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Factors Affecting the Problem of Guidance and Counseling Service Programs in High Schools Dina Rahmawati Hapsyah; Herdi Herdi
KONSELI: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal) Vol 6, No 2 (2019): KONSELI: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (162.228 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/kons.v6i2.4673


The implementation of guidance and counseling services cannot be separated from various factors that can influence. The purpose of this study is to study what factors can affect the implementation of guidance and counseling program services in high school. This study uses descriptive research with survey methods. Data collection techniques used through the instrument contained a questionnaire. The results of the study show that the guidance and counseling program has been well prepared. But the implementation of guidance and counseling is still not good, and this is characterized by high factors that influence the implementation of guidance and counseling service programs. The following are the percentages obtained, among others: personal factors consisting of the competence of the counselor get a percentage of 73% according to the high category; 71% depending on the high category; homeroom teacher obtained a percentage of 79% in the high category; subject teachers earn a percentage of 75%. Non-personal factors consisting of the BK program obtained a percentage of 70 with a high category; Facilities and infrastructure have a percentage of 77% in the high category.
IMPLEMENTASI TEORI DONALD E. SUPER PADA PROGRAM LAYANAN BK KARIR DI SMK Maslikhah Maslikhah; Dina Rahmawati Hapsyah; Afan Abdul Jabbar; Dede Rahmat Hidayat
Jurnal Ilmu dan Budaya Vol 41, No 64 (2019): Vol. 41, No 64 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.898 KB) | DOI: 10.47313/jib.v41i64.716


The implementation of the Donald E. Super vocational education theory is directed towards graduates having professional insight that can affect quality which has four aspects of planning, exploration, informational competence, and decision making. In the age phase of SMK graduates around 18-21 years is a transition period from tentative professional vocational towards specific vocational preferences. Vocational students have characteristics of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, moral, and religious aspects. The career guidance work program at the Vocational School begins with preparation which includes assessing needs, obtaining support from the principal, and establishing the basis for program planning. Preparation of the annual counseling program includes rational, legal basis, vision and mission, description of needs, objectives, program components, service areas, operational plans, theme development, evaluation plans, infrastructure, and cost budgets, Develop activity plans covering competency standard objectives, classes, program components, service strategies, materials, methods, media, evaluation and equivalents.
Jurnal Tunas Bangsa Vol 6 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.623 KB)


In discussing prejudice in relationships between groups we need to know that prejudice is not an instinct that is born, but something that is learned. Because prejudice comes from what we have learned, it can be changed or reduced and can also be prevented from arising (Nasution, S. 2009). Guidance and counseling is the assistance of individuals in obtaining self-adjustments that are in accordance with their level of development. Through guidance and counseling services, students are helped to be able to achieve their development tasks well (Mohammad Surya, 1988). By using qualitative research methods, case study models are carried out in depth to determine the background, circumstances, and interactions that occur. The results obtained are the main cause of the emergence of prejudice because individuals do not know the other individuals correctly. In addition, there are also students who have previous unpleasant experiences with other individuals. The existence of our group vs. them is also very clearly seen here. Other groups are considered to have differences that are not in accordance with the norms of the "us" group. Abstrak Dalam membicarakan prasangka dalam hubungan antar kelompok perlu kita ketahui bahwa prasangka bukanlah suatu instink yang dibawa lahir, melainkan sesuatu yang dipelajari. Karena prasangka berasal dari apa yang telah kita pelajari, maka dapat diubah atau dikurangi dan dapat pula dicegah timbulnya (Nasution, S. 2009). Bimbingan dan penyuluhan merupakan bantuan individu dalam memperoleh penyesuaian diri yang sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangannya. Melalui layanan bimbingan dan konseling, siswa dibantu agar dapat mencapai tugas-tugas perkembangannya dengan baik (Mohammad Surya, 1988). Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif model studi kasus, yang dilakukan secara mendalam guna mengetahui latar belakang, keadaan, dan interaksi yang terjadi. Hasil yang didapat adalah penyebab utama munculnya prasangka ialah karena individu belum mengenal individu yang lain secara benar. Selain itu juga para peserta didik juga ada yang memiliki pengalaman tidak menyenangkan sebelumnya dengan individu lain. Adanya kelompok kita vs mereka juga sangat terlihat jelas disini. Kelompok lain dianggap memiliki perbedaan yang tidak sesuai dengan norma kelompok “kita”. Kata Kunci: Prasangka, Bimbingan Kelompok, Sosiodrama
HUBUNGAN ANTARA SIKAP TERHADAP EVALUASI GURU BK DENGAN KETERLAKSANAAN PROGAM BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING Dina Rahmawati Hapsyah; Nina Fitriyani; Riska Handayani; Theodora Nurmalia; Afan Abdul Jabbar; Deni Purwanto; Aip Badrujaman
Jurnal Renaissance Jurnal Renaissance Volume 4 Nomor 02, Agustus 2019
Publisher : Prima Center Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53878/jr.v4i02.102


Attitudes towards program evaluation need to be owned by guidance and counseling teachers in implementing programs so that the services provided are of higher quality. This study aims to look at the relationship between the teacher's counseling and counseling attitudes towards program evaluation and the implementation of guidance and counseling programs. In this study, the subjects of the study population were guidance and counseling teachers at Serang District (Banten) State Middle School, amounting to 30 people. The instrument used is the teacher's attitudes of guidance and counseling towards the evaluation of basic services used to obtain information about the teacher's attitudes of guidance and counseling on evaluating basic services and instruments for the implementation of guidance and counseling programs used to describe the evaluations carried out by teachers guidance and counseling . The results showed that 50% of the guidance and counseling teachers had good knowledge of the guidance and counseling teacher evaluation, as many as 63 guidance and counseling teachers had good opinions on the evaluation of guidance and counseling. The results of the study on the implementation of the guidance and counseling program evaluation showed that 47% of guidance and counseling teachers carried out an evaluation of counseling and guidance program planning, 53% of guidance and counseling teachers carried out process evaluation, 59% of guidance and counseling teachers carried out evaluation results, while evaluation of counseling programs was 53 %. Keywords: Attitudes toward Guidance and Counseling Teacher Evaluation, Implementation of Guidance and Counseling Programs
Jurnal Selaras : Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling serta Psikologi Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (354.668 KB) | DOI: 10.33541/sel.v2i1.1002


ABSTRAK Salah satu bagian penting dalam proses pembelajaran adalah motivasi. Beberapa pertanyaaan pengantar juga dinilai mampu menumbuhkan rasa ingin tahu siswa terhadap materi pembelajaran berkaitan, tujuannya adalah supaya siswa lebih aktif, lebih berani dan mampu belajar lebih baik lagi (Bahrudin, 2014). Pendekatan REBT memiliki tujuan untuk mengubah pandangan dan keyakinan irasional klien menjadi rasional, membantu mengubah sikap, cara berpikir dan persepsi, oleh karena itu klien diharapkan mampu mengembangkan dan mencapai realisasi diri secara optimal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kajian pustaka yang didukung oleh data-data dari beberapa artikel, buku-buku sumber, dan dokumen pendukung lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar pada siswa adalah hal penting yang dibutuhkan dalam proses pencapaian hasil pembelajaran agar optimal. Salah satu pendekatan dalam bimbingan dan konseling yang dapat meningatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik ialah REBT yang dapat membantu peserta didik membuka wawasan dan memiliki pemikiran yang rasional dalam tindakan yang berhubungan dengant ujuan belajar. Kata Kunci: bimbingan kelompok, motivasi belajar, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) ABSTRACT One important part of the learning process is motivation. Some introductory questions are also considered to be able to foster curiosity of students towards related learning material, the goal is so that students are more active, bolder and able to learn better (Bahrudin, 2014). Therefore, when students have good learning motivation, the goal of the learning process in the classroom can be said to be successful. The REBT approach has the goal of changing the views and irrational beliefs of clients to be rational, helping to change attitudes, ways of thinking and perception, therefore clients are expected to be able to develop and achieve optimal self-realization. This study uses a literature study that is by linking research with existing literature and filling in the gaps in previous research. The results of the study show that motivation to learn to students is an important thing needed in the process of achieving learning outcomes to be optimal. One approach in guidance and counseling that can enhance students' learning motivation is REBT which can help students open their horizons and have rational thinking in actions related to learning goals. Keywords: group guidance, learning motivation, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
Jurnal Mahasiswa BK An-Nur : Berbeda, Bermakna, Mulia Vol 9, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/jmbkan.v9i1.10225


This study aims to measure the validity and reliability of the academic stress instrument developed by Sun, Dunne, & Hou (2011). This study uses a quantitative approach. The sampling technique uses the probability sampling method, namely cluster random sampling. The population in this study were students at the elementary, junior high school, senior high school,vocational school, and students with an age range of 12-19 years. The academic stress instrument has 16 favorable statement items. This scale uses a Likert scale model which has 5 alternative answers. The five alternative answers are Strongly Disagree (STS), Disagree (TS), Enough, Agree (S), Strongly Agree (SS). The results showed that 16 items were declared valid with an r count > 0.195 and an alpha reliability of 0.036.