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Jurnal Elektro dan Telkomunikasi Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Telkomunikasi

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Penggunaan beban non-linier mengakibatkan terjadinya distorsi harmonik yang berdampak pada buruknya kualitas daya pada sistem tenaga listrik sehingga perlu diperhatikan batasan -batasan harmonisa yang sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditentukan untuk mengetahui besarnya kandungan harmonisa dalam satu mesin cuci perlu dilakukan pengukuran nilai harmonisa dengan menggunakan alat ukur yang spesifik. Pengukuran dilakukan pada sebuah mesin cuci dengan kondisi berbeban dan tanpa beban, hasil pengukuran kemudian dianalisis kondisi distorsi harmonik yang terkandung didalamnya setelah itu akan dilakukan perbandingan dengan antara berbeban dan tidak berbeban yang telah ditetapkan. Pengukuran pada mesin cuci saat kondisi berbeban menghasilkan arus harmonisa yang terdistorsi (THDi) yang lebih besar dari pada saat kondisi tanpa beban dan masih dibawah standart yang diizinkn.
Design Of Mobile Shopping Cart Robot Based On IoT(Internet Of Thing) Hanafi Ramadhana; Solly Aryza; Siti Anisah
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Desember, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Many people are shopping in supermarkets so that baskets and trolleys are usually provided to carry groceries, resulting in frequent cases such as missing or confused baskets. As a result of these problems, a new method is needed in dealing with the problem of swapping shopping cart trolleys. This study describes information about automatic customer follower trolley robots based on image processing and microcontrollers. The design of this control system uses an Arduino Pro Mini Microcontroller which is connected to GPS, Ultrasonic sensors, ESP 8266, and DC motors. Ultrasonic Sensors, The author's purpose is to make research on this trolley robot to make it easier and more comfortable for supermarket customers to shop and carry their groceries, where the trolley is made to be able to follow the user's movements without the need to push it so that customers just have to choose the items they buy and customers can walk in front of their shopping trolleys. The additional devices needed to move the trolley automatically include cameras, microcontrollers, DC motors, servo motors, motor drivers, and batteries mounted on the trolley. Image processing uses a camera on a system that is made to work by detecting the color of the object that has been determined to determine the distance of the object from the trolley. The method used to process image processing is a hue-based color filtering algorithm. So that in its use the trolley is able to move automatically following the customer. The final result of this automatic follower trolley design is a success rate of 80% with the maximum distance between the object and the trolley is 5.65m.
Design Of Digital Smart Board As A New Information Media With Arduino Control Hardian Saputra; Solly Aryza; Siti Anisah
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Desember, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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The development of information media at this time many Changes are increasingly rapid in the field of information and digital technology, where at this time everyone can see how examples of digital technology that are around us such as information tools or announcements in digital form, for example, such as a Smart Board which is a tool that functions to display information, advertisements, warnings and others that are formal or informal. Therefore, digital smart boards are needed in this developing era where this research has a specific purpose and gives an attractive impression when viewed by the public. Arduino Uno microcontroller as the controller. Where all information and displays are presented in the LED Dot Matrix and controlled by Android and then transferred via Bluetooth from a certain distance. From the results of this design analysis, it can be concluded that in the microcontroller, Arduino Uno and controlled by Android via Bluetooth, various kinds of word characters a welcome display that can be controlled by android via data transfer using via bluetooth and displays word characters in the Led Dot Matrix.
Analysis Of Reduce Technical Loss Of Energy Due To Unbalanced Loading At Home Connections Using MPR Innovation (Reduce Technical Loss From House Connections) 20 kV Distribution At PT PLN (Persero) Hartadi Constatius Duheta; Solly Aryza; Siti Anisah
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Desember, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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PT PLN (Persero) has several ULP throughout Indonesia with a loss of 4-7%. Factors that cause shrinkage include the loss of electrical energy due to an imbalance in the use of electrical loads that are not balanced in each phase. The loss reduction program to overcome these problems, one of which uses the MPR method of load balancing (Reducing Technical Loss from House Connections) in New Installs, with more customers and increasing kWH sales growth, very important in controlling losses from balancing the transformer load. The results of the analysis of 10 samples of 20 kV Distribution Transformers in Feeders showed a decrease in transformer load imbalance >30% which previously amounted to 3 transformers to 1 transformer and a decrease or saving of 18.612 kWh at peak load.
Enhance Design Of Iot Smart Control Home Lighting System Based On Arduino Muhammad Salim; Solly Aryza; Siti Anisah
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Desember, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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In the future, technological development factors greatly affect the human ability to carry out activities. To do simple things is sometimes difficult for some people. This difficulty is encountered in the elderly and children when reaching the switch to turn on electronic equipment such as lights. In this study, the latest research on controlling lights using voice commands is carried out. The convenience provided is controlling the lights with voice commands using an android smartphone. This tool is made to replace the function of the switch so that it can ON/OFF the lights without having to reach the switch that is far from the user. The working principle is explained below. The user will give voice commands through the Boarduino application on the Android cellphone, where Android has been connected to Arduino Uno via Bluetooth HC-05 as the transmission medium. The sound is detected by Google Voice and then stored and recorded by the microphone on the cellphone. The recorded voice is sent to Google's servers via the internet, then Google reads and processes the human voice. By sampling the sound that was previously an analog signal into binary (digital) bits. Furthermore, these bits are processed in the Google database and translated into text form. Every voice command will be processed by Arduino Uno, if the voice command is by the program then the relay is active so that the lights can be controlled. This tool is expected to be able to meet the needs and right on target in the community. And become a tool to meet needs, especially for the elderly and children.
Analysis Of Kutacane Substance Earning System Muliadi Sirait; Adi Sastra Tarigan; Siti Anisah
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Desember, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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One of the security systems at the substation is grounding. The grounding system is a conductor system that connects the system, equipment body and installation with the earth/ground so that it can protect humans from electric shock, as well as secure in-stallation components from the danger of abnormal voltage/current. The results of the measurement analysis using an earth tester on the Kutacane substation equipment, all observations show the grounding resistance is in a safe condition with the overall re-sults showing a smaller number below 1ohm. And provide a safe impact on the distri-bution system from voltage surges and lightning surges and provide a safe impact on humans from induced voltages.
Increasing The Quality Of Conditioning Cross Voltage In The Lb10 Network Voltage Drop In The Work Area Of PT PLN (Persero) ULP Labuhan Haji Nail Fadhlan; Solly Aryza; Siti Anisah
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Desember, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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Upgrade network conductors to reduce voltage drop to improve service quality and reduce the effects of power loss. The system voltage is distributed to the network at a voltage of 380/220 volts and then to the residents' apartments. Due to the load supply from a single-phase system, this unbalanced load condition eventually causes current to flow in the neutral phase (leakage current) and to ground. The simulation was carried out using the tidal analysis method from the ETAP (Electric Transient and Analysis Program) 16.0 application. The voltage drop on the power grid affects the quality of the operating voltage received from the power company. If the voltage drop is not in accordance with the standard (SPLN No. 1 of 1995), the quality of the operating voltage may decrease and power loss may occur. If the state of the system is truly in a state of equilibrium, the existing power losses will only occur on the R, S, and T channels. To find power losses in a 380 V voltage network, it is necessary to know or determine the impedance, phase, and current. neutral and look for power losses in the load. Therefore, to overcome the power losses from unbalanced loads, the load balancing method is used. Based on engineering and measurement data, simulations were carried out to obtain standard compliance results for operating voltage quality and reduce voltage drop effects. Increasing the cross-sectional size of the conductor improves the simulation of the electrical aspect. To find power losses on a 380 V voltage network, it is necessary to know or determine the impedance, phase, and neutral current and look for power losses in the load.
Study Of Work Reliability Synchronology Generator Unit PLTMH Aek Raisan I North Tapanuli Rahmad Dani; Solly Aryza; Siti Anisah
INFOKUM Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Desember, Data Mining, Image Processing, and artificial intelligence
Publisher : Sean Institute

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The Mini-hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) located in Parsingkaman Village, North Tapanuli Regency is a power plant with a capacity that is not too high. It was built with the aim of meeting the needs of electrical energy in North Tapanuli Regency which often experiences blackouts. The purpose of this study is to determine the performance of the generator in generating electrical energy. Data collection is done by direct observation in the field. The results showed that the peak load of the generator was 657,359.3 KW, a small load of 604,482,365 W. With the efficiency of the synchronous generator, which was 85.6%, with these results that the generator contained in the AEK RAISAN I PLTMH was still efficiently used.
Peningkatan Pemahaman PUIL 2000 dan Perhitungan Iluminasi pada Museum Deli Serdang Rahmaniar Rahmaniar; Siti Anisah; Agus Junaidi
Jurnal Abdidas Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): Pages 459-724
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/abdidas.v2i3.326


Museum sebagai satu bagian cagar budaya di kawasan Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara menjadi objek wisata penting masyarakat sekitar Sumatera Utara. Museum memiliki peran penting dalam mengedukasi masyarakat tentang peristiwa melalui peninggalan sejarah masa lalu dengan benda-benda koleksi dalam bentuk benda-benda seni budaya yang mengandung nilai keindahan estetika dan unik, merupakan penawar bagi para pengunjung yang berwisata. Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi dan Universitas Negeri Medan melalui kolaborasi kerja sama antar dosen pada kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Abdimas) mengambil peran bekerjasama dengan pengelola Museum melaksanakan kegiatan implementasi teknologi bidang teknik elektro untuk melakukan penguatan terhadap penggunaan peralatan listrik bagi pengelola gedung budaya. Museum diresmikan sejak tahun 2003, saat ini telah beroperasi 18 tahun, tentu membutuhkan peninjauan kembali terkait kuat penerangan lampu yang sangat menyentuh estetika, kenyamanan dan keamanan kelistrikan ruang gedung dilakukan dengan metode pengukuran menggunakan lux meter. Sedangkan penguatan pemahaman tentang keamanan listrik dilakukan dengan sosialisasi standar PUIL 2000 kepada operator gedung yang mengelola kelistrikan. Kedua metode digunakan dalam kegiatan ABDIMAS tersebut menghasil rata-rata pengukuran kuat penerangan di lantai 1, lantai 2 dan lantai 3 masih memenuhi standar SNI 16 -7062-2004, dan pemahaman operator terkait PUIL 2000 pada bagian sistem kelistrikan tentang instalasi listrik gedung, pada tingkat pemahaman 82,1% pada katagori baik.
PERANCANGAN DAN IMPLEMENTASI GENSET 450 VA BERBASIS PANEL SURYA Zuraidah Tharo; Hamdani Hamdani; Melly Andriana; Siti Anisah
JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL AND SYSTEM CONTROL ENGINEERING Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Journal of Electrical and System Control Engineering
Publisher : Universitas Medan Area

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31289/jesce.v6i1.7563


Generator Set (Genset) yang kita kenal selama ini berbahan bakar diesel, tetapi kali ini Genset yang akan dirancang berbasis Panel Surya. Genset biasa digunakan sebagai sumber cadangan jika terjadi pemadaman listrik PLN. Genset yang ramah lingkungan ini, dapat menghasilkan daya output sebesar 400 sampai 450 W dengan besar panel surya 100 Wp, dan baterai 100 Ah serta inverter 1500 VA. Genset dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga mudah dibawa kemana-mana tergantung kebutuhan dan yang membutuhkan. Genset ini dapat mensuply beban lampu sebanyak enam buah dengan masing-masing daya 40 W dan sebuah pengeras suara (amplifier) dengan daya 200 W, dan mampu bertahan operasi selama 4-5 jam dengan posisi baterai penuh, dan lebih dari 12 jam jika digunakan pada siang hari dan posisi panel surya dijemur. Selain sebagai sumber listrik cadangan, Genset yang ramah lingkungan ini juga dapat digunakan pada daerah terpencil yang belum memiliki aliran listrik PLN, atau dapat juga dijadikan sumber listrik saat melaksanakan perkemahan di hutan.