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The Level of Sense of Place in Inpres Market Bambang Karsono; Khana Rekha Putri; Sisca Olivia; Hendra A
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (425.551 KB) | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v2i2.238


Physical intervention in a market area tends to change user habits in responding to the space. This situation can ruin the authenticity of the sense of place and the loss of local identity for generations. This study aims to reveal the authenticity and understanding of the Inpres Market, a traditional market in Lhokseumawe. Re-development has been carried out at the Inpres Market to improve the layout of the stalls, change the architectural form of the building with a contemporary image, and increase the floor of the building vertically into two levels. Apprehensively this physical intervention will erode the meaning of place that has been attached to people's memories for a long time. This study must be conducted before any other new physical intervention occurs for any renovation or revitalization reason. This study is place-based research by choosing Inpres Market in Lhokseumawe as the case study. The research variable uses physical (tangible) and social (intangible) variables to reveal the sense of place in the market. The data was obtained using quantitative and qualitative methods, while the analysis was carried out in an exploratory, descriptive manner. The data collection method was conducted in two stages: observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The second stage of data collection involved 134 respondents, and a random sampling method was implemented to determine the respondents. The results showed that physical and social variables' influence in creating a sense of place is revealed.
The Divergence Between Prophet’s Masjid and Present Masjid: An Architectural Essay Deni Deni; Bambang Karsono; Rinaldi Mirsa; Adi Safyan; Eri Saputra
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (681.314 KB) | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v1i2.136


Basically, functional aspect in masjid can easily understand that there are divergence phenomena between the present masjid compared to the physical appearance and function of the Prophet's Masjid in the beginning. The objective of study is to reveals the existence of the Prophet's Masjid regarding the process and physical description of the masjid through hadith, sirah nabawiyah and related references as a guideline for comparative thinking on the present masjid. Critical descriptive research method is used as an analytical instrument to     assess present masjid by adopting the idea of function in architecture knowledge and collaborate with the idea of social values as a  reflection of the paradigm of Muslims towards the present masjid. Discussion find out that the people's perspective on present masjid tends to be statically trapped in the shape, form and visuals from the legacy of Islamic civilization after the time of the Prophet’s Muhammad PBUH.
Jurnal Koridor Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): Jurnal Koridor
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (702.969 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/koridor.v9i2.1362


Banyak perancangan ruang pada masjid dihasilkan dari sebuah duplikasi dan peniruan terhadap tipologi ruang dari bangunan masjid lain yang dianggap baik sebagai produk masyarakat muslim. Pendekatan ini terbatasi dengan pengunaan ruang utama berupa ruang di tengah yang paling besar yang dipergunakan untuk sholat dan seringkali mengabaikan nilai dan prinsip dasar Islam yang bersumber dari Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah. Artikel ini berusaha mengungkap kemanfaatan ruang utama pada Masjid Agung Islamic Center (MAIC) di Kota Lhokseumawe dikaitkan dengan ‘menghindari berlebih-lebihan’ yang merupakan salah satu nilai dan prinsip dasar Islam. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 30 hari, paralel dengan eksplorasi nilai dan prinsip Arsitektur Islami yang bersumber dari Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemanfaatan ruang utama pada MAIC rata-rata hanya 3,24% menurut hari dan 3,26% menurut waktu sholat hal ini menunjukkan indikasi kemubaziran. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi diskusi bagi pengembangan ranah perancangan dan pemikiran Arsitektur Islami yang lebih bernilai khususnya di Aceh.
Arsitekno Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Arsitekno
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/arj.v2i2.1244


Since the dawn of the civilization, water plays an important role in human life. Water covers 75% of the earth surface and sustains virtually every life form on it. From the early days of human settlement, the banks of themajor rivers such as the Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Indus and Hwang Ho became the cradle of civilizations. It is here the culture developed and the pattern and morphology of urban settlement became the source of ourknowledge. This paper attempts to overview the main developmental periods of waterfronts around the world. It discusses on the fundamental periods and events which shaped the city water-borne activities and explained how those events influenced the nature of public space on the waterfronts. The port-city that developed since then will be analyzed corresponding to the historical events that are related to the city development. A few cases studies will be shown in order to present a valuable descriptive situation. Corresponding to the above issues, a continuous process that took place in the development of the waterfront will be discussed extensively.
Efficacy and Safety of In-Asia-Manufactured rhG-CSF 300 mcg As Primary Prophylaxis for Prevention of CHOP Chemotherapy-induced Severe Neutropenia in Elderly Patients with Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin Harryanto Reksodiputro; Zubairi Djoerban; Karmel L. Tambunan; Aru W. Sudoyo; Abidin Widjanarko; Djumhana Atmakusuma; Syafrizal Syafei; Nugroho Prayogo; Ronald Hukom; Dody Ranuhardy; Zakifman Jack; Asrul Harsal; Noorwati S -; Bambang Karsono; Shufrie Effendi; Hilman Tadjoedin
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 3, No 1 (2009): Jan - Mar 2009
Publisher : National Cancer Center - Dharmais Cancer Hospital

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (790.74 KB) | DOI: 10.33371/ijoc.v3i1.71


Penelitian open-label, non-komparatif ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas dan keamanan recombinant human G-CSF produksi Asia sebagai profilaksis primer dalam pencegahan neutropenia derajat berat pada pasien usia lanjut (>60 tahun) dengan limfoma non-Hodgkin (LNH) derajat sedang dan lanjut (stadium II,III,IV) yang mendapat terapi CHOP (siklofosfamid, doksorubisin, vinkristin). Profilaksis primer recombinant human G-CSF (rhG-CSF) produksi Asia dapat mengurangi median durasi neutropenia derajat 4 pada siklus sitostatistika ke-1 dan ke-2 menjadi tiga hari, sementara median durasi neutropenia derajat 3 pada siklus sitostistika ke-1 menjadi dua hari dan pada siklus sitostatistika ke-2 menjadi dua setengah hari, dari median durasi neutropenia grade 4 dan grade 3 tanpa G-CSF, yaitu empat dan lima hari berurutan. Febrile neutropenia ditemukan pada 7 pasien yang mendapat rhG-CSF produksi Asia (24.1%), lebih rendah jika dibandingkan studi tanpa rhG-CFS (31.3-34% FN). Tiga pasien mendapat rhG-CSF produksi Asia (10,3%) dirawat inap akibat febrile neutropenia, lebih rendah jika dibandingkan rawat inap pada studi tanpa rhG-CSF (24-28%). Kejadian yang tidak diinginkan terbanyak adalah mual dan muntah yang terjadi pada 9 (31%) pasien. Sebagai kesimpulan, penggunaan rhG-CSF produksi Asia untuk profilaksis primer pada pasien LNH usia lanjut yang mendapat regimen CHOP dapat mengurangi durasi neutropenia, mengurangi kejadian febrile neutropenia, dan angka rawat inap akibat febrile neutropenia.Kata kunci : Efektivitas, keamanan, G-CSF, LNH pada usia lanjut
Dominating the Space: Uncover the Existence of Street Vendors in Public Space, The case of Tengku Amir Hamzah Square, Stabat, Indonesia Bambang Karsono; Mohammad Shihadeh A. Arar; Irsanuddin Luthfi; Deni Deni
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 2, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v2i4.394


The existence of street vendors tends to dominate public spaces, which is physically considered to affect the physical quality. Tengku Amir Hamzah Square (TAHS) in Stabat is a famous local public space. Its strategic location triggers the growth of street vendors who provide attractions for visitors. Initially, TAHS was designed not to provide a space for street vendors, and the local regulation said that the presence of street vendors was prohibited. The existence of street vendors in TAHS who occupy this public space has emerged with pros and cons. This phenomenon became the reason for this study to be conducted, specifically to uncover the pattern of temporary space and space-forming elements created by street vendors and their relationship with the public's interest in visiting TAHS. The mixed-method research approach is used in this study to disclose and analyze data descriptively. Mapping and observation were carried out to obtain quantitative data, including layout, the number of street vendors, merchandise types, and distribution patternshod of displaying. The elements that form public spaces implemented by street vendors are obtained through observations and photo-trekking, and 58 respondents were involved in the interviews. Findings indicate that the strategic location and fluent permeability to and from TAHS have made this potential street vendor attraction popular among the locals. The activity created in this area acts as a generator of movement, especially at night, attracting people to come and walk through the existing street vendor outlets, contributing to urban livability.
Fenomena Pedagang Kaki Lima pada Kawasan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh Bambang Karsono; Maghfira; Fidyati; Sisca Olivia
Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023): JLBI
Publisher : Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32315/jlbi.v12i2.78


Pedagang kaki lima (PKL) merupakan salah satu fenomena di perkotaan yang selalu menarik menjadi topik diskusi dan diteliti. Kesempatan kerja di sektor formal di kota yang terbatas menjadikan PKL sebagai alternatif bagi masyarakat untuk memperoleh pendapatan. Aktivitas PKL dikategorikan sebagai informal, tumbuh secara spontan, mudah cara pengoperasian dan kadang kala tidak ada prosedur standar yang mengaturnya. Ada kalangan yang mendukung bahwa keberadaan PKL di ruang perkotaan karena dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi keberlangsungan kehidupan perkotaan (livability). Namun ada juga yang mempermasalahkan keberadaannya dengan alasan ruang kota menjadi tidak teratur. Di Kota Banda Aceh, PKL tumbuh menyebar dan mendominasi ruang publik di sepanjang koridor jalan. Kajian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan faktor penyebab, cara pemanfaatan koridor jalan yang didominasi oleh pedagang kaki lima serta dampak positifnya terhadap livability dan keberlanjutan kota. Penelitian memilih PKL pada satu koridor jalan di Kawasan Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh sebagai studi kasus. Pendekatan penelitian metode campuran diterapkan dalam penelitian ini, data kuantitatif dan kualitatif diperoleh melalui observasi, pemetaan, photo-trekking, dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara triangulasi deskriptif, guna mengungkap keterkaitan antar fenomena. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fenomena PKL pada kawasan studi kasus memberi kontribusi kepada keberlangsungan kehidupan kota dan menjadi generator kegiatan pada siang dan malam hari. Di sisi lain, tempat tersebut menunjukkan tingginya tingkat ketergantungan tempat bagi PKL untuk memperoleh pendapatan.
Kemanfaatan Ruang Salat Utama pada Masjid Al-Hikmah Cunda, Lhokseumawe Bambang Karsono; Dara Nabila Pulungan; Hendra A; Cut Azmah Fithri
Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia Vol. 12 No. 3 (2023): JLBI
Publisher : Ikatan Peneliti Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32315/jlbi.v12i3.75


Secara etimologi, masjid memiliki arti sebagai tempat sujud yang penuh ketaatan dan kepatuhan. Rasulullah Muhammad SAW dan para sahabat memberi contoh hakikat fungsi masjid bukan hanya dijadikan sebagai tempat ibadah salat saja, namun juga digunakan sebagai tempat berbagai kegiatan yang mencerminkan ketaatan dan kepatuhan kepada Allah SWT. Pada masa itu, masjid berfungsi sebagai pusat kegiatan umat Islam, seperti: pendidikan, dakwah, politik, ekonomi, moral dan sosial, tempat berkumpul dan berdiskusi. Beragam kegiatan dilakukan di dalam masjid sehingga memiliki kemanfaatan ruang yang baik dan tidak terdapat ruang yang mubazir. Pada masa kini, fenomena desain ruang salat utama pada masjid cenderung bergeser menjadi lebih eksklusif dan berfungsi tunggal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur tingkat kemanfaatan ruang pada Masjid Al-Hikmah Cunda, Lhokseumawe, guna mengetahui tingkat dan pola penggunaan ruang salat utama pada waktu salat dan kegiatan diluar waktu salat terkait dengan isu kemubaziran ruang. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus normatif, Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah sebagai rujukan utama untuk menelaah hakikat kemanfaatan ruang salat masjid. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pengamatan teknik kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dengan cara menggambar ulang denah masjid kemudian melakukan pengamatan dengan menghitung jumlah pengguna ruang untuk memperoleh tingkat kemanfaatan ruang. Sedangkan data kualititatif digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kegiatan selain ibadah salat yang terjadi di ruang salat utama masjid, dengan cara mengamati dan mencatat kegiatan yang terjadi. Penelitian mengungkap rata-rata kemanfaatan ruang salat utama tidak lebih dari 35%. Pada sisi lain kegiatan selain salat jamaah dilakukan di ruang utama meliputi kegiatan belajar Quran, berbuka puasa dan tempat masyarakat bercengkerama setelah salat jamaah.
Pola Aktivitas Informal Pada Ruang Terbuka di Kp3 Kota Lhokseumawe Baihaqi Baihaqi; Bambang Karsono; Hendra Aiyub
Jurnal Etnik: Ekonomi-Teknik Vol 2 No 10 (2023): ETNIK : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Teknik
Publisher : Rifa'Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Jagu Beach Coastal Road is located at the end of Lhokseumawe city center, precisely in the Lhokseumawe Port Security Unit (KP3). Even though the place is not an Instagrammable place, many tourist hunters visit it. Apart from offering a beautiful panoramic view of the sea, along the coastline there are also dozens of traders serving various culinary delights on the Coastal Road of Jagu Beach, Lhokseumawe City, so that this is utilized by street vendors in their marketing strategies. Its main activities are strongly influenced by commercial activities, both formal and informal trade. The informal trade sector has both positive and negative impacts on the region. Street vendors occupy the pedestrian right up to the road shoulder which results in a shift in pedestrian activity space to the road shoulder plus a lack of adequate parking space, which has an impact in the form of a lack of circulation for vehicles passing through it. This research aims to determine activity patterns as well as the causes and utilization of road corridors dominated by street vendors and their positive impact on the livability and sustainability of the city of Lhokseumawe. A mixed methods research approach was applied in this research to analyze descriptive and qualitative data obtained through observation, mapping, documentation and interviews on the Jagu Coastal Road, Lhokseumawe City. The research results reveal that this phenomenon contributes to the continuity of urban life in the afternoon and evening and becomes a popular place for people to gather. This helps to attract a crowd that can contribute to the economic livelihood of the city. On the other hand, this place shows the high level of dependence on street vendors to support their income.
Telaah Arsitektur Eklektik pada Bangunan Masjid Haji Keuchiek Leumiek Fala Foenna; Bambang Karsono; Fidyati Fidyati
Jurnal Etnik: Ekonomi-Teknik Vol 2 No 11 (2023): ETNIK : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Teknik
Publisher : Rifa'Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/etnik.v2i11.257


Indonesia is a country where the majority of the population is Muslim, especially Aceh. So it is not surprising that you can find many mosques with magnificent architecture and a great historical background. With globalization, many new architectural styles have emerged, for example eclectic architecture which influences the exterior and interior shapes of mosques. The application of eclectic architecture in the design process by adopting elements that are considered the best originating from local and non-local architecture so as to produce a building model that has its own charm and characteristics. One element of foreign architecture that is now being adopted domestically is Middle Eastern architecture. This phenomenon made researchers interested in conducting research on one of the mosques that displays Middle Eastern accents on its building facade, namely the Haji Keuchiek Leumiek Mosque, Banda Aceh. This research aims to reveal the eclectic aspects of the Haji Keuchiek Leumiek Mosque building, as well as which facade elements adopt Middle Eastern architecture. The method used to obtain data in this research is a comparative-qualitative method. Data collection techniques are carried out through observing the location of the study object, conducting interviews and documenting it in photographs, then comparing it with expert theories to reach conclusions. The results of the analysis show that the Haji Keuchiek Leumiek Mosque was built with characteristics of eclecticism. Middle Eastern architecture and various regional ornamental arts combine to create unique design aspects of the mosque. Awan Meucanek, Bungoeng Meulu, Bungoeng Putik, Sulur Oen Teube, Awan, and Bungong Geulima are examples of local ornaments in mosque architecture. The findings show that when compared with the remains of Islamic dynasties, the architecture of this Middle Eastern mosque is not exactly the same. However, in general, the architectural design of this mosque is very similar to mosques built during the Fatimid and Timurid periods.