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Peningkatan Kuat Tarik Bioplastik dengan Filler Microfibrillated Cellulose dari Batang Sorgum Yuli Darni; Lia Lismeri; Muhammad Hanif; Sarkowi Sarkowi; Dita Synthauli Evaniya
Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia Vol 18, No 2 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jtki.2019.18.2.1


Abstrak. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh rasio pati terhadap kitosan (dalam basis berat) dan konsentrasi microfibrillated cellulose sebagai filler dalam pembuatan bioplastik menggunakan pati sorgum, kitosan dan gliserol. Dalam penelitian ini, rasio pati terhadap kitosan yang divariasikan adalah 10:0, 9,5:0,5, 8,5:1,5, 7,5:2,5, 6,5:3,5, 5,5:4,5 (gr/gr). Microfibrillated cellulose sebagai filler disintesis dari batang sorgum dengan metode semimekanis. Perlakuan kimia diawali dengan delignifikasi batang sorgum dengan KOH 4% pada temperatur 80oC selama 1 jam untuk menghilangkan lignin. Setelah itu dicuci dan dipucatkan (bleaching) sebanyak dua kali menggunakan H2O2 6% pada suhu 70oC. Serbuk batang sorgum yang sudah kering dilanjutkan dengan perlakuan mekanis yaitu dimasukkan ke dalam disk mill  selama 90 menit dan dilanjutkan dengan high energy milling (HEM) untuk mengecilkan ukurannya sampai dengan rata-rata 4-8 µm. Filler ditambahkan, dan konsentrasinya (dalam basis berat) divariasikan dari 0, 1, 2, dan 3 %. Pati dan kitosan berukuran 63 mikron (lolos ayakan), waktu  pengadukan selama 35 menit pada kecepatan 375 rpm, dan penambahan 10% berat gliserol sebagai plasticizer dijaga konstan. Hasil terbaik pada penelitian ini diperoleh pada formulasi 8,5:1,5 (gr/gr). dan konsentrasi filler 3%. Produk bioplastik ini memiliki kuat tarik 11,64 MPa, persen perpanjangan 10,98%, modulus Young 105,96 MPa, densitas 0,915 gr/ml, dan penyerapan air  38,3%. Kata kunci: bioplastik, gliserol, kitosan, microfibrillated cellulose, sorgum. Abstract. The Improving of Bioplastic Tensile Strength with Microfibrillated Cellulose Filler from Sorghum Stem. This study discusses the effect of starch on chitosan ratio (in weight basis) and also the concentration of microfibrillated cellulose as a filler in the preparation of bioplastics using sorghum starch, chitosan, and glycerol. In this study, the ratio of starch to chitosan varied was 10:0, 9.5:0.5, 8.5:1.5, 7.5:2.5, 6.5:3.5, 5.5:4,5 (gr/gr). Microfibrillated cellulose as filler was encouraged from the sorghum stem by the semi-mechanical method. The delignification of sorghum stem initiated chemical treatment with a 4% KOH solution on 80oC for 1 hour to remove lignin. Bleaching is done after delignification using 6% H2O2 at 70oC. The dried sorghum powder is further followed by mechanical treatment that is put into disk mill for 90 minutes and continued with high energy milling (HEM) to reduce its size to an average of 4-8 µm. The filler is added, and the concentration (on a weight basis) varies from 0, 1, 2, and 3%. Starch and chitosan measuring 63 microns (sieve pass), stirring time for 35 minutes at a speed of 375 rpm, and the addition of 10% by weight of glycerol as a plasticizer is kept constant. The best results in this study were obtained in formulations 8.5:1.5 (gr/gr) and 3% filler concentration. This bioplastic product has 11.64 MPa tensile strength, 10.98% elongation, 105.96 MPa Young moduli, 0.915 gr/ml density, and 38.3% water uptake. Keywords: bioplastic, chitosan, glycerol, microfibrillated cellulose, sorghum.Graphical Abstract 
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sakai Sambayan Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jss.v4i1.159


The paddy straw mushroom is one type of mushrooms that begin to be developed in the village of Bayur. They cultivate the paddy straw mushroom because the commodity, can make a lot of money in the market, the maintenance are relatively easy and cheap with the price quite beneficial. For the media paddy straw mushroom used the empty bunches of oil palm which it was the utilization of waste from palm oil plantations. After several harvests, the paddy straw mushroom replaced with new media. Of the empty bunches of oil palm used, the rest of the media mushroom that become waste that accumulates and difficult to decomposed because of the cellulose and lignin of the empty bunches of oil palm. Increasingly the waste will pollute and containing bacterium of disease. The problems faced by partner is related to the aspects of the provision of energy and management waste processing the rest of the production of mushroom. To overcome the problems, the team provide training the procedure of making briquette and design an instrument print of briquette from the rest of the media of mushroom. This instrument give an advantages for both in the independence of energy and the utilization of the waste production . The method of PKM activity involved the partners (the farmers) in the overall of activities. The outer of this main activity are the instrument print of briquette and to increase the ability and knowledge the partner. The product development briquettes can be used own and sold commercially. With this training, the ability of the partner of the making product briquettes can reduce production cost and to raise the income of partner. Keywords: efficient technology; print of briquettes; waste; media the paddy straw mushroom
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sakai Sambayan Vol 5 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jss.v5i3.308


The activity aims to improve and develop a partner in business unit to processing waste plastics to produce products with higher economic value. This activity gave impacts directly to attempt plastic waste disposal. The methods have done in this activity community service, covering socialization, training and application of using bed filter. In the socialization will be explained in a brief about the use and handling plastic waste. The training and application given to the partner business unit how about the use of a filter the type of bed filter. The activity was conducted in Desa Margo Lestari, Jati Agung, the targets are especially the partner of plastic waste management. The problem of the partner is the inefficient using water to wash the pieces of plastic. This directly affect needs of water and the quality product. In PKM activity, the managing partner of recycling plastic can be used bed filter to improve the efficiency of the amount of water to wash the pieces of plastic and to increase the economic profit of the partner.
Aplikasi Filler Batang Sorgum pada Sintesis Bioplastik dengan Plasticizer Asam Palmitat Yuli Darni; Dita Synthauli E; Erna Sartika Sinambela; Herti Utami
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.765 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/chemica.v4i2.8509


Plastics are used for human use, creating side effects on the environment. The low level of degradation in the plastic makes the environment must accommodate so much plastic waste that causes pollution so that innovation is needed in the manufacture of plastics that can decompose in nature. This study discusses the use of sorghum stalk as a filler in the manufacture of bioplastic. Sorghum starch and chitosan as a bioplastic raw material with a palmitic acid and PEG-400 as a plasticizer. The purpose of this study was determined the effect of sorghum stalk as a filler (packing material) into mechanical properties of bioplastic. Bioplastic produced is expected to resemble a commercial LDPE plastic. Starch-chitosan formulations used in this study was 63 : 35 (w/w), the size of the starch and chitosan was 63 micron sieve, stirring time about 35 minutes and stirring velocity about 375 rpm this research was also conducted various concentration of plasticizer (10,15, 23, 27, 33, 35 wt%). Some analysis of the mechanical test (tensile strength, percent elongation, and modulus young), water resistance, density and FTIR has determined the characteristics of bioplastic. The best result in this research is bioplastic with 1 gr filler formulation at 10% plasticizer concentration with modulus young value characteristic about  126,145 MPa, the tensile strength of 7,028 MPa, extension percent about 5,517 %, density about 0,9 gr/mL, the water absorption of 38,88%. The bioplastic characteristic already meet the LDPE plastic standard.
Sodium Hydroxide Treatment for Cellulose Fiber Accessibility from Corncobs under Microwave Assistive Muhammad Hanif; Aknasasia Virginia Krisanti; Selvy Salfitri; Yuli Darni; Herti Utami; Edwin Azwar; Poernomo Gunawan
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 16, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2021)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (613.163 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v16i2.20061


Corncob is abundantly available lignocellulosic biomass resources obtained from crops harvesting and found to be solid waste accumulation on a field. Less corncob is used as a solid fuel for cooking, and a more significant portion is vanished on the field by burning. Promisingly, corncob contains considerable cellulose as one value-added component potentially utilized as biomaterial or biofuel feedstock. However, the presence of lignin in natural lignocellulosic biomass results in recalcitrant structure and hinders cellulose accessibility. This study aimed to investigate microwave-assisted alkaline treatment to retain cellulose in the solid product while removing other impurities in corncob, especially hemicellulose and lignin. Sodium hydroxide was selected as a chemical with some variations in concentration. The chemical treatment was carried out under 400 W microwave power with various residence times and a 1:10 solid to liquor ratio. The cellulose content upgraded from 26.97% to 71.26% while reducing hemicellulose and lignin from 38.49% to 18.15% and 19.28% to 6.4%, respectively, on chemical treatment using 8% sodium hydroxide concentration for 20 minutes residence time. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis also confirmed the results. The treated corncob also increased its crystallinity from 30.11% to 52.91%.
The Leaching of Natural Dyes from Avocado (Persea Americana Mill) Seeds Using the Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction Method and Its Application to Cellulose Fibers Herti Utami; Veni Tri Agustin; Luthfiah Novirianti; Yuli Darni; Donny Lesmana; Ryosuke Takagi
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 16, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2021)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (500.134 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v16i2.20140


The textile industry uses synthetic dyes because they are cheaper and easier to obtain. Moreover, the color availability is guaranteed and more varied. However, these synthetic dyes have a negative impact on health and the environment. The natural dye from avocado (Persea Americana Mill) seeds can become an alternative for synthetic dyes. Polyphenol compounds, such as tannins and flavonoids, are natural color sources found in avocado seeds. The extraction of natural dyes from avocado seeds is carried out by using a non-conventional method, namely ultrasonic-assisted extraction which has great efficiency and short operating time. In this study, researchers examined the parameters that affect the yield of dye extraction from avocado seeds, namely solvent concentration and extraction time. In addition, researchers also conducted qualitative analysis on the pigment content in the yield of extraction using UV-Visible Spectrophotometry and GC-MS tests. The results indicated that the highest yield obtained from avocado seeds was 16.6742% with 90 minutes extraction time using 70% ethanol solvent. Furthermore, if the dye is applied to cellulose fibers, such as the cotton cloth, the color will change depending on the fixator added. Based on the result of the UV-Visible Spectrophotometry test, the avocado seeds contain flavonoids. Meanwhile, from the result of the GC-MS test, the compound with the largest percentage detected in avocado seeds is the 13-Tetradecynoic acid, methyl ester (C15H26O2). The compound contains a chromophore, such as a carbonyl group (C = O) which is a common feature of flavonoids.  
Ekstraksi Likopen Dari Buah Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum) Menggunakan Solvent N-Heksan lialismeri; Elistia Nursafitri; Simparmin Br Ginting; Yuli Darni; Azhar
Jurnal Redoks Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): REDOKS JULI-DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitass PGRI Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/redoks.v8i2.12774


Tomat memiliki warna cerah yang berasal dari senyawa karotenoid terutama likopen. Tingginnya kadar likopen pada buah tomat menjadikannya sebagai sumber anti oksidan dan anti kanker alami. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui jumlah likopen tertinggi berdasarkan perbandingan bahan terhadap pelarut yang digunakan. Senyawa likopen dari buah tomat ini diperoleh melalui proses ekstraksi menggunakan metode ultrasonik dengan pelarut n-heksan dan pemisahan pelarut menggunakan rotary vacuum evaporator. Karaketerisasi ekstrak likopen dilakukan dengan analisis spektrofotometri dan FTIR. Variable yang digunakan adalah waktu ekstraksi selama 10, 20 dan 30 menit serta perbandingan bahan terhadap pelarut sebesar 1:3; 1:4 dan 1:5. Perolehan likopen tertinggi yakni pada rasio bahan terhadap pelarut 1:3 dan waktu ekstraksi 20 menit dengan total likopen sebesar 0,00308 mg/g. Dari hasil tersebut diketahui bahwa proses ekstraksi menggunakan pelarut n-heksan dan metode ultrasonik masih belum maksimal dikarenakan beberapa faktor yaitu proses pengengeringan dan pemisahan pelarut yang kurang tepat.
Pengaruh Konsentrasi dan Variasi Zat Pemutih terhadap Preparasi Mikrokristal Selulosa dari Batang Ubi Kayu Lia Lismeri; Agita Amy Rizky; Azhar; Yuli Darni
Journal of Chemical Process Engineering Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Chemical Process Engineering
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Industri - Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/jcpe.v9i1.82


Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) tahun 2018 produksi ubi kayu di Provinsi Lampung sebanyak 6.683.758 ton. Dari tinggi batang ubi kayu, hanya 10% yang dimanfaatkan untuk di tanam kembali. Batang ubi kayu mempunyai kandungan selulosa sebesar 39,17% sehingga berpotensi menjadi sumber selulosa yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan mikrokristal selulosa sehingga meningkatkan nilai tambah pemanfaatan batang ubi kayu dan diharapkan dapat mengurangi jumlah limbah pertanian. Proses pembuatan mikrokristal selulosa meliputi isolasi α-selulosa (delignifikasi dan bleaching) dan perlakuan hidrolisis asam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan konsentrasi NaOCl dan H2O2 selama reduksi kadar lignin pada alfa-selulosa batang ubi kayu serta mengetahui karakteristik mikrokristal selulosa batang ubi kayu, meliputi indeks kristalinitas dan ukuran partikel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan bleaching dengan pemutih NaOCl 4% v/v merupakan preparasi mikrokristal terbaik. Variasi mikrokristal selulosa ini memiliki kandungan selulosa hingga 78%, kristalinitas 80% dan volume partikel < 25% sebesar 26,30 µm. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan konsentrasi pemutih dapat meningkatkan kristalinitas dan memperkecil ukuran partikel mikrokristalin selulosa
Pengaruh Suhu Dan Waktu Pretreatment Alkali Pada Isolasi Selulosa Limbah Batang Pisang Lia Lismeri; Yuli Darni; Mitra Dimas Sanjaya; Muhammad Iqbal Immadudin
Journal of Chemical Process Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): Journal of Chemical Process Engineering
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Industri - Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/jcpe.v4i1.834


Limbah batang pisang yang dihasilkan dari perkebunan pisang merupakan biomassa yang kandungan selulosanya dapat diisolasi dan dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan serat selulosa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan yield selulosa dari batang pisang dengan perlakuan pretreatment alkali. Pelarut alkali yang digunakan adalah NaOH 1% dengan variabel operasi berupa temperatur 60, 70, dan 80°C dan waktu 60, 90, dan 120 menit. Proses delignifikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan Na2SO3 20% dan H2O2 2% sebagai agen pemutih. Dari hasil analisis kadar lignoselulosa, pretreatment yang menghasilkan rendemen selulosa terbesar yaitu 51,64% pada kondisi operasi suhu 80°C selama 60 menit. Dari hasil Uji FTIR dan SEM dapat diketahui bahwa isolasi selulosa dari batang pisang dengan pretreatment alkali memperlihatkan keberadaan gugus fungsi utama penyusun selulosa serta struktur permukaan serat selulosa.