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JURNAL TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 6 No. 1 (2016): Volume 6 No 1 Maret 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.63 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v6i1.1526


PT X is a joint venture subsidiary of a bank in Indonesia, which is a company, engaged ingeneral insurance business. PT X is required to increase its share of the parent company by theshareholders in developing its business potential. In developing the potential of the business, companiesneed enough information to be analyzed further. Sources of information that can be used is the businessdata of the company, both of PT X as a subsidiary and its holding company. By utilizing business datain large numbers, the company will find a variety of information needed. For the business dataprocessing required a technique of data mining. In a study conducted, the implementation of the modelrefers to the six stages of Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining or commonly known by theacronym CRISP-DM. In doing data mining, the six phases of the CRISP-DM is business understanding,understanding the data, the data preparation, modeling, evaluation, and deployment. At this stage ofdeployment, the report will be made by the customer segmentation by region. The expected result is theinformation required in the form of a new customer pipeline.
JURNAL TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 7 No. 3 (2017): Volume 7 No 3 November 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (645.676 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v7i3.3144


Indonesia merupakan negara kepulauan dengan 17.499 pulau, 5,9 juta km2 wilayah pesisir dan laut 81.000 km. Besarnya potensi sumber daya laut sangat melimpah sehingga terjadi eksploitasi dan kerugian lebih. Terdaftar sebagai sebuah kejahatan pada tahun 2015 dan sebanyak 235 negara berpenduduk 35 miliar kerugian pada tahun 2016. Sinergi Bakamla di era baru operasi keamanan maritim didukung oleh metode deteksi dan aktivitas intelijen. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada model pengembangan deteksi kejahatan di laut. Tujuan penelitian diperoleh model pendeteksian yang tepat untuk kelemahan dalam deteksi model saat ini. Deteksi aktivitas siklus intelijen terdiri dari pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, analisis, dan diseminasi. Sistem analisis saat ini belum menghasilkan identifikasi, pemetaan dan pemantauan kejahatan dan masih belum terintegrasi dengan sumber daya lainnya. Untuk mengetahui, pengembangan model deteksi akan menggunakan analisis tulang ikan untuk mengungkap penyebab tantangan analitis, organisasi dan birokrasi, bias informasi, kepemimpinan dan kebijakan inferior. Fokus penelitian dalam tantangan analitis adalah pendekatan sistem informasi geografis dalam fitur analisis spasial. Data awal akan dikonversi menjadi data spasial dalam pengumpulan data dan pengolahan data. Dengan menggunakan teknik visualisasi, kerapatan data kejahatan di laut akan diterapkan pada tahap analisis spasial. Untuk pendeteksian itu sendiri, pihaknya akan melakukan pemetaan kejahatan, kepadatan dan Voronoi. Skala kerapatan diilustrasikan dengan nuansa kuning (rendah) hingga merah (tinggi). Dengan demikian, chloropleth diperoleh (peta berwarna yang bervariasi sesuai skala kerapatan) berupa deteksi kejahatan merah (tinggi) di sektor 1B, 1E, 1F, 1G, 2H, 2J dan 2K pada tahun 2015. Model pendeteksian ini dilakukan. sebagai solusi dari masalah itu sebagai model pengembangan deteksi kejahatan di laut.
JURNAL TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 2 No. 1 (2012): Volume 2 No 1 Maret 2012
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (365.715 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v2i1.7013


Production Planning and Inventory Control (PPIC) activities in the food industry requires a reliable decision model to support the effectiveness and efficiency of PPIC function. Master Production Scheduling / MPS is one of the PPIC decision model that aims to get the number of items that must be produced by the company to meet consumer demand based on its production capacity. This research had been done in the food industry with a case study on PT NIC bread industry, using Fuzzy Multi Objective Linear Programming Model as a decision model to determine the amount of production.This model is an optimization model that was developed by utilizing the modified S-curve membership function for Fuzzy Linear Programming problems with the aim of minimizing costs and maximizing production utilization. This model is reliable enough to improve the functioning of PPIC in the food industry.
JURNAL TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 2 No. 3 (2012): Volume 2 No 3 November 2012
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.855 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v2i3.7034


PT. Bona Metal Packaging is a company that move within area of making alumunium tube. In the current era of globalization oil industry was thriving. Please note this problem in many companies today are focused to compete with each other (Red Ocean Strategy) of differentiation of goods, snatch market share, competitive advantage, and low cost strategy. Red Ocean Strategy is important, but at a certain saturation point of this strategy is no longerprofitable for the company. Therefore, it would be nice to begin to look for the Blue Ocean Strategy that tends away from the competition. The aim is to produce a new business development strategy and has Blue Ocean Strategy in PT.X Indonesia in the period from 2013 to 2014. By analyzing the external and internal analysis, and SWOT analysis will get the results of the Blue Ocean Strategy formulation is seen from the Strategy Canvas, 4 Action Frameworkand ERRC Grid. From the formulation of blue ocean strategy is obtained which is expected to know the alternative is a new strategy Blue Ocean in the oil and gas industry.
Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Facility Management Menggunakan Metode Servqual dan Gap Analysis Di PT. GMF AeroAsia Juni Purwo Widadi; Dadan Umar Daihani; Dorina Hetharia
JURNAL TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): Volume 10 No 2 Juli 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.33 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v10i2.8402


Intisari— GMF AeroAsia merupakan Garuda Maintenance Facility Support Center, yang bertugas sebagai pusat maintenance pesawat terbang dengan berbagai tipe dan register pesawat. Saat proses maintenance pesawat tidak ditinggal tanpa pendampingan, namun akan ada personil yang menetap untuk memantau proses maintenance. Untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional maintenance dibutuhkan layanan untuk non-operasional untuk memfasilitasi personil pelanggan yang menetap sementara waktu di PT. GMF AeroAsia selama proses maintenance pesawatnya dilaksanakan. Selama pelayanan, Facility Management belum dapat memenuhi target perusahaan pada pelayanan non-operasional yang ditetapkan pada poin 4.5. Menanggapi hal tersebut, Facility Management mencoba untuk melakukan peningkatan pelayanan dengan melengkapi fasilitas dan pelayanan yang ada. Penambahan fasilitas yang akan diberikan termasuk penambahan karyawan yang bertanggung jawab untuk pelayanan non-operasional. Dilakukan peningkatan dan penambahan karyawan pada divisi sektor pelayanan non-operasional dengan menyerahkannya pada pihak outsourcing. Penambahaan tenaga kerja melalui outsourcing terbukti meningkatkan kinerja dari pelayanan non-operasional PT. GMF AeroAsia. Namun peningkatan tersebut masih belum dapat memenuhi target perusahaan yang menginginkan pelayanan dapat mencapat 4.5. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi saat ini terhadap layanan outsourcing terhadap pelanggan pada saat melakukan maintenance pesawat di PT. GMF Aeroasia menggunakan metode servqual, serta menentukan sistem standar layanan outsourcing berdasarkan skala prioritas melalui metode gap analysis. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian, dimensi tangibles memiliki skor yang paling rendah dibandingkan keempat dimensi yang lain. Sehingga diperlukan adanya penambahan dan pemenuhan fasilitas pelayanan yang dibutuhkan oleh pelanggan selama proses mantenance pesawat berlangsung.Abstract— PT. GMF AeroAsia is the Garuda Maintenance Facility Support Center, which serves as an aircraft maintenance center with various types and aircraft registers. When the aircraft maintenance process, it is not left without assistance but there will be personnel who stay to monitor the maintenance process. To support operational maintenance activities, non-operational services are needed to facilitate customer personnel who remain temporarily at PT. GMF AeroAsia during the process of maintaining aircraft carried out. During the service, Facility Management has not been able to meet the company's targets for non-operational services set in point 4.5 and only reach 3.9. In response, Facility Management tries to improve services by complementing existing facilities and services. Additional facilities to be provided include the addition of employees responsible for non-operational services. Increased and added employees in the non-operational service sector division by handing it over to the outsourcing party. The addition of labor through outsourcing has been proven to improve the performance of PT. GMF AeroAsia. But the increase is still not able to meet the target companies who want services can achieve 4.5. This study aims to determine the current condition of outsourcing services to customers when performing aircraft maintenance at PT. GMF Aeroasia uses the servqual method, and determines a standard system for outsourcing services based on a priority scale through the gap analysis method. Based on the results of the study, the dimensions of tangibles have the lowest score compared to the other four dimensions. So it is necessary to add and fulfill the service facilities needed by customers during the aircraft maintenance process.
Perancangan Strategi Mitigasi Risiko Supply Chain PT. XYZ Gabriella Mistissy; Dadan Umar Daihani; Pudji Astuti
JURNAL TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021): VOLUME 11 NO 2 JULI 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (511.454 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v11i2.9779


Intisari---Guna menjadi partner dari customer dengan permintaan yang beragam, diperlukan output produk yang bermutu, delivery yang tepat waktu, tepat guna, serta penawaran harga yang bersaing. Banyak aspek yang dapat menyebabkan perusahaan tidak dapat mencapai kepuasan pelanggan, beberapa diantaranya disebabkan oleh delay atau kesalahan dari salah satu proses bisnis perusahaan seperti contoh yang terjadi pada PT. XYZ. Perusahaan tersebut merupakan pemasok komponen otomotif yaitu fasteners untuk keperluan perusahaan multinasional domestik maupun internasional. Untuk mengatasi kemungkinan timbulnya kesalahan berulang maka diperlukan strategi meminimalisir penyebab timbulnya risiko kesalahan ketika berlangsung proses bisnis berkaitan dalam rantai pasok utama, serta mencegah terulangnya kembali risiko kerugian. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menyusun identifikasi risiko dengan memberikan tindakan pencegahan pada agen risiko, menyusun strategi mitigasi untuk agen risiko terpilih berdasarkan rasio total efektivitas, mengatasi tingkat kesulitan dan tindakan mitigasi mana yang dapat mereduksi banyak agen risiko dengan nilai yang tinggi.Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah House Of Risk, dengan penilaian risiko yang terdiri dari 2 tahap yaitu House of Risk 1 dan House of Risk 2. Terdapat 9 tindakan pencegah risiko yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi atau menghilangkan munculnya agen risiko yang didapatkan dari studi literatur dan diskusi dengan stakeholder. Dari 19 kejadian risiko, agen risiko yang paling mempengaruhi kejadian risiko berjumlah 21. Dari hasil pemetaan house of risk fase 2, didapatkan 9 rancangan strategi mitigasi risiko yang didapatkan dari studi literatur dan diskusi dengan stakeholder. Diantaranya adalah perusahaan perlu membuat sistem manajemen informasi produk, pemberian penanda lokasi, penugasan kepala regu untuk aktivitas pemantauan, update skill matrix, pemberian standarisasi kode dalam input data kode produk, pemetaan waktu dan lokasi pengiriman, penggunaan sistem dashboard monitoring, pemberian training ulang pada karyawan sesuai dengan lingkup pekerjaan, integrasi antar fungsi dalam perusahaan ditingkatkan. Abstract---To become a partner of customers with various demands, it requires quality product output, timely, efficient delivery, and competitive prices. There are many aspects that can cause the company to be unable to achieve customer satisfaction, some of which are caused by delays or errors in one of the company's business processes such as what happened at PT. XYZ. The company is a supplier of fasteners automotive components for domestic and international multinational companies. To overcome the possibility of recurring errors, a strategy is needed to minimize the causes of the risk of errors when a business process takes place in the main supply chain, as well as to prevent the risk of loss from recurring. The purpose of this study was to compiling risk identification by providing preventive measures to risk agents, develop a mitigation strategy for selected risk agents based on the ratio of total effectiveness, overcoming difficulty levels and which mitigation measures can reduce many risk agents with high scores.The writing method used is House of Risk, with a risk assessment consisting of 2 stages, namely House of Risk 1 and House of Risk 2. There are 9 risk prevention measures that can be used, to reduce or eliminate the emergence of risk agents obtained from literature studies and discussions with stakeholders. From the results of phase 2 house of risk mapping, 9 risk mitigation strategy designs were obtained from literature studies and discussions with stakeholders. Among them are companies need to create a product information management system, provide location markers, assign team heads for monitoring activities, update skill matrixes, provide code standardization in product code data input, map delivery times and locations, use dashboard monitoring systems, provide retraining to employees. According to the scope of work, the integration between functions within the company is improved.
Rancangan Strategi Kupa Ngupi dengan Pendekatan Blue Ocean Strategy Safwan Fadjri; Dadan Umar Daihani; Imam Kisowo
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (709.239 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v11i3.13056


Intisari: Kupa Ngupi adalah salah satu kedai kopi yang berada di Bekasi. Pada saat ini, kondisi penjualan Kupa Ngupi sedang mengalami penurunan. Salah satu usaha yang perlu dilakukan adalah perubahan strategi yang mendasar. Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi strategi dan merumuskan strategi baru adalah dengan Blue Ocean Strategy. Langkah pertama dipetakan posisi perusahaan di pasar melalui pembuatan matriks IFAS dan EFAS. Melalui matriks ini dapat diketahui kondisi internal dan eksternal perusahaan. Faktor internal adalah seluruh faktor yang dapat dikendalikan sedangkan faktor eksternal merupakan pengaruh yang datang dari luar dan tidak bisa dikendalikan secara langsung. Strength dan weakness merupakan faktor internal perusahaan, opportunity dan threat merupakan faktor eksternal perusahaan. Berdasarkan matriks IFAS dan EFAS, total skor kekuatan adalah 1,08 dan kelamahan 1,32, selisihnya -0,24 (dipetakan pada sumbu x). Sedangkan total skor peluang 1,833 dan skor ancaman 0,875, selisihnya adalah 0,958 (dipetakan pada sumbu y). Dari hasilperhitunga inu terlihat bahwa perusahaan berada pada Kuadran III. Pada kuadran ini, perusahaan menghadapi peluang besar, namun ada kendala kelemahan internal sehingga perlu dilakukan perubahan strategi untuk keluar dari ruang pasar yang sudah ada. Melalui Kanvas Strategi awal terpetakan bahwa Kupa Ngupi terlihat masih berada di bawah pesaing. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan perubahan dengan mempergunakan Kerangka Kerja Empat Langkah sehingga dpat digambarkan kanvas strategi kearah penciptaan Kupa Ngupi yang unggul. Setelah dilakukan analisis ditemukan bahwa faktor yang harus dihapuskan berkaitan dengan pola penataan ruangan yang tidak berkonsep. Faktor yang perlu dikurangi adalah tingkat ketidak teraturan penataan peralatan dan perlengkapan pembuat kopi. Hal yang perlu ditingkatkan adalah varian dan inovasi produk dan menambah menu ‘bundling package’. Terkahir hal yang perlu dicitptakan adalah berkaitan dengan penciptaan situasi kenyamanan yang direpresentasikan dalam bentuk interior minimalis namun modern. Hal ini sesuai dengan nilai yang dihasilkan yaitu 3,65, kopi ready to go bernilai 3,64, dan speciality kopi bernilai 3,75. Nilai rata-rata usulan faktor diciptakan tersebut di atas 2,9 yang berarti faktor tersebut penting untuk diciptakan. Kanvas strategi akhir menunjukkan adanya kenaikan faktor internal perusahaan dibanding pesaing, ditambah dengan adanya faktor baru yang diciptakan. Usulan lain yang diberikan adalah motto baru “Kopi nikmat, harga gak bikin penat”. Abstract: Kupa Ngupi is one of Bekasi's coffee cafes. At the meantime, Kupa Ngupi sales conditions are decreasing. A fundamental shift in strategy is one effort that must be made. The Blue Ocean Strategy is a method for evaluating existing strategies and developing new ones. The first step is creating IFAS and EFAS matrices to map the company's market position. The internal and external characteristics of the firm may be examined using this matrix. Internal factors are those that can be managed, whereas external factors are those that originate from outside and cannot be directly controlled. The company's internal factors are its strengths and weaknesses, while its external elements are its opportunities and threats. According to the IFAS and EFAS matrices, the total strength score is 1.08 and the weakness score is 1.32, with a -0.24 difference (mapped on the x-axis). While the overall opportunity score is 1.833 and the threat score is 0.875, the difference is 0.958. (mapped on the y-axis).The results of this analysis show that the firm is in Quadrant III. The firm confronts enormous potential in this quadrant, but there are internal weaknesses restrictions, therefore the strategy must be changed to exit the present market area. The first Strategy Canvas revealed that Kupa Ngupi was still lagging behind competitors. As a result, modifications must be made utilizing the Four-Step Framework so that a strategy canvas may be created toward the development of improved Kupa Ngupi. Following the research, it was discovered that the elements that had to be deleted were connected to a pattern of room layout for which there was no conceptualization. The amount of inconsistency in the placement of coffee manufacturing equipment and supplies should be minimized. Product variations and innovations, as well as the addition of a 'bundling package' menu, need to be enhanced. The final element that has to be developed is a relaxed atmosphere, which is represented by a minimalist yet modern interior design. This is aligned with the resultant value of 3.65, ready-to-drink coffee is worth 3.64, and speciality coffee is worth 3.75. The average value of the proposed factor generated is more than 2.9, indicating that the factor is relevant enough to be established. The final strategy canvas indicates an increase in the company's internal factors as compared to competitors, as well as the creation of new features. Another suggestion was for a new motto “Kopi nikmat, harga gak bikin penat".
Determinan Kepuasan Pasien dengan Metode SEM-PLS: Pengaruh Waktu Tunggu dan Nilai Pelanggan melalui Pelayanan Prima dan Kewajaran Harga pada Rumah Sakit Swasta “X” di Kota Pekanbaru Dina Mutia Sari1; Dadan Umar Daihani; Pudji Astuti
JURNAL TEKNIK INDUSTRI Vol. 12 No. 1 (2022): VOLUME 12 NO 1 MARET 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.364 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v12i1.14030


Intisari— Kepuasan pasien yang rendah dapat berdampak pada keberlangsungan dan kesuksesan industri rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis pengaruh waktu tunggu, nilai pelanggan, pelayanan prima, dan kewajaran harga terhadap kepuasan pasien, (2) menganalisis efek mediasi pelayanan prima dalam pengaruh waktu tunggu dan nilai pelanggan terhadap kepuasan pasien, (3) menganalisis efek moderasi kewajaran harga dalam pengaruh waktu tunggu dan nilai pelanggan terhadap kepuasan pasien. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif berbasis survei kepada pasien di salah satu rumah sakit swasta di Kota Pekanbaru. Teknik sampling yang menggunakan accidental sampling sehingga diperoleh 96 orang responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan SEM-PLS dengan menggunakan alat analisis WarpPLS. Hasil penelitian memperoleh bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara waktu tunggu, nilai pelanggan, dan pelayanan prima terhadap kepuasan pasien di Rumah Sakit “X” di Kota Pekanbaru. Pengujian efek mediasi diperoleh bahwa pelayanan prima mampu memediasi secara parsial pengaruh yang diberikan oleh waktu tunggu dan nilai pelanggan terhadap kepuasan pasien. Sedangkan dalam pengujian moderasi diperoleh bahwa kewajaran harga harga mampu memoderasi pengaruh pelayanan prima terhadap kepuasan pasien, meskipun secara statistik hampir tidak dapat memoderasi Abstract— The lower customer satisfaction might impact the sustainability and success of the healthcare industry. This study aimed to determine; (1) analyze the effect of waiting time, customer perceived value, excellent services, and price on satisfaction, (2) analyze the mediation effect of excellent services in terms of waiting time and perceived value on satisfaction, (3) analyzed moderated effect of price in terms of waiting time and perceived value on satisfaction. Quantitative analysis was adopted as an approach to this study based on a survey analysis of several patients in a private hospital in Pekanbaru. Accidental sampling was applied as a technique sampling to determine 96 respondents—the data analysis technique used SEM-PLS; warpPLS tool. This study's result revealed a significant effect of waiting time, perceived value, excellent services, and price on satisfaction. Moreover, the mediation effect testing showed that excellent services could be a partial mediation on satisfaction. Nonetheless, moderated effect showed that price could be a moderator in the relationship between excellent services and satisfaction, yet statistically, it was almost not moderated.
Pengembangan Model Bisnis UMKM VIA laundry and Shop dengan Pendekatan Design Thinking pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Irvan Setyawan; Dadan Umar Daihani; Imam Kisowo
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknologi Indusri Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/jti.v12i3.15656


Intisari— UMKM VIA laundry and Shop merupakan usaha yang dikelola oleh pekerja yang handal dan berpengalaman dalam memberikan kemampuan dalam bidang laundry, keterampilan yang sudah termasuk cuci kiloan dan jasa setrika. Permasalahan pada VIA laundry and Shop kurangnya pada perhatian pada pengambangan bisnis yang perlu dievaluasi dan dilakukan perubahan untuk bertahan pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Manfaat dari pengembangan bisnis dapat meningkatkan pada pengguna jasa laundry dan dapat bersaing dengan Kompetitor di sekitar wilayah VIA laundry and Shop. Metode yang akan digunakan pada pengambangan bisnis ini adalah Design Thinking, Lean Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, dan Blue Ocean Strategy. Emphaty Map UMKM VIA laundry and Shop yaitu Customer mengalami pihak laundry yang sulit dihubungi,hasil cuci yang kurang memuaskan, packing yang tidak rapih. Hasil Value Proposition Canvas adalah UMKM VIA laundry and Shop memberikan sarana sosial media dan website, memberikan promosi paket cuci, dan memberikan layanan tambahan dengan sesuai request customer. Hasil Lean Canvas usulan UMKM VIA laundry and Shop. Memberikan paket cuci, garansi cuci, dan website/sosial media.Dari perumusan Blue Ocean Strategy UMKM VIA laundry and Shop menawarkan memberikan suatu platform seperti sosial media dan website, mengengbangkan cara mencuci dengan memperhatikan lebih detail tentang sabun dan pewangi yang akan digunakan untuk mencuci dengan menawarkan customer jika ungin menggunakan pewangi atau tidak, menyediakan plastik packing yang sesuai dengan ukuran berat cuci kiloan. Pada perhitungan gross margin Rp.78.523.478. Perhitungan Break Even Point unit adalah 24.685 unit. Break Even Point didapatkan sebanyak Rp. 447.327.322. Abstract— UMKM VIA laundry and Shop is a business managed by workers who are reliable and experienced in providing skills in the field of laundry, skills that include laundry kiloan and ironing services. The problem with VIA laundry and Shop is the lack of attention to business development that needs to be evaluated and changed to survive the Covid-19 pandemic. The benefits of business development can improve in laundry service users and can compete with competitors around the VIA laundry and Shop area. The methods that will be used in this business development are Design Thinking, Lean Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, and Blue Ocean Strategy. Emphaty Map UMKM VIA laundry and Shop that is Customer experiencing laundry parties that are difficult to contact, unsatisfaktory washing results, untidy packing. The result of Value Proposition Canvas is THAT UMKM VIA laundry and Shop provide social media and website facilities, provide laundry package promotion, and provide additional services in accordance with customer requests. Lean Canvas results proposed by UMKM VIA laundry and Shop. Provide washing packages, washing guarantees, and website / social media. From the formulation of Blue Ocean Strategy UMKM VIA laundry and Shop offers to provide a platform such as social media and websites, raise how to wash by paying attention to more details about soap and fragrance that will be used for washing by offering customers if they want to use fragrance or not, providing plastic packing that suits the size of the weight of the laundry kiloan. On the gross margin calculation of Rp.78,523,478. Calculation of Break Even Point unit is 24,685 units. Break Even Point was obtained as much as Rp. 447,327,322.
Peran UMKM dalam Penerapan SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) di Yayasan Bina Umat Kelapa Dua Ratna Mira Yojana; Dadang Surjasa; Yuli Kurnia Ningsih; Dedy Sugiarto; Dadan Umar Daihani
Abdimas Universal Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Balikpapan (LPPM UNIBA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36277/abdimasuniversal.v5i2.309


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are targets agreed upon by members of the United Nations in 2015. Indonesia is a member of the United Nations committed to making SDGs a priority in National Development. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia are one of the economic heroes which are the government's priority in national economic development. The government is making various efforts to develop MSMEs because technology and capital support are one of the keys to the success of MSMEs. The Bina Umat Kelapa Dua Foundation (YBUK) Association is a collection of several MSMEs in the Kelapa Dua area who want to continue developing MSMEs in their area. However, they experienced several obstacles, including the problem of limited knowledge of technology and business capital. The Master of Industrial Engineering at Trisakati University and the management of the YBUK Association jointly held SDGs socialization activities in Community Service (PKM) activities as the first step in helping MSMEs develop their businesses. The theme taken is socio-economic, business and energy in MSME scale sdgs. The enthusiasm of the PKM participants was quite high, and they hoped that similar activities would be held with wider participants.