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Characteristics of Mixed Porus Asphalt with Combination of LDPE, CPO and PEN 60/70 Meidia Refiyanni; Chaira Chaira
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology Vol 1, No 4 (2021)
Publisher : Master Program of Information Technology, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh Utara, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.438 KB) | DOI: 10.52088/ijesty.v1i4.146


The quality of the road depends on the pavement, drainage conditions, and materials. For this reason, it is necessary to make innovations in improving the quality of road pavement, one of which is increasing the material. There are many types of pavements, one of which is porous asphalt pavement. Porous asphalt has many cavities that is easy for water to pass but has a low stability value with high           permeability. This research will utilize Low Density Poly Ethylene (LDPE), as an additive, CPO, and Pen 60/70 in a porous asphalt mixture. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the porous asphalt mixture by substituting LDPE and CPO for Pen 60/70. The method used in analyzing the characteristics of the porous asphalt mixture refers to the specifications of the Australis Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA) (2014), with parameters Camtabro Loss (CL), Asphalt Flow Down (AFD), VIM, stability and flow. The gradation used in this study is an open gradation. This research was started from determining the value of Optimum Asphalt Content (KAO), with two variations, namely Variation 1 (1% LDPE, 10% CPO, 89% pen 60/70), variation 2 (5% LDPE, 10% CPO, 85% Pens 60/70). The KAO value of variation 1 is 5.03% and the second variation is 4.75%. After obtaining the KAO value, LDPE and CPO are substituted. The test results for the porous asphalt mixture for CL values were 34.12% and 27.07%, respectively; AFD value of 0.13% and 0.12%; for the VIM value of 14.90% and 19.03%; stability value 603.24 kg and 603.19 kg; and flow values are 5.03 mm and 4.80 mm. In general, the value obtained from the test meets the required requirements. However, the durability value of the mixture did not meet the requirements, namely 60.15% and 48.22%, with the condition >90%.
Analisis Kapasitas Lentur Balok Beton Bertulang Dengan Campuran Pasir Besi Azwanda Azwanda; Chaira Chaira
Civilla : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Islam Lamongan Vol 5, No 1 (2020): March
Publisher : Litbang Pemas - Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/cvl.v5i1.405


The use of concrete for structures in the field of civil engineering in particular, is currently increasing so as to demand better concrete technology. The purpose of this study was to analyze the flexural capacity of reinforced concrete beams with alternative materials using iron sand as a substitute for fine aggregate. In this study reinforced concrete beams with subtle aggregate substitution will be compared with normal reinforced concrete beams. The experimental method used to obtain data is carried out through flexural capacity testing. The results showed that the two beams failed to bend as planned. Normal flexural beam capacity is 10,480 tons with a maximum deflection of 7,530 mm. Whereas for flexible beams with fine aggregate substitution of iron sand obtained a deflection size of 18,470 mm with a maximum load of 11,860 tons. The crack pattern on the iron sand aggregate substitution beam has a higher amount where the crack appears slowly and has a shorter size compared to normal concrete blocks. Reinforced concrete beams with fine aggregate substitution of iron sand can also slow the initial cracking in normal reinforced concrete beams.
Evaluasi Penerapan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Pada Gedung Perawatan Jiwa RSUD Nagan Raya Chaira Chaira; Zakia zakia
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (952.906 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v4i2.1289


The construction industry is a sector that has a high level of risk both in terms of business risks, occupational health and safety risks. The lack of OHS implementation, resulting in increased work accidents in construction projects. OHS in the Construction Industry needs special attention, it can cause harm to workers, employers, the government and the community, which can be human casualties, property damage and the environment around the project. This study aims to determine the application of OSH in the New Building Care project at Nagan Raya Hospital and to determine the factors that influence OSH in the project. OSH evaluation is carried out by giving questionnaires to the project implementers then performed univariate and bivariate analysis to determine the relationship between variables. The number of respondents 25 people. The results obtained are the most dominant age 16-20 years and at least 42-44 years. The highest level of education in the group without school and the lowest S. The average work period of workers is 10-15 years by 40%. The results of univariate analysis, the frequency distribution for answers "less" is 61.5% for site managers, as well as implementers who answer "no" with a frequency of 60.0% and supervisors 41.7%. This indicates the lack of application of OSH to the project concerned. This is due to the lack of knowledge about OSH management systems and concepts both from the site manager as the project manager, implementer and supervisor so that workers do not get a proper understanding of the OSH.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 3, No 4 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.465 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v3i4.223


School is one type of land use that can produce trip attraction.This study was conducted to find out the factors that influences the trip attarction of school and build a model that can be used to estimate the tripattraction because of the students vehiclein the school are on Manekroo street, Meulaboh.This study was also conduct to determine the validity of the model by using the value of coefficient determination (R2).Data collection in this study was conducted by calculating the the number of vehicles movementsin the schools reviewed, on coming hours and on out hours.The data are analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with using SPSS software version 20. The reults indicate that the most influencing variable is the number of students. Calculation results obtained model resylting fromcalculation is Y = 38,575 + 0,911 X1, which Y is the total number of trip attraction in Schools (smp/jam) and X1  is a   umber of students. The validity of the model using coefficient determination is 0,993 ; it means the equation is feasible for estimating the value of dependent variable. Keywords : Model, Trip Attraction, School, SPSS
Pengaruh Pemberian Filler Abu Cangkang Lokan Terhadap Parameter Marshall Pada Campuran Aspal Beton Veranita Veranita; Chaira Chaira
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Teknologi Konstruksi Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Teknologi Konstruksi
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.041 KB) | DOI: 10.35308/jts-utu.v5i1.1085


West Aceh has a coastline area and a river that drains water into the sea which is quite extensive and produces a lot of supply of lokan species that live in the river. Lokan is a special food that is served by many noodle stalls and restaurants in the area, while the shells become waste that has not been fully utilized. The availability of these shells originating from household waste has inspired the author to conduct research on the use of these as fillers. The shell fillers have little in common with cement fillers are equally lime-containing which can improve the carrying capacity of a mixture. The price is also cheaper and friendly to the environment. From this study the authors wanted to find out the effect of graft ash filler on Marshall parameters on concrete asphalt mixture. The research carried out refers to the technical specifications of the Department  of  Public  Works  2010.  Variations  in  the  filler  mixture  used  have  different compositions. The percentage of filler used for each variation is the addition of 0% cement filler and 100% shell ash, 20% cement ash filler addition and 80% shell ash, and 50% cement ash filler addition and 50% shell shell ash. The results obtained for optimum bitumen content in variations  of  0/100, 20/80  and  50/50  were  4.8%, 4.5%,  and  4.9%  respectively.  From  the Marshall evaluation results obtained the highest stability values at variations of 0/100, and the lowest in the variation of 50/50, this shows that the higher the content of shell shell ash will increase the higher carrying value but less flexible.
Analisis Kerusakan Saluran Sekunder Daerah Irigasi Susoh Kabupaten Aceh Barat Daya Arvi Dania; Chaira Chaira; Cut Suciatina Silva
Jurnal Etnik: Ekonomi-Teknik Vol 1 No 5 (2022): ETNIK : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Teknik
Publisher : Rifa'Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/etnik.v1i5.78


The Susoh irrigation area is one of the irrigation areas in Sounthwest Aceh Regency, the Susoh Irrigation Area irrigates water with a standartd area of 5,793 Ha and a functional area of 2,571.24 Ha. However, with damage along the channel, the water needs are less than optimal for irrigating water in the rice fields. Damage to one of the irrigation buildings will affect the performance of the existing system, so in the secondary canal of the Susoh Irrigation Area it is necessary to do a research on channel damage analysis. Water discharge, water loss is also the amount of efficiency and effectiveness in the Susoh Irrigation Area. From the results of the analysis, it is known that the amount of water loss in the secondary canal in the Susoh Irrigation Area is 0.15696 m/s, the efficiency value is 77.67257% and the effectiveness value is only 51.79%. From the result of this analysis, it can be seen that the condition of the D.I Susoh secondary canal is mostly damaged, so it needs rehabilitation.
Tinjauan Pelaksanaan Pengaspalan AC-BC Pada Proyek Rekonstruksi Jalan Air Pinang – Ujung Batee Kecamatan Tapaktuan – Pasie Raja Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Intan Suryana; Chaira Chaira; Meidia Refiyanni
Jurnal Etnik: Ekonomi-Teknik Vol 1 No 5 (2022): ETNIK : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Teknik
Publisher : Rifa'Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/etnik.v1i5.79


The planning of the Air Pinang - Ujung Batee road reconstruction project, Tapaktuan - Pasie Raja District, South Aceh Regency is a step to meet road comfort, efficiency and also increase road users. The importance of the review as part of the evaluation and supervision as well as a source of data for other researchers in order to support the smooth and fast transportation and economy as well as increase the ease of access for the community, especially in the Air Pinang area. In this research method, the researcher uses qualitative methods, where this research starts from data collection, where in this study primary data is used, namely data obtained from respondents through interviews, direct observation, while secondary data is obtained from journals, articles and also from relevant company data. The results of the analysis show that the process of carrying out the work is good, starting with preparing the road body and then laying it compacted using a vebrator roller, after the compaction process is complete, the binder absorption layer is carried out, namely liquid asphalt is sprayed with asphalt sprayer.
Penanggulangan Erosi Tebing Sungai dengan Penerapan Konsep Bangunan Hijau Melalui Penanaman Rumput Vetiver Muhammad Ikhsan; Cut Suciatina Silvia; Yusrizal Yusrizal; Chaira Chaira
Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya : Jurnal Pembelajaran, Pemberdayaan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5, No 01 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Berdaya
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/jab.v5i01.206


Gerusan tebing sungai merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang mengancam kestabilan tebing sungai, gerusan ini banyak menimbulkan kerugian yang berdampak terhadap keberlangsungan lahan yang ada disekitar sungai, tidak sedikit perkebunan dan perumahan warga yang tinggal di pinggir sungai. Desa Alue Buloh, merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di pinggir sungai Krueng Ineung Daerah Aliran sungai (DAS) Krueng Seunagan merupakan salah satu desa yang berada di Kabupaten Nagan Raya yang terhubung dengan jembatan ke desa Latong, terjadinya gerusan dasar sungai dan gerusan lokal yang sudah sangat mengkhawatirkan. Gerusan tebing sungai merupakan hal yang sangat mengancam bagi lahan yang ada disepanjang sungai tersebut, jika dibiarkan gerusan tersebut dapat terus menerus mengikis lahan penduduk, Pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan ilmu pengetahuan kepada masyarakat metode yang relative mudah dan ramah lingkungan dalam usaha melindungi tebing sungai dari ancaman gerusan oleh aliran air sungai tersebut, pelatihan dikemas dengan kegiatan sosialisasi dimana dalam kegiatan ini masyarakat/mitra diberikan materi dan cara pembibitan serta penanaman langsung rumput vetiver yang menjadi tumbuhan yang akan membantu mengurangi dampak gerusan tersebut. Luaran yang dicapai dalam pengabdian ini adalah peningkatan kapasitas kelompok masyarakat dalam hal penanggulangan erosi tebing sungai secara vegetative dan melakukan pembibitan vetiver dan penanaman langsung pada pinggir sungai.
Kajian Kebutuhan Pasca Bencana pada Daerah Krueng Seunagan Kabupaten Nagan Raya Cut Miranda; Chaira Chaira; Aulia Rahman
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Unida Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Des
Publisher : Mitra Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55616/jitu.v3i2.378


Sungai sebagai kesatuan sistem ekologi yang rentan terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Gambaran sistem ekologi aliran sungai dapat diamati dari keadaan sungai tersebut. Krueng Seunagan salah satu sungai Kabupaten Nagan Raya dengan panjang 95,7 km dan luas DAS nya sebesar 1089,73 km2. Curah hujan yang relatif sangat tinggi sehingga sungai yang ada sangat berpotensi terjadinya luapan dan erosi secara besar-besaran yang merusak prasarana infrastruktur yang ada disekitar sungai. Luapan air sungai, sangat dirasakan oleh pemukiman yang ada ditepi sungai dan jalan, terjadinya hampir setiap tahun dengan tinggi genangan bervariatif hingga mencapai permukaan jalan, genangan tidak lama dan cepat surut, namun telah menimbulkan gerusan pada tebing sungai sehingga menimbulkan longsoran pada tepi badan jalan dan menimbulkan kerusakan pada pemukiman yang berada ditepi sungai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk Mengatasi permasalahan banjir dan kerusakan tebing sungai sebagai akibat daya rusak air di DAS Krueng Seunagan. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif pada bidang pengairan PUPR Nagan Raya, Penelitian ini merujuk pada penanganan banjir dengan Rehabilitasi dan Rekontruksi akibat banjir. Berdasarkan kejadian bencana banjir direkomendasikan sebuah bangunan atau penanganan banjir untuk mencegah tingkat erosi tebing sungai yang semakin meluas, dengan kondisi yang tidak memungkinkan hingga merencanakan suatu gambar rencana Rehabilitasi dan Rekontruksi serta menghitung Rencana Anggaran Biaya
Journal of Civil Engineering Vol 38, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j20861206.v38i2.16860


Simpang BPKP Banda Aceh is one of the signalized intersection with four approaches. so there are 16 crossing, 8 diverging, and 8 merging, between vehicles such as delay and congestion. This research aims to analysis the intersection in existing condition and redesign condition by using SIDRA Intersection 8.0 as a software. Software SIDRA Intersection 8.0 (analytical model) is a fixed minimum capacity for each minor movement is set by the user. The data was collected from institute from a video by using cctv at research area. The data from a video was include volume of vehicle, distances (upstrem, downstream, and negotiation) and travel time. In existing condition. Total demand flow is 1060 pcu/h. Approach delay 96,8 sec and level of service is F. The geometry for redesign condition is designing roundabout at that intersection. This assumption is made in the condition an unsignalized intersection.  Total demand flow in redesign condition at Simpang BPKP Banda Aceh is 1060 pcu/h. Approach delay 3,8 sec and level of service is A.