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Analisis Konsentrasi Kemiskinan di Indonesia Periode Tahun 1999-2003 Diana Wijayanti; Heri Wahono
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Vol. 10 No. 3 (2005)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ejem.v10i3.611


Poverty issues is related not only to the population of the poor but also to poverty concentration in certain areas. This research deals with concentration pattern of poverty in Indonesia analysed by Theil Entrophy index on poverty report data in 26 provinces in Indonesia 1999-2003. The analysis reveals that poverty is highly concentrated in relatively advanced provinces in Java during 1999-2003.Analysis on gap within region as well as between region in Java resulted in higher Theil index than that of other region. Overall calculation shows that there was a slightly decreasing trend in poverty concentration in 1999-2003. Contributing factors to the trend are education, health and human development quality in the region. Therefore, this research raises the urgency of reassessing the government development strategy that use to be growth oriented. Encouraging economic activities in less developed regions will contribute to economic growth and in turn increase the income of the population in the region.Keywords: poverty concentration, theil entropy index
Bedah Buku: Melacak Pembuktian Teori-Teori Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Diana Wijayanti
Economic Journal of Emerging Markets Vol. 7 No. 2 (2002)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/vol7iss2aa667


Judul Buku    : The Elusive Quest for GrowthPenulis    : William EasterlyPenerbit    : MIT Press, 2002 Cambridge, Massahusetts, London, Engalnd
Jurnal Edukasi dan Sains Matematika (JES-MAT) Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Edukasi dan Sains Matematika (JES-MAT)
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.226 KB) | DOI: 10.25134/jes-mat.v4i2.1454


Scoping Review: Pengaruh Terapi TURP terhadap Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia pada Lansia Dito Dewantoro Satriawan; Diana Wijayanti; Meta Maulida Damayanti
Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jiks.v3i1.7388


Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) merupakan istilah histopatologis, yaitu hiperplasia sel stroma dan sel epitel kelenjar prostat,dan bersifat jinak. Prevalensi BPH terjadi sekitar 70% pada pria di atas usia 60 tahun. Tujuan terapi pada pasien BPH adalah memperbaiki kualitas hidup pasien. Salah satu pilihan terapi untuk BPH yaitu transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) yang merupakan metode paling banyak digunakan untuk mengatasi pembesaran prostat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat gambaran pengaruh terapi TURP terhadap BPH pada lansia. Penelitian ini merupakan Scoping Review, yang diambil dari database PubMed, Springer Link, dan Science Direct dengan metode original research articles (observasional). Penelitian ini dinilai secara PICOS untuk ditentukan sebagai kriteria eligible pada prisma flow chart yang sesuai yaitu population (pasien BPH, lansia), intervention (terapi TURP), comparison (terapi lain), outcome (kesembuhan pasien BPH) terdapat 10.025 artikel, dan hasil uji berdasar atas PICOS sebanyak 10 artikel. Hasil analisis dan review dari 10 artikel ini, yaitu terapi TURP memiliki banyak fungsi serta manfaat untuk perbaikan kondisi pasien. Indikator tersebut dapat dinilai dari penurunan risiko perdarahan, waktu operasi, waktu irigasi kandung kemih, durasi kateterisasi, durasi rawat inap, perbaikan pada IPSS, QoL, Qmax, PVR, Na+ serum, K+ serum, kadar hematokrit, volume cairan irigasi, kadar hemoglobin, kreatinin serum, volume prostat dasar, IIEF-5, CTCAE, SHIM, MSHQ-EjD, dan ISI. Pasien BPH juga dapat mengalami risiko komplikasi intraoperatif ataupun pascaoperatif. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh terapi TURP terhadap BPH pada lansia mempunyai hasil yang cukup baik, efisien, dan efektif. Scoping Review: the Effect of TURP Therapy on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in the ElderlyBenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a histopathological term, which is hyperplasia of stromal cells and epithelial cells of the prostate gland, and is benign. The prevalence of BPH occurs in about 70% in men over the age of 60. The goal of therapy in BPH patients is to improve the patient's quality of life. One of the treatment options for BPH is the transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) which is the most widely used method to treat an enlarged prostate. The purpose of this study was to describe the effect of TURP therapy on BPH in the elderly. This research is a Scoping Review, which is taken from the PubMed, Springer Link, and Science Direct databases using the original research articles (observational) method. This study was assessed by PICOS to be determined as eligible criteria on the appropriate prism flow chart, namely population (BPH patients, the elderly), intervention (TURP therapy), comparison (other therapies), 10,025 articles of outcome (recovery of BPH patients), and test results. based on PICOS as many as 10 articles. The results of the analysis and review of these 10 articles are: TURP therapy has many functions and benefits for improving the patient's condition. These indicators can be assessed from the decreased risk of bleeding, time of operation, time of bladder irrigation, duration of catheterization, duration of hospitalization, improvement in IPSS, QoL, Qmax, PVR, serum Na +, serum K +, levels of hematocrit, volume of irrigation fluid, hemoglobin levels, serum creatinine, baseline prostate volume, IIEF-5, CTCAE, SHIM, MSHQ-EjD, and ISI. Patients with BPH may also be at risk of intraoperative or postoperative complications. The conclusion of this study shows that the effect of TURP therapy on BPH in the elderly has good, efficient and effective results.
Scoping Review: Efek Musik Sebagai Terapi Tambahan terhadap Pengendalian Tekanan Darah pada Penderita Hipertensi Prita Tyara Aulia; Diana Wijayanti; Nuzirwan Acang
Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Integrasi Kesehatan dan Sains
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jiks.v3i1.7353


Hipertensi adalah peningkatan tekanan darah sistole ≥140 mmHg dan diastole ≥90 mmHg, diukur dua kali, selang waktu lima menit dalam keadaan tenang. Prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia tahun 2013 tercatat 25,8% dan menjadi 34,1% pada 2018. Pengobatan hipertensi selain menggunakan obat, dapat diberi terapi non-farmakologis, salah satunya adalah terapi musik. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis efek musik sebagai terapi tambahan terhadap pengendalian tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi. Penelitian ini merupakan Scoping Review, dengan mencari artikel dari database Science Direct, Neliti, dan DOAJ diperoleh 2.784 artikel. Hasil skrining yang sesuai kriteria inklusi sebanyak 474 artikel. Hasil uji kelayakan berdasar atas PICOS dan setelah dilakukan telaah kritis terdapat enam artikel yang memenuhi syarat. Penelitian dilakukan pada periode September–Desember 2020. Hasil telaah dan analisis dari enam artikel menyatakan pemberian musik selama 15–25 menit memengaruhi tekanan darah dan terdapat perbedaan tekanan darah sebelum dengan setelah diberikan musik pada penderita hipertensi. Selain itu, lima artikel menyatakan terdapat perbedaan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi yang tidak diberikan terapi musik. Tiga artikel menyatakan terdapat perbedaan efek penurunan tekanan darah antara kelompok intervensi musik dan kelompok yang tidak diberikan intervensi musik. Alunan musik dapat menstimulasi tubuh mengeluarkan molekul nitric oxide yang menyebabkan pelebaran pembuluh darah sehingga dapat menurunkan tekanan darah. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pemberian terapi musik efektif terhadap pengendalian tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi. Scoping Review: Music Effects as Additional Therapy on Controlling Blood Pressure in Hypertensive PatientsHypertension was an increase in systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg and diastolic ≥90 mmHg, measured twice, five minutes apart in a calm state. The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia in 2013 was recorded at 25.8% and became 34.1% in 2018. Treatment of hypertension in addition to using drugs, can be given non-pharmacological therapy, which is music therapy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of music as an additional therapy on controlling blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This research is a Scoping Review, by searching articles from the database Science Direct, Neliti, and DOAJ obtained 2,784 articles. The screening results that matched the inclusion criteria were 474 articles. The results of the feasibility test were based on PICOS and after a critical review there were six articles that met the requirements. The research was conducted in the period September–December 2020. The results of the study and analysis of six articles stated that giving music for 15–25 minutes affected blood pressure and there were differences in blood pressure before and after being given music to people with hypertension. In addition, five articles stated that there were differences in blood pressure in hypertensive patients who were not given music therapy. Three articles stated that there were differences in the effect of lowering blood pressure between the music intervention group and the group that was not given music intervention. The music can stimulate body to release nitric oxide molecules which cause blood vessels to dilate so that can lower blood pressure. The conclusion of this study is that music therapy is effective in controlling blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
Pengaruh Regional Spillover Terhadap PDRB Daerah istimewa Yogyakarta Tahun 1996-2010 Dityawarman El Aiyubbi; Diana Wijayanti
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Volume 15 Nomor 9, April 2014
Publisher : Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jabis.vol15.iss9.art2


This study intends to determine effect of spillover regional to PDRB in Yogyakarta form the year 1996 to .2010. Yogyakarta has a very distinctive characteristics compared to other regions with the relatively low economic growth. As many as 15 years, time series data used in this research that are consisted coninvestment, employment. Another data are number of economic data representing the industrial area variables, such as PDRB data of Klaten, Purworejo, Wonogiri, and Magelang Regency which represents spillover regional. The model is estimated using OLS (ordinary least squares). The results of the analysis of regional economic variables shows that the labor quantity is a significantly positive to PDRB of Yogyakarta, while investment and the number of industrial- are not significantly affect PDRB, the investment variable in PMA and PMDN data, turn out these investment flows occur in many activities that do not impact on the PDRB. While from the spillover of regional variables, it shows that only regencies that have similar economic characteristics that significantly influence the PDRB of Yogyakarta.
Efisiensi Fiskal Terhadap Pembangunan Ekonomi Propinsi di Pulau Jawa (Tahun 2005-2009) Diana Wijayanti; Ai Susan
Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis Volume 11 Nomor 9, September 2011
Publisher : Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/jabis.vol11.iss9.art3


The study was conducted to determine the extent to which fiscal policy can affect the efficiency of the economic development of each province on the island of Java. Data in this study sourced from a central lureau of statistics. Each province has different characteristics from one another. The difference of these characteristics is seen from the inputs used by each province of the output produced. This can he measured by using Indirect Expenditure report, Expenditures and direct Local Spending source as input variables. GDP or the rate of economic growth and employment as an output variable.Analysis tools used in this study is the efficient measurement model with technique Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). DBA is a Technique that compares linear programming of various inputs and output of each unit of economic activity (UKE).This study concluded that: (1) Province in Java that can reach and be able to maintain a level of efficienty of 100% from the year 2005-2009 only one province of East Java Province, while the Province of DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta and Bantam efficieniy level fluctuate each year. (2) Provinces that have a value of inefficient or <100%, occurred because the thriftless in the province of using the input.
Scoping Review: Efektivitas Konsumsi Curcumin terhadap Perbaikan Enzim Transaminase Hepar pada Pasien dengan Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Dina Ayu Siti Khodijah; Arief Budi Yulianti; Diana Wijayanti
Bandung Conference Series: Medical Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Bandung Conference Series: Medical Science
Publisher : UNISBA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/bcsms.v2i1.1830


Abstract. Non-alcoholic fatty liver (non-alcoholicfatty liver disease = NAFLD) is a condition that can progress to advanced liver disease, starting from simple fatty liver (simple stenosis) to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is characterized by changes in transaminase enzymes, including alanine transferase (ALT) and aspartate transferase (AST). Control of NAFLD in addition to lifestyle changes can also be given Curcumin. The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of Curcumin on the reduction of hepatic transaminase enzymes in patients with NAFLD. Curcumin is an orange-yellow pigment that functions as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotector so that it can reduce levels of transaminase enzymes. This study uses themethod Scoping Review with samples taken from four databases, namely Springer Link, Science Direct, Pubmed, and Google Scholar in this study as many as 9,953. The results of the screening according to the inclusion criteria were 709. The results of the feasibility test were based on PICOS and after a critical review there were 8 articles that met the requirements. This research was conducted in the period 2017-2021. The results of a review of 8 articles stated that 6 research articles showed a significant decrease in liver transaminase enzymes after supplementation Curcumin and lifestyle changes. One study stated that there was a decrease in ALT but when compared with the group control , the results were not significant. Another article did not state that there was a decrease in liver transaminases because of the study of epigenetics and DNA damage. So it can be concluded that the administration of Curcumin which is carried out together with non-pharmacological therapy in the form of physical activity and proper diet can reduce transaminase enzyme levels in NAFLD. Abstrak. Perlemakan hati non-alkoholik (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease = NAFLD) merupakan kondisi yang dapat berkembang menjadi penyakit hati lanjut, dimulai dari perlemakan hati sederhana (simple stenosis) hingga steatohepatitis non-alkoholik. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease ditandai dengan perubahan enzim transaminase antara lain alanin transferase (ALT) dan aspartate transferase (AST). Pengendalian NAFLD selain dengan perubahan gaya hidup dapat pula dengan pemberian Curcumin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektivitas Curcumin terhadap penurunan enzim transaminase hepar pada pasien dengan NAFLD. Curcumin merupakan pigmen oranye-kuning yang memiliki fungsi sebagai antioksidan, antiinflamasi, hepatoprotektor sehingga dapat menurunkan kadar enzim transaminase. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Scoping Review dengan sampel yang diambil dari empat database, yaitu Springer Link, Science Direct, Pubmed, dan Google Scholar dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 9.953. Hasil skrining yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi sebanyak 709. Hasil uji kelayakan berdasarkan PICOS dan setelah dilakukan telaah kritis terdapat 8 artikel yang memenuhi syarat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada periode 2017-2021. Hasil telaah dari 8 artikel menyatakan bahwa 6 artikel penelitian menunjukkan terdapat penurunan signifikan enzim transaminase hepar setelah pemberian suplemen Curcumin dan perubahan gaya hidup. Satu penelitian menyatakan terdapat penurunan ALT namun setelah dibandingan dengan kelompok control ternyata tidak signifikan hasilnya. Satu artikel lainnya tidak menyatakan terjadi penurunan enzim transaminase hepar karena meneliti epigenetic dan kerusakan DNA. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan, bahwa pemberian Curcumin yang dilakukan bersamaan dengan terapi non-farmakologi berupa aktivitas fisik dan diet yang tepat dapat menurunkan kadar enzim transaminase pada NAFLD.