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Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat (JPMS) Vol 2, No 3 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/ms.v2i3.1028


The aim of community service is that high school youth after attending counseling can increase knowledge about balanced menus and the benefits of iron tablets in an effort to prevent anemia. Increasing the value of pre-test-post-test the level of knowledge about the balanced menu and the benefits of target iron tablets (blood-added tablets) at SMKN 1 Sukawati ranged from 0.0-50.0 with an average of 16.5 (SD = 11.39), whereas in SMAN 1 Sukawati ranged from 0.0-58.3 with an average of 32.1 (SD = 16.51). Based on a paired test statistical analysis it turns out that the pre-test value of the level of knowledge is significantly different compared to the value of the post-test (p = 0,000), which means the counseling method provided is effective for increasing target knowledge about balanced menus and the benefits of iron tablets. In practice the balanced menu is generally good because it meets the principle of a balanced menu. The menu type is good, namely consumption for lunch consisting of staple foods, animal and vegetable side dishes, vegetables and fruit. The number of menus selected still needs attention, especially the amount of vegetables and rice.
Pelatihan Membuat Puding Buah Pada Kader Posyandu Di Kecamatan Ubud Kabupaten Gianyar Tahun 2018 I Komang Agusjaya M; Ni Made Dewantari; Ni Made Yuni Gumala
Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat Vol 1, No 4 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/ms.v1i4.936


The aim of community service is that Posyandu cadres after training can make fruit pudding as an alternative to PMT variations in Posyandu. The targets were posyandu cadres in Sayan Village and Singakerta Village, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency, totaling 28 people. The method used was a lecture and practice carried out at the Sayan Village Office in Ubud District of Gianyar Regency on 29 September 2018. How to deliver the material using computer aids and LCD, then continued the practice of making fruit pudding. The pudding evaluation is made at the favorite level test with the hedonic test. In general, it was found that the taste of pudding was liked by the trainees and it was recommended to make the Chocolate Fruit Pudding as a PMT at the posyandu.Keywords: Fruit Pudding, Posyandu Cadre
Consumption Pattern Of Nutrition And Infection Disease Relating To The Chronic Energy Deficiency On Pregnant Woman In Working Region Puskesmas Selat Karangasem District Ni Putu Dian Ardianti; I Made Rodja Suantara; I Komang Agusjaya
Jurnal Ilmu Gizi : Journal of Nutrition Science Vol 7, No 3 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Gizi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar dan DPD PERSAGI Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (666.77 KB) | DOI: 10.33992/jig.v7i3.340


In Indonesia based on data from Riskesdas (Ministry of Health, 2013) the prevalence of the risk of chronic energy deficiency (CED) in pregnant women (15 - 49 years) was 24.2%. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of consumption of nutrients and infectious diseases in relation to the incidence of chronic energy deficiency in pregnant women conducted for 4 months, 2018 in the working area of the Puskesmas Selat, Karangasem regency. The design of this research is cross sectional. The research sample of all pregnant women who examined their pregnancies at the Puskesmas Selat was 53 samples. The data collected are CED data, consumption patterns (different types of food ingredients, the amount of energy and protein consumption and frequency of eating), infectious diseases (environmental sanitation and personal hygiene). Furthermore, the data is analyzed descriptively using frequency tables and cross tables. The results of this study found the prevalence of KEK pregnant women 18.9% and normal pregnant women 81.1%. The average energy consumption was 1989.4 kcal (SD 333.5), the result of energy consumption was 54.7% moderate, 28.3% less and 17.0% deficit. The average protein consumption is 66.3 grams (SD 10.1), the results of protein consumption are 54.7% medium and 45.3% deficit. Data on infectious diseases 15.1% have suffered from infectious diseases and 84.9% have never suffered from infectious diseases. Environmental sanitation of CED pregnant women is 80.0% good and normal pregnant women are 90.0% good. Personal hygiene pregnant women with CED 80.0% are good and normal pregnant women are 97.7% good. The tendency of low energy and protein consumption will increase the incidence of CED. Therefore it is needed nutrition counseling and counseling about balanced nutrition, danger of KEK for the mother and fetus they contain, cross-sectoral and cross-program involvement to reduce the prevalence of CED.Keywords : Chonic Energy Deficiency (CED), consumption patterns, infectious diseases and pregnant women
Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat Vol 2, No 3 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (748.867 KB) | DOI: 10.33992/ms.v2i3.1028


The aim of community service is that high school youth after attending counseling can increase knowledge about balanced menus and the benefits of iron tablets in an effort to prevent anemia. Increasing the value of pre-test-post-test the level of knowledge about the balanced menu and the benefits of target iron tablets (blood-added tablets) at SMKN 1 Sukawati ranged from 0.0-50.0 with an average of 16.5 (SD = 11.39), whereas in SMAN 1 Sukawati ranged from 0.0-58.3 with an average of 32.1 (SD = 16.51). Based on a paired test statistical analysis it turns out that the pre-test value of the level of knowledge is significantly different compared to the value of the post-test (p = 0,000), which means the counseling method provided is effective for increasing target knowledge about balanced menus and the benefits of iron tablets. In practice the balanced menu is generally good because it meets the principle of a balanced menu. The menu type is good, namely consumption for lunch consisting of staple foods, animal and vegetable side dishes, vegetables and fruit. The number of menus selected still needs attention, especially the amount of vegetables and rice.
Pelatihan Membuat Puding Buah Pada Kader Posyandu Di Kecamatan Ubud Kabupaten Gianyar Tahun 2018 I Komang Agusjaya M; Ni Made Dewantari; Ni Made Yuni Gumala
Jurnal Pengabmas Masyarakat Sehat Vol 1, No 4 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (634.746 KB) | DOI: 10.33992/ms.v1i4.936


The aim of community service is that Posyandu cadres after training can make fruit pudding as an alternative to PMT variations in Posyandu. The targets were posyandu cadres in Sayan Village and Singakerta Village, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency, totaling 28 people. The method used was a lecture and practice carried out at the Sayan Village Office in Ubud District of Gianyar Regency on 29 September 2018. How to deliver the material using computer aids and LCD, then continued the practice of making fruit pudding. The pudding evaluation is made at the favorite level test with the hedonic test. In general, it was found that the taste of pudding was liked by the trainees and it was recommended to make the Chocolate Fruit Pudding as a PMT at the posyandu.Keywords: Fruit Pudding, Posyandu Cadre
Modification of Traditional Balinese Food as Disaster Emergency Food Ni Putu Agustini; I Gusti Putu Sudita Puryana; I Komang Agusjaya Mataram
JURNAL NUTRISIA Vol 24 No 1 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29238/jnutri.v24i1.268


This study aimed to make disaster formula food based on traditional Balinese local food quality, nutritious, safe and in accordance with Balinese culture so that it can be accepted to cope with food availability in a state of disaster. The development of the disaster formula is based on the traditional Balinese jaja satuh meal made from glutinous rice flour and brown sugar with the substitution of treatment using green beans powder, peanuts, and cashews as a source of protein, and Moringa leaf powder as a source of food fiber. The study was designed in a randomized block design with six formulations and three replications. The results showed that the selected treatment of the formulation was F4 (20 g glutinous rice flour, 25g peanut powder, 5 g Moringa leaf powder, and 50 g brown sugar) with a degree of preference for color, aroma, texture, taste and overall acceptance of the like value.This formula has a water content of 7.18%, ash 1.34%, protein 16.41%, fat 13.53%, carbohydrates 61.48%, food fiber 18.87%, Fe 6.23 ppm and total energy of 433.27 per 100 gram formula. This formula is microbiologically safe with a shelf life more than 10 days. One portion of Balinese traditional local food-based disaster formula as much as 50 g can contribute energy of 216.64 kcal (10.31%), protein 8,205 g (16.41%), and fat 6.765 g (16.91%) for the standard emergency food is 2100 kcal, 50 g protein and 40 g fat.
MEDIA BINA ILMIAH Vol 14, No 8: Maret 2020
Publisher : BINA PATRIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.476 KB) | DOI: 10.33758/mbi.v14i8.486


Latar Belakang : Sekolah Menengah Pertama/ Mts diperoleh bahwa SMP SMAN 7  Mataram berada pada peringkat pertama yang memiliki jumlah siswa puteri terbanyak menderita anemia yaitu sebesar 68,4%. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari Model “Breakfast time” dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, konsumsi Zat gizi, dan kadar Hb siswi remaja putri  di SMAN 7 Mataram. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen semu (quasi experimental) dengan menggunakan randomized control group pretest-post test desain. Terhadap 20 sampel (sampel jenuh) yang dibagi 10 siswa kelompok perlakuan dan 10 kelompok kontrol. Dari hasil analisis univariat dan bivariat terhadap variable yang diteliti yaitu pengetahuan, kadar Hb, serta konsumsi zat gizi berupa energy, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, asam folat dan Zink diperoleh deskripsi bahwa Ada pengaruh yang siginifikan pemberian “breakfast time” terhadap peningkatan kadar Hb siswa dari rata-rata 11,2 gr% menjadi 12,7 gr% (p<0,05). Ada pengaruh yang siginifikan pemberian “breakfast time” terhadap peningkatan berat badan siswa yang diukur dengan Indeks Massa Tubuh dari 21,4 BB/TB2 menjadi 22,1 BB/TB2 (p<0,05). Ada pengaruh yang siginifikan pemberian “breakfast time” terhadap peningkatan Pengetahuan siswa dari 50,0 point menjadi 77,2 point (p<0,05).  Ada pengaruh yang signifikan intervensi “breakfast time” terhadap konsumsi energi, lemak, karbohidrat, asam folat siswa. Tidak ada perbedaan kadar Hb siswa antara kelompok yang diberikan intevensi “breakfast time” dengan yang tidak diberikan “breakfast time” (p>0,05). Tidak ada perbedaan Indeks Masa Tubuh siswa antara kelompok yang diberikan “breakfast time” dengan yang tidak diberikan intervensi “breakfast time” (p>0,05). Ada perbedaan pengetahuan siswa yang diberikan intervensi “breakfast time” dengan siswa yang tidak diberikan “breakfast time”.
Jurnal Ilmu Gizi : Journal of Nutrition Science Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar dan DPD PERSAGI Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jig.v10i1.852


Nutrition is one of the main determinants of the quality of Human Resources. Good nutritional status will affect the process of growth and development of children, one of which can improve intellectual abilities that will have an impact on learning achievement in school. In general, the purpose of this study was to determine the nutritional status and learning achievement of children at SDN 6 Sanur. This type of research was observational with a cross sectional design. This research was conducted at SDN 6 Sanur in February to April 2019. The results showed that normal nutritional status was 45 (61.64%). Learning achievement can be interpreted as the level of success of students in learning subject matter in schools which are expressed in scores obtained from the results of tests on a number of certain subject matter (Sutanto, 2013). Specific subject matter is namely Religion of Character, PPKN, Indonesian Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, SBdP, PJOK, Balinese Language, and Language. Most of the samples that had good nutritional status with good learning achievement were 49 (67.12%), but there were still less than 5 (6.85%). Samples with normal nutritional status who have good learning achievement as many as 31 (42.46%), but there are those who are thin (8.22%), obese (9.59%), and obese (5.48%) have learning achievements with good category. Although the sample has a nutritional status that is lacking (very thin and thin) or has more nutritional status (fat and obese) can also have good learning achievements. This happens probably because of how to learn samples both at school and while studying in their homes under the guidance of parents. From this data samples with good nutritional status tend to have good learning achievements. This is probably due to the sample with good nutritional status that will have good concentration when attending school. Besides that the presence of samples in the school will be more optimal.  Keywords: Nutritional Status; Learning achievement; Primary school children 
Jurnal Ilmu Gizi : Journal of Nutrition Science Vol 10, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar dan DPD PERSAGI Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jig.v10i4.1154


Nutrition is one of the most important factors and major development determinants of teenager growth, as in adolescence, the hormonal changes that cause the rapid growth of other phases in life except the first year of life. This research aimed to investigate the dietary habit and teenager's nutritional status at Bungaya Traditional Village, Karangasem Regency. This research method used cross sectional method. The samples of research were 41 teenager with an age range of 13-18 years old who are living at Dusun Beji in Bungaya Village, Karangasem Regency. Dietary habbit was umeasured by the Food Recall 1x24 hours and nutritional status of BMI. Data analysis describe according to the purpose. The results showed as much of 41 total samples of 34 samples (82.9%) had dietary habit in the good diet pattern categories with a tendency to have a normal nutritional status were 20 people (58.8%) of the total sample with a good diet habbt. Obeses was 7 samples (20.6%), overweight was 6 samples (17.6%) and thinness was 1 sample (2.9%). While the sample with enough dietary habbit as many as 7 people consisted of 5 samples (71.4%) with normlal nutritional status and 2 samples (28.6% ) of the total sampelts with enough dietary habbit included in thinness. Food frequency, type and amount of food will affect food intake which will have an impact on nutritional status. Then there needs to be improvements in food consumption both in quantity and quality and variety of food menus. Meal frequency, type and amount of food would affect food intake that have an impact on nutritional status. So it needed for improvements in dietary habit both in quantity and quality and variety of the food menu.Keywords             : Dietary habbit, Nutritional status, Teenagers
Hubungan Status Asi Eksklusif Dan Pola Pemberian Mp-Asi Dengan Status Gizi Baduta Kadek Meita Cahya Ningsih; I Komang Agusjaya Mataram; I Gusti Agung Ari Widarti
Jurnal Ilmu Gizi : Journal of Nutrition Science Vol 12, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar dan DPD PERSAGI Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33992/jig.v12i2.1998


Status gizi merupakan kondisi tubuh setelah mengonsumsi makanan dan kebutuhan serta penggunaan zat gizi dalam tubuh sebagai sumber energi, pertumbuhan, pengatur, dan pemeliharaan jaringan tubuh. Status gizi dapat dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu faktor langsung seperti asupan makanan dan penyakit infeksi dan tidak langsung seperti tingkat pendidikan, status sosial, tingkat pengetahuan, dan pendapatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan status ASI Eksklusif dan pola pemberian MP-ASI dengan status gizi pada anak baduta di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Busungbiu I. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan Cross Sectional yang dilakukan pada Bulan Desember tahun 2021. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 303 anak umur 12-23 bulan dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 115 anak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebanyak 39 anak (33,9) mendapat ASI Eksklusif, sebanyak 66 anak (57,4) dengan pola pemberian MP-ASI sesuai dengan standar, dan sebanyak 61 anak (53) memiliki status gizi baik. Hasil uji Spearman menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara status ASI Eksklusif dengan status gizi (rs=0,933p=0,0130,05) dan pola pemberian MP-ASI dengan status gizi anak baduta (rs=0,881p=0,0270,05).Kata Kunci: ASI Eksklusif, MP-ASI, Status GiziStatus gizi merupakan kondisi tubuh setelah mengonsumsi makanan dan kebutuhan serta penggunaan zat gizi dalam tubuh sebagai sumber energi, pertumbuhan, pengatur, dan pemeliharaan jaringan tubuh. Status gizi dapat dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor, yaitu faktor langsung seperti asupan makanan dan penyakit infeksi dan tidak langsung seperti tingkat pendidikan, status sosial, tingkat pengetahuan, dan pendapatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan status ASI Eksklusif dan pola pemberian MP-ASI dengan status gizi pada anak baduta di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Busungbiu I. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan Cross Sectional yang dilakukan pada Bulan Desember tahun 2021. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 303 anak umur 12-23 bulan dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 115 anak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebanyak 39 anak (33,9) mendapat ASI Eksklusif, sebanyak 66 anak (57,4) dengan pola pemberian MP-ASI sesuai dengan standar, dan sebanyak 61 anak (53) memiliki status gizi baik. Hasil uji Spearman menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara status ASI Eksklusif dengan status gizi (rs=0,933p=0,0130,05) dan pola pemberian MP-ASI dengan status gizi anak baduta (rs=0,881p=0,0270,05).