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Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology and Biodiversity
Publisher : Universitas Esa Unggul

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AbstrakSelain dapat menurunkan keekonomisan gas bumi, gas buang yang mengandung senyawa sulfur juga memiliki potensi yang dapat menimbulkan pencemaran udara jika terlepas ke udara. Untuk mengurangi kadar senyawa ini, proses bioadsorpsi dapat digunakan dengan menggabungkan proses degradasi oleh aktivitas mikroba dalam hal ini melalui aktivitas bakteri Thiobacillus thioparus dengan proses adsorpsi melalui bantuan material berpori yaitu zeolit alam Lampung sebagai adsorben. Pada tahap pembuatan medium dan fase tumbuh kultur Thiobacillus thioparus, koloni sel dijaga pada fase log yang akan terbentuk mulai hari ke 4 dan berhenti pada hari ke 8 dengan pH optimum harus stabil pada rentang 6 – 8. Pada fase inilah kultur digunakan pada proses bioadsorpsi. Zeolit sebagai bahan pengisi kolom bioadsorpsi juga sebelumnya di preparasi dengan proses mekanik untuk menyeragamkan ukuran diameter partikel yaitu sebesar ± 1 – 2 mm. BET autosorb digunakan untuk mengetahui profil fisik dari zeolit yaitu luas permukaan, volume pori, dan diameter pori. Pada proses bioadsorpsi, persentase reduksi tertinggi spesi sulfur pada ion tiosulfat dicapai sebesar 41,31 % pada jam ke 8. Sedangkan, proses bioadsorpsi akan terus berlanjut sampai mencapai jam ke 24 hingga tak tersedianya lagi sulfur yang dapat didegradasi oleh Thiobacillus thioparus, maka sel memasuki fase kematian hingga mengakhiri proses yang terjadi.Kata kunci : Thiobacillus thioparus, zeolit alam lampung, bioadsorpsi
Pemanfaatan Bakteri Thiobacillus Thioparus Untuk Mereduksi Kandungan Sulfur dalam Gas Syafrizal, Syafrizal; Dianursanti, Dianursanti
Lembaran publikasi minyak dan gas bumi Vol 45, No 1 (2011)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29017/LPMGB.45.1.684


Salah satu solusi untuk mereduksi kandungan sulfur menggunakan mikroba yang bersifataerob. Jenis mikroba ini dapat mengoksidasi senyawa sulfur untuk menghasilkan energi. Bakterisulfur dapat menyimpan dan menggunakan sulfur elemental atau komponen organik sulfur untukmetabolisme selnya.Dalam penelitian ini bakteri pereduksi sulfur yang digunakan adalah Thiobacillus thioparus,sedangkan senyawa sulfur yang digunakan natrium tiosulfat (Na2S203) dengan konsentrasi 200,400, dan 600 mg/L.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, tingkat ketahanan bakteri Thiobacillus thioparus terhadap variasikonsentrasi senyawa sulfur secara umum mengalami fase lag pada 12 jam periode inkubasi. Faseeksponensial terjadi pada periode ini, pertumbuhan bakteri yang sangat cepat selama 30 atau 36jam dan mengalami penurunan populasi pada jam ke-54. Pada tiga perlakuan tersebut semakintinggi konsentrasi substrat, maka aktivitas bakteri dalam laju reduksi akan semakin besar.
Effect of Photoperiodicity on Co2 Fixation By Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg in Bubble Column Photobioreactor For Food Supplement Production Wijanarko, Anondho; Dianursanti, Dianursanti; Witarto, Arief Budi; Soemantojo, Roekmijati Widaningroem
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 8, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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To reduce the level of CO2 content in air, effort on converting CO2 to useful products is required. One of the alternatives includes CO2 fixation to produce biomass using Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg. Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg is applied for production of food supplement. Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg is also easy to handle due to its superior adaptation. Currently, Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg has been analyzed by some experts for its cellular composition, its ability to produce high quality biomass and the content of essential nutrition. A series of experiments was conducted by culturing Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg using Beneck medium in bubbling column photobioreactor. The main variation in this experiment was photoperiodicity, where growth of Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg was examined during photoperiodicity condition. The difference between CO2 gas concentration of inlet and outlet of the reactor during operational period, was compared to the same experiment under continuous illumination. Under photoperiodicity of 8 and 9 h/d, the culture cell densities (N) were approximately 40 % higher than under continuous illumination. Final biomass density of Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg at 9 h/d illumination was 1.43 g/dm3, around 46% higher than under continuous illumination. Specific carbon dioxide transfer rate (qCO2) in photoperiodicity was 50-80% higher than under continuous illumination. These experiments showed that photoperiodicity affects the growth of Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg The specific growth rate (μ) by photoperiodicity was higher than that by continuous ilumination while the growth period was two times longer. Based on the experiments, it can be concluded that photoperiodicity might save light energy consumption. The prediction of kinetic model under continuous illumination as well as under photoperiodicity illumination showed that Haldane model became the fitted kinetic model.
Kinetic Model For Triglyceride Hydrolysis Using Lipase:Review Hermansyah, Heri; Wijanarko, A.; Dianursanti, Dianursanti; Gozan, Misri; Wulan, Praswasti P. D.K; Arbianti, Rita; Soemantojo, Roekmijati W.; Utami, Tania Surya; Yuliusman, Yuliusman; Kubo, Momoji; Kitakawa, Naomi Shibasaki; Yonemoto, Toshiy
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 11, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Triglyceride hydrolysis using lipase has been proposed as a novel method to produce raw materials in food and cosmetic industries such as diacylglycerol, monoacylglycerol, glycerol and fatty acid. In order to design a reactor for utilizing this reaction on industrial scale, constructing a kinetic model is important. Since the substrates are oil and water, the hydrolysis takes place at oil-water interface. Furthermore, the triglyceride has three ester bonds, so that the hydrolysis stepwise proceeds. Thus, the reaction mechanism is very complicated. The difference between the interfacial and bulk concentrations of the enzyme, substrates and products, and the interfacial enzymatic reaction mechanism should be considered in the model.
Biomass Production Chlorella Vulgaris Buitenzorg Using Series of Bubble Column Photo Bioreactor with a Periodic Illumination Wijanarko, Anondho; Dianursanti, Dianursanti; Muryanto, Muryanto; Simanjuntak, Josia; Kencana Wulan, Praswasti Pembangun Dyah; Hermansyah, Heri; Gozan, Misri; Soemantojo, Roekmijati Widaningroem
Makara Journal of Technology Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg cultivation using three bubble column photo bioreactors arranged in series with a volume of 200 mL for 130 hours shows an increase of biomass production of Chlorella vulgaris Buitenzorg up to 1.20 times and a decrease of the ability of CO2 fixation compared to single reactor at a periodic sun illumination cycle. The operation conditions on cultivation are as following: T, 29.0oC; P,1 atm.; UG, 2.40 m/h; CO2, 10%; Benneck medium; and illumination source by Phillip Halogen Lamp 20W /12V/ 50Hz. Other research parameters such as microbial carbon dioxide transferred rate (qco2), CO2 transferred rate (CTR), energy consumption for cellular formation (Ex), and cultural bicarbonate species concentration [HCO3] also give better results on series of reactor.