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Journal : JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen

Pengaruh Komunikasi terhadap Kinerja Komunitas Fotografi Medan Elfi Yanti Ritonga; Samudra Sugiarto; Ramadhani Nanda Amelia; Lola Fahira Mutahar; Maisarah Maisarah; Muridayani Muridayani
JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 2 No 2 (2022): JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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People who share the same interests can gather in a community. People will receive knowledge from one another and experiences that promote talents or abilities related to interests through the community. There are several communities in Medan City. One of them is the Medan Photography Community. Usually, Communities in other areas have different communities, such as the Food Photography Community, such as the Event Photography Community, such as the Huntung Photography Community, and others. But the Photography Community in Medan covers it all. On Tuesday, May 22, 2011, the Medan City Photography Lovers Community was established with the aim of being a forum for the aspirations of local photographers in the city of Medan and its surroundings. Regardless of the type of camera, Canon, Nikon, Yashica, Pentax, Ricoh, Vivitar, Fujica, Lomo, Polaroid, etc. No problem, those who like photography are welcome to join. In this community, it is hoped that fellow members can share knowledge with each other. This research uses descriptive quantitative research. The data is divided into two categories, namely primary and secondary. Primary data comes from observations, interviews, and documentation, while the second data comes from captions posted by the Medan Photography Community Facebook account. Data analysis techniques include data editing, collection, presentation, and analysis of conclusions. Solid membership and administration, open to anyone who wants to learn and have insight and have a social spirit towards those who need help, are aspects that support the community's reputation. The large number of new members joining the community made it more difficult for administrators to monitor member communications, which resulted in a lot of discussion outside the realm of photography. Currently the need for photographers is increasing, as evidenced by the rise of the photography community and the number of photography lovers. Photography has evolved from a certainty to a viable career choice. The simplicity of today's cameras allows everyone to capture important events, but if the results don't match expectations, the skills of a photographer are needed. Choosing a photographer is simple because of the many choices and various factors. Therefore, in this study, a decision support system was developed to help simplify services for photographers who meet the requirements that have been set.
Peranan Komunikasi Organisasi Bagi Pimpinan Organisasi Sukri Ramadhan; Heri I. Gajah Manik; Elfi Yanti Ritonga
JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 2 No 2 (2022): JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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Komunikasi dalam sebuah kepemimpinan merupakan suatu unsur yang sangat penting dalam mencapai keberhasilan dalam tujuan yang akan diraih setiap individu oleh suatu organisasi. Oleh karena itu seorang pemimpin hendaklah pintar dalam berkomunikasi baik itu verbal maupun non verbal. Komunikasi yang baik akan akan mampu meningkatkan motivasi wawasan, sehingga informasi yang disampaikan dapat diterima dengan baik, jelas dan hal ini akan mampu meningkatkan kinerja serta control kerja juga akan terlaksana dengan baik dan bijaksana. Di dalam sebuah forum organisasi pemimpin adalah sebagai komunikator. Pemimpin yang efektif pada umumnya memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang efektif bahkan sangat baik sekali pun, sehingga sedikit banyak pun akan mampu merangsang partisipasi atau pun termotivasi orang-orang yang dipimpinnya.
Peranan Komunikasi Organisasi Bagi Pimpinan Organisasi Sukri Ramadhan; Heri I. Gajah Manik; Elfi Yanti Ritonga
JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 2 No 2 (2022): JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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Komunikasi dalam sebuah kepemimpinan merupakan suatu unsur yang sangat penting dalam mencapai keberhasilan dalam tujuan yang akan diraih setiap individu oleh suatu organisasi. Oleh karena itu seorang pemimpin hendaklah pintar dalam berkomunikasi baik itu verbal maupun non verbal. Komunikasi yang baik akan akan mampu meningkatkan motivasi wawasan, sehingga informasi yang disampaikan dapat diterima dengan baik, jelas dan hal ini akan mampu meningkatkan kinerja serta control kerja juga akan terlaksana dengan baik dan bijaksana. Di dalam sebuah forum organisasi pemimpin adalah sebagai komunikator. Pemimpin yang efektif pada umumnya memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang efektif bahkan sangat baik sekali pun, sehingga sedikit banyak pun akan mampu merangsang partisipasi atau pun termotivasi orang-orang yang dipimpinnya.
Damfak Sistem Informasi terhadap Organisasi Medan Membaca Elfi Yanti Ritonga; Dewi Rahmadanti; Rizki Hajar; Nurhidayah Lubis; M Ridho Ar-Rasyid
JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 2 No 2 (2022): JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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The existence of technology, such as the internet, gadgets, tablets, and others, seems to have begun to shift the role of libraries in this more modern era. Due to the widespread use of social media, libraries may have been forgotten by children or students. Even for reading, it takes a very long time to finish a book because it is so heavy. However, reading a few pages of reading available on HP will not be boring and can be finished immediately. Every culture has knowledge, science, and technology that is used to interpret, understand, and use the environment and its contents as well as a tool to utilize, process, and apply it to meet human needs. Technological advances are communicated very quickly. Society now has various facilities to perform daily tasks thanks to advances in science and technology. Today, almost everyone uses communication tools, as can be seen from the experience of today's youth. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood when people begin to be influenced by their environment and become more willing to become what they want to be. Adolescents engage in more intense self-seeking behavior as a result of advances in communication technology. The purpose of this paper is to define the function of information systems in an organization. Library research techniques are used in the writing process. From the discussion, it is clear that organizational information systems can never be fully or completely automated. However, if the appropriate overall strategy is developed by the relevant system employees and supported by adequate financial resources, a management information system is very feasible and practical. Cross-functional information systems that support the main goals of the organization must be maintained and developed continuously. A decision support system (DSS) that combines models, databases, and directly interacting managers serves the main functions of the organization.
Dampak Sistem Informasi terhadap Organisasi Medan Membaca Elfi Yanti Ritonga; Dewi Rahmadanti; Rizki Hajar; Nurhidayah Lubis; M Ridho Ar-Rasyid
JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 2 No 2 (2022): JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The existence of technology, such as the internet, gadgets, tablets, and others, seems to have begun to shift the role of libraries in this more modern era. Due to the widespread use of social media, libraries may have been forgotten by children or students. Even for reading, it takes a very long time to finish a book because it is so heavy. However, reading a few pages of reading available on HP will not be boring and can be finished immediately. Every culture has knowledge, science, and technology that is used to interpret, understand, and use the environment and its contents as well as a tool to utilize, process, and apply it to meet human needs. Technological advances are communicated very quickly. Society now has various facilities to perform daily tasks thanks to advances in science and technology. Today, almost everyone uses communication tools, as can be seen from the experience of today's youth. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood when people begin to be influenced by their environment and become more willing to become what they want to be. Adolescents engage in more intense self-seeking behavior as a result of advances in communication technology. The purpose of this paper is to define the function of information systems in an organization. Library research techniques are used in the writing process. From the discussion, it is clear that organizational information systems can never be fully or completely automated. However, if the appropriate overall strategy is developed by the relevant system employees and supported by adequate financial resources, a management information system is very feasible and practical. Cross-functional information systems that support the main goals of the organization must be maintained and developed continuously. A decision support system (DSS) that combines models, databases, and directly interacting managers serves the main functions of the organization.
Pola Komunikasi Kepala Desa dalam Pembinaan Generasi Muda Desa Lestari Dadi Kecamatan Pegajahan Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Nazmi Wiki Kartika; Muaz Tanjung; Elfi Yanti Ritonga
JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 3 No 2 (2023): JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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cara umum penelitian ini bertujan untuk menemukan komunikasi antarpersonal/ komunikasi secara bertatap muka pada kepala desa dalam memberikan pembinaan terhadap generasi muda di Desa Lestari Dadi. Secara khusus untuk menemukan dan menganalisis pola komunikasi kepala desa dalam pembinaan generasi muda dalam mengatasi konflik dan pencitraan terhadap pembinaan generasi muda desa Lestari Dadi, cara mengatasi konflik menggunakan komunikasi bermusyawarah ialah komunikasi yang dilakukan secara keterbukaan antara generasi muda dengan kepala desa ataupun dengan masyarakat setempat. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah penelitian pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku-perilaku, objek-objek yang diteliti berdasarkan rencana yang ditetapkan dan secara mendalam. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan observasi. Wawancara secara Purposive terhadap Kepala Desa, Generasi Muda dan Cendikiawan Masyarakat di desa Lestari Dadi. Observasi nonpartisipan untuk mendapatkan data dari aktivitas di dalam dan luar kantor sejauh yang teramati. Sedangkan studi dokumen digunakan untuk menemukan sejarah, visi misi, struktur kepengurusan dan program kerja kepala desa dan generasi muda. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan versi data model Miles dan Huberman dengan beberapa data analisis seperti reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan,(1) Pola komunikasi yang digunakan kepala desa dalam pembinaan generasi muda ialah pola komunikasi antarpersonal dan interpersonal yaitu pola komunikasi secara keterbukaan dan tatap muka. (2) Kendala kepala desa dalam pembinaan generasi muda Desa Lestari Dadi adalah hambatan perbedaan kerangka berpikir yang berbeda. (3) Cara menyelesaikan kendala dalam pembinaan generasi muda yang dilakukan oleh kepala Desa Lestari Dadi adalah menggunakan pola komunikasi secara keterbukaan dan menyelesaikan segala permasalahan dengan cara bermusyawarah, mencari jalan tengah yang baik sebagai keputusan dan memanggil saksi-saksi untuk memberikan pembuktian dalam permasalahan yang akan diselesaikan.