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Journal : Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis

Integrasi Pertanian, Kehutanan, dan Peternakan (Agrosilvopastural) di Wilayah DAS Laeya Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Deki Zulkarnain; Kahirun Kahirun; Mukhtar Mukhtar; Abdi Abdi; La Ode Jabuddin
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 6, No 1 (2019): JITRO, Januari
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (664.88 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v6i1.6967


 ABSTRAK Konsep agrosilvopastural merupakan salah satu komponen dari konsep agroforestri, yakni pengkombinasian antara komponen pertanian dengan kehutanan dan peternakan/hewan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi  jenis usaha agrosilvopastural, (2) menganalisis karakteristik pelaku usaha agrosilvopastural dan (3) menganalisis keragaan usaha agrosilvopastural di wilayah sekitar DAS Laeya. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang bermukim di wilayah hulu dan hilir DAS Laeya dengan jumlah 51 rumah tangga. Analisis yang digunakan dalam kajian ini analisis deskriptif, pendapatan, analisis R/C-ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Jenis usaha agrosilvopastural di wilayah sekitar DAS Laeya Kabupaten Konawe Selatan meliputi; (a) Tanaman pangan, palawija, dan hortikultura (semusim), yang terdiri dari;  padi ladang, padi sawah, jagung, cabai, serta jenis sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan, (b) Tanaman perkebunan (tahunan) yang terdiri dari; jambu mete, lada, dan kelapa sawit, (c) Tanaman kehutanan yang terdiri dari; jati lokal, jati putih, jabon, dan kayu biti, dan (d) Peternakan yang terdiri dari; sapi bali, unggas lokal, dan kambing. Berdasarkan hasil analisis R/C ratio dan B/C ratio, bahwa usaha agrosilvopastural di wilayah hulu dan hilir DAS Laeya Kabupaten Konawe Selatan layak untuk dijadikan sebagai objek pengembangan usaha agrosivopastural, dengan rata-rata nilai R/C ratio sebesar 4,02 dan B/C ratio sebesar 3,02.Kata kunci:  integrasi pertanian, kehutanan, peternakanABSTRACTThe agrosilvopastural concept is one component of the concept of agroforestry, namely the combination of agricultural components with forestry and livestock / animal. This study aims to: (1) identify the type of agrosilvopastural business, (2) analyze the characteristics of agrosilvopastural business actors and (3) analyze the performance of agrosilvopastural businesses in the area around the Laeya watershed. Respondents in this study were people living in the upstream and downstream areas of the Laeya watershed with a total of 51 households. The analysis used in this study was descriptive analysis, income, R/C-ratio analysis. The results showed that: Types of agrosilvopastural businesses in the area around the Laeya watershed in South Konawe Regency include; (a) Food crops, secondary crops and horticulture (annuals), which consist of; field rice, paddy rice, corn, chili, and types of vegetables and fruits, (b) Plantation crops (annual) consisting of; cashew, pepper, and oil palm, (c) Forestry plants consisting of; local teak, white teak, jabon, and biti wood, and (d) Livestock consisting of; Bali cattle, local poultry, and goats. Based on the results of the  /C ratio and B/C ratio, that the agrosilvopastural effort in the upstream and downstream areas of the Laeya watershed in Konawe Selatan Regency is feasible to be used as an object of developing agro-ventricural enterprises, with an average R / C ratio of 4.02 and B / C ratio of 3.02.Keywords: integration of agriculture, forestry. livestock
Penampilan Produksi Sapi Aceh Umur Satu Hari, Umur Sapih, dan Umur Satu Tahun Ikhsanuddin Ikhsanuddin; V.M. Ani Nurgiartiningsih; Kuswati Kuswati; Mukhtar Mukhtar
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan Tropis Vol 5, No 3 (2018): JITRO, September
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.785 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jitro.v5i3.4885


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penampilan produksi sapi aceh di BPTU-HPT Indrapuri Aceh. Materi penelitian yaitu sapi aceh umur satu hari, umur sapih, dan umur satu tahun sebanyak 159 ekor. Metode penelitian adalah studi kasus berdasarkan data bobot lahir, bobot sapih, bobot satu tahun beserta ukuran tubuhnya. Data dianalisis menunjukkan bahwa sapi jantan memiliki bobot lahir 13,66±1,08 kg, bobot umur 205 hari 71,60±7,92 kg dan bobot  umur 365 hari 104,66±11,72 kg.  Sapi betina memiliki bobot lahir 13,88±1,32 kg, bobot umur 205 hari 64,38 ± 10,36 kg dan bobot umur 365 hari 90,29±11,95 kg. Sapi Aceh umur satu hari memiliki lingkar dada, panjang badan dan tinggi pundak berturut-turut  55,41 cm, 46,16 cm  dan 55,22 cm pada sapi jantan serta 55,87 cm, 46,83 cm, dan 55,74 cm pada sapi betina. Sapi aceh umur 365 hari memiliki ukuran lingkar dada, panjang badan dan tinggi pundak berturut-turut 114,32 cm, 94,31 cm dan 92,93 cm pada sapi jantan serta 104,25 cm, 85,06 dan 87,71 cm pada sapi betina. Rata-rata penampilan produksi sapi aceh di BPTU Indrapuri  berpotensi menjadi ternak unggul berdasarkan kriteria SNI.Kata Kunci: sapi aceh, penampilan produksi, bobot badan, ukuran tubuhABSTRACTThis study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of aceh cattle at Indrapuri Breeding Center for Superior Livestock and Forage. A total of 159 heads of aceh cattle were used in this study. The method used was a case study based on the data of birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, and body size. The results showed that the birth weight, weaning weight at 205 days of age, and yearling weight at 365 days of age of male aceh cattle were 13.66±1.08 kg, 71.60±7.92 kg, and 104.66±11.72 kg, respectively. Whereas, female aceh cattle had the birth weight, weaning weight at 205 days of age, and yearling weight at 365 days of age of 13.88±1.32 kg, 64.38±10.36 kg, and 90.29±11.95 kg, respectively. At birth, male Aceh cattle had the chest circumference, body length, and shoulder height of 55.41 cm, 46.16 cm, and 55.22 cm, respectively, while female aceh cattle were 55.87 cm, 46.83 cm, and 55.74 cm, respectively. At 365 days of age, male aceh cattle had the chest circumference, body length, and shoulder height of 114.32 cm, 94.31 cm, and 92.93 cm, respectively, while female aceh cattle were 104.25 cm, 85.06 cm, and 87.71 cm, respectively. The average productive performance of aceh cattle at Indrapuri Breeding Center for Superior Livestock and Forage has the potential to become superior cattle based on the criteria of Indonesian National Standard.Keywords: aceh cattle, performance, body weight, body size