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Kaji Eksperimental Kekuatan Briker Hasil Reduksi Bijih Besi Dengan Batubara Muda Menggunakan Metode Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) Khairil Khairil; Sarwo Edhy Sofyan; Andre Adhitya
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jtm.v8i1.18242


This research aims to study the mechanics (strength) properties of iron ore briquettes. Iron ore briquettes are made using the hot briquetted iron method (HBI). HBI is a briquette after reduction directly and pressed at a temperature above 650 ⁰C and has more density than 5000 kg/m3. The specimens used were iron ore briquettes made of the composition of iron ore, coal, and adhesives. The composition of the briquettes is 55: 40: 5, 65: 30: 5, 75: 20: 5, 85:10: 5 and the reduction temperature is 750⁰C,850⁰C,950⁰C and 1050⁰C. There are 16 briquett specimens. After the briquettes are made, the briquettes are reduced using a reduction blast furnance which is fuel by LPG and CO2 gas. When the mass of briquette is no longer decrease ore the time (reach steady state condition) the briquettes take out from the blast furnance for press. Pressing is carried out in hot briquettes conditions and the press load is 15 tons. The results obtained from testing the I-Type Tumbler Test have more small paricle ruptures because the briquettes have lost their adhesive during the reduction process and coal does not affect the strength of the HBI briquettes. After being reduced briquettes are given more adhesive so that briquettes can be tested again. Iron ore briquettes after reduction are stroger than those before reduction. In the variation 85:10:5 obtained from testing I-Type Tumbler Test iron ore briquettes test after reduction has a number of particle small rupture 0,21% while iron ore briquettes before reduction of 3,35%.
Modeling of Underground Heat Exchanger for Heat Pump and Air Conditioning Systems Sarwo Edhy S
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17.41 KB)


Air conditioning and heat pump systems can use the ground as a medium to dump or absorb heat energy to increase efficiencies. As compared to the air, the ground has lower temperature in the summer and higher in the winter. In this research, the vertical U tube underground heat exchanger that can be used to harvest geothermal energy, has been modeled by using two dimensional finite difference methods. The model is not only able to estimate the water temperatures out of vertical U tube underground heat exchanger, but also capable of calculating the temperature profile change of surrounding soil under various water entering heat exchanger and weather conditions. The heat transfer process between the underground heat exchanger and soil has been investigated and profiles of soil and water temperatures are presented.
PEMBUATAN BOAT IKAN 2 GT (GROSS TONNAGE) BAGI NELAYAN ACEH UNTUK PENINGKATAN TANGKAPAN IKAN MENUJU KETAHANAN PANGAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID 19 Nazaruddin Nazaruddin; Hendra Gunawan; Sabri Sabri; Iskandar Hasanuddin; Akram Tamlicha; Sarwo Edhy Sofyan; Ichsan Setiawan; Sofyan Sofyan
Jurnal Marine Kreatif Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v5i2.4480


Currently, the condition of fishing facilities for Acehnese fishermen is experiencing difficulties with raw materials due to the difficulty of obtaining good quality wood that is resistant to immersion in water. The Aceh boat measuring 7 meters long which is often referred to in the Acehnese language, namely Boat thep thep is one of the facilities used by Acehnese fishermen to carry out all activities. The application of composite materials or the method of making composites through Hand lay up and Spray up technology is very appropriate to solve this problem. The application of thermosetting polyester resin reinforced with E glass fiber has been proven to be able to increase the efficiency of using this method to become a superior product. This is very appropriate to answer the problems of Acehnese fishermen who have continued to experience losses in the operational cost sector. The main objective of the activity is to create an entrepreneurial partner unit that has the passion and expertise to increase competitiveness against fellow competitors who are directly related to the food security program. national. This is a manifestation of the use of campus academic research results for the community. The target of implementing this product-based science and technology program for the community is that in the short term, it will prioritize increasing the ability of partners and students to improve skills, improve skills in how to produce 2 GT Boats, with improving business management, and help create access to form new business worlds.
Jurnal Marine Kreatif Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v5i2.4478


The province of Aceh is known for its coastal area which has enormous potential for the development of aquaculture of aquatic biota, both freshwater and saltwater communities. The potential for production from freshwater and saltwater fish businesses will be even more exciting in 2021. This is because the amount of fish consumption per capita of the world's population reaches 19.6 kg per year. This value is obtained from the results of estimates through the United Nations Food Agency in 2011. For this matter, various matters relating to the cultivation system must be prepared, starting from the stage of the enlargement process to the stage of feeding or baiting which is more regular and has precise calculations. The purpose of making this automatic feed machine product is to make it easier for aquatic biota cultivators the process of feeding aquatic biota in ponds and ponds through the development of an automatic feed distribution system equipped with systematic timing. With this equipment, the perpetrators of cultivating aquatic biota are able to provide feed easily and regularly so that it helps avoid aquatic biota experiencing a lack of feed which ends in death. The biggest benefit is that cultivators have time savings as well as labor cost savings. The results of this equipment manufacture in the form of a feed control system and feed spreader automatically assisted by the supply of solar power directly to the solar panel so that it is able to convert light energy and sunlight into electrical energy. The output of this product is expected to be able to provide the right solution to cultivators in increasing income and making it easier to use easy and efficient tools.
Jurnal Marine Kreatif Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v4i2.3007


Aceh Province is an area surrounded by coasts which has great potential to develop marine product cultivation, one of which is seaweed. In line with the goal of the central government in 2018 stating its support for increaseing seaweed cultivation in Aceh Province. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries' Directorate General of Cultivation stated that so far the seaweed industry and cultivation are still constrained by transportation problems for marketing. Based on the results of research in a number of regions in Indonesia, it is explained that the coastal area of Aceh is an area that has very good potential for the seaweed cultivation. This study focuses on the Glacilaria sp seaweed cultivation due to its easiness to grow in community ponds. The drawback of this pond cultication method is the existence of predators that eat seaweed and the pond bottom mud that pollutes the seaweed. The application of floating house technology for glacilaria seaweed culture is seen as a solution for aforemention problems. This technology protects the seaweed from predators and the contamination of the seawee from mud pond. The proposed sea seaweed cultivation method is anticipated to offer better income and improve the quality of life of the community, especially in the the targeted area, Alue Naga. Regarding the current situation, Farmer in Alue Naga still practice the conventional method for cultivating the seaweed in the land pond. This regular method has the shortcoming in protecting the seeweed from the predators. In addition, due to the seaweed attached to the bottom of the pond, it causes the slow growth of seaweed. These circumstances cause the crops have lower quality, result in a hardly marketable product either for national or international markets. To cope with such conditions, an easy to use, reliable and safety floating house was proposed and built for the use of glacilaria seaweed culture. The community is also engaged in the workshop and construction of floating house for the glacilaria seaweed culture taught by staff of Cot Irieh Fiberlass workshop. This engagement aims to increase the insight and skill of the community regarding construction and maintenance of the glacilaria seaweed culture floating house. This study is fully supported by Syiah Kuala University Research and Community Service Institute through fostering the Alue Naga fishing community through direct application of technology.
Mini Factory Inkubator Portabel Untuk Bayi Prematur di Aceh Ratna Sary; Irwansyah Irwansyah; Sarwo Edhy S; zulfan zulfan; Dedi Afandi; Asbar Asbar; Dandi Bachtiar
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat: Darma Bakti Teuku Umar Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/baktiku.v4i1.5184


Indonesia's infant mortality rate is still relatively high when compared to other countries in Southeast Asia. This is caused by many things, including inadequate health facilities for underprivileged communities in rural areas. One solution that can be done is to make incubator equipment that is simple but reliable enough so that it can be loaned out for free to underprivileged families in need. Mini Factory for Portable Incubator is a fabrication activity carried out at the USK Mechanical Engineering Department that aims to produce incubator units designed by experts from the University of Indonesia. This fabrication activity is the result of a collaboration with BFLF Indonesia which funds program activities. The resulting incubator is then handed over to the BFLF Indonesia institution to then distribute it to underprivileged families in need on a free loan basis. The main target is underprivileged families in the province of Aceh. Another outcome is the wide publication of the Acehnese people through the mass media, both print and online.
PERANCANGAN ICE COOL BOX MENGGUNAKAN BAHAN COMPOSITE (CBC) PADA KAPAL IKAN LAPIS FIBER 2 GT (GROSS TONNAGE) DALAM MASA KETAHANAN PANGAN DI MASA PANDEMI Nazaruddin Nazaruddin; Muhammad Haiqal; Hendra Gunawan; Lulusi Lulusi; Akram Tamlicha; Iskandar Hasanuddin; Sarwo Edhy Sofyan; Syarifah Meurah Yuni; Ichsan Setiawan
Marine Kreatif Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Marine Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jmk.v6i2.6544


Entering the economic era of free competition, various fishing technology supports have increased, but there are difficulties in terms of the availability of fish storage media in the long term. Products circulating today are not able to last long and are easily damaged. The problem that occurs is that the storage media does not have long durability against age, impact, maintenance and ease of repair. The composite material application applies the hand lay up method. The work process is carried out in stages starting from making patterns, molds to finished products. The material used consists of thermosetting resin, supported by reinforcing fiber consisting of E-glass fiber and organic ramie fiber. The combination of the two is called a hybrid material. The stages of this process are carried out efficiently and carefully until the final target is met for a quality Ice cool box product. Ice cool box composite as a direct application of campus research results so that it can be used for the needs of Acehnese fishermen.
A study of co-firing palm kernel shell on the Nagan Raya coal-fired power plant Khairil Ansar; Ahmad Syuhada; Sarwo Edhy Sofyan
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 21, No 6 (2023): December
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v21i6.4021


Co-firing biomass with coal in existing utility boilers is seen as one strategy for promoting renewable energy with low upfront costs and little to no impact on the boilers' high efficiency. The purpose of this research is to analyse the fuel characteristics and performance of palm kernel shell co-firing at Nagan Raya Coal-Fired Power Plant (CFPP) at various percentages of palm kernel shell combination. The analysis is conducted based on the operational data obtained from Nagan Raya Power Plant. In this study, the characteristics of fuel and the performance of a power plant are analysed based on percentages of fuel variations, namely 100% coal, 95% coal-5% palm kernel shell, and 90% coal-10% palm kernel shell. The results reveal that co-firing's biomass ratio boosted operation parameters, including main steam pressure, temperature, and flow rate. Subsequently, co-firing with 90% coal-10% palm kernel shell has enhanced the power plant output to 90,7 MW compared to those with 100% coal, 95% coal-5% palm kernel shell, namely 89,3 MW and 90,4 MW, respectively
Effect of numerous plate holes in a cooling tower on heat transfer optimization Heli Suansyah; Ahmad Syuhada; Sarwo Edhy Sofyan
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 21, No 5 (2023): October
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v21i5.4069


An industry requires a cooling medium to reduce heat in an industrial machine during operation. Companies generally use cooling towers for engine cooling media. The common issue is that heat reduction and heat transfer rate are not significant. Therefore, a new variation is needed to ensure that the cooling tower can effectively lower the temperature of the machinery. The problem statement aims to determine the parameters that can enhance both the heat transfer rate and the heat transfer coefficient in cooling towers. The objective is to determine the heat transfer rate and heat transfer coefficient. The method used is experimental by varying the water inlet in five variations of the cooling tower plates, they are being 48, 60, 80, 120, and 250 holes. The results showed that the highest temperature difference occurs at Tin 80oC with the variation of 250 holes, which is 9.34oC, and the highest heat transfer value reached 1833.17 watts. Meanwhile, the lowest temperature difference occurred at Tin 60oC with a variation of 48 holes, which is 3,98oC, and the lowest heat transfer value reached 787.47 watts. The highest convection coefficient occurs at Tin 70oC with the variation of 250 holes, which is 117.74 W/m²⋅K. The lowest convection coefficient occurs at Tin 80oC with a variation of 48 holes, which is 77.36 W/m²⋅K. This can be concluded that the temperature difference (⧍T), heat transfer rate, and heat transfer coefficient will increase when the number of holes in each plate variation increases.