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Rancang Bangun CNC Foam Cutter Dengan Gerakan 3 Axis Untuk Pemotongan Dekorasi Styrofoam Syahriza Syahriza; Teuku Firsa; zulhalimi -
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jtm.v9i1.12399


Perkembangan industri kreatif semakin pesat akhir-akhir ini. Salah satunya industri kreatif dalam pembuatan dekorasi styrofoam. Pemotongan styrofoam  secara manual sangat sulit dan tidak bisa memotong dalam bentuk seragam sehingga hasilnya tidak konsisten. Sehingga dibutuhkan alat pemotongan styrofoam secara otomatis, seperti CNC foam cutter. Pada umumnya CNC digunakan untuk menggantikan pekerjaan manusia seperti pekerjaan bubut, pengelasan dan pemotongan. CNC foam cutter ini sendiri digunakan untuk membantu pekerjaan pada sebuah pabrik atau industri, seperti pemotongan styrofoam dan  membuat dekorasi styrofoam. Pada penelitian ini penulis merancang bangun sebuah CNC foam cutter,  diprogram sehingga dapat berjalan secara otomatis seperti CNC pada umumnya. Sistem kontrol CNC foam cutter ini mengunakan Arduino UNO, Shield dan motor driver. Pemotongan dilakukan dengan mengirim file G-code (yang didapat dari hasil gambar makerCAM) kepada mikrokontroller melalui software Universal G-code Sender, kemudian mikrokontroller mengirim sinyal untuk menggerakan stepper motor sehingga dihasilkan gerakan yang sesuai dengan gambar pada file G-code. CNC Foam cutter ini bisa memotong berbagai macam bentuk seperti persegi, lingkaran dan sebagainya, mata potong CNC Foam cutter berukuran 1.5 mm dan suhu mata potong dapat disetel 200 oC sampai dengan 300 oC dengan kecepatan pemotongan 100 mm/menit. Setelah melakukan pengujian CNC Foam Cutter ini mengalami error atau selisih 1- 2 mm.
Perancangan Sistem Kendali Prosthetic Arm Penggerak Motor Servo dan Sensor Flex Berbasis Mikrokontroler Udink Aulia; Syahriza Syahriza; M. Rival Abizar
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jtm.v8i1.18240


This study examines about Prosthetic robotics technology which gradually continue to develop so that its use is wider. In this research author designed a control system on Microcontroller to move Prosthetic Arm. Prosthetic is an artificial device to replace the missing part of the body, this condition can occur through the condition at birth (abnormalities), illness and trauma. The purpose of this research is to create a Prosthetic Arm Prototype that can perform motion gripping, squeezing and removing. Prosthetic Arm was designed by using several control systems such as NANO Arduino, servo motor, flex sensor and Bluetooth as the main component. The Prosthetic Arm movement can only be operated based on the input of the control system that has been designed so that the movement operating on the Prosthetic Arm is desired. The result of this study shows that Prosthetic Arms can do gripping motion at 155° – 173° servo degree, squeezing motion at 180° servo degree and removing motion at 0° servo degree.
A FORECASTING OF THE NEELAM PERFUM PRODUCTION USING THE SARIMA METHOD TO MEET THE EXPORT DEMAND (CASE STUDY: ARC USK) Raihan Dara Lufika; Syahriza Syahriza; Didi Asmadi; Edy Fradinata; Friesca Erwan; Riski Arifin; Longga Nabila
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/jrsi.v7i2.5505


The rapid development of industry in Indonesia has resulted in many companies and business actors starting to contribute to international market competition. Planning for finished product requirements is one of the important points for companies in making strategies in the business world so that companies are able to compete in the market. ARC USK is one of the leading research centers in Aceh that has produced commercial patchouli products, one of which is the Neelam Parfum product. The problem faced by ARC USK at this time is that the need for the amount of export production of Neelam Parfum itself cannot be determined with certainty, this is because ARC USK has never exported Neelam Parfum products and so far only distributes it domestically so that the amount of commercial production is only made for meet the needs of the domestic market. This study aims to create an export production schedule for Neelam Parfum using the SARIMA method and determine an implementation strategy to maximize production activities for Neelam Parfum ARC USK. Data processing is carried out using data on the number of Neelam Parfum export production targets for 2020-2021 with the help of the Eviews10 software. The validation process for forecasting is carried out using MAPE calculations. The results showed that the MAPE value was 21.334%, based on these results the forecasting of 12 periods in 2022 using the selected SARIMA model can be used and there are 9 implementation strategies that have been approved by ARC USK for export production activities of Neelam Parfum.
The development of a wearable device for Sign Language Gesture Recognition (SLGR) by using Conceptual Design Approach (CDA) Sarika Zuhri; Syahriza Syahriza; Teuku Andhika Malik Rahman; Rizki Agam Syahputra; Iskandar Hasanuddin
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 21, No 4 (2023): August
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v21i4.3744


In recent years, there has been a significant focus on researching and developing Sign Language Gesture Recognition (SLGR) for people with hearing and speaking impairments. This is especially important in Indonesia, where there are approximately two million people with these disabilities. However, current research and developments on SLGR devices are specifically designed to understand only particular sign language systems, such as Korean Standard Sign Language (KSDSL) and American Sign Language (ASL), each of which has its unique gestures and models. As a result, no device has been developed to recognize the gestures of the Indonesian sign language system, known as Sistem Isyarat Bahasa Indonesia (SIBI). Therefore, this study aims to develop an SLGR device that can recognize and translate SIBI gestures into output images via text and speech. The development of the SLGR device in this study is conducted by using the Conceptual Design Approach (CDA) methodology. Where in this case, previous research on SLGR devices is first observed as a benchmark for comparison. Furthermore, the benchmark is used as the basis for the function, sub-function, and specification of the proposed design. Based on these stages of benchmarking and concept development, the study concluded that the final design of the proposed SLGR device is constructed by using 5 flex and Gyroscope sensors connected wirelessly to the Raspberry microcontroller. The device is equipped with a voice system and LCR RPi as the output system for translation. Based on the combination of these sensors, the device is able to identify any particular gestures that correspond to words and phrases in SIBI and translate them into speech via the designated speaker and text display on the LCD screen. To fully understand the performance of the device, experimental tests are conducted by analyzing the input of 26 alphabets in the SIBI system. As a result, the device demonstrated an average of 92% accuracy to convert sign language into voice and text, which demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed device