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Affective and Psychomotor Education in Islamic Religious Learning through the Use of Technology during the Covid-19 Pandemic Aat Royhatudin; Abdul Mujib; Naf'an Tarihoran
International Journal of Nusantara Islam Vol 9, No 2 (2021): International Journal of Nusantara Islam
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ijni.v9i2.16865


This research highlights the understanding of religion, as well as actualizing affective and psychomotor education based on the ability to explore sources of knowledge, then be positive and responsible so that understanding of religion through online learning by utilizing technology, learners can communicate and interact with their teachers well, especially in the midst of a pandemic.By utilizing technology even if it does not involve direct interaction between teachers and learners who are factors and indicators of the success of education implemented, Islamic learning in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic through the use of technology can be done.The purpose of the research is to explain that PAI learning with the benefits of IT (Information Technology) can actualize religious understanding as a discipline integratively and comprehensively, so that for learners Mathla'ul Anwar improves affective and psychomotor education that is actualized in the daily life of learners.   Qualitative research methods with in-depth collection of interview results data and documentation related to research.The results showed that PAI learning by utilizing technology in the midst of a pandemic, learners were able to actualize comprehensively and effectively so that affective and psychomotor education of learners were able to contextualize religious guidance in accordance with the demands of the times with strict spiritual maintenance, while increasing individual piety and social piety in accessing information in accordance with the needs of society.
Pendidikan Islam Dalam Geraan Transnasional Desyi Rosita; Aat Royhatudin
Alim | Journal of Islamic Education Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Alim | Journal of Islamic Education
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah I DKI Jakarta dan Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In this paper, it will be analyzed descriptively that transnational Islamic movements in religious education have strong strategies and doctrines, systematic and systematic curriculum design, hidden curriculum, especially in learning activities in simple places, ranging from mosques, pesantren and even madrasa, and tertiary institutions as high institutions by including values ​​and religious teachings as Islamic Puritanism Movement which is very urgent to return to the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, the teachings of pure Islam and to leave even eradicate other teachings outside the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. But in this paper there is an alternative offer of a deconstruction that explains that the education of Rosulullah with ta'dibiyah has a great character, which reflects a pious personality so that the message of grace leads to peace and plurality and tolerance in religion.
Kordinat: Jurnal Komunikasi antar Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Vol 21, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Komunikasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah I DKI Jakarta dan Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/kordinat.v21i2.28453


The potential for radicalism and exclusivity towards students is more about understanding texts without being described in context, so it is important to teach religious moderation, especially at the high school level. This study aims to analyze and examine the process of disseminating religious moderation in character building as religious education for students is very important to do, namely to strengthen their character so that the negative behavior of others does not easily affect them. In practice, religious moderation requires management to run optimally. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the type of case study. The results showed that religious moderation which was disseminated in Rohis religious activities was strengthened by madrasa management through the implementation of activities by utilizing social media, that religious moderation in madrasas and boarding schools carried out the importance of religious moderation in instilling various values of moderation in students, instilling and applying values. the value of goodness exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Cakrawala Pedagogik Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Cakrawala Pedagogik
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Pendidikan Syekh Manshur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51499/cp.v6i1.308


Digital-based learning of the kitab kuning, in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, is actually learning that integrates religious science and technology science, which involves direct interaction between teachers and students which is a factor and indicator of the success of the education being implemented. Because the teacher is actually able to make good and effective interactions by understanding the knowledge of religion and science, the student will find it easier to communicate and interact with the teacher. The purpose of the research is to explain that digital-based learning of the yellow book, part of the integration of science that is able to understand IT (Information Technology) and actualize religion as a scientific discipline in an integrative and comprehensive manner, so that students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Masyariqul Anwar Caringin not only increase cognitive intelligence, psychomotor and affective but also spiritual intelligence which is actualized in life. Qualitative research methods by collecting data from interviews and documentation. The results of this study found that students with digital-based yellow book learning were able to understand religion comprehensively and effectively so that cognitive intelligence through digital book content assessment was able to be studied and understood, and with psychomotor intelligence students were able to read the contents of the book with elat (sharaf) skills. and e'rob (nahwu) as well as affective intelligence that students are able to contextualize the guidance of the contents of the book with the demands of the times, thus students not only increase individual piety but social piety in accessing information in accordance with the demands of the times and the needs of society
Kordinat: Jurnal Komunikasi antar Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Vol 21, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Komunikasi Antar Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah I DKI Jakarta dan Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/kordinat.v21i2.28453


The potential for radicalism and exclusivity towards students is more about understanding texts without being described in context, so it is important to teach religious moderation, especially at the high school level. This study aims to analyze and examine the process of disseminating religious moderation in character building as religious education for students is very important to do, namely to strengthen their character so that the negative behavior of others does not easily affect them. In practice, religious moderation requires management to run optimally. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the type of case study. The results showed that religious moderation which was disseminated in Rohis religious activities was strengthened by madrasa management through the implementation of activities by utilizing social media, that religious moderation in madrasas and boarding schools carried out the importance of religious moderation in instilling various values of moderation in students, instilling and applying values. the value of goodness exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Cakrawala Pedagogik Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Cakrawala Pedagogik
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Pendidikan Syekh Manshur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51499/cp.v7i1.411


Children with special needs in the context of empirical facts have different physical and mental, so that psychlogically treated differently in general, it is necessary inclusion education with a press point on two things namely personality and character are specifically discussed using Islamic Psychopedagogical approach. The purpose of this study is how Islamic psychopedagogy can be implemented by educators and parents in the Special School of Bahari Labuan, then it can be absorbed by children with special needs who are assumed to be very weak in academic due to physical limitations. This qualitative research method reveals a certain meaning or understanding, with observational data collection techniques and in-depth interviews and then analyzed descriptively with Islamic psychopedagogical approach conducted to educators and parents of children with special needs in special schools nautical Labuan. The results showed that with inclusion and open services, psychologically, pedagogically and Islamic values to educators and parents are then understood and implemented by educators at school and parents at home, the character of children with special needs is more easily recognized from attitudes and behaviors, such as impaired learning ability in children, impaired emotional and interacting ability in children and other ability disorders in children can be overcome with Islamic Psychopedagogical design, especially in inclusive education.
Affective and Psychomotor Education in Islamic Religious Learning through the Use of Technology during the Covid-19 Pandemic Aat Royhatudin; Abdul Mujib; Naf'an Tarihoran
International Journal of Nusantara Islam Vol 9, No 2 (2021): International Journal of Nusantara Islam
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ijni.v9i2.16865


This research highlights the understanding of religion, as well as actualizing affective and psychomotor education based on the ability to explore sources of knowledge, then be positive and responsible so that understanding of religion through online learning by utilizing technology, learners can communicate and interact with their teachers well, especially in the midst of a pandemic.By utilizing technology even if it does not involve direct interaction between teachers and learners who are factors and indicators of the success of education implemented, Islamic learning in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic through the use of technology can be done.The purpose of the research is to explain that PAI learning with the benefits of IT (Information Technology) can actualize religious understanding as a discipline integratively and comprehensively, so that for learners Mathla'ul Anwar improves affective and psychomotor education that is actualized in the daily life of learners.   Qualitative research methods with in-depth collection of interview results data and documentation related to research.The results showed that PAI learning by utilizing technology in the midst of a pandemic, learners were able to actualize comprehensively and effectively so that affective and psychomotor education of learners were able to contextualize religious guidance in accordance with the demands of the times with strict spiritual maintenance, while increasing individual piety and social piety in accessing information in accordance with the needs of society.
Kontirbusi Nilai-Nilai Kesantrian dalam Dunia Global Aat Royhatudin; Agus Hidayatullah
Ta'dibiya Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Ta'dibiya
Publisher : Staisman Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61624/japi.v1i2.5


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi bahwa santri sebagai pewaris tunggal dalam hal menerima mandat keagamaan dan keislaman, karena kehadiran Islam dengan al quran mampu menjelaskan teks-teks keimanan menjadi konteks ketakwaan, namun yang lebih dasar lagi dalam memahami narasi-narasi dari ide-idenya sebagai bentuk kecintaannya seorang kyai ada pada santri, karena santri sebagai identitas dan estafet keilmuan seorang Kyai kelak di masa kini dan yang akan datang mampu meneruskan keberlanjutan dan keberlangsungan spiritualitas dan intelektualitasnya, sehingga dipastikan bahwa wajah ramah dan kedamaian penelitian dirumuskan bagaiamana Islam melalui identitas santri adalah representasi keislaman yang telah diproduksi melalui nilai profetik yakni humanisasi, liberasi dan transendensi. ketiga nilai ini mewujud dan membentuk dalam realisasi dan intisari cahaya Tuhan, dari percikan cahaya Tuhan turun kepada Nabi sebagai bentuk otoritas Tuhan dengan menggerakan pancaran pada proses humanisasi, liberasi dan transendensi yang dituangkan dalam bentuk sikap teladan dari sifat kenabian yang sejak lama diwahyukan yang kemudian diwariskan kepada ulama sehingga kemampuannya di tahapan ushul adalah ilmu kebenaran yang hakiki dari nilai-nilai agama yang utuh dan komprehensif, pada tahapan furu’ santri dalam tataran keilmuan secara praktis sebagai perubahan yang matang dalam mengampu ilmu yang bisa dimanfaatkankan, ini tidak lebih sebagai bukti sahih bahwa keberadaaan santri bisa menghidupkan kembali cahaya Tuhan dan menenentramkan di tengah-tengah masyarakat dan dunia yang semakin mengglobal.
RELEVANSI KEBIJAKAN PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL DAN IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM: (Pembelajaran Kitab Kuning Berbasis Digital di MTs Masyariqul Anwar Caringin) Siti Maryam; Aat Royhatudin; Siti Jubaedah
Ta'dibiya Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Ta'dibiya Jurnal Agama dan Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Staisman Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61624/japi.v2i1.8


Pendidikan Islam dengan pembelajaran kitab kuning berbasis digital yang diajarkan di madrasah, pembelajaran yang mengintegrasikan ilmu pengetahuan agama dengan sains teknologi, sebagai bantahan atas asumsi dualisme yang tertuang dalam Undang-undang sistem pendidikan nasional. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk menjelaskan bahwa pembelajaran kitab kuning berbasis digital mampu memahami agama sebagai disiplin ilmu secara integratif dan komprehensif, sehingga bagi peserta didik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Masyariqul Anwar Caringin bukan hanya meningkat kecerdasan kognitif melainkan kecerdasan psikomotorik. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa peserta didik dengan pembelajaran agama berbasis digital mampu memahami agama secara komprehensif sehingga bukan hanya meningkatkan kesalehan individu namun kesalehan sosial dalam mengakses informasi sesuai dengan tuntutan zaman dan kebutuhan masyarakat.
Ta'dibiya Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Ta'dibiya Jurnal Agama dan Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Staisman Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61624/japi.v2i2.53


The learning process of Thoharoh Fiqh is an activity that involves several components, namely educators, students, and other components in the teaching and learning process that influence each other in order to the achievement of predetermined goals is related to important knowledge about the sacred which is a condition for the validity of worship. This study aims to determine the learning process of Thoharoh Fiqh and to know the self-actualization and implementation of students in increasing individual piety at MTs Masyariqul Anwar Caringin through worship practices as a form of individual piety. This research is a field research with a qualitative approach. The subjects in this study were Fiqh teachers and grade VII and VIII MTs Masyariqul Anwar Caringin, while the data in this study were collected through interview, observation, and documentary techniques. The results showed that the Fiqh thoharoh learning process at MTs Masyariqul Anwar Caringin in terms of implementation used the 2013 curriculum, in planning Fiqh teachers also made annual programs, semester programs, syllabus and lesson plans to facilitate the learning process by using methods commonly used at the time of learning, namely the lecture method, demonstration and question and answer. So that the thoharoh practice carried out on MTs Masyariqul Anwar Caringin students is able to practice ablution, tayamum and how to remove najis as a real form of individual piety.