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Factors Related to Soil Transmitted Helminth Infection in Vegetable Farmers Ririh Jatmi Wikandari; Lilik Setyowatiningsih; Masrifan Djamil; Surati Surati; Fitriani Kahar
JURNAL INDONESIA DARI ILMU LABORATORIUM MEDIS DAN TEKNOLOGI Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Molecule analysis to advance laboratory diagnosis
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/ijmlst.v3i2.2145


Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH) infection can occur at all ages, from children to the elderly. Farmers are at risk of contracting STH infection because of their daily work which is in direct contact with the soil. The risk of STH infection is due to poor personal hygiene and environmental sanitation. The study aims to determine observe the factors associated with STH infection in vegetable farmers, using a cross-sectional approach. The research subjects were vegetable farmers in Batur Wetan Hamlet, Getasan, Semarang Regency. Data were collected using a questionnaire to determine the personal hygiene and sanitation hygiene of farmers when working in the garden. Worm identification used (reference,) based on the worm performance using the floating method. Worm identification were done by examining the stool using the floating method. The results of the study were processed using SPSS version 20. Data analysis using Chi-Square (α = 5%), found 3 positive study subjects infected with STH, consisting of 1 egg of Ascaris lubricoides and 2 eggs of Trichuris trichiura. Positive STH respondents, have a washing by water and soap habits before eating and defecating, without wearing gloves. There was a relationship between hand washing by water and soap habits before eating to worm infection, but no relationship between this habit after defecating and no wearing gloves to worm infection. Vegetable farmers are advised to change the daily habits and maintain personal hygiene after working. use personal protective equipment when working and maintain personal hygiene.
Hubungan Antara Higiene Sanitasi Terhadap Kontaminasi Telur Cacing Non STH Pada Sayur Lalapan di Warung Makan Lilik Setyowatiningsih; Ririh Jatmi Wikandari; Surati Surati
Jaringan Laboratorium Medis Vol 4, No 1 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jlm.v4i1.8325


Fresh vegetables can be a source of transmission of worm infections to humans. The behavior of washing fresh vegetables that are not good by housewives and sellers of fresh vegetables in food stalls becomes large in transmitting worm infections if there are worm eggs that are still attached to fresh vegetables. The most common contamination found in fresh vegetables were eggs of the intestinal nematode Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) as well as non-STH and trematodes. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sanitation hygiene and contamination of non-STH worm eggs in fresh vegetables at food stalls in Semarang City. This type of research is an observational study with a cross sectional approach. Based on the results of laboratory tests, from a total of 165 samples examined, eggs of non-STH worms with species of Fasciola sp and Toxocara sp were found in 45 food stalls selling fresh vegetables. Based on bivariate analysis, there was no significant relationship between personal hygiene (p = 0.071) and environmental sanitation (p = 0.334) on contamination of non-STH worm eggs in fresh vegetables in food stalls in Pedurungan District, Semarang.
Gambaran Infeksi Telur Cacing Soil Transmitted Helminths Pada Petani Bunga Oktaviani Windy Safitri; Ririh Jatmi Wikandari
Jaringan Laboratorium Medis Vol 1, No 2 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jlm.v1i2.5883


STH infection is an infection transmitted by intestinal nematodes through the soil. Flower farmers are one of the most vulnerable jobs infected with STH eggs because this work is directly related to the soil. Most of the work as flower farmers is in the Bandungan area because the area is suitable for flower plantations. The purpose of study to describe Soil Transmitted Helminths infection on flower farmers in Jetis Village, Bandungan Subdistrict, Semarang. This study was descriptive observational (non-experimental) research using cross sectional approach. Samples studied were 23 respondents. Feces examination conducted on 23 samples obtained 1 sample (4,3%) infected STH eggs of hookworm species and 22 samples (95,7%) not infected STH eggs. Only 1 flower farmer (4,3%) from 23 flower farmers in Jetis Village, Bandungan Sub-district was infected by Soil Transmitted Helminths egg.
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Vol 8, No 2 (2019): NOVEMBER 2019
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.248 KB) | DOI: 10.31983/jrk.v8i2.5367


Infused water is drinking water that has been given additional pieces of fruit so that the water gives a certain sensation of water. Infused water are consumed by the community because the manufacturing process is easy and use local fruits. To determine the vitamin content (A and C), mineral content (K, Ca, Mg) and acceptability of infused water with sample codes (A, B and C). The benefits of this study are to be able to add to the list of healthy and nutritious drinks that are beneficial for health because infused water contains vitamins and minerals. Experiments with Complete Random Design (CRD), Sample code A, B and C in the analysis of vitamin levels, mineral content and acceptability. Acceptance analysis was carried out Friedman test and Wilcoxon test. Vitamin and mineral levels were analyzed by ANOVA and LSD statistics. Infused water contains mineral potassium, calcium and magnesium and contains vitamins A and C, there are significant differences between the sample code A, B and C. Infused water containing minerals, vitamins, and accepted by the community.
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Vol 9, No 2 (2020): NOVEMBER 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (495.395 KB) | DOI: 10.31983/jrk.v9i2.5856


Helminth infections are common in children. This infection attacks more children because their activities are more related to the soil, and the child's diet does not recognize hygiene and hygienic food quality. Diagnosis is done by stool examination to find helminth eggs, can also be supported by eosinophil examination. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of helminthiasis with the number of peripheral blood eosinophils in student’s elementary school Gebangsari 01. This study was an observational study using a cross-sectional approach. The population was 40 students in grades 3 and 4. The sample is a total population of 40 people. Fourteen students were not infected with soil transmitted helminth and the eosinophil count was normal. Most students have a clean and healthy lifestyle until 100% negative worm infections. There is no relationship between behavior with the number of eosinophils of student’s in elementary school Gebangsari 01.
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Vol 9, No 1 (2020): MAY 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.827 KB) | DOI: 10.31983/jrk.v9i1.4953


DHF vector control still uses chemicals. Long-term application can lead to target insect resistance and environmental pollution so that a better alternative is to use biological insecticides because it is environmentally friendly. The aim of the study is to identify the effect of kaffir lime peel essential oil on the behavior and mortality of Ae.aegypti larvae. The research method used was completely randomized design of three treatments and three replications. The results show that larval behavior after administration of kaffir lime peel essential oil at a concentration of 103 ppm decreased the frequency of movement, the larvae were unable to rise to the surface of the water after 1.5 hours. The results of the research were tested with probit analysis at a confidence level of 95% LD 263,552 ppm. The analysis result in one-way ANOVA for the number of differences in the number of dead larvaes, with the value obtained sig. = 0.000, which means that there is a significant influence on differences in doses of papaya seeds powder solution used against the death of Ae. aegypti larvaes. Kaffir lime peel contains essential oils that can be used as biological insecticides in DHF vector control.
Efek Ekstrak Kulit Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix DC) terhadap Morfologi dan Histologi Larva Aedes aegypti Ririh Jatmi wikandari; Surati Surati
ASPIRATOR - Journal of Vector-borne Disease Studies Vol 10 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Aspirator Volume 10 Nomor 2 2018
Publisher : Loka Litbang Kesehatan Pangandaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (515.908 KB) | DOI: 10.22435/asp.v10i2.193


Essential oils can be used as an alternative to naturally control Ae. aegypti. Essential oil can affect morphology and histology of Aedes aegypti larvae. The aims of this study were to determine the effect of larvacide essential oil of kaffir lime against mortality and to know morphological and histological changes of Ae. aegypti larvae. The study was conducted in June 2016 at the Parasitology and Entomology Laboratory of University Jenderal Soedirman. This study was an experimental study with three concentrations and three replications. The death of the larvae is calculated after 24 hours of exposure. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that 103 ppm concentration was effective in killing larvae by 96%. Exposure of kaffir lime peel oils results in the color of the abdomen becoming black. Histological observation preparation larvae showed midgut epithelial cell damage.
Sulolipu: Media Komunikasi Sivitas Akademika dan Masyarakat Vol 22, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Sulolipu: Media Komunikasi Sivitas Akademika dan Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32382/sulolipu.v22i1.2727


Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Laboratorium merupakan bagian dari upaya preventif kepada para pekerja untuk mewujudkan tempat kerja yang memiliki tingkat risiko sakit maupun celaka yang seminimal mungkin. Manajemen risiko merupakan aspek yang sangat vital dalam upayanya menurunkan risiko penularan penyakit maupun kejadian kecelakaan di lingkup laboratorium kesehatan. Inti dari manajemen risiko adalah bagaimana risiko penyakit maupun kecelakaan dapat diketahui, dievaluasi hingga dikendalikan. Untuk mengetahui keberadaan faktor risiko tersebut maka perlu dilakukan dengan metoda asesmen risiko. Tujuan dari riset ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat risiko pada laboratorium Jurusan Analis Kesehatan. Adapun manfaat dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan data tingkat risiko dan dapat dilakukan upaya pengendalian risiko dari kegiatan di laboratorium. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan desain penelitian potong lintang dan bersifat kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan total sampel data diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner JSA terhadap para dosen dan laboran praktik. Data ini kemudian diolah dan dianalisis secara literatur memakai matriks risiko, Fault Tree Analysis dan brainstorming what if. Dari tabel TRA-DC tersebut diperoleh 70 titik potensi dengan 5 faktor risiko kecelakaan dengan tingkatan tertinggi menggunakan metoda What If dengan berbagai jenis, dampak akibat yang ditimbulkan, tingkat keparahan dan kemungkinan berikut prosentasenya hingga upaya pengendalian berdasarkan FTA yang memerlukan antisipasi para pengelola, dosen maupun laboran praktek. Prosentase tingkat risiko terkait kecelakaan, kebakaran dan kerusakan alat tergolong risiko sedang (51%). Prosentase tingkat risiko terkait penularan penyakit, keracunan dan pencemaran (B3) tergolong risiko rendah 48%.Kata Kunci : K3 ; Asesmen Risiko ; FTA
Kontaminasi Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) pada Daun Bawang (Allium fistulosum L.) Dwi Ratna Cahyaningrum; Ririh Jatmi Wikandari
Jaringan Laboratorium Medis Vol 4, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jlm.v4i2.8351


Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) infection is still a health problem in Indonesia. This infection is caused by intestinal nematodes which in its transmission require soil media. Vegetables can be a medium of transmission of STH. STH transmission occurs when the soil is contaminated with STH worm eggs and the worm eggs stick to vegetables. In addition, STH contamination can occur in traditional markets with poor sanitation such as humid rooms, floors with lots of puddles, muddy water, and improper placement of waste. The aim of the study was to describe the contamination of Soil Transmitted Helminths on Scallion (Allium fistulosum L.). This research is a descriptive research, the examination of worm eggs is done by indirect method with sedimentation technique. The research sample was taken from 25 traders. Leeks contaminated with STH as many as 15 (60%) samples from 25 traders. The type of STH found was hookworm rhabditiform larvae. There is STH contamination in leeks sold at the Bangetayu market, Semarang City. To avoid the risk of being infected with STH, people are expected to consume vegetables that have been cooked.
The Effect of Cigarette Smoking Duration on Hemoglobin Level Measured with Cyanmethemoglobin Method Fitriani Kahar; Ririh Jatmi Wikandari; Irnawati Irnawati; Martha Silpa Penmaley
JURNAL INDONESIA DARI ILMU LABORATORIUM MEDIS DAN TEKNOLOGI Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Enhanced knowledge of laboratory medicine's role in healthcare
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/ijmlst.v4i2.2674


In Indonesia, cigarette consumption is quite prevalent and has been become more common over time. According to Riskesdas (Baseline Health Research from Agency of Health Research and Development) study in 2018, the national percentage of people aged who smoke increased from 2016-2018, namely from 3.39% in 2016, 3.9% in 2017 and 9.65% in 2018. Smoking habits will negatively affect human health. Cigarette smoke contains various of different chemicals that are harmful to health, including nicotine addiction, tar (carcinogen or cancer-causing), and carbon monoxide. When inhaled, they form carboxyhemoglobin with Hb (Hemoglobin). When this occurs, the amount of Hb available for oxygen transport is reduced. By way of compensation, the body will produce more red blood cells. The objective of the study was to determine the hemoglobin levels in smokers with smoking durations of 3 years, 4 years and 5 years. This study is quasi-experimental. Determine hemoglobin readings using a photometer 5010 with the Cyanmethemoglobin method. Up to 20 samples were analyzed with SPSS version 20 with Anova analysis at 95% confidence level. The results of statistical analysis showed p-value <0.05, which means that there is a significant effect between variables and vice versa. Hb level comparison between durations of smoking are of 3 years with an average value of 14.8, Hb levels of 4 years with an average value of 14.53, and Hb levels of 5 years with an average value 15.94. The results showed that there was an effect of smoking duration on the results of the examination of hemoglobin levels in smokers of 3,4 and 5 years with the greatest effect being smokers with a duration of 5 years. The duration of smoking impact on hemoglobin levels.