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Hardness evaluation of dental composites fabricated from the uniform size and well-distributed zirconia-alumina-silica fillers with sol-gel technique Hakim, Muhammad Lukman Nur; Hasratiningsih, Zulia; Djustiana, Nina; Sunendar, Bambang; Faza, Yanwar
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 30, No 2 (2018): July
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (433.347 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol30no2.18319


Introduction: Several factor limits of services of dental composite have triggered further improvement. ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system as filler of dental composite had been developed with sol-gel technique. Ultrasonic homogeniser were reported to change the particle size ditribution or shape. Unifom size and distribution of particle is believed to help define the behavior of hardness properties. Methods: The study was an laboratory experimental design. Filler ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system were developed via sol-gel methods. Post calcination process, filler were immerse in ethanol and applied with ultrasonic homogeniser, with various amplitude i.e 50 rpm, 60 rpm and 80 rpm then named sample A, B, and C. XRD, SEM anda PSA were used to characterize of filler system. Subsequent filler were used to fabricate dental composite then evaluate the hardness value using micro-hardness tester. One–way ANOVA was used to analysis the statistical result of hardness value. Results: XRD pattern of three sample were similar in which tetragonal zirconia was prominent (57-61 %) followed by monoclinic zirconia (24-25%) and amorphous (15-17 %). While, SEM and PSA characterization showed amplitude 50 rpm (sample A) produce more uniform size and well-distributed particle filler than the others. In contrary, sample B and C showed higher peak in PSA results. It means there was dominating of filler with particular size.  However, the hardness value did not show significant differences between those filler (p>0,05). Conclusion: Dental composite that contain of different uniformity and distribution of filler ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system has no significantly differences of hardness value.
Uji nilai kekuatan tarik serat pelepah pisang (Musa paradisiaca) sebagai bahan alternatif benang gigi biodegradable Alex Kesuma; Nina Djustiana; Yanwar Faza; Renny Febrida; Elin Karlina
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 1, No 2 (2017): Oktober 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v1i1.22126


Pendahuluan: Benang gigi dari bahan sutera dipilih karena bersifat ramah lingkungan dan biodegradable namun pemanfaatanya mendapat pertentangan dari para ahli perlindugan hewan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan benang gigi dari bahan serat pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca) yang diketahui bersifat biodegradable, memiliki kekuatan tarik yang cukup tinggi dan jumlahnya yang banyak di Indonesia. Metode: Jenis peneltiian berupa eksperimental laboratoris. Prosedur peneltiian dimulai dengan ekstraksi pelepah pisang dengan metode manual kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pengelompokan hasil serat berdasarkan jumlah helai serat. Satu kelompok benang gigi sutera (Radius® Organic Silk Floss) dan hasil serat pisang yang telah di kelompokkan sebanyak tiga kelompok (10,15 dan 20 helai) secara berurutan disebut kelompok 1 (kontrol), 2, 3 dan 4. Semua kelompok dilakukan uji kekuatan tarik menggunakan Materials Testing Machine dan data hasil di analisis menggunakan uji statistik One-way Anova Hasil: Hasil kekuatan tarik menunjukkan kelompok 1, 2, 3 dan 4 menghasilkan nilai uji kekuatan tarik secara berurutan sebagai berikut 130.73 MPa, 141.56 MPa, 391.37 MPa dan 307.06 MPa. Hasil statistik memperlihatkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (p < 0,05) antara kelompok 1 dengan kelompok 3 dan 4, kelompok 2 dengan kelompok 3 dan 4 serta antara kelompok 3 dan 4. Sementara itu, tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok 1 dan 2 (p > 0,05). Simpulan: Hasil kekuatan tarik menunjukkan kelompok 3 memiliki nilai kekuatan tarik tertinggi diantara semua kelompok. Nilai kekuatan tarik serat pisang kelompok 2, 3 dan 4 lebih tinggi dari kontrol sehingga memperlihatkan serat pisang berpotensi sebagai alternatif benang gigi biodegradable.Kata kunci: Benang gigi, biodegradable, kekuatan tarik
Uji sitotoksisitas mikrofiber PMMA dan PMMA-silika wetspinning pada kultur sel primer L-929 sebagai aplikasi penguat jembatan gigi direkCytotoxicity test of PMMA and PMMA-silica wet spinning microfibers in L-929 primary cell culture as a direct dental bridge reinforcement application Nina Djustiana; Yanwar Faza; Andri Hardiansyah
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v5i2.36304


ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Jembatan gigi direk terdiri dari komponen penguat fiber dan komponen matriks resin komposit. Penggunaan sel target untuk uji sitotoksisitas dari material fiber kedokteran gigi umum dilakukan secara ekperimental uji in vitro untuk mengetahui relevansi klinis dari pengujian. Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk melihat sitotoksisitas dari mikrofiber PMMA dan PMMA-silika wetspinning dengan parameter yang berbeda terhadap kultur sel primer (cell line) fibroblas L-929. Metode: Desain penelitian berupa deksriptif kualitatif.  Sel primer fibroblas L-929 diberi paparan mikrofiber PMMA dan PMMA-silika selama 1, 4 dan 7 hari. Uji sitotoksisitas dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji MTT Assay. Parameter dari mikrofiber PMMA dan PMMA-silika yang digunakan adalah konsentrasi dan laju alir, kemudian dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok penelitian serta diberi nama sebagai berikut: PMMA mikrofiber sistem vertikal 250ml/jam dengan konsentrasi dalam % 0,75(A); 1(B); 1,25(C); PMMA-silika mikrofiber sistem vertikal dengan kecepatan 200 ml/jam (D), 250 ml/jam (E), 300 ml/jam (F) dan PMMA mikrofiber dengan sistem rotasi 200 ml/jam dengan konsentrasi  dalam % 0,75(G);1(H), 1,25(I); PMMA-silika mikrofiber sistem rotasi dengan konsentrasi 200ml/jam(J), 250ml/jam (K), dan 300 ml/jam (L).  Hasil: Uji in vitro dari gambaran sel L-929 memperlihatkan tidak terdapat Sel primer fibroblas yang mengalami kematian. Kurva pertumbuhan cell line dari setiap parameter mikrofiber memperlihatkan sel dapat berproliferasi selama masa inkubasi dan memperlihatkan kecenderungan positif dari pertumbuhan sel. Simpulan: Mikrofiber PMMA dan PMMA-silika wetspinning tidak memperlihatkan sifat toksisitas terhadap pertumbuhan cell line fibroblas L-929 sehingga mempunyai potensi sebagai aplikasi penguat jembatan gigi direk.  Kata kunci: sitotoksisitas; sel primer fibroblas; fiber; PMMA; PMMA-silika ABSTRACTIntroduction: Direct dental bridge consists of a fiber reinforcement component and a composite resin matrix component. The use of target cells for the cytotoxicity test of dental fiber materials is generally performed by experimental in-vitro tests to determine the clinical relevance of the test. This study was aimed to examine the cytotoxicity of PMMA and PMMA-silica wet spinning microfibers with different parameters on the primary cell culture (cell line) of L-929 fibroblasts. Methods: The research design was descriptive qualitative. Primary L-929 fibroblast cells were consecutively exposed to PMMA and PMMA-silica microfibers for 1, 4, and 7 days. Cytotoxicity test was performed using the MTT Assay. Parameters of PMMA and PMMA-silica microfibers used were concentration and flow rate, then divided into several research groups and named as follows: PMMA microfiber vertical system 250ml/hour with a concentration in %: 0.75(A); 1(B); 1.25(C); PMMA-silica microfiber vertical system with the speed of 200 ml/hour (D), 250 ml/hour (E), 300 ml/hour (F) and PMMA microfiber with rotation system 200 ml/hour with a concentration in % 0.75(G );1(H), 1,25(I); PMMA-silica microfiber rotation system with concentrations of 200ml/hour (J), 250ml/hour (K), and 300 ml/hour (L). Results: In-vitro test of the L-929 cell picture showed no primary fibroblast cells that died. The cell line growth curve of each microfiber parameter shows that the cells can proliferate during the incubation period and show a positive trend of cell growth. Conclusions: PMMA and MMA-silica wet spinning microfibers did not show any toxicity to the growth of the L-929 fibroblast cell line, so they have potential as reinforcement applications for direct dental bridges.  Keywords: cytotoxicity; fibroblast primary cells; fiber; PMMA; PMMA-silica
Uji mikrostruktur prototipe implan gigi titanium pasca perlakuan modifikasi permukaan Alternate Soaking Process dengan konsentrasi CaCl2 dan Na2HPO4 yang berbeda Microstructural examination of titanium dental implant prototype after alternate soaking process surface modification treatment with different concentrations of CaCl2 and Na2HPO4 Nina Djustiana; Muhammad Asrun Adi Saputra Syam; Yanwar Faza; Arief Cahyanto
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 33, No 3 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v33i3.37203


Pendahuluan: Beberapa metode telah dikembangkan dalam meningkatkan proses osseointegrasi implan titanium diantaranya yaitu alternate soaking process. Metode ini terbukti menciptakan kekasaran porositas dan senyawa CaP pada implan melalui perendaman di dalam larutan CaCl2 dan Na2HPO4. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui gambaran mikrostruktur dari prototipe implan gigi titanium yang dimodifikasi permukaan dengan metode alternate soaking process dengan konsentrasi CaCl2 dan Na2HPO4 yang berbeda. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif eksploratif. Sampel penelitian, berupa prototipe implan titanium (20 x 15 x 0,5 mm), dibagi menjadi 4 kategori berdasarkan perlakuan yaitu sampel yang tidak diberikan pre-treatment dan modifikasi permukaan sebagai kontrol (L0) dan sampel yang diberikan pre-treatment dan modifikasi permukaan dengan metode alternate soaking process dengan konsentrasi larutan CaCl2 dan Na2HPO4 yang berbeda (67 mmol/L dan 40 mmol/L (L1), 200 mmol/L dan 120 mmol/L (L2), 600 mmol/L dan  360 mmol/L (L3)). Hasil: Hasil uji mikrostruktur mempelihatkan sampel L0 tidak berporus, sedangkan sampel L1, L2 dan L3 terlihat berporus dengan ukuran porus masing-masing 80-150, 400-700 dan 50-90 μm. Peningkatan konsentrasi CaCl2 dan Na2HPO4 meningkatkan jumlah deposit putih (CaP) dipermukaan prototipe implan titanium. Sampel kontrol L0 memperlihatkan lapisan TiO2 lebih tinggi dibandingkan sampel L1, L2 dan L3 dengan angka ketebalan masing-masing sebagai berikut: 135 , 70.5, 104 dan 92 μm. Simpulan: Prototipe implan gigi titanium yang dimodifikasi permukaan dengan metode alternate soaking process dengan konsentrasi CaCl2 200 mmol/L dan Na2HPO4 20 mmol/L menghasilkan mikrostruktur berporus yang berpotensi lebih optimal dalam menginduksi pertumbuhan jaringan tulang.Kata kunci: implan gigi; titanium; modifikasi permukaan; alternate soaking process  ABSTRACTIntroduction: Several methods have been developed to improve the osseointegration process of titanium implants, including the alternate soaking process. This method was proven to create porosity roughness and CaP compounds on implants through immersion in a solution of CaCl2 and Na2HPO4. The study aimed to determine the microstructure of the surface-modified titanium dental implant prototype using the alternate soaking process method with different concentrations of CaCl2 and Na2HPO4. Methods: A descriptive exploratory research was conducted on the samples, which were titanium implant prototype sized 20x15x0.5mm, divided into four categories based on the treatment. Samples without pre-treatment and surface modification were determined as control (L0). Samples with pre-treatment and surface modification using the alternate soaking process method with CaCl2 and Na2HPO4 solutions of 67 mmol/L and 40 mmol/L were determined as L1; concentrations of 200 mmol/L and 120 mmol/L as L2; concentrations of 600 mmol/L and 360 mmol/L as L3. Results: The microstructural examinations showed that samples in the L0 group were not porous, while samples in the L1, L2, and L3 groups appeared to be porous, with the porous size of 80-150, 400-700, and 50-90 m, respectively. Increasing CaCl2 and Na2HPO4 increased the amount of white deposit (CaP) on the titanium implant prototype surface. The samples in group L0 showed a higher TiO2 layer than samples in group L1, L2, and L3 with thickness figures of 135, 70.5, 104, and 92 m, consecutively. Conclusions: Surface modified titanium dental implant prototype with alternate soaking process method with 200 mmol/L of CaCl2 and 20 mmol/L of Na2HPO4 produced a porous microstructure which has the potential to be more optimal in inducing bone tissue growth.Keywords: dental implant; titanium; surface modification; alternate soaking process
Comparison of brittleness and flowability between Cipetir Gutta-Percha and commercial Gutta-Percha Kosterman Usri; Yanwar Faza; Arya Sanjaya; Nona Viona; Nina Djustiana; Elin Karlina; Renny Febrida; Arief Cahyanto
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 34, No 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol34no1.38869


Introduction: Gutta-Percha (GP) is a standard endodontic filling material found in pure form in the Cipetir area, Indonesia. However, a study comparing physical properties (brittleness and flowability) between pure GP and commercially used GP has not been found. Therefore, this study aims to test the brittleness and flowability of Cipetir GP compared to commercial GP. Methods: This study was quasi-experimental. Forty samples were prepared for each material and test, according to ANSI/ADA specification-GP cones-no 78 in 2006. The first step began by making a sample of Cipetir GP using moulds from a cuvette, commercial GP (Inline #80), and gypsum stone. The second step was to test the brittleness (Crease Recovery Tester) and flowability (according to ADA No. 78 of 2000) of Cipetir GP and commercial GP. Results: The brittleness test of Cipetir GP showed unbroken samples, and the commercial GP showed four broken samples. The Fisher's Exact test showed a p-value of 0.087, which means there was no significant difference in brittleness between Cipetir GP and commercial GP. At the same time, the average value of flowability of Cipetir GP and commercial GP were 6.46 mm and 0.19 mm, respectively. The unpaired t-test showed a p-value<0.05, which means there was a significant difference in the flowability between Cipetir GP and commercial GP. Conclusions: There is a brittleness similarity between Cipetir GP and commercial GP, while the flowability value of Cipetir GP is higher than commercial GP. Those initial findings showed that the Cipetir GP might become an excellent candidate to be an alternative endodontic filling.
Hardness evaluation of dental composites fabricated from the uniform size and well-distributed zirconia-alumina-silica fillers with sol-gel technique Muhammad Lukman Nur Hakim; Yanwar Faza; Zulia Hasratiningsih; Nina Djustiana; Bambang Sunendar
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 30, No 2 (2018): July 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (433.347 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol30no2.18319


Introduction: Several factor limits of services of dental composite have triggered further improvement. ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system as filler of dental composite had been developed with sol-gel technique. Ultrasonic homogeniser were reported to change the particle size ditribution or shape. Unifom size and distribution of particle is believed to help define the behavior of hardness properties. Methods: The study was an laboratory experimental design. Filler ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system were developed via sol-gel methods. Post calcination process, filler were immerse in ethanol and applied with ultrasonic homogeniser, with various amplitude i.e 50 rpm, 60 rpm and 80 rpm then named sample A, B, and C. XRD, SEM anda PSA were used to characterize of filler system. Subsequent filler were used to fabricate dental composite then evaluate the hardness value using micro-hardness tester. One–way ANOVA was used to analysis the statistical result of hardness value. Results: XRD pattern of three sample were similar in which tetragonal zirconia was prominent (57-61 %) followed by monoclinic zirconia (24-25%) and amorphous (15-17 %). While, SEM and PSA characterization showed amplitude 50 rpm (sample A) produce more uniform size and well-distributed particle filler than the others. In contrary, sample B and C showed higher peak in PSA results. It means there was dominating of filler with particular size.  However, the hardness value did not show significant differences between those filler (p>0,05). Conclusion: Dental composite that contain of different uniformity and distribution of filler ZrO2-Al2O3-SiO2 system has no significantly differences of hardness value.
Flexural properties of electrospun polymethyl methacrylate microfiber-reinforced BisGMA for dental post prefabrication Nina Djustiana; Yanwar Faza; Arief Cahyanto
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 33, No 3 (2021): November
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol33no3.36255


Introduction: A dental post is a restoration to preserve the remaining tooth structure thus can be functioned normally. Many researchers suggested a fiber dental post due to its biomechanical properties that are similar to dentin structure. This study aims to analyse the flexural properties of electrospun polymethyl methacrylate microfiber-reinforced BisGMA for dental post prefabrication. Methods: The sample used was following the ADA guideline, as well as for the number of samples. The sample size was 25×2×2mm, which is close to the average dental post size. PMMA microfibers were prepared by dissolving heat cure PMMA powder with 99% acetone, then electrospinning with a rotary collector. Acquired PMMA microfibers were immersed into the resin matrix containing BisGMA, camphorquinone, and 2-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) as a monomer, initiator, and co-initiator, respectively, to prepare the dental posts. Results: PMMA microfibers structure and surface fracture of dental posts were confirmed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). PMMA microfibers show unaligned fiber morphology with an approximate diameter size of 1-5 µm.  A universal testing machine was used to measure the dental post's flexural properties (flexural strength and flexural modulus). Dental posts with PMMA fibers showed higher flexural strength (83.5 ± 10.7 MPa) compared to the dental post without PMMA fibers (61.7 ± 3.03 MPa) with a p-value <0.05. On the other hand, PMMA fibers' addition did not significantly increase the dental post's flexural modulus. Conclusion: The PMMA microfibers can intimately adhere to the BisGMA mixture as the resin matrix. Therefore, the PMMA microfiber significantly improves the flexural strength of the BisGMA for dental post prefabrication.
Effect of 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane on diametral tensile strength of rice husk silica-based dental composite Renny Febrida; Madeiva Wulanhapsari; Yanwar Faza; Elin Karlina; Arief Cahyanto; Solihudin Solihudin; Diana Rakhmawati Eddy
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 34, No 2 (2022): July
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol34no2.41242


ABSTRACTIntroduction: Rice husk silica has been studied as a filler in dental composite, however, the mechanical properties of the resulting composites are below the commercial due to the poor surface modification between silica and resin matrix. 3-methacryloxyprpyltrimethoxysilane (MPTS) is one of the coupling agents that are effective to modify the silica surface. The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of MPTS on the diametral tensile strength (DTS) of the self-made composite using rice husk silica.  Methods: The research type of this study was an experimental research laboratory. The samples (26 samples) were divided into two groups, namely the test group (using MPTS-modified silica) and the control group (using non-modified silica). The samples were cylindrical in shape with a diameter of 6.0 ± 0.1 mm and a height of 3.0 ± 0.1 mm according to ANSI/ADAS No. 27, 1993 and ISO 4049, 1988. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), HORIBA, was used to characterize the MPTS grafting on the silica surface. The DTS value is measured by Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Lloyd LRX Plus. Results: FTIR presents the additional peak of carboxyl and methacryloyl group at 1716, 1555, and 1410 cm-1 wavenumber, respectively in MPTS-modified silica. The DTS value of the test group was 43.40 ± 4.43 MPa and the control group was 25.80 ± 2.63 MPa. The test group was significantly higher than the control group (p-value = 0.001). Conclusion: The MPTS is effective to enhance the DTS value of rice husk silica-based composite.Keywords: Rice husk silica; dental composite; diametral tensile strength; 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane.
Preparation of micro-calcite powder using fine-bubble assisted carbonation as toothpaste material Renny Febrida; Dinda Jihan Nabillah Salma; Fauziah Azzahra; Elin Karlina; Niekla Survia Andiesta; Yanwar Faza
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 35, No 1 (2023): March 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol35no1.44519


ABSTRACTIntroduction: Calcite (CaCO3) is typically used in commercial toothpaste with particle size ranges from 1-12 μm. In the latest study, calcite was synthesized by using Ca(OH)2 precursor from natural resources However, the resulting particle size does not match the size of the toothpaste filler. This study aims to prepare micro-calcite via fine-bubble assisted carbonation as toothpaste material. Methods: The calcite powder was prepared from Ca(OH)2 analytical grade powder utilizing the fine-bubble carbonation process with the Ca(OH)2 concentration and initial pH variation. The study was started by making a Ca(OH)2 suspension with a concentration of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 and 1.25 M using 2.000 ml methanol as a solvent. 0.5 M NaH2PO4 solutions were utilized to adjust the initial pH of 0.5 M Ca(OH)2 suspension into 8, 9, and 10. The suspensions were aerated using CO2 fine-bubble for two hours to produce CaCO3 samples. All precipitated CaCO3 particles were characterized by PSA, Zeta-Potential, and FTIR measurements. Results: The calcite phase was identified from the FTIR transmittance. Aragonite or vaterite phase was not observed in the samples. PSA result shows the size of CaCO3 particles from samples 0.25 M to 1.25 M are as follows 3.03, 3.23, 2.79, 3.70, 0.99 μm respectively. Meanwhile, the particle sizes of CaCO3 in samples with a pH of 8, 9 and 10 are 3.00, 2.03 and 2.50 μm respectively. The zeta potential shows the value ranges from -23.2 mV to -11.9 mV, indicating fair dispersion ability. Conclusion: The fine bubble assisted carbonation method in this study helps in producing calcite in micron size that could be used as alternative fillers for toothpaste.Keywords: calcite, fine-bubble, carbonation, particle size, toothpaste
B-Dent: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Baiturrahmah Vol 10, No 2 (2023): Vol 10 No 2, Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Baiturrahmah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33854/jbd.v10i2.1512


Background. Particles of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) have been applied in a number of fields, including as dental biomaterial. Because CaCO3 particles have three distinct polymorphs and complex crystallization behavior, it is difficult to systematically adjust their physical properties for desired applications. Objective. This investigation aims to examine the influence of the addition of the 0.02 M HCl additive on the phase and size of the CaCO3 particles synthesized with the fine bubble diffuser method. Methods. The type of research is descriptive explorative. There were two sample groups in this study, and each group had three replications (n = 3). Group 1 added 0.02 M of HCl as an addition to the as-prepared material, while Group 2 added no HCl at all. The phase of CaCO3 was evaluated by using the FTIR (Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS5), while the particle size was measured via DLS (Horiba Scientifica SZ-100 Nanopartica) Result. The results showed the sample of CaCO3 without any additive posesses Amorphous Calcium Carbonate (ACC) and calcite. Meanwhile, sample of CaCO3 with addition of HCL 0.02 M showed ACC, calcites and vaterite phase. Particle size of CaCO3 without additve is larger than another one. Conclusion. In this study, the addition of the additive HCl 0.02 resulted in a decrease in the pH of the solution resulting in a phase change from clacite to vaterite as well as decreasing the particle size of CaCO3.