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Journal : Jurnal Skala Kesehatan

Jurnal Skala Kesehatan Vol 6 No 1 (2015): JURNAL SKALA KESEHATAN
Publisher : Politeknik Kementerian Kesehatan Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.545 KB) | DOI: 10.31964/jsk.v6i1.28


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan sikap dan peran bidan dalam pemberian program ASI Eksklusif di wialayah kerja Puskesmas Jambu Burung Tahun 2014,Populasi seluruh bidan diwilayah kerja puskesmas Jambu Burung berjumlah 30 orang.Sampel seluruh bidan diwilayah kerja puskesmas Jambu Burung,  penentuan sampel adalah sampel jenuh yaitu 30 responden. Analisa Data adalah Analisa univariat dan Analisa bivariat. Uji hubungan menggunakan uji Chi Squere         untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat dengan nilai kemaknaan α = 0,05 dan interval kepercayaan 95 %,Hasil penelitian  Sikap dengan uji Chi-Square didapatkan nilai p = 0,123 berarti lebih besar dari (α) sehingga Ho dsiterima artinya tidak ada hubungan antara sikap dengan pemberian program ASI Eksklusif dan hasil uji peran didapatkan nilai p = 0,001 atau lebih kecil dari (α) sehingga Ho ditolak artinya ada hubungan antara peran bidan terhadap pemberian ASI Eksklusif di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Jambu burung Tahun 2014.Kata Kunci : Sikap, Peran Bidan, Progam pemberian ASI Eksklusif
Hubungan Kontrasepsi Suntik Depo Medroxy Progesteron Asetat (DMPA) Dengan Pertambahan Berat Badan Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kertak Hanyar Kabupaten Banjar Tahun 2017 mukhtar mukhtar; Akhmad Rizani; Erni Setiawati
Jurnal Skala Kesehatan Vol 12 No 1 (2021): JURNAL SKALA KESEHATAN
Publisher : Politeknik Kementerian Kesehatan Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31964/jsk.v12i1.297


Hormonal contraception is the most preferred type of contraception for family planning acceptors, especially injection contraceptives. Kertak Hanyar Health Center Family Planning Service Coverage January - October 2016 found 58.82% of injection contraceptive acceptors. The most commonly used injection contraceptive method is Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA). These contraceptives are highly effective in preventing pregnancy, but have the main side effect of changing body weight. This study aims to determine the relationship between Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA) injection contraception with weight gain in the Kertak Hanyar Public Health Center, Banjar Regency in 2017. The research method used is an analytical survey with aapproach cross sectional. The number of samples in this study were 99 injection contraceptive acceptors with the sampling technique using purposive sampling. The research instrument used a family planning card (KB card), weight scales and interviews. Data analysis was performed using thetest Chi Square with a confidence level of 95%. The results of the study of 64 respondents who used DMPA injection contraceptives the most experienced excess weight gain, namely 26 respondents (41%) and of the 35 respondents who used combined injection contraceptives the most experienced normal weight gain, namely 22 respondents (62.9%). The results of statistical tests showed that there was a relationship between injection contraceptive DMPA and weight gain of r = 0.038 < a = 0.05. Keywords: DMPA Injectable Contraception, Weight Gain
Hubungan Kejadian Kasus Covid 19 Terhadap Pelayanan Maternal Di Puskesmas Kota Banjarmasin Tahun 2020 isnaniah isnaniah; erni setiawati; mukhtar mukhtar
Jurnal Skala Kesehatan Vol 12 No 2 (2021): JURNAL SKALA KESEHATAN
Publisher : Politeknik Kementerian Kesehatan Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31964/jsk.v12i2.322


(SARS-COV2) virus. Starting from the Wuhan area, Hubei province, China, which first reported cases of pneumonia with no known cause. The mortality rate for COVID-19 in Indonesia is 8.9%, this figure is the highest in Southeast Asia. As for Banjarmasin, based on data from the Banjarmasin Health Service on June 12, 2020, 812 positive cases of Covid-19 were confirmed, with the addition of 37 new cases and 89 cumulative cases of death. Purpose: To find out the Relationship between the Covid 19 Case and Maternal Services at the Banjarmasin City Health Center in 2020 Methods: This study used an analytic survey method with a cross sectional approach. This study used an analytic survey research design. Results: The relationship between the incidence of Covid 19 cases and maternal services shows the incidence of Covid 19 cases out of 8 cases of Covid 19 who were not exposed to good maternal services as many as 8 cases. Of the 15 Reactive cases, 13 cases were good maternal services and 3 cases of poor service Meanwhile, 1 case that was exposed was less good and 2 cases that got good service. Chi-square test results with a significant rate of α 0.005, obtained p value (value) 0.023, meaning p (value) <0.005, then the results can be concluded that there is a relationship between the incidence of Covid 19 and maternal services. Keywords: Covid 19 cases and maternal services