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STUDI TATA RUANG RUMAH TINGGAL SUKU TALANG MAMAK (Spatial Study Talang Mamak Tribe House) Faisal, Gun; Wihardyanto, Dimas
Tesa Arsitektur Vol 12, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Unika Soegijapranata Semarang

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The Talang Mamak tribe, one of Indonesian tribe, still practices the hunting and gathering of natural produce despite the fact that among them have chosen to settle permanently and doing farming activities. The aim of this research is to study the characteristics of the Talang Mamak house. The method used in this research is grounded theory method, based on the open coding, axial coding as well selective coding techniques. The method used to find the variation layout of the houses and then evaluate the characters and concept of the layouts. The conclusion of this study is that the core of the Talang Mamak house is based on the connectivity of four rooms namely: Ruang Haluan, Ruang Tangah, Ruang Tampuan and Pandapuran. The house has an open layout where all daily household activities are done without barriers. The social status of the owner is identified by house’s furniture and staf
Indonesian Journal of Conservation Vol 2, No 1 (2013): IJC
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Conservation

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Pekanbaru, like other cities in Indonesia experienced the turmoil of physical development which in turn raises the question of what exactly can be appointed as the physical identity of the results of development that occurs. Traditional architecture reuse or constituent elements of traditional architecture is considered to be the fastest way to get the identity of the building and the city. However, no thorough understanding of the traditional architecture led to a blurring or loss of significance of the use of the elements of the traditional architecture, and often traditional architectural elements are placed not in the proper place. Selembayung as elements of traditional Malay architecture which was adopted as the identity of the building and the city of Pekanbaru was experiencing a shift in meaning due to the lack of a thorough understanding of traditional Malay architecture. Thus, in applying it tends to be treated as a patch that is sometimes incorrect placement.Keywords : Pekanbaru , Traditional Malay Architecture , Building Identity , Identity Cities  Pekanbaru, seperti layaknya kota-kota lain di Indonesia mengalami gejolak pembangunan fisik yang pada akhirnya menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah sebenarnya yang bisa diangkat sebagai identitas fisik dari hasil-hasil pembangunan yang terjadi. Menggunakan kembali arsitektur tradisional ataupun elemen-elemen penyusun arsitektur tradisional tersebut dipandang menjadi cara tercepat guna mendapatkan identitas bangunan maupun kota. Namun demikian pemahaman yang tidak menyeluruh dari arsitektur tradisional tersebut menyebabkan kaburnya atau hilangnya makna dari penggunaan elemen-elemen arsitektur tradisional tersebut, bahkan seringkali elemen-elemen arsitektur tradisional ditempatkan bukan pada tempat yang seharusnya. Selembayung sebagai elemen arsitektur tradisional Melayu yang diangkat sebagai identitas bangunan dan Kota Pekanbaru ternyata mengalami pergeseran makna akibat tidak adanya pemahaman yang menyeluruh terhadap arsitektur tradisional Melayu. Sehingga dalam menerapkannya cenderung diperlakukan sebagai tempelan yang terkadang penempatannya salah. Kata Kunci: Pekanbaru, Arsitektur Tradisional Melayu, Identitas Bangunan, Identitas Kota  
Indonesian Journal of Conservation Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Pengembang Konservasi UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijc.v2i1.2694


Pekanbaru, like other cities in Indonesia experienced the turmoil of physical development which in turn raises the question of what exactly can be appointed as the physical identity of the results of development that occurs. Traditional architecture reuse or constituent elements of traditional architecture is considered to be the fastest way to get the identity of the building and the city. However, no thorough understanding of the traditional architecture led to a blurring or loss of significance of the use of the elements of the traditional architecture, and often traditional architectural elements are placed not in the proper place. Selembayung as elements of traditional Malay architecture which was adopted as the identity of the building and the city of Pekanbaru was experiencing a shift in meaning due to the lack of a thorough understanding of traditional Malay architecture. Thus, in applying it tends to be treated as a patch that is sometimes incorrect placement.Keywords : Pekanbaru , Traditional Malay Architecture , Building Identity , Identity Cities  Pekanbaru, seperti layaknya kota-kota lain di Indonesia mengalami gejolak pembangunan fisik yang pada akhirnya menimbulkan pertanyaan apakah sebenarnya yang bisa diangkat sebagai identitas fisik dari hasil-hasil pembangunan yang terjadi. Menggunakan kembali arsitektur tradisional ataupun elemen-elemen penyusun arsitektur tradisional tersebut dipandang menjadi cara tercepat guna mendapatkan identitas bangunan maupun kota. Namun demikian pemahaman yang tidak menyeluruh dari arsitektur tradisional tersebut menyebabkan kaburnya atau hilangnya makna dari penggunaan elemen-elemen arsitektur tradisional tersebut, bahkan seringkali elemen-elemen arsitektur tradisional ditempatkan bukan pada tempat yang seharusnya. Selembayung sebagai elemen arsitektur tradisional Melayu yang diangkat sebagai identitas bangunan dan Kota Pekanbaru ternyata mengalami pergeseran makna akibat tidak adanya pemahaman yang menyeluruh terhadap arsitektur tradisional Melayu. Sehingga dalam menerapkannya cenderung diperlakukan sebagai tempelan yang terkadang penempatannya salah. Kata Kunci: Pekanbaru, Arsitektur Tradisional Melayu, Identitas Bangunan, Identitas Kota  
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.505 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/lantang.v1i2.18801


Pintu merupakan elemen penting dalam suatu bangunan, terutama rumah tinggal. Pintu adalah jalur sirkulasi antara ruang dalam dan luar bangunan. Rumah di Dusun Pucung memiliki pintu yang terbilang unik, baik dari segi jumlah, bentuk dan ornamennya, yang mana penggunaannya memiliki maksud dan tujuan tersendiri bagi setiap pemiliknya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengklasifikasikan pintu rumah tradisional yang berada di Dusun Pucung. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan secara kuantititatif dan kualitatif, pengambilan data melalui survey lapangan, diiringi dengan studi literatur, studi kawasan, teoritikal, studi empiris terhadapt laporan penelitian terdahulu. Analisa data diawali dengan perumusan karakter umum pintu bangunan kawasan, penentuan pintu bangunan yang sesuai kriteria penelitian, penggambaran ulang (redrawing), pengelompokan dan kategorisasi tipikal elemen pintu bangunan. Penelitian ini pada akhirnya dapat mentipekan desain elemen pintu rumah tradisional yang berada di kawasan konservasi Situs Manusia Purba Sangiran, yang termasuk kedalam kawasan  World Heritage. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan 6 (enam) tipe pintu rumah tradisional Dusun Pucung. Tipe pintu tersebut berdasarkan 2 kategori, yaitu berdasarkan jumlah; pintu satu, tiga, serta lima, dan berdasarkan materialnya, ada pintu yang terbuat dari bambu (gedhek), kayu, dan kayu-kaca. Door is an important element in a building, especially a residential house. It is a circulation path between the interior and exterior of building. In Pucung Village, it has relatively unique function and meaning with a variety of ornaments, shapes, and amounts. The purpose of this study is to classify the types of doors and their elements, in this case the doors of traditional house in Pucung Village. Data were collected through field surveys, which were supported by the literature, theoretical studies and the results of empirical study. Analysis and formulation of the general characters of doors were done, and the doors were determined in accordance with appropriate criteria of study and re-drawn, so the grouping and categorization of typical elements of the doors could be done. As a result, the design of traditional doors in the conservation area of Sangiran Early Man site, which is included in the World Heritage area, can eventually be typified. Based on the results of the study, six types of traditional doors in Pucung Village were obtained. The types of doors were based on two categories. Based on number, there were doors with one, three, and five in number, while based on material, there were doors made from bamboo (gedhek), wood, and wood and glassREFERENCESBalai Pelestarian Situs Manusia Purba Sangiran. (2012). Brosur ‘Museum Purbakala: Situs Sangiran (Perjalanan Menakjubkan Kembali ke Zaman Purba), Kantor Pariwisata, Investasi, dan Promosi Pemkab Sragen. Sragen, Jawa TengahColquhoun, A.. (1967) Typology and Design Method, dalam Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture. An Anthology of Architectural Theory 1965- 1995, Kate Nesbitt (ed.). Princeton Architectural Press. New YorkDurand, Jean Nicolas Louis. (2000). Pr`ecis of the Lectures on Architecture. The Getty Research Institute. Los AngelesFrancescatto, Guido. (1994) Type and the Possibility of an Architecture Scolarship, Ordering Space, Types in Architectural and Design, Karen A. Franck, Lynda H. Schneekloth (ed). Van Nostrand Reinhold. New YorkHidayat, Rusmulia Tjiptadi, dkk. (2004) Museum Situs Sangiran: Sejarah Evolusi Manusia Purba Beserta Situs dan Lingkungannya. Koperasi Museum Sangiran. Sangiran.Johnson. P A. (1994). The Theory of Architecture, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. New YorkKartikasari, Indah. (2012). Topografi Dusun Pucung, Situs manusia Purba Sangiran. Laporan Penelitian KKA-S2 UGM 2012. YogyakartaMochsen, Sir Mohammad. (2005). Tipologi Geometri: Telaah Beberapa KaryaFrank L. Wright dan Frank O. Gehry, Rona Jurnal Arsitektur Volume 2, No. 1 April 2005 hal 69-83. FT Unhas. MakasarMoneo, Rafael. (1979) Oppositions Summer On Typology. A Journal for Ideas and Criticism in Architecture vol. 13 h. 23-45. The MIT Press. MassachusettsPfeifer, G.; P. Brauneck. (2008). Courtyard Houses–A Housing Typology. Birkhauser Verlag AG. GermanySukada, B. (1997). Memahami Arsitektur Tradisional dengan Pendekatan Tipologi.  PT. Alumni. Bandung
Sekolah Alam untuk Anak Usia Pra-Sekolah di Kampar Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Rumah Lontik W.U, Natalia Dwiyanti; Hidayat, Wahyu; Faisal, Gun
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Kampar has a natural potential that can be developed into a natural school. School of nature is a method of education by using the condition of the environment is still natural as a medium of learning. Golden Age is a time when almost all of the potential of children experiencing rapid development, so that the education of pre-school children such as early childhood and kindergarten. Applying the natural school method will develop the potential of the child better, make the child become love with the environment, can play freely and learn to socialize. The use of Lontik House Theme as a reference design on the building, the application of the meaning of the home part of the lontik as the order of the period of building and the division of zoning area. Lontik House is a traditional Kampar building with an interesting shape. The concept of Natural Exploration, by utilizing the natural potential that is in tepak so as to produce the order of the region in accordance with the functions and needs of the School of Nature without changing too many natural conditions.Keywords: Kampar, Lontiok House, School of Nature
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1559.244 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/lantang.v6i1.31007


Arsitektur melayu memiliki tipologi yang sangat banyak, diantaranya rumah melayu Limas, rumah Lontiak, rumah Begonjong, rumah beratap Layar dan Bersayap, rumah Melayu Peranakan (campuran etnis China), serta beberapa tipikal rumah melayu lainnya. Selain memiliki 4 (empat) ruangan yaitu selasar, rumah induk, telo dan penanggah, rumah melayu juga memiliki ornamen yang terdapat pada atap lisplank dan dinding serta tiang rumah. Salah satu rumah tradisional yang ada di kabupaten Kampar yaitu Rumah Lontiok (Lentik) Melayu Majo. Tulisan ini mengidentifikasi dan mendokumentasikan rumah ini sebagai salah satu bangunan melayu yang perlu dijaga dan dilestarikan. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus digunakan dalam penelitian ini dikarenakan objek penelitian yang sudah hilang dimakan usia. Teori tentang arsitektur Melayu dan ornamen bangunan Melayu sebagai background knowledge dengan didukung informasi yang diperoleh dari literatur dan data dilapangan serta pelaku kegiatan dalam lingkup penelitian. Pengolahan dan analisis data dilanjutkan dengan mengevaluasi dan membuat sketsa dan penggambaran ulang, kemudian diakhiri dengan penyusunan hasil temuan lapangan. Secara umum rumah ini dibagi kedalam 2 (dua) masa bangunan, bagian pertama yaitu rumah induk, dan yang kedua yaitu dapur, terdapat penghubung antara rumah induk dan dapur. Rumah melayu Majo merupakan bangunan bertipologi panggung dengan ciri khas atap Lontiak. Ornamen yang pertama kali terlihat pada rumah ini adalah Selembayung atau Tanduk Buang, terdapat pula ornamen seperti tombak terhunus yang disebut tombak-tombak begitu juga dengan sayap layang-layang yang terletak pada keempat sudut atap. Bermacam jenis ukiran juga terdapat pada setiap sudut bangunan ini.MALAY ARCHITECTURE: IDENTIFICATION MALAY LONTIAK HOUSE OF KAMPAR MAJO TRIBEMalay architecture has a lot of typologies in roof forms, such as Limas, Lontiak, Begonjong, Layar and Sayap, Peranakan (a mixture of ethnic Chinese), and several other typical Malay houses. One of the traditional houses in Kampar regency is the Lontiok (Lentik) Melayu Majo house which was built involving the wider community and traditional ceremonies. This paper identifies and documents this house as one of the Malay buildings that need to be preserved. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. The theory of Malay architecture and ornaments as background knowledge is supported by information obtained from the literature, field data, and activity actors within the scope of research. Processing and analysis data is continued by evaluating, sketching, and re-drawing, then ending with the preparation of field findings. In general, this house is divided into 2 (two) building part, the first line is the main house, and the second building mass is the kitchen, there is a connection between the main house and the kitchen. Majo Melayu House is a stage building with the characteristic of Lontiak roof. The ornaments that were first seen in this house is Selembayung or Tanduk Buang; there were also ornaments such as unsheathed spears called Tombak-tombak and Sayap Layang-layang on the four corners of the roof. Various types of carvings are found in every segment of this building.
Fashion-Hub Di Batam Dengan Pendektan Arsitektur Ekspresionisme Finia, Myisha Amanda; Firzal, Yohannes; Faisal, Gun
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Fashion-Hub in Batam is a center for fashion activities that centrally functioned as a space for interaction in educational, information, commercial and recreational activities for the society and can bridge the activities regarding the fashion world in local and international circles. By using an expressionism architecture approach, building can express an emotion expressed by the architect and can be felt by people who see it, able to display the image of fashion art itself, resulting in buildings that look like a work of art. Through a concept that is fashionable, this building has space quality for observers to simply admire its beauty, so that fashionable can be seen not only through cloths, bags and accessories, but also fashionable values itself can be seen through architectural buildings.Keywords: Batam, Expressionism Architecture, Fashion-Hub, Fashionable, Fashion World,
Fasilitas Pendidikan Kuliner Di Pekanbaru Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Metafora Tivany, Olivia Rizki; Aldy, Pedia; Faisal, Gun
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Culinary is a promising venture, can be seen from the large number of restaurants, cafes, and hotels that serve many interesting culinary. Growing number of culinary bussiness makes profesional chef much in need, but the facilities for study to become a professional chef is not yet available in the city of Pekanbaru. Culinary education facilities is a culinary educational spaces that are expected to facilitate the development of culinary activities where there is a non-formal education classes such as cooking course in theory or practice, seminars, and research. Culinary Education Facilities with Tangible Metaphor design approach aiming so that when people see the building will recognize the function of the building. As of the result of this design concept with the Frying Pan where the kitchen tool usage techniques is often known to public by stir frying. Culinary education facility provides the most important culinary education classes about teaching in kitchen (cooking class), pastry and bakery class, cooking class for kids, demontration class, and more. In additional also available supporting facilities such as dormitories for students, entertaiment room, lounge area and shower room. Key word: Metaphor Architecture, Culinary, Culinary Education
Redesain Terminal Bandar Udara Tuanku Tambusai Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Neo Vernakular Wulandari, Annisa Rizki; Firzal, Yohannes; Faisal, Gun
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Tuanku Tambusai Airport as one of pioneer airport is located in Rokan Hulu, Riau. The planning to open for commercial flights and more routes has became a serious issues in order to redesigning and development of the airport. In this matter, in term of function and physical appearance of the airport’s terminal is one of important matter. In this regard, the research methods used conducted to collect field data, literatures, and empirical studies. This redesign attempt has expressing more local design senses and keeping up with the times. The result confirms that the principles of neo vernacular architecture can be more appropriated in expressing the local senses.Keyword: Neo Vernacular Architecture, Redesign, Terminal
Aplikasi Post Structuralism Pada Perancangan Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Riau Risperdana, Risperdana; Firzal, Yohannes; Faisal, Gun
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains Vol 5 (2018): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Teknik dan Sains

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Post Structuralism on development has a purpose to emphasize architecture in terms of construction and structure and has an aesthetic value based on form expressions. Application of the post structuralism to show the structure as an aesthetic building and make it as a mass of building. In appropriate with the theme of post structuralism, design the Faculty of Nursing University of Riau apply the form based on the expression. It is because the unavailability of building that can be able to accommodate lecture activities and form that applies function expression like a make structure as core design and give a character to building, so that functions communicated with the form can deliver various expressions with the protrusion of the structure as the main element. Using the concept of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi like form of describe three pillar which to connecting and make as base on pattern mass of building and apply of Post Structuralism which make a structure as a mass builder and like as core design. Keywords: Post Structuralism, Ekspression, Form
Co-Authors Abdul Muttaqin Achnia Tiffany Nurfadillah Ade Prayetno Adhienirma, Habib Surya Adip Padli Afyar, Aldo Agryvania Br Sembiring Agus Alfinanda Ahmad Hidayat Ahmad Ridho Darwis Akbar Sukirman Putra Alfian Alfian Andre Giovanni Gultom Anjani Eka Putra Daely Anuar, Kaspul Apriliana Hidayati Nurdin aprilliya ningsih Arifia Azas Athifah Sekarrini Awaludin Martin Ayu Lastriani Putri Chelsy Yesicha Cipta Ariyadi Cupu, Dedi Rosa Putra Damanik, Yola Yohana Dariyanto Dariyanto Desy Intan Dimas Wihardyanto Edi Kurniawan Elfina Widya Hastuti Fadhil, Iman Faudya Agiasty Fauzi Erdiansyah Fazrol Rozi Feblil Huda Fikri Fikri Finia, Myisha Amanda Firzal, Yohannes Furqon, Muhammad Ariful Genny Gustina Sari Harya Bima Prasetya Herisiswanto Indra Kuswoyo lintang pangesti Lusi Novita M Gema Indrawan Mhd. Romi Firmansyah Miftahul Karima Mira Dharma S Mira Dharma Susilawati Mira Dharma Susilawaty Mohamad Rafsanjani Morian Saspriatnadi Muhammad Hidayatullah Muhammad Iqbal Irzaiin Muhammad Poeji Hartadinata Muhammad Razki Adrell Muhammad Rijal Muhammad Rijal Muhammad Rijal Muhammad Sani Roychansyah Muhd Arief Al Husaini Musthafa Akbar N. Nazaruddin Nadine Raraz Cahyani Najwa, Nina Fadilah Nazamri Nazamri Nindyo Suwarno Novan, Andre Nurul Asyifa Nurul Syahirah Oktaviani, Sundari Fitria Pedia Aldy Pedia Aldy Pedia Aldy Prabowo, Jevri Rabudin Rizki Rahmat Rahmat Ratna Amanati Rido Saputra Rinjani, Frist Intan Risperdana, Risperdana Rizki Ananda Ruqayyah Nur Rachmah Sabila Khalmi Safika Fitri Safitri, Elvi Santoso, Nugroho Budi Somadona, Sonia Sri Wulandari Suci Rahmawati Suwondo Suwondo Syafri Tivany, Olivia Rizki Tri Maelawati Vera Yunita W.U, Natalia Dwiyanti Wahyu Hidayat Wahyu Hidayat Wahyu Prima Putra Wahyu Suciono Warman Fatra Weldri Berto Ocmafiyon Windy Nurjana Wulandari, Annisa Rizki Yogistira, Yogistira Yohannes Firzal Yohannes Firzal Yuharlis, Muhammad Gusman