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The Effectiveness of Melpredia Prediabetes Self Management Education Based on Android Applications on HbA1c Levels in People with Prediabetes Amelia Nurul Hakim; Hotma Rumahorbo; Sudirman Sudirman
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jk.v13i1.18219


Introduction: Prediabetes is a condition that will develop into type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DMT2) within 3-5 years. Glycaemic control is the primary intervention in long-term management, so structured education with appropriate and sustainable media is needed using mobile health technology. Objectives: The development of the "Melpredia" application based on an android application as a media for health promotion and its effect on HbA1c glycaemic control and self-care management. Methods: The Research type was Research and Development (R&D), and model testing using Quasi-experiments with pre-test post-test control group design was carried out for three months from January to April 2021. The purposive sampling technique consisted of 15 intervention groups and 15 control groups. The data were tested using Paired t-test and an independent t-test. The research instrument used by application "Melpredia." Results: The Android-based Melpredia application obtained a percentage of 89% (Fair) and the feasibility test for material aspects with a percentage of 90% (excellent). Using the Melpredia application has the effect of Prediabetes Self-Management Education based on an android application on HbA1c levels of 5.927 ± 0.1831 in people with prediabetes than conventional health promotion (p = 0.001). Conclusions: Application "Melpredia" android based and can effectively improve the HbA1c levels and self-care management of prediabetes in preventing diabetes mellitus by utilizing educational menu, meal planning, physical activity, and reminders use applications. "Melpredia" is more effective than conventional.
Journal of Applied Health Management and Technology Vol 3, No 1 (2021): January 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (216.305 KB) | DOI: 10.31983/jahmt.v1i1.5709


To evaluate the effectiveness of aerobic training on pain in Rheumatoid arthritis. Methods Asystematic literature search was carried out using the Pubmed, Embase, and Cochrane databases untilNovember 2016 and abstractly presented at a scientific meeting of rheumatology for 3 years. Randomizedcontrolled trials (RCTs) comparing resistance exercise-based therapy with interventions withoutresistance exercise for RA patients' treatment were included. Six literature studies, including 547 patients,met the study inclusion criteria. Patient characteristics and exercise did not affect the outcome. Subgroupanalysis revealed a trend toward higher effectiveness associated with high-intensity programs. There isevidence with a low risk of bias that an aerobic exercise program effectively reduces fatigue amongpatients with RA, especially in the short term. An RCT should be performed in patients with RA who areselected for fatigue to strengthen the evidence.
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang

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ABSTRACT Background: Pursed Lip Breathing is a breathing technique that exhales through pursed lips (cones) and breathes through the nose with the mouth closed. This technique is used to relieve shortness of breath and improve breathing. Purpose of the study: To describe the management of pursed lip breathing breathing techniques in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methods: This systematic review was compiled using the databases of Google scholar, Sciencee Direct and Pubmed. Article selection is carried out to identify relevant articles and then screening is carried out to adjust to the inclusion criteria. There were 16 articles that met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed using JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute Levels). Results: The results showed that the data showed that the management of the pursed lip breathing technique was influenced by the pursed lip breathing method or technique. Keywords: Methods, Pursed Lip Breathing, COPD, Techniques  GAMBARAN PENATALAKSANAAN TEKNIK PERNAFASAN PURSED LIPS BREATHING PADA PENYAKIT PARU OBSTRUKTIF KRONIK (PPOK): TINJAUAN SISTEMATIS ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Pursed Lip Breathing merupakan teknik pernapasan yang mengeluarkan napas melalui bibir yang mengerut (kerucut) dan bernapas melalui hidung dengan mulut tertutup. Teknik ini untuk meredakan sesak napa dan meningkatkan pernapasan. Tujuan penelitian: Untuk mengetahui gambaran penatalaksanaan teknik pernapasan pursed lip breathing pada pasien penyakit paru obstruktif kronik. Metode penelitian: Sistematic review ini disusun menggunakan database Google scholar, Scient direct dan Pubmed. Seleksi artikel dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi artikel yang relevan kemudian dilakukan screening untuk menyesuaikan dengan kriteria inklusi. Didapatkan 16 artikel yang idapat sesuai kriteria inklusi dan direview menggunakan JBI (Joanna Briggs Institute Levels). Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa data menunjukan bahsa penatalaksanaan pemberian teknik pernapasan pursed lip breathing dipengaruhi oleh metode atau tekni pernapasan pursed lip breathing. Kata kunci: Metode, Pursed Lip Breathing, PPOK, Teknik  
Edu Dharma Journal :Jurnal penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Edu Dharma Journal: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52031/edj.v7i1.525


ABSTRACTCouples of childbearing age ranging in age from 20-45 years where the couple (male and female) is mature enough in all matters especially in the reproductive organs are already functioning properly. Contraception is derived from the word "cons" which means to avoid or fight, and conception means the meeting between mature egg (woman) and sperm cell (male) that causes pregnancy. The purpose of this study is to identify "Factors Influencing The Selection of Contraceptives In Couples of Childbearing Age In An Effort to Suppress Baby Booms During the Covid-19 Pandemic". Research methods use descriptive analytical methods to determine if there is a relationship between independent variables and dependent variables. Cross-sectional design is a type of research in which data related to dependent variables or free variables (independent), data collected by means of questionnaires. The number of samples as many as 55 respondents in Waru Rt Village 03 Rw 06 Parung Bogor in 2021. The results of the study found that there is a relationship between the age of PUS and the selection of contraception (p-value = 0.015), there is a relationship between pus education and the selection of contraception (p-value = 0.032), there is no relationship between pus work and contraceptive selection (p-value = 0.0 08), there is no relationship between pus knowledge and contraceptive selection (p-value = 0.019), and there is no relationship between husband support and contraceptive selection (p-value = 0.032) in Waru Rt Village 03 Rw 06 Parung Bogor.ABSTRAKPasangan usia subur berkisar usia 20-45 tahun dimana pasangan (laki-laki dan perempuan) sudah cukup matang dalam seluruh perihal terlebih pada organ reproduksinya sudah berfungsi dengan baik. Kontrasepsi berasal dari kata “kontra” berarti menghindari ataupun melawan, dan konsepsi berarti pertemuan antara sel telur (wanita) matang dan sel sperma (pria) yang menyebabkan kehamilan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Kontrasepsi Pada Pasangan Usia Subur Sebagai Upaya Menekan Baby Booms Di Masa Pandemic Covid-19”. Metode penelitian menggunakan Metode deskriptif analitik.Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan antara usia PUS dengan pemilihan kontrasepsi (p-value = 0,015), ada hubungan antara pendidikan PUS dengan pemilihan kontrasepsi (p-value = 0,032), tidak ada hubungan antara pekerjaan PUS dengan pemilihan kontrasepsi (p-value = 0,008), tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan PUS dengan pemilihan kontrasepsi (p-value = 0,019), dan tidak ada hubungan antara dukungan suami dengan pemilihan kontrasepsi (p-value = 0,032) di Desa Waru Rt 03 Rw 06 Parung Bogor.
COVID-19 and Diabetes Mellitus at RSU South Tangerang-Indonesia: Clinical Profile and Treatment Strategies: COVID-19 dan Diabetes Mellitus di RSU Tangerang Selatan-Indonesia: Profil Klinis dan strategi pengobatan Nur Hasanah; Nurwulan Adi Ismaya; Silvester Maximus Tulandi; Putri Indah Permatasari; Wafa Wafa; Amelia Nurul Hakim
Jurnal Farmasi Galenika (Galenika Journal of Pharmacy) (e-Journal) Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): (October 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/j24428744.2023.v9.i2.15989


Background: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the risk factors for COVID-19. This causes the morbidity and severity of COVID-19 patients to be higher in patients with diabetes. Objectivity: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of treatment therapy for COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes at the South Tangerang City General Hospital. Material and methods: This study used a descriptive design with a quantitative approach and retrospective data collection. Sampling was done by Total Sampling with a total sample of 127 patients from 234 patients. Result: The characteristics of COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes were dominated by the male gender (55.1%), with an age range of 46-55 years (38.6%), high school education (43.3%), and have a private employee type of work (55.1%). The symptoms of COVID-19 patients with comorbid diabetes were cough (89.8%), with a length of stay for patients 7–14 days (72.4%).Treatment for COVID-19 with comorbid diabetes was antibiotics azithromycin (26.0%), antiviral remdesivir (62.2%), methylprednisolone (73.2%), acetylcysteine (85.0%), vitamin C (89.8%), and the antidiabetic group that is often used is insulin novorapid (41.7%). Conclusion: The results of laboratory examinations showed that COVID-19 treatment therapy is effective in reducing the amount of virus in the blood, which is indicated by an increase in the PCR value (p-value <0.001), lowering blood sugar levels (which is characterized by a decrease in blood sugar levels when (p-value <0.001) ), and reduce hypercoagulation which is characterized by a reduction in the value of D-dimer (p-value < 0.005).
Tantangan Etis Perawat di Era Pandemi COVID-19: Studi Literatur Amelia Nurul Hakim; Uswatun Hasanah; Dewi Fitriani; Ni Bodro Ardi
NURSING ANALYSIS: Journal of Nursing Research Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang

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Wabah Covid-19 saat ini menjadi pandemi global di seluruh penjuru dunia. Perawat merupakan pekerjaan yang paling sering terpapar penyakit dan infeksi. Wabah Covid-19 menjadikan perawat mengalami perubahan pada pekerjaan dan kehidupannya. Situasi pandemi telah menempatkan para pelayanan kesehatan menghadapi berbagai tantangan etika. Untuk menganalisis gambaran penatalaksanaan caring perawat dalam merawat pasien COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah Meta-Analisis. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian bersumber dari database publikasi Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, MEDLINE, CINAHL. Kriteria yang digunakan adalah penelitian inggris artikel diterbitkan 2021 - 2022, artikel full text. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Tantangan etika perawat dikategorikan ke dalam tiga bidang tematik: keselamatan perawat, peran dan tekanan moral, alokasi sumber daya, dan hubungan klien-perawat. Dengan demikian, kurangnya perlindungan penuh perawat telah menimbulkan pertanyaan etis seperti sejauh mana tugas mereka, sumber daya yang langka, dan kegagalan alat pelindung diri. Sehubungan dengan itu, sejumlah besar perawat juga menghadapi tekanan moral karena tekanan berkepanjangan untuk mempertahankan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk memberikan asuhan keperawatan yang aman dan berkualitas tinggi.
Inovasi terapi suportif dalam peningkatan quality of life pada pasien gagal ginjal dengan hemodialisa Uswatun Hasanah; Amelia Nurul Hakim; Andini Restu Marsiwi; Riris Andriati; Rita Dwi Pratiwi
Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 17, No 5 (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawata Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/hjk.v17i5.11747


Background: Indonesia Renal Registry In 2018, the number of new Chronic Kidney Failure patients in Indonesia doubled compared to 2017, namely 30,831. There are slightly more male patients than female patients and the largest proportion of patients is still in the 45 to 64 year old category. Meanwhile, the number of new patients with chronic kidney failure in Banten in 2018 was 1,073. Hemodialysis is a lifelong treatment that often causes adverse effects on patients, especially mental health. Supportive therapy (Supportive Educative System, psychological intervention, and life review) is an alternative therapy that can be given to patients to improve their ability to provide health care, reduce family burdens and increase family coping as well as increase social support so that patients do not experience depression to the point of committing suicide self.Purpose: To find out whether there is an effect of Supportive Therapy (Supportive Educative System, psychological intervention, and life review) in improving the quality of life in kidney failure patients with hemodialysis at the Dompet Dhuafa Bogor Integrated Health Home.Method: Quantitative research using a quasi-experimental method with pre-test post-test with control group. The sample consisted of 50 patients consisting of 25 intervention groups and 25 control groups using purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted for four weeks in July-August. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test.Results: The supportive therapy mix model, consisting of a Supportive Educative System, psychological intervention, and life review, significantly improved the patient's quality of life. In this study, 17 (34%) respondents were aged 41-50 years, 29 (58%) were women, 48 (96%) were married, 17 (34%) had an elementary school education, 21 (42%) were housewives , 48 (80%) received financing through BPJS, and 20 (40%) had undergone hemodialysis for 1-2 years. Before supportive therapy, the quality of life of the intervention group was moderate (16 [64%]), while that of the control group was moderate (23 [92%]). After therapy, quality of life in the intervention group improved to high (19 [76%]), while in the control group, quality of life remained moderate (19 [76%]). The Wilcoxon test results showed a ρ-value of 0.003, indicating a statistically significant relationship between quality of life before and after supportive therapy in the intervention group. However, in the control group, the ρ-value was 0.157, which was greater than the significance level α (0.05), indicating that there was no statistically significant relationship between quality of life before and after supportive therapy.Conclusion: The mix of supportive therapy models, namely Supportive Educative System, psychological intervention, and life review, seeks to have an impact on improving the patient's quality of life. Research results: Supportive therapy has a significant impact on the quality of life in chronic kidney failure patients on hemodialysis. The mixed supportive therapy model can be applied to patients with health problems that will have a psychological impact. Another factor that can be related to improving the quality of life is family support, and social support is also needed to improve the patient's quality of life.Keywords: Chronic Renal Failure; Haemodialysis; Supportive Therapy Pendahuluan: Indonesia Renal Registry Tahun 2018 Jumlah pasien baru Gagal Ginjal Kronik di Indonesia meningkat dua kali   lipat dibandingkan   dengan   tahun   2017 yaitu sebanyak 30.831.Pasien laki-laki sedikit lebih banyak dibandingkan pasien perempuan dan proporsi pasien terbanyak masih pada kategori 45 sd 64 tahun. Sedangkan jumlah pasien baru Gagal ginjal kronik di Banten tahun 2018 sebanyak 1.073. Hemodialisis merupakan pengobatan seumur hidup yang sering menyebabkan efek buruk pada pasien terutama kesehatan mental. Supportive therapy (Supportive Educative System,  psychological intervention, and life review) merupakan salah satu alternatif terapi yang dapat diberikan kepada pasien  untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memberikan asuhan kesehatan, mengurangi beban keluarga dan meningkatkan koping keluarga serta meningkatkan dukungan sosial sehingga pasien tidak mengalami depresi hingga bunuh diri.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh Terapi Suportif (Supportive Educative System,  psychological intervention, and life review) Dalam Peningkatan Quality Of Life Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal dengan Hemodialisa  Di Rumah Sehat Terpadu  Dompet Dhuafa Bogor.Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode quasi eksperimen dengan pre-test post-test with control group. Sampel berjumlah sebanyak 50 pasien terdiri dari 25 kelompok intervensi dan 25 kelompok Kontrol dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama empat minggu pada bulan Juli-Agustus. Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon.Hasil: Mix model terapi suportif, yang terdiri dari Supportive Educative System, intervensi psikologis, dan ulasan hidup, secara signifikan meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien. Dalam penelitian ini, sebanyak 17 (34%) responden berusia 41-50 tahun, 29 (58%) perempuan, 48 (96%) menikah, 17 (34%) memiliki pendidikan terakhir SD, 21 (42%) adalah ibu rumah tangga, 48 (80%) mendapatkan pembiayaan melalui BPJS, dan 20 (40%) telah menjalani hemodialisis selama 1-2 tahun. Sebelum terapi suportif, kualitas hidup kelompok intervensi adalah sedang (16 [64%]), sementara kelompok kontrol adalah sedang (23 [92%]). Setelah terapi, kualitas hidup kelompok intervensi meningkat menjadi tinggi (19 [76%]), sementara pada kelompok kontrol, kualitas hidup tetap sedang (19 [76%]). Hasil uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan nilai ρ-value sebesar 0,003, menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara kualitas hidup sebelum dan setelah terapi suportif pada kelompok intervensi. Namun, pada kelompok kontrol, nilai ρ-value sebesar 0,157, yang lebih besar dari tingkat signifikansi α (0,05), menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara kualitas hidup sebelum dan setelah terapi suportif.Simpulan: Mix model terapi suportif  yaitu Supportive Educative System,  psychological intervention, and life review berupaya bisa memberikan dampak untuk peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien. Hasil penelitian terapi suportif memberikan pengaruh bermakna secara signifikan terhadap kualitas hidup pada pasien gagal ginjal kronik dengan hemodialisa. Mix model terapi suportif bisa diterapkan kepada pasien dengan masalah kesehatan yang akan berdampak psikologis. Faktor lain yang bisa berhubungan dengan peningkatan kualitas hidup yaitu dukungan keluarga, dan dukungan social diperlukan juga untuk memberikan peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien.