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Integrated Journal of Business and Economics (IJBE) Vol 4, No 3 (2020): Integrated Journal of Business and Economics
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.828 KB) | DOI: 10.33019/ijbe.v4i3.304


This research is entitled “Analysis of Employee Perception about the Whistleblowing System toward Intention to Conduct Whistleblowing (The Study on Employees of Purbalingga and Purwokerto Tax Office)”The objective of this research is to examined individual factors that can influence intention to conduct whistleblowing by applying the Theory of Planned Behavior, namely behavioral attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral on the employees of the Purbalingga Tax Office and employees of Purwokerto Tax Office. This research was conducted at the Purbalingga Tax Office and Purwokerto Tax Office. Using variable that explain in Theory of Planned Behavior, the result of this study can be conclude that: (1) there is positive effect of behavioral attitude toward the intention of employee to conduct whistleblowing, (2) there is positive effect of subjective norm toward the intention of employee to conduct whistleblowing information, and (3) there is positive effect of perceived behavioral control toward the intention of employee to conduct whistleblowing.
Lecturer Mastery Level as an Indicator of Student Satisfaction Assessment Icuk Rangga Bawono; Erwin Setyadi; Apriani Kartika Rahayu
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol 10 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.382 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jpi-undiksha.v10i3.32455


The development of the era demands the development of a better and less pragmatic and simplistic mindset and way of teaching in conveying science to its students. The university should now be able to change its paradigm as a site like a company engaged in services offering better service to its customers. It is a quantitative research using a questionnaire model. It analyzes the influence of lecturer competency on student satisfaction levels both directly and through the quality dimensions of services. It also analyzes the most dominant competencies as lecturer competencies. The conclusions that can be drawn from the holding of this research is the ability of the lecturer has an important influence on student satisfaction, the lecturer ability has a significant impact on the level of student satisfaction through the dimension of service quality. Meanwhile, social competence has the most dominant role in shaping the lecturer's competence. It is expected that the results of this study can be considered by lecturers so that they can always develop themselves in order to function more fully.
Antecedents and consequences of transfer of training in public sector organizations Icuk Rangga Bawono; Ratno Purnomo
Journal of Economics, Business, & Accountancy Ventura Vol 19, No 2 (2016): August - November 2016
Publisher : STIE Perbanas Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14414/jebav.v19i2.568


Previous studies only focused on antecedent factors of transfer of training and only a few of them focused on the consequence factors. The main objectives of this research were to examine the antecedents and consequence of transfer of training. The antecedent factors consist of individual characteristics, training design, and organizational environment. The consequence factor is individual performance. Since the previous studies used transfer of training as unidimensional construct, this research used multidimensional construct consist of knowledge sharing, training retention and training generalization. Survey with questionnaire is used as design research method. The respondents are employee who worked in state-owned hospitals (N=202). Multiple regressions was used to examine the hypothesis. The result showed that individual performance was determined by training transfer consists of three factors such as knowledge sharing, training retention, and training generalization. Training of transfer itself was determined by some factors such as individual characteristics (i.e. self-efficacy and learning orientation), training design (trainer and training material), and organizational environment (organizational support, supervisor support and peer support). Specific for organizational support, it’s only had significant effect on training retention but not on knowledge sharing and training generalization. Since transfer of training has important effect on individual performance, organization must consider the three antecedent factors.
ACCRUALS (Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja) Vol 4 No 02 (2020): Accruals Edisi September 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sutaatmadja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35310/accruals.v4i02.580


This study has a purpose to examines the level of compliance of individual taxpayer who undertakes the business activity and independent personal service by using several independent variables such as taxpayer awareness, tax authorities service, taxpayer knowledge and tax penalty. The purpose of this study was to analyze taxpayer awareness, tax authorities service, taxpayer knowledge, and tax penalty toward individual taxpayer compliance who undertakes the business activity and independent personal service.The population of this study is individual taxpayer who undertakes the business activity and independent personal service. This study use purposive sampling tehnique to collect samples. The number of sample is 99 taxpayers. Primary data collection method used is a survey method using questionnaires. Collected data on this study precessed by multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of analysis undertaken concluded that taxpayer awareness, tax authorities service, taxpayer knowledge, and tax penalty have a positive and significant effect toward taxpayer compliance.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the Government Regulation Implementation Number 12 of 2019 Icuk Rangga Bawono; Adhitia Pradana; Apriani Kartika Rahayu
Jurnal Hukum Prasada Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Hukum Prasada
Publisher : Magister of Law, Post Graduate Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.425 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jhp.8.1.2021.1-7


The law should govern the dynamics of the nation and state life in an ideal country. For instance, Indonesia is a constitutional state that subjects to legal supervision based on the 1945 Constitution for state administration. Public policies are used as guidelines and references for actions, including financial management. However, regulations as the basis for regional financial management need to be adjusted to suit the dynamics in legal condition development and the community needs. Government Regulation Number 12 of 2019 is an improvement to Government Regulation Number 58 of 2005 on Regional Financial Management used as a reference in formulating regional financial management rules. This study examines the evaluation of the readiness to implement Government Regulation Number 12 of 2019 as the basis for regional financial management. The method used in this study is a normative legal research method. The legal materials source from primary and secondary legal material. The method in presenting this research result is deductive method. This study shows that financial management is a government responsibility in exercising regional power. The urgency of drafting a Regional Regulation on financial management is motivated by changes in legal dynamics and community needs for its management. Furthermore, there is a need for evaluation of the regulation improvement for effectiveness. In conclusion, the effectiveness and efficiency of regional financial management should be evaluated after Government Regulation Number 12 of 2019 is applied. The regulations need to be disseminated for the wider community response to be identified for evaluation of improvements and adjustments to its needs.
Assets: Jurnal Akuntansi dan Pendidikan Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Madiun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/jap.v10i2.7024


ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the factors affecting the financial and non-financial ratios' ongoing concern audit opinion. Data were obtained from 31 property and real estate sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2014-2017, comprising 124 samples. The data collected were analyzed using the logistic regression analysis method. This result showed that the activity ratios, liquidity, audit quality, previous year's audit opinion, and shopping could affect the provision of a company's going concern audit opinion. Meanwhile, the ratio of profitability, solvency, and company size has a more negligible effect on the going-concern audit opinion.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio keuangan dan nonkeuangan terhadap opini audit going concern. Penelitian ini  mengambil sampel 31 perusahaan subsektor property dan real estate yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada periode tahun 2014-2017 dengan total 124 sampel. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan metode analisis regresi logistik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bukti rasio aktivitas, likuiditas, kualitas audit, opini audit tahun sebelumnya, dan opinion shopping dapat memengaruhi pemberian opini audit going concern perusahaan. Sementara rasio profitabilitas, solvabilitas, dan ukuran perusahaan kurang memberikan efek terhadap pemberian opini audit going concern perusahaan.
The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on The Performance of MSME Innovations Under the Guidance of PT. Indocement. Tbk Cirebon during the Covid-19 Pandemic Ahmad Ali; Icuk Rangga Bawono; Muzayyanah
Enrichment : Journal of Management Vol. 12 No. 4 (2022): October: Management Science and Field
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.754 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/enrichment.v12i4.700


The performance of innovation in MSMEs is part of economic growth, the existence of MSMEs can support the national economy even though there is a storm of economic crisis, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to find out the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility on the performance of MSME Innovation in PT. Indocement during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research was quantitative, using Primary and Skunder data in taking primary data using a questionnaire distributed to 30 respondents while secondary data from the Cirebon Regency SME Cooperative Office of Industry and Trade. Furthermore, the analysis technique uses simple regression and classical assumption tests using SPSS software. The results of the analysis obtained from this study show that CSR has a positive and significant effect on the innovative performance of MSMEs under the guidance of PT Indocement during the Covid-19 pandemic
Analisis Pengaruh Penggunaan Informasi Akuntansi dan Karakteristik Internal Pengusaha terhadap Produktifitas UMKM Icuk Rangga Bawono; Triani Arofah; Berlian Muhammad S. Ubay
Jurnal Ilmiah MEA (Manajemen, Ekonomi, & Akuntansi) Vol 4 No 3 (2020): Edisi September - Desember 2020
Publisher : LPPM STIE Muhammadiah Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (277.693 KB) | DOI: 10.31955/mea.v4i3.417


This study aims to examines the effect of the use of accounting information and internal characteristics of entrepreneurs including accounting training, business scale and educational level toward productivity of SME’s. The use of accounting information and internal characteristics of entrepreneurs is measured by Likert scale and scale score. The sample of 94 respondents of SME entrepreneurs is selected from the population of all SME entrepreneurs in Banyumas Regency, using the quota sampling method. Analytical techniques use multiple regression to test the relationship between independent variables with dependent variables, after all all data has been valid and reliable through data quality test. The result of the test shows that business scale, educational level and accounting information use have significant influence to business productivity, while accountancy training variables have no significant influence to productivity of SME’s.
E-Filing vs Non E-Filing: Taxpayers’ Perceptions of Use-fulness, Ease, Security, Confidentiality, and Satisfaction Ria Adhi Pramesti; Sukirman Sukirman; Icuk Rangga Bawono
Journal of Accounting Research, Organization and Economics Vol 3, No 2 (2020): JAROE, Vol.3 No.2 August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (642.013 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/jaroe.v3i2.16993


Objective – Tax reporting through the Annual Tax Return (SPT) is one of the obligations of taxpayers as mandated by the Indonesian Taxation Law. Along with the development of science and technology, technological innovation has been adopted as a form of internet-based taxation service called the e-filing system. This study is aimed to compare the perceived usefulness, convenience, security and satisfaction of taxpayers between users of e-filing and non e-filing. Design/methodology – Primary and secondary data are collected through survey method in Tax Office (KPP) Pratama Purwokerto, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The registered taxpayers using e-filing are 17,831 and the non e-filing are 44,332. Paired t-test was used to compare each variable between users of e-filing and non e-filing.Results – The findings reveal that there is no difference in perceived usefulness between the users of e-filing and non e-filing in that reporting tax return online and manual are equally perceived useful. Nevertheless there is a difference in the perceived convenience and security whereby users perceived that the use of e-filing is more convenient, secure and confidential than the manual. Furthermore there is no difference in the perceived satisfaction whereby users are equally satisfied either with the e-filing and non e-filing. As a whole, there are differences of perception between users of e-filing and non e-filing, hence it can be concluded that the benefits of the usefulness of e-filing is influenced by variables of usability, convenience, security, confidentiality and satisfaction of taxpayers on e-filing.
Strategies of Regional Levies of the Agriculture and Plantation Office of Central Java Province Diah Setyorini Gunawan; Icuk Rangga Bawono
EKO-REGIONAL Vol 18, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32424/1.erjpe.2023.18.1.3371


The management of regional levies at the Regional Apparatus Organizations needs to be done optimally, including in this case the management of regional levies at the Agriculture and Plantation Office of Central Java Province. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare a Local Own-Source Revenue strategies from the regional levies sector. The preparation of the strategies based on the results of the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in terms of collecting regional levies. This study used primary data and secondary data. Primary data include the interviews results with key informants regarding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in terms of collecting regional levies while secondary data include data on regional levies and references related to the Agriculture and Plantation Office of Central Java Province. This study used SWOT analysis. From this study, it can be identified the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in terms of collecting regional levies and the strategies for the regional levies at the Agriculture and Plantation Office of Central Java Province Keywords: Strategies, Local Own-Source Revenue, Regional Levies.