkg.v9i2.17344


Praktik kebijakan pemerintah mengenai Covid-19 yang dinilai tumpang tindih menyebabkan tenaga medis di Indonesia bereaksi dengan menggunakan #IndonesiaTerserah di Twitter dalam bentuk video meme. Ini merupakan bentuk kekecewaan tenaga medis yang sebelumnya dielukan sebagai pahlawan yang berada di garda depan pada saat pandemi Covid-19. Reaksi tersebut mendapat dukungan oleh para netizen yang meunggah ulang sebagai konsekuensi tindakan subversif. Artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji praktik, pesan dan ideologi video kreator #IndonesiaTerserah dengan metode analisis meme Limor Shifman melalui tiga dimensi teks asli yaitu content, form dan stance. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ungkapan “terserah” menjadi sebuah kalimat satire yang umumnya diungkapkan dalam protes akal sehat. Pesan subversif yang terkandung disampaikan dengan logis dan emosional demi membangun kerjasama dan rasa kemanusiaan. Kreator menghasilkan karya video dengan kualitas semi-profesional didukung teks guna mempertegas narasi tokoh. Ideologi perjuangan tenaga kesehatan mempertegas bahwa mereka masih berada di garda terdepan, profesi yang tak mudah tergantikan dengan sekejap namun mudah hilang bila tak terjaga. The overlapping government policy on Covid-19 caused medical personnel in Indonesia to react by using #IndonesiaTerserah on Twitter in the form of meme videos. This is a form of disappointment for those who were previously hailed as heroes who were at the forefront during the Covid-19 pandemic. This reaction received support from netizens who posted it as an act of subversion. This article aims to examine the practices, messages, and ideology of #IndonesiaTerserah video creators using the meme analysis method of Limor Shifman through 3 dimensions of the original text, content, form, and stance. This research showed that the expression "whatever" becomes a satirical sentence consisting of commonsense applications. Subversive messages were delivered logically and emotionally in order to build cooperation and a sense of humanity. The creator produced semi-professional quality videos supported by text to emphasize the narratives of characters. The ideology of health workers emphasized that they were still at the forefront, a profession that cannot be easily replaced but can easily be lost if unprotected.
Komodi kasi Berita Pemerintahan pada Media Online di Riau Chelsy Yesicha
CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/channel.v7i2.14037


 After the 2019 elections, various kinds of issues emerged, online media have a responsibility to present it through government news, bearing in mind that it concerns the interests of the people. The shift in news consumption behavior in online media actually demands the media industry in riau and to be ready to package the news so that it is feasible to be trusted. The research aims to determine the construction in the online media industry through ideology, the commodification of workers and audiences in government news. Norman Faircoulgh's discourse analysis approach method is used by collecting data through documentation, observation and interviews. At the end of the study, it was found that the affirmation of online media ideology in the performance of journalists became an important strategy in editorial management for the sustainability of the media. instill clicks to monitor the existence of readers while always maintains the quality of editorial and media independence. For both of them the news of government leads to advertorial which becomes a financially profitable journalistic product but in the post-2019 news discourse both professionals become the mouthpiece of the government. Commodification of workers with superior planning is adjusted to the professionalism and mastery of information technology mastery in disseminating news so that work and tasks are carried out according to media needs. Commodification of the audience of both media always keeps the click of the reader / user, maintains their goal to be recognized as an informative media by offering news through an automated system of keywords contained in the link # in increasing media pageview while assumes the reader is king, through the title game in the language of journalism, marketing news at a certain hour becomes a trick that is maintained by