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Nurse and Health: Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 8 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Service of Health Polytechnic of Kerta Cendekia, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.824 KB) | DOI: 10.36720/nhjk.v8i2.95


Background: The potential for natural disasters in Bengkulu is very worrying. Mukomuko is one of the districts in Bengkulu Province which has a geographical location prone to earthquakes and Tsunami. Preparedness and disaster mitigation in school students is still low. Members of the youth red cross in senior high schools have never been exposed to disaster management.Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine health promotion to increasing knowledge about disaster management on students of youth red cross members.Methods: This study used pre and posttest without control group design. Population in this study were all students of youth red cross members at SMA Negeri 1 Mukomuko Bengkulu with the amount of 30 people. Sampling technique in this study used total sampling obtained samples were 30 people. Collecting data in this study used primary data obtained from SMA Negeri 1 Mukomuko and secondary data with filled out questionnaire.Results: The results of this study showed: (1) from 30 people there were 13 people (43,3%) before treatment were good knowledge, 16 people (53,3%) before treatment were moderate knowledge, and 1 people (3,3%) before treatment were low knowledge; (2) from 30 people there were 18 people (60%) after treatment were good knowledge and 12 people (40%) after treatment were moderate knowledge; (3) results of Paired Sample t-test obtained value of  t = 3,023 with p-value = 0,005<0,05 significant means there was significant differences between knowledge about Disaster Management on Students before treatment and knowledge about Disaster Management on Students after treatment.Conclusion: The importance of direct information from health workers regarding disaster management has a continuing impact to be applied by youth red cross students when a disaster occurs. Key words: Health Promotion, Knowledge, Disaster Management.
Jurnal Sains Kesehatan Vol 27, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Tri Mandiri Sakti Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37638/jsk.27.1.14-22


ABSTRAK         Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh latihan rentang gerak sendi ektremitas bawah terhadap keseimbangan tubuh lansia di BPPLU Pagar Dewa Provinsi Bengkulu.        Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain Pre Eksperimental menggunakan  The One Group Pretest Postest Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh lansia di BPPLU Pagar Dewa Provinsi Bengkulu sebanyak 59 orang. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 32 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang didapat menggunakan alat ukur yaitu kuesioner Berg Balance scale (BBS). Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat.       Hasil penelitian didapatkan: (1) Dari 32 orang sebelum latihan rentang gerak sendi ektremitas bawah terdapat 2 orang (6,2%) dengan resiko jatuh tinggi, 29 orang (90,6%) dengan resiko jatuh sedang dan 1 orang (3,1%) dengan resiko jatuh rendah; (2) Dari 32 orang setelah latihan rentang gerak sendi ektremitas bawah terdapat 17 orang (53,1%) dengan resiko jatuh sedang dan 15 orang (46,9%) dengan resiko jatuh rendah; (3) Ada pengaruh latihan rentang gerak sendi ektremitas bawah terhadap keseimbangan tubuh lansia di BPPLU Pagar Dewa Provinsi Bengkulu
Malahayati Nursing Journal Volume 2 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (447.673 KB) | DOI: 10.33024/manuju.v2i1.2354


ABSTRACT: The Effects of Al- Kahfi Murottal Therapy on Blood Pressure Decreasing in Elderly People Who Have Hypertension in Social Institution of Tresna Werdha Pagar Dewa in Bengkulu Background: Hypertension is a disease that is a major risk factor for mortality in the Southeast Asian region and is a cause of early death in the world, it needs a preventive measure to overcome one of them by non-pharmacological management. Al-Kahfi murotal therapy that can reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients non-pharmacologically.Purpose: The purpose of this study  to determine the effect of murottal Al-Qur'an therapy with a decrease in blood pressure in elderly people who have hypertension at PSTW Pagar Dewa.Method: This study  used pre-test and post-test one group design. The population in this study were all elderly people who were in PSTW Pagar Dewa in Bengkulu who had hypertension as many as 27 people. The sampling technique in this study was taken in total sampling and obtained a sample of 27 respondents. The data collection in this study using primary data obtained from observationswas conducted twice, before and after the experiment. The data processed and analyzed using normality data analysis, univariate and bivariateThe results: The result of study  showed: (1) from 27 samples before murottal therapy there were 19 elderly people who had hypertension stage 1 and 8 elderly hypertensive people in stage 2. (2) after murottal therapy there were 11 prehypertensive elderly people, there were 12 elderly stage 1 hypertension and 4 hypertensive elderly people in stage 2. (3) there was a significant effect between the administration of murottal therapy to the reduction of blood pressure in elderly people who had hypertension on PSTW Pagar Dewa in Bengkulu.Conclusion:Conclusion is there is effects of Murottal Therapy on Decreasing Blood Pressure in Elderly People Who Have Hypertension in Social Institution of Tresna Werdha Pagar Dewa in Bengkulu Keywords: Murottal Therapy, Decreased Blood Pressure, ElderlyINTISARI: PENGARUH TERAPI MUROTTAL SURAT AL-KAHFI TERHADAP PENURUNAN TEKANAN DARAH PADA LANSIA YANG MENGALAMI HIPERTENSI DI PANTI SOSIAL TRESNA WERDHAPAGAR DEWA KOTA BENGKULU Latar belakang: Hipertensi merupakan penyakit yang menjadi faktor resiko utama kematian di wilayah Asia Tenggara dan menjadi penyebab kematian dini didunia, perlu suatu tindakan preventif untuk menanggulanginya salah satunya dengan pengeelolaan non farmakologis. Terapi murotal Al-Kahfi merupakan terapi yang dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada pasien hipertensi secara non farmakologis.   Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari apakah ada pengaruh terapi murottal Al-Qur’an dengan penurunan tekanan darah pada lansia yang mengalami hipertensi di PSTW Pagar Dewa.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pre-test and post-test one group design. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh lansia yang berada di PSTW Pagar Dewa kota Bengkulu yang  mengalami hipertensi sebanyak 27 orang. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil secara total samplingdan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 27 responden. Pengumpulan data dalam peneitian ini dengan menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari observasi yang dilakukan secara dua kali yaitu sebelum dan sesudah eksperimen. Data kemudian diolah dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis normalitas data, univariat dan bivariat.Hasil: penelitian didapatkan : (1) dari 27 sampel sebelum terapi murottal terdapat 19 orang  lansia yang mengalami hipertensi tahap 1 dan 8 orang lansia hipertensi tahap 2. (2) setelah dilakukan terapi murottal terdapat 11 orang lansia prehipertensi, terdapat 12 orang lansia hipertensi tahap 1 dan 4 orang lansia hipertensi tahap 2. (3) ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara pemberian terapi murottal terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada lansia yang mengalami hipertensi di PSTW Pagar Dewa Kota Bengkulu.Kesimpulan: terdapat pengaruh terapi murottal terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada lansia yang mengalami hipertensi di panti sosial tresna werdha pagar dewa kota bengkulu Kata Kunci: Terapi Murottal, Penurunan Tekanan Darah, Lansia 
Nurse and Health: Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 11 No 1 (2022): Nurse and Health: Jurnal Keperawatan January-June 2022
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Service of Health Polytechnic of Kerta Cendekia, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36720/nhjk.v11i1.341


Background: The death of nurses due to exposed COVID–19 Virus is the problem all of the country around the world now. The effort to decrease the number of transmissions, death and exposed by the virus is cutting the chain of infection and transmission of the virus. Objectives: The study aims to know the relationship between knowledge and the Readiness of Community Health Nurses in Effort of Prevention of COVID–19 Transmission in Primary Health Center, Bengkulu City. Methods: The design of this study used survey analytics by cross-sectional approach. Samples were taken by purposive sampling techniques that were the community health nurses in Primary Health Center in Bengkulu City as many as 195 respondents. Research Instrument used the knowledge instrument and the readiness instrument and the data that were collected tested by Chi-Square Test. Results: From 110 respondents were good knowledge there were 76 persons (38.98%) were ready and 34 persons (17.43%) were not ready. From 59 respondents were fair there were 27 persons (13.85%) were ready and 32 persons (16.41%) were not ready. From 26 respondents were poor there were 10 persons 5.13% were ready and 16 persons 8.20% were not ready. The result from Chi-Square Test obtained that the value of person Chi-Square is 13.251 by P-Value 0.001< α 0.05, so the result H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Conclusion: The conclusion is there is significant relationship between Knowledge, and the Readiness of Community Health Nurses in Effort of Prevention of COVID–19 transmission in Primary Health Center, Bengkulu City.
The Effect Of Classical Music Therapy On The Level Of Depression Among Schizophrenia Patients In Soeprapto Mental Hospital, Bengkulu Province Ade Herman Surya Direja; Loren Juksen; Sunarsih Sunarsih
Journal of Applied Nursing and Health Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Applied Nursing and Health
Publisher : Chakra Brahmanda Lentera Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.061 KB) | DOI: 10.55018/janh.v3i2.16


Background: Patients with mental disorders experience disturbances in mental function, which include emotions, thoughts, behavior, motivation, self-perception, and perception, which causes a decrease in all mental functions, especially interests, and motivations so that it interferes with a person in the process of living in society. One o the most common mental disorders is schizophrenia. This study aims to study the effect of classical music therapy on depression level in schizophrenic patients at the Soeprapto Mental Hospital, Bengkulu Province Methods: The design in this study used a pre-experimental design. The design form of a pre-experimental study is "pre-test and post-test One Group Design". The population in this study were Schizophrenic patients who experienced depression. The sample used in this study was taken using a purposive sampling technique. This technique is a sampling technique with certain considerations, obtained as many as 25 patients. Data collection in this study used univariate and bivariate analysis using the normality test using the Shapiro Wilk test. Results: The results obtained before providing classical music therapy treatment from 25 Schizophrenic patients had a very severe level of depression with a percentage of (100%) and the results after classical music therapy treatment showed that the level of schizophrenia patients who experienced depression after classical music therapy treatment was 7 patients. The result shows that have a moderate level of depression with a percentage of 28% and 18 patients have a level of severe depression with a percentage of 72%. Based on the results of the Paired sample t-test statistical test there is a significant relationship, the value of t = 20,953 with p = 0.000 <0.05 means significant, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, it can be concluded that there is an effect of using classical music therapy on the level of depression in schizophrenic patients. at RSKJ Soeprapto Bengkulu Province. Conclusion: Based on the result of research there is an effect of using classical music therapy on the level of depression in schizophrenic patients. at RSKJ Soeprapto Bengkulu Province
PENYULUHAN DAN SIMULASI MANAGEMENT DISASTER DI MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI MODEL 01 KOTA BENGKULU Fernalia Fernalia; Pawiliyah Pawiliyah; Vice Elesse; Neni Triana; Ade Herman Surya Direja; Loren Juksen; Devi Listiana; Ida Rahmawati
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v3i1.2623


ABSTRAKBencana merupakan suatu kejadian yang tidak diinginkan dan biasanya terjadi secara mendadak serta menimbulkan korban jiwa (Menteri Kesehatan RI, 2006). Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara paling rawan bencana di dunia, seringkali dan tidak terduga, yaitu di antaranya gempa bumi, tsunami, tanah longsor, letusan gunung berapi, banjir, dan kekeringan (CFE-DM, 2018). Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) mencatat pada 2017 terjadi 2.862 kejadian bencana alam, diantaranya banjir (34,2%), puting beliung (31%), tanah longsor (29,6%), kebakaran hutan dan lahan (3,4%), gempa bumi (0,7%), kekeringan (0,6%), gelombang pasang/abrasi (0,4%), dan letusan gunung api (0,1%) (BNPB, 2018), dan wilayah yang termasuk rawan bencana adalah provinsi bengkulu. Provinsi bengkulu termasuk provinsi ke 4 dalam indeks risiko tinggi bencana (Restra BPBR, 2016). Dan dari 80% kota yang berada di Bengkulu berisiko tinggi terhadap bencana. Secara geografis Bengkulu berada di jalur patahan sesar Mentai sehingga menyebabkan provinsi Bengkulu rentan bencana gempa dan tsunami. Hal ini yang paling memungkinkan Provinsi Bengkulu mengalami damapak buruk terhadap bencana bila keadaan ini tidak diantisipasi dengan seksama oleh semua unsur pemerintah dan masyarakat.  Tujuan penyuluhan dan simulasi yang dilakukan, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesigapan siswa MAN Model 01 tentang disaster management. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan dan simulasi  menggunakan leaflet, alat peraga dan simulasi. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan  pada siswa MAN Model 01 terhadap disaster management serta dan keterampilan dan kesigapan menghadapi bencana. Dengan demikian, pemberian penyuluhan dan simulasi pada siswa tentang disaster management sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang cara menyelamatkan diri saat terjadi bencana. Kata Kunci:  Penyuluhan, Simulasi, Disaster Management  ABSTRACT Disasters are undesirable events that usually occur suddenly and cause fatalities (Indonesian Minister of Health, 2006). Indonesia is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, often and unexpectedly, including earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, volcanic eruptions, floods and drought (CFE-DM, 2018). The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) noted that in 2011 2,862 natural disasters occurred, including floods (34.2%), tornados (31%), landslides (29.6%), forest and land fires (3.4%) , earthquake (0.7%), drought (0.6%), tidal / abrasion (0.4%), and volcanic eruptions (0.1%) (BNPB, 2018), and areas that are vulnerable disaster is the province of bengkulu. Bengkulu Province is included as the 4th province in the high risk index for disaster (Restra BPBR, 2016). And 80% of cities in Bengkulu are at high risk of disaster. Geographically Bengkulu is on the Mentai fault fault line making Bengkulu province vulnerable to earthquake and tsunami disasters. This is the most possible for the Bengkulu Province to experience a negative impact on disaster if this situation is not anticipated carefully by all elements of government and society. The purpose of counseling and simulations conducted, is expected to increase the knowledge and alertness of MAN Model 01 students about disaster management. The activities carried out in the form of counseling and simulation using leaflets, props and simulations. There is an increase in knowledge in MAN Model 01 students towards disaster management and the skills and readiness to deal with disasters. Thus, providing counseling and simulations to students about disaster management is very effective Keyword: Counseling, Simulation, Disaster  Management
Sosialisasi Pengunaan Masker Dan Pembagian Masker Kepada Warga Untuk Pencegahan Covid 19 Di Pasar Tradisional Kota Bengkulu Fernalia Fernalia; Pawiliyah Pawiliyah; Ida Rahmawati; Loren Juksen; Sanisahhuri Sanisahhuri; Syamsu Rizal
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v4i1.3577


ABSTRAKMasker adalah alat pelindung diri yang dirancang untuk melindungi pengguna dari menghirup partikel udara dan melindungi kesehatan saluran pernafasan. Penggunaan masker mengurangi infeksi influenza dan coronavirus pada manusia dengan mencegah penyebaran percikan yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi dari orang yang terinfeksi ke  orang lain dan kemungkinan kontaminasi lingkungan. Badan Stistik Nasional (2020) melaporkan pada Juni 2020 kasus yang terkonfirmasi diseluruh dunia berjumlah 163.973  kasus. Tim Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID-19 Indonesia melaporkan angka kejadian per 30 Juni dilaporkan sebanyak 1293 kasus.  Angka kejadian di provinsi Bengkulu per Juni dilaporkan ada 124 kasus dan 10 orang meninggal dunia dan dari angka kasus tersebut 7 orang terkonfirmasi sebagai pedagang di pasar tradisional, artinya pasar menjadi cluster baru penyebaran COVID 19 di kota Bengkulu.  Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pemahaman dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat  tentang manfaat dan pentingnya penggunaan masker. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa sosialisasi dengan memberikan informasi tentang penggunaan masker dan memberikan masker kepada masyarakat di pasar tradisional kota bengkulu.Terdapat perubahan pengetahuan tentang penggunaan masker di masyarakat pasar tradisional kota Bengkulu terhadap COVID 19 dengan demikian sosialisasi penggunaan masker dan pemberian masker di pasar trasional sangat efektif untuk peningkatan pengetahuan dan merubah pola kebiasaan pedagang dan pembeli untuk mengikuti protokol kesehatan  yang aman dalam upaya pencegahan dan memutus rantai penyebaran COVID-19. Diharapkan dengan melakukan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi ini masyarakat semakin sadar dan peduli akan pencegahan covid 19 dengan memakai masker dengan menggunakan masker. Kata Kunci: sosialisasi, penggunaan masker, COVID-19 , Pasar Tradisional  ABSTRACT Masks are personal protective equipment designed to protect the wearer from inhaling air particles and protect the health of the respiratory tract. The use of masks reduces influenza and coronavirus infections in humans by preventing the spread of splashes that can cause infection from an infected person to another and possible environmental contamination. The National Statistics Agency (2020) reported that in June 2020 confirmed cases worldwide totaled 163,973 cases. The Task Force Team for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in Indonesia reported that the number of incidents as of June 30 was reported as 1293 cases. The number of incidents in Bengkulu province as of June was reported to have been 124 cases and 10 people died and of these cases 7 people were confirmed as traders in traditional markets, meaning that the market became a new cluster for the spread of COVID 19 in Bengkulu city. The purpose of this activity is; Provide understanding and increase public awareness about the benefits and importance of using masks. Activities carried out in the form of socialization by providing information about the use of masks and giving masks to the community in the traditional markets of the city of Bengkulu. There has been a change in knowledge about the use of masks in the traditional market communities of Bengkulu City against COVID 19 thus socializing the use of masks and giving masks in the traditional market is very effective to increase knowledge and change the habit patterns of traders and buyers to follow safe health protocols in an effort to prevent and break the chain of spread of COVID-19. . It is hoped that by carrying out counseling and socialization, the community will be more aware and concerned about the prevention of Covid 19 by wearing masks Keywords: Socialization, Use of Masks, COVID-19, Traditional Market
PENYULUHAN TENTANG PENCEGAHAN PENULARAN COVID – 19 DI KOTA BENGKULU Dian Dwiana Maydinar; Loren Juksen; Vellyza Colin; Rafidaini Sazarni Ratiyun
COVIT (Community Service of Health) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): MARET 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

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COVID-19 can spread from person to person especially when an infected person is in close contact with other people. One of the efforts to break the chain of spread of COVID-19 is to prevent COVID-19 which requires understanding and knowledge and good and correct behavior from all elements including nurses. The purpose of this counseling activity is to add insight and knowledge for nurses and can increase nurse awareness to carry out prevention and self-protection efforts as well as carry out health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. This activity was carried out at the Bengkulu City Health Center. This activity began by asking questions about knowledge about COVID-19. Followed by giving material using power point and giving leaflets. The result of this activity was an increase in knowledge about COVID-19 by 90%. This activity is the first step to increase knowledge to carry out daily life. Keywords: Counseling, Prevention of COVID-19
Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Vol 9, No 1 (2022): Volume 9 Nomor 1
Publisher : Prodi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jikk.v9i1.5385


Potensi Bencana yang dapat terjadi di Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan adalah gempa bumi. Kesiapsiagaan bencana pada perawat masih kurang, hal tersebut akan berdampak pada rendahnya upaya pemberian pertolongan saat bencana terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan keikutsertaan Hospital Disaster Plan Simulation dengan Kesiapsiagaan Perawat dalam menghadapi bencana di RSUD Hassanudin Damrah Manna. Desain penelitian menggunakan Cross Sectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh perawat yang bekerja di RSUD Hassanudin Damrah Manna sebanyak 106 perawat dengan menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Kuesioner menggunakan Disaster Preparedness Evaluation Tools Indonesian (DPET-I) dengan link google form maupun hardcopy. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan uji Contingency Coeficient. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa terdapat 93 perawat (87.7 %) pernah mengikuti hospital disaster plan simulation. Nilai Uji  p-value lebih besar dari alpha (α) 0,05 (0,000<0,005) maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara keikutsertaan Hospital Disaster Plan Simulation (HOSDIPS) dengan kesiapsiagaan perawat dalam menghadapi bencana di RSUD Hasanuddin Damrah Manna dengan nilai uji contingency coeficient (C) sebesar 0,407 artinya memiliki hubungan yang erat. Adanya hubungan yang erat ini, maka perlu ditingkatkan lagi tenaga perawat RSUD Hasanuddin Damrah Manna  untuk mengikuti HOSDIPS agar perawat memiliki tingkat kesiapsiagaan yang baik dalam menghadapi bencana terutama di wilayah rawan bencana.
Peningkatan Kekuatan Motorik Pada Pasien Stroke Non Hemoragik Dengan Menggenggam Bola Karet : Systematic Review Ida Rahmawati; Neni Triana; Loren Juksen; Zulfikar Zulfikar
Jurnal Kesehatan Medika Udayana Vol. 8 No. 01 (2022): April: Jurnal Kesehatan Medika Udayana
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kesdam IX/Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.546 KB) | DOI: 10.47859/jmu.v8i01.205


Background: Stroke is a neurological disease that is often found and stroke management must be done quickly and appropriately. Stroke has various impacts, one of which is paralysis of the limbs or disability. Purpose : to analyze articles related to increasing motor strength in non-hemorrhagic stroke patients by gripping a rubber ball. The search strategy used two electronic databases, namely: Pubmed and Google Scholar and following the PRISMA (Preffered Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta Analysis) protocol with a publication range of 2012-2019, obtained 10 articles that matched the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Methods: systematic review is used in this research method by searching for article topics based on the database: Pubmed and Google Scholar according to the PRISMA diagram. The diagram includes identification, eligibility, screening, and determination of articles that enter the inclusion criteria. Furthermore, the articles that have been found will be reviewed systematically using the Joana Brigg Institute Check list (JBI). The search for articles for identification began in April-June 2020 with a range of 2012-2019 in each database. The three keywords used in the article search consisted of: motor strength, non-hemorrhagic stroke, gripping a rubber ball. Article searches are also performed by combining words using the AND keyword; OR. Results: the study showed that stroke patients with upper extremity weakness after gripping a rubber ball therapy will experience an increase in muscle strength when they do exercise frequently. Conclusion: rubber ball gripping exercise can be used as a nursing intervention in providing nursing care. Rubber ball gripping exercise is also a rehabilitation program that aims to make non-hemorrhagic stroke sufferers achieve the maximum possible functional ability and prevent complications and recurrent strokes. The exercise program must also be structured and focused on doing more repetitions of exercise 2 times a day for 8 days so that the exercises carried out can achieve the expected results, so that it can lead to an increase in muscle strength properly.