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HYPERTENSION AND RISK FACTORS: A CASE CONTROL STUDY Fernando Lumbangaol; Myrnawati Crie Handani; Taruli Rohana Sinaga; Kesaktian Manurung; Jasmen Manurung
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Vol 6 No 2 (2023): JURNAL MUTIARA NERS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51544/jmn.v6i2.4229


Hypertension is a global health issue. It is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the management and reduction of risk factors are essential to prevent and control the incidence of hypertension. The research aims to find out the risk factors associated with the incidence of hypertension in Puskesmas Matiti, Humbang Hasundutan District. This study is a correlation analytic study with a case control approach.. The population case is all the people with hypertension and the population control is the people without hypertension at Puskesmas Matiti. The research samples are composed of 32 people with hypertension and 64 people without hypertension. The samples are obtained using simple random sampling technique. Data are collected using questionnaires and analyzed using logistic regression test. The result indicates that sodium consumption (0.007<0.05) and obesity (0.025<0.05), both have a significant correlation with the incidence of hypertension. While smoking (0.054>0.05) and alcohol consumption (0.558>0.05), both have no significant correlation with hypertension incidence. The research concludes that the risk factors associated with the incidence of hypertension in Puskesmas Matiti are sodium consumption and obesity, with sodium consumption being the dominant factor. It is recommended to practice a healthy lifestyle by limiting the consumption of high sodium foods and maintaining the ideal weight by exercising and maintaining a healthy diet.
Behavioral Determinants Of Internal Pulmonary Tb Patients Prevention Of Transmission To Families In Work Area Pb Selayang II Medan Puskesmas 2022 Jujur Baktiar Pandiangan; Kesaktian Manurung; Jasmen Manurung
Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Vol. 13 No. 02 (2023): Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains , Edition September  2023
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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Tuberculosis is a direct infectious disease caused by TB germs (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) which is still a large family of the genus Mycobacterium. The most important source of infection is the sputum of smear-positive pulmonary TB patients. Transmission occurs through sputum splashes (droplet infection) when the patient coughs, speaks or spits. Factors that cause the incidence of tuberculosis include age, education, occupation, gender, knowledge, nutritional status, occupancy density and the role of health workers. Behavior is an activity or activity of the organism concerned. Behavior is a person's response or reaction to a stimulus (external stimulus). So, it can be concluded that behavior is the activity and reaction of living things to external stimuli. The type of research used is an analytic study with a cross-sectional study design. In this study, the determinants of the behavior of pulmonary TB patients in preventing transmission to the family were examined using instruments in the form of questionnaires and medical records. This research was conducted in the work area of the PB Selayang II Health Center in Medan City with the reason for choosing the research location because there were pulmonary TB sufferers in the family. The sample used in this study was a total sample of 80 people. The results show that age is associated with a P-value of 0.002, gender is associated with a P-value of 0.000, education is associated with a P-value of 0.004, employment is associated with a P-value of 0.000, nutritional status is associated with a P-value -value of 0.000, Knowledge is associated with a P- value of 0.000, occupancy density is associated with a Pvalueof 0.003, the role of health workers is associated with a P-value of 0.010 and the most dominant factor related is gender with xp (B)106,648.
Phenomenological Study of Compliance with Paying Dues by Independent Participants in the National Health Insurance Program in Medan City in 2023 Liory Olganita Banjarnahor; R Kintoko Rochadi; Jasmen Manurung
Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains Vol. 13 No. 02 (2023): Jurnal Info Sains : Informatika dan Sains , Edition September  2023
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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The objective of this study is to determine and analyze the causing factors of non-compliance in paying National Health Insurance contributions (JKN) by independent participants and to find out the efforts made by the Social Security Agency on Health (BPJS) to increase compliance in paying JKN contributions and the efforts made by the Medan Government through Health Department to taking care the independent participants in arrears. This is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. Data collection is carried out by in-depth interviews and documentation. The informants in this research are Independent JKN Participants, BPJS Stakeholders and Health Department Stakeholders. The data processing uses the Miles Hubberman method. The results of the study show that the causing factors of non-compliance with paying JKN contributions are due to large amount of arrears, They are still able to seek health treatment using their ID card at the Puskesmas (Community Health Center), Economic Factors, Number of dependents (family members) and an Increasing in dues. Efforts that have been made by Health BPJS to increase compliance in paying JKN contributions are by providing convenience in payment methods, there are efforts to establish communication with independent JKN participants (through tele-collecting efforts, conduct WhatsApp blasts for delinquent participants, visit delinquent participants through JKN cadres, and conduct outreach in sub-districts and crowded places), as well as the existence of a Phased Payment Plan (REHAB) program where the arrears can be paid in installments. Efforts made by the Health Department and the Medan City Government include switching independent participants to JKN Contribution Assistance Recipient (PBI) participants and the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Program through the Medan Berkah Health Insurance (JKMB) of Medan City.
Kesiapsiagaan Penghuni Apartemen The Reiz Condo Dalam Menghadapi Keadaan Darurat Kebakaran Tahun 2023 Selli Marintan; Wisnu Hidayat; Jasmen Manurung; Donal Nababan; Frida L Saragih
Jurnal Ners Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): APRIL 2024
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jn.v8i1.27704


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi Penanganan kebakaran di Indonesia masih memiliki berbagai kendala yang menyebabkan kebakaran sering berakibat fatal. Begitupun dengan Apartemen The Reiz Condo sebagai gedung yang bertingkat tinggi dan padat bangunan resiko kebakaran di apartemen ini tinggi. Maka Kesiapsiagaan harus dimiliki oleh penghuni Apartemen The Reiz Condo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam menghadapi keadaan darurat kebakaran. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dengan menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah kesiapsiagaan masyarakat yang diukur menggunakan 5 parameter yaitu Pengetahuan, Sikap, Rencana Tanggap Darurat, Sistem Peringatan Dini, dan Mobilisasi Sumberdaya.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui tingkat kesiapsiagaan penghuni Apartemen The Reiz Condo kurang siap. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah faktor yang menghambat kesiapsiagaan penghuni Apartemen The Reiz Condo berasal dari faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal berasal dari dalam penghuni sendiri yaitu sikap inisiatif untuk menyimpan nomor darurat rendah,tidak memiliki materi mengenai kesiapsiagaan. Sedangkan faktor eksternal berasal dari yang berasal dari dalam Apartemen tidak pernah terlaksana Pelatihan dan Simulasi Bencana yang diadakan oleh pengelola gedung yang mengundang penghuni.
Wastewater Channel And Escherichia Coli In Wells, Desa Durin Simbelang Kecamatan Pancur Batu Seri Asnawati Munthe; Lia Rosa Veronika Sinaga; Jasmen Manurung
Publisher : Akupun Tour Publisher

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Background :    Water  is  the  most  important  substance  in  life. About  three  quarters  of  our  body  consists  of  water  and  no person can  survive more than 4-5 days without drinking water. Water is used for cooking, washing, bathing, and cleaning waste. around  the  house.  Water  is  also  used  for  industrial  purposes, agriculture,  fire  fighting,  recreation,  transportation,  and  others. Water   can   spread   and   transmit   disease   to   humans.   These conditions   can   certainly   cause   disease   outbreaks.   can   be separated   from   human   life.   Clean   water   contaminated   with Escherichia coli bacteria is one of the causes of diarrheal disease. Purpose: The purpose   study   is   to   know   relationship   of wastewater  channel and  Escherichia  Coli  Levels  In  Wells,  Durin Simbelang Village, Pancur Batu District. Method: This  study  used  an  analytical  survey  method  with  a cross   sectional   design   using   simple   random   sampling.   The number of samples is 30 dug wells and statistical analysis using Chi square test. Results:  There  is  53.3%  of wastewater  channel with  high contamination  risk  and  56.7%  of  dug  wells  contaminated  with Escherichia  coli  bacteria.  From  the  statistical  results,  it  was found   that   there   was   a   relationship   between   sanitation   in wastewater channel(p value 0.269) with E.Coli content. Conslusion:  the  advice  given  by  the  researcher  is  that  if  it  is used  as  drinking  water,  it  should  be  boiled  until  it  boils,  giving disinfectant to dug wells to make it safer to use for hygiene and sanitation needs.
TOUR HEALTH JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Tour Health Journal
Publisher : Akupun Tour Publisher

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Background: Anemia in young women has a significant impacton the next phase of life. A decrease in productivity andachievement in learning is a short-term impact on adolescents(Nurrahman et al., 2021). Adolescent girls who experienceanemia have the risk of becoming anemic women of childbearingage, and subsequently becoming anemic pregnant women. Thiscondition will increase the risk of mothers giving birth to babieswith low birth weight (LBW), delivery complications and otherpregnancy risks. Babies born with LBW are a risk factor forstunting (Kemenkes RI, 2018).Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of educationusing media leaflets on young women's knowledge about anemiaat SMP Negeri 2 Pangururan, Samosir Regency in 2023.Method: This type of research is a quasi-experimental withcontrol two group design pretest-posttest. The population andsample in this study were female adolescents at SMP Negeri 2Pangururan, Samosir Regency totaling 69 people.Results: The results of the study after the intervention weretested by Wilcoxon and obtained p = 0.000, which means thatthere is a significant effect on the level of knowledge aboutanemia between before and after being given the intervention.Disscusion and Conclusion: relationship between age, gender,This means that leaflets about anemia at SMP Negeri 2Pangururan, Samosir Regency have proven effective and havehad a positive impact in the form of increasing knowledge ofyoung women about anemia. This study recommends that leafletmedia in learning about anemia can be used as an innovation inincreasing the knowledge of young women about anemia so thatyoung women want to take iron tablets once a week to preventanemia.
TOUR HEALTH JOURNAL Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Tour Health Journal
Publisher : Akupun Tour Publisher

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Background: Sanitation is one component of public health. Intentional behavior to promote clean living to prevent humans from coming into direct contact with dirt and hazardous waste materials. The behavior of defecating in open areas such as rivers or gardens has become a habit that is often carried out by the community. The habit of open defecation, which results in contamination of drinking water sources as well as recontamination of water sources and food eaten at home directly or indirectly. There are still people who do not have toilets at home or defecate in the open. Purpose: to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes and ownership of toilets with open defecation behavior in Sei Bilah Timur sub-district, Langkat Regency in 2024. Method: The type of research is an analytical survey with a cross sectional design. The population in this study is the II Mawar neighborhood in the working area of ​​the Community Health Center. The Old Village of Sei Lepan has 335 families. The sampling technique used is based on the Slovin formula. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge and open defecation behavior in Sei Bilah Timur Village, Langkat Regency. with a P-Value of 0.000 or α<0.05, and also a relationship between attitudes and open defecation behavior in Sei Bilah Timur Village, Langkat Regency. with a P-Value of 0.000 or α<0.05 and there is a relationship between latrine ownership and open defecation behavior in Sei Bilah Timur Village, Langkat Regency. with a P-Value of 0.000 or α<0.05. Disscusion and Conclusion: It is recommended that the STBM program be developed from the Sei Bilah Timur Langkat Community Health Center for heads of families who do not yet have a latrine, especially a healthy latrine with a trigger system to increase latrine ownership in the working area of ​​the Sei Bilah Timur Langkat Community Health Center.