Haryono Haryono
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia

Published : 8 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Typography, Morphology, and Syntax Characteristics of Texting Haryono, Haryono; Lelono, Bambang; Kholifah, Asrofin Nur
Lingua Cultura Vol 12, No 2 (2018): Lingua Cultura Vol. 12 No. 2
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v12i2.3976


The main purpose of this research was to investigate Indonesian, English, and Japanese linguistic characteristics of Short Text Messages (SMS) performed by students. In particular, this research tried to seek linguistic characteristics in terms of typography, morphology, and syntax. Furthermore, the long term purpose of this research was to find out the difference of linguistic characteristics of those languages as well as its socio-pragmatic implication of the short text messages. This research applied content analysis for its method which made use of records or document as the main source of data in terms of recording, official records, text book, reference, letter, autobiography, pictures, movies, cartoon, etc. Meanwhile, technique of analysis included several stages such as defining text, categorizing text, verifying text category, assessing the accuracy of text coding, revising the criteria of text coding, reassessing the category of text coding, coding entire texts, and finally reassessing the accuracy of coding. The identical language characteristics between SMS used by the student to communicate with their lecturers and universal language charateristics are found in this research. The research expectedly provides the main resource for improvement of language learning that enables students to use language appropriately.
RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol 9, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (495.72 KB) | DOI: 10.26858/retorika.v9i1.3789


Abstract. The Spirit of Bushido in “Musashi” novel by Eiji Yoshikawa. The present research deals with the Japanese cultural values that described in the novel "Musashi" written by Eiji Yoshikawa. The objective of the research was to identify the Japanese cultural values and give usefullnes in digging superior values that can be applied in everyday life. With a content analysis approach, the Japanese cultural values can be expressed in a comprehensive manner. The results of the research are identification of the Japanese cultural values and can be used as a reference for the development of Indonesian cultural values.
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Undiksha Vol. 7 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbj.v7i3.37852


Penelitian ini berjudul Personifikasi, Depersonifikasi, Dan Makna Kias Dalam Lirik Lagu Wagakki Band. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan penggunaan personifikasi dan depersonifikasi dalam lirik lagu Wagakki Band. 2) Mendeskripsikan makna kias yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu Wagakki Band. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara metode simak catat. Data dalam penelitian berupa penggalan lirik lagu yang mengandung gaya bahasa personifikasi dan depersonifikasi. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 19 buah kumpulan lirik lagu Wagakki Band. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dari 19 buah lirik lagu ditemukan 17 penggunaan gaya bahasa personifikasi dan 13 penggunaan gaya  bahasa depersonifikasi dengan ragam frasa yang ditemukan yaitu 14 penggunaan frasa verba, 8 pengggunaan frasa nomina, dan 8 penggunaan frasa adjektiva. Penggunaan gaya bahasa tersebut memunculkan makna kias yang tidak mendeskripsikan arti yang sebenarnya dan membuat lirik dalam lagu semakin indah.
Kajian Karakter Kepemimpinan Oda Nobunaga Dalam Novel Shinsho Taikōki Karya Eiji Yoshikawa Dengan Pendekatan Teori Praktik Bourdieu Silvi Mega Suri; Haryono Haryono; Yudi Suryadi
J-Litera: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Jepang Vol 2 No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Sastra Jepang, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jlitera.2020.2.2.2617


This research analyzes the character of Oda Nobunaga's leadership from his social side. The purpose of writing this essay is to describe habitations, arenas and capital, and the third correlation which deforms the leadership character of Oda Nobunaga. In writing this essay used a book study method. The technical analysis of the data used is a descriptive analysis. The conclusion of this study has been found that (1) the Shinsho Taikōki pictures the form of one's habitation in determining action. Natural changes in agents continue to move around as time goes on. The movement is a result of his experience, upbringing, and environment; (2) there are three arenas in the Shinsho Taikōki, which is the power arena, the economic arena and the intellectual arena. These three arenas stand out from two factors, among them because of the dominant class, and where that agent's capital was obtained; (3) the capital found in the agent of this novel has three, which are social, symbolic and cultural capital. (4) the leadership character of the three social concepts consists of seven characters: Flexibility, ability to determine scale of priorities, analytic capabilities, future orientation, firmness, and exemplary.
Relasi Antara Penokohan Tokoh Utama dan Alur Pada Film Forget Me Not Khrisna Bayu Kurnianto; Haryono Haryono; Eko Kurniawan
J-Litera: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya Jepang Vol 1 No 1 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Program Studi Sastra Jepang, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (881.752 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.jlitera.2019.1.1.2109


The purpose of this research is to discribe the characterization of the main characters, the plot in the film with a tittle Forget Me Not, and to determine a relationship between those two elements. Author used structuralism theory to analyze characterization of main character, plot, and the relation between those two elements. Furthermore, the analysis arranged using descriptive qualitative method. The data source of this research is a film with a tittle Forget Me Not, and using dialog and scene in these film to analyze it. Referring and taking notes is a method to collecting data and using structural and narrative method to analyze the data. Based on the analysis, the result of this research are the main character in the film Forget Me Not is Oribe Azusa and Hayama Takashi. Oribe Azusa has a kind, mysterious and resign characterization. Meanwhile Hayama Takashi has a faithful and liar characterization. The plot in these film is a progressive plot. And the characterization of the main character and the plot in a film called Forget Me Not is interrelated each other until the story in these film can go trough to the final stage.
UPAYA MENGGALI POTENSI DUSUN SEMAYA MELALUI ANALISIS KEBUDAYAAN Dian Bayu Firmansyah; Eko Kurniawan; Hartati Hartati; Heri Widodo; Diana Puspitasari; Haryono Haryono; Yudi Suryadi; Anggita Stovia; Muammar Kadafi
Jurnal Abdimas Bina Bangsa Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas Bina Bangsa
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (579.821 KB) | DOI: 10.46306/jabb.v3i1.175


This community service activity aims to explore the potential of both Human Resources and Natural Resources in Semaya Hamlet, considering the geographical condition of Semaya Hamlet bordering the protected forest area causing Semaya area as separated from urban civilization. Semaya is one of the hamlets in Sunyalangu Village, Karanglewas-Banyumas located under the slopes of Mount Slamet with a distance of about 18 km from the center of Purwokerto. The location of Semaya Hamlet is slightly isolated both in terms of location and government touch in development so that the economic level of the community is relatively low. Therefore, in this devotional activity, there are 3 (pieces) of main activities consisting of: SWOT analysis of 7 (seven) aspects of its culture, mapping and documenting village data, profiling hamlets, and creating learning content "Kampung Japan". Through this devotional activity, the hidden potential of Semaya Hamlet can be lifted and the problems that have been in the midst of the community can be slightly solved. Improvements in the standard of living of the people are also increasing along with the process of building village infrastructure, as well as the improvement of the main commodities of the hamlet whose marketing has begun to penetrate a wider market than before
Kajian Pragmatik Penggunaan Aizuchi dalam Drama Populer Jepang Kurnia Dwi Tilasanti; Haryono; Dian Bayu Firmansyah
Jurnal Bahasa Jepang Taiyou Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Taiyou
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22236/taiyou.v3i1.9548


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan aizuchi yang dikaitkan dengan pelanggaran prinsip kerjasama dan mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk aizuchi serta fungsi aizuchi pelanggaran prinsip kerjasama. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian pragmatik dengan sumber data berupa drama Jepang berjudul 1 Litre of Tears. Data yang digunakan berupa tuturan yang mengandung aizuchi. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teori Mayumi Kubota untuk menganalisis bentuk-bentuk aizuchi dan teori dari Horiguchi Sumiko untuk menganalisis fungsi aizuchi, selain itu juga menggunakan teori Grice untuk menganalisis penggunaan aizuchi berkaiatan dengan adanya pelanggaran prinsip kerjasama. Selanjutnya, metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan 237 data aizuchi yang kemudian diklasifikasikan ke dalam bentuk-bentuk aizuchi dan fungsi aizuchi. Jumlah Bentuk bentuk aizuchi tersebut yaitu Aizuchishi (Bentuk Ungkapan) sebanyak 211 data, Kurikaeshi (Bentuk Pengulangan) sebanyak 16 data, Iikae (Bentuk Parafrase) sebanyak 0 data, dan Sonota (Bentuk lain) sebanyak 11 data. Fungsi aizuchi yang ditemukan dalam drama tersebut yaitu 108 data tanda mendengar (Kiite iru to iu shingou), 41 data tanda memahami (Rikaishiteiru to iu shingou), 34 data tanda sependapat (Doi no Shingou), 16 data tanda menyangkal (Hitei no Shingou), 5 data tanda penyambung jeda (Ma wo motaseru Shingou), 22 data tanda ungkapan perasaan (Kanjou no Shingou), dan 4 data tanda menambahkan, mengoreksi dan meminta informasi (Jyouhou wo tsuika, teisei, youkyuu no shingou). Selain itu, berkaitan dengan aizuchi yang terdapat pelanggaran prinsip kerjsama ditemukan 3 data pelanggaran maksim kuantitas, 5 data pelanggaran maksim kualitas, 2 data pelanggaran maksim relevansi, dan 2 data pelanggaran maksim cara. Dengan demikian penulis menyarankan pada penelitian selanjutnya meneliti penggunaan aizuchi dikaitkan dengan prinsip kesantunan dengan menggunakan sumber data misalnya anime, manga, novel ataupun karya sastra lainnya. Selain itu bisa menggunakan kajian sosiopragmatik.
Pengembangan Kemampuan Literasi Digital Melalui Pemanfaatan Media Daring Dalam Pembelajaran: Sebuah Tinjauan Pedagogik Dian Bayu Firmansyah; Haryono Haryono; Bagus Reza Hariyadi
PEMBELAJAR: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Keguruan, dan Pembelajaran Volume 6 Nomor 1 April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/pembelajar.v6i1.26475


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Jepang pembelajar dalam mencapai standar minimum kemampuan bahasa Jepang setingkat JLPT N3 melalui pembelajaran mandiri menggunakan media daring. Selain itu, dalam penelitian ini model pembelajaran daring dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat literasi digital pembelajar bahasa Jepang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrument penelitian berupa angket kuesioner dan wawancara. Subyek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa/i Prodi Sastra Jepang, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Dari hasil angket kuesioner dan wawancara diketahui bahwa model pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media daring memberikan tingkat fleksibilitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan metode konvensional menggunakan buku. Penggunaan media daring terbukti mampu melengkapi materi-materi JLPT yang tidak dapat tersampaikan secara menyeluruh di dalam kelas, serta dapat memberikan pengalaman baru ketika digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran mandiri di luar kelas. Selain hasil positif, ditemukan juga beberapa kekurangan serta hambatan dalam pembelajaran JLPT menggunakan media daring.  This research aims to improve the skills of Japanese learners in achieving the minimum standard of Japanese language ability at JLPT N3 level through self-learning using online media. Also, in this study, online learning models were conducted to determine the level of digital literacy of Japanese language learners. The research method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive research method; data collection is done using research instruments in the form of questionnaire questionnaires and interviews. The research subjects were students of The Study Program of Japanese Literature, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. From questionnaires and interviews, it is indicated that learning models using online media provide a higher level of flexibility than conventional methods using books. Although not statistically measurable, the use of online media has proven to complement JLPT materials that are not delivered in the classroom, as well as provide new experiences when self-learning beyond the classroom. In addition to positive results, there are also some shortcomings and obstacles in learning JLPT using online media.