Sarwo Handayani
Basic Technology Center for Biomedical and Health, National Institute of Health and Research and Development

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Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 10, No 4 (2000)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

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Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 22, No 3 Sep (2012)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

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Abstract This study was a part of the activity of monitoring Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine (DHP) treatment in subjects infected with P.falciparum and P.vivax in Kalimantan and Sulawesi. SNP Y976F had been proved as the mutation in pvmdr1 gene which was related to P. vivax resistance chloroquine in Papua. Data of spreading pvmdr1 SNP Y976F outside Papua is needed for using Dihidroartemisinin-Piperakuin policy in the treatment of vivax malaria in Indonesia. Detection of SNP Y976F was done against 95 day0-samples of subjects confirmed infected with P.vivax or mixed infection of P.vivax and P.falciparum by PCR. The results showed that 88 (93%) of a total 95 samples were positive detected 976F mutant which were distributed in all sentinel sites of West Kalimantan (2of 3), Central Kalimantan (6 of 8), North Sulawesi (63 of 65), and Central Sulawesi (17 of 19).  In conclusion,  pvmdr1 SNP Y976F has been spreaded in all sentinel sites. Key words: P.vivax, pvmdr1, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan bagian kegiatan dari monitoring pengobatan Dihidroartemisinin-Piperakuin (DHP) pada subyek yang terinfeksi dengan P.vivax atau infeksi campuran P.falciparum dan P. vivax di Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. SNP Y976F merupakan mutasi pada gen pvmdr1 yang terbukti berhubungan dengan P. vivax resisten klorokuin di Papua. Dalam rangka kebijakan penggunaan Dihidroartemisinin-Piperakuin untuk pengobatan malaria vivaks di seluruh Indonesia, perlu data penyebaran parasit SNP Y976F pada gen pvmdr1 di luar Papua. Deteksi SNP Y976F dilakukan terhadap 95 sampel H0 subyek terinfeksi P. vivax atau infeksi campuran P.vivax dan P.falciparum yang telah dikonfirmasi dengan PCR. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 88 dari 95 sampel (93%)  terdeteksi positif galur mutan 976F yang tersebar di  Kalimantan Barat (2 dari 3), Kalimantan Tengah (6 dari 8), Sulawesi Utara (63 dari 65) dan Sulawesi Tengah (17 dari 19). Kesimpulannya bahwa P.vivax galur Y976F sudah tersebar di setiap sentinel penelitian.   Kata kunci: P.vivax, pvmdr1, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 22, No 3 Sep (2012)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

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Abstract Treatment failure in falciparum malaria may be caused by parasite resistant to antimalarial drug or new infection. Polymorphism genetic marker of P. falciparum namely MSP1, MSP2 and GLURP locus genes in the population should be identified as a baseline to distinguish the cause of treatment failure. A nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method was applied to each locus gene separately. A total 121 dried blood spot specimens from subjects infected with P. falciparum in monitoring Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine treatment in Kalimantan and Sulawesi Islands were analyzed. Locus genes of MSP1, MSP2 and GLURP were successful identified 82.6%, 96.7% and 81.0% respectively. However, the three (MSP1, MSP2 and GLURP) locus genes were only found in 71.9% (87 of 121) samples. All of MSP1 locus gene had just one allele, two alleles on most of MSP2 (67.5%) and few of GLURP (14.3%). Multi genotype infection was likely dominant than a single genotype infection (65.5% vs. 34.5%). Based on allele length classification, MSP2 locus gene shows more variety of allele class (12 alleles) than GLURP (9 alleles) and MSP1 (7 alleles), with an allele length mostly for MSP1: 440 - 479 bp, MSP2: 480–519 bp and GLURP: 580–639 bp. In this study, falciparum malaria cases were commonly as multi-genotype infection, and MSP2 was a dominant and polymorphic genetic marker of P.falciparum. Keywords: P. falciparum, PCR, MSP1, MSP2, GLURP, allele     Abstrak Gagal pengobatan pada malaria falsiparum dapat disebabkan oleh parasit yang resisten terhadap obat antimalaria atau oleh infeksi baru. Keragaman genetik petanda Plasmodium falciparum yaitu lokus gen MSP1, MSP2 dan GLURP dalam suatu populasi perlu diidentifikasi sebagai dasar untuk membedakan penyebab gagal pengobatan. Metode pemeriksaan yang digunakan adalah nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) terhadap masing-masing lokus gen secara terpisah. Telah dianalisis 121 spesimen resapan darah kering pada kertas filter dari subyek terinfeksi P.falciparum pada studi monitoring pengobatan dengan Dihidroartemisinin-Piperakuin di Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Masing-masing lokus gen MSP1, MSP2 dan GLURP yang dapat diidentifikasi sebanyak 82,6%, 96,7% and 81,0%. Sedangkan ketiga lokus gen tersebut ditemukan hanya pada 71,9% (87/121) sampel. Lokus gen MSP1 semuanya mempunyai 1 alel, sedangkan dua alel ditemukan pada sebagian besar MSP2 (67,5%) dan sebagian kecil GLURP (14,3%). Infeksi multi-genotip oleh dua atau lebih genotip P.falciparum ditemukan pada 65,5% sampel dan infeksi tunggal hanya 34,5% sampel. Keragaman klas alel paling banyak ditemukan pada lokus gen MSP2 sebanyak 12 klas alel, GLURP sebanyak 9 klas alel, dan MSP1 sebanyak 7 klas alel. Alel pada lokus gen MSP1 sebagian besar pada kisaran 440 - 479 bp, MSP2: 480 – 519 bp, dan GLURP: 580–639 bp. Pada penelitian ini kasus malaria falsiparum umumnya merupakan infeksi multi-geotip, dan MSP2 merupakan petanda gen P.falciparum yang dominan dan beragam.   Kata kunci : P. falciparum, PCR, MSP1, MSP2, GLURP, alel
CEK SILANG MIKROSKOPIS SEDIAAN DARAH MALARIA PADA MONITORING PENGOBATAN DIHIDROARTEMISININ-PIPERAKUIN DI KALIMANTAN DAN SULAWESI Ariyanti, Endah; E, Riyanti; Prasetyorini, Budi; Aisyah, Aisyah; Khairiri, Khairiri; Harun, Syahrial; Handayani, Sarwo; Tjitra, Emiliana
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol 22, No 4 Des (2012)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan

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Abstract Quality assurance of malaria microscopy is an important issue in health service and health research for a better case management. In monitoring Dyhydroartemisinin-Piperaquine, quality assurance was a part of this research activities at sentinel sites in Kalimantan and Sulawesi. This activity was carried out to confirmed diagnosis of malaria cases that could be analysed, and to evaluate the skill of microscopists to be improved in the future. Quality assurance was assessed based on the results of cross-checking malaria smears which done blindly by certified microscopist from Laboratory of  Parasitology ,National Institute of Health Research and Development, The quality of smears were mostly good, however the error rate was still high (10.9%). Therefore, a better and continuing planning and strategiy is needed to improve and mantain the quality  of  skill microscopists. Keywords: malaria; microscopic, Dyhydroartemisinin-Piperaquine   Abstrak Pemantapan kualitas mikroskopis malaria merupakan isue penting dalam pelayanan dan penelitian kesehatan untuk penanganan kasus yang lebih baik. Pada monitoring pengobatan Dihidroartemisinin-Piperakuin, pemantapan kualitas merupakan bagian dari kegiatan penelitian tersebut di lokasi sentinel (Kalimantan dan Sulawesi). Pemantapan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kepastian diagnosis kasus malaria yang dapat dianalisis, dan sebagai evaluasi ketrampilan mikroskopis untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan di masa datang. Pemantapan kualitas dinilai berdasarkan hasil cek silang sediaan darah malaria secara blinded yang dilakukan oleh mikroskopis tersertifikasi dari Laboratorium Parasitologi Badan Litbang Kesehatan. Hasil cek silang menunjukkan kualitas  sediaan darah sebagian besar sudah baik meskipun untuk error rate masih tinggi mencapai 10,9%. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan rencana dan strategi yang baik dan berkelanjutan untuk memperbaiki dan mempertahankan kualitas tenaga mikroskopis malaria yang handal.   Keywords: malaria; mikroskopis; Dihidroartemisinin-Piperakuin
Identifikasi Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Gen pvmdr1 pada Penderita Malaria Vivaks di Minahasa Tenggara (Sulawesi Utara) Salwati, Ervi; Handayani, Sarwo; Jekti, Rabea Pangerti
Jurnal Biotek Medisiana Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Central Basic Biomedical and Health Technology

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Parasite resistance to antimalarial drugs is an obstacle to malaria elimination. In Plasmodium vivax, up to now, a marker to distinguish between resistant and susceptible is no available yet. Identify Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) in P. vivax for multidrug resistance (pvmdr1)is potential approach due to pvmdr1 gene is orthologous to the pfmdr1 of P.falciparum, have been related to multidrug resistance. The purpose of this study was to identify SNPs/mutations on pvmdr1 gene of malaria vivax patients who came to the Primary Healthe Centers, Touluaan and Tombatu Minahasa Tenggara (North Sulawesi).Blood samples and slide of blood smears were collected from patients who infected with P.vivax or mixed infection of P.vivax and P.falciparum. After the species were cross checked by certified microscopist then confirmed by PCR, SNP identification were performed by sequencing technique. Only 83 of 99 recruited subjects were included inclution criteria. Sequensing result showed that 59 of 83 subjects were analysed to identify the SNP. We found 5 nonsynonymous SNPs, namely at the point G698S, M908L, Y976F, L1076F, and K1261E.Key words: Plasmodium vivax, Single Nucletide Polymorphism, Gen pvmdr1, Mutation AbstrakResistensi parasit terhadap obat anti malaria merupakan salah satu kendala untuk eliminasi malaria. Pada Plasmodium vivax, sampai saat ini penanda parasit yang resisten dengan yang masih sensitif belum tersedia. Identifikasi Single Nucleotide (SNP) gen pvmdr1 P.vivax multidrug resistance (pvmdr1) merupakan pendekatan yang potensial, karena gen pvmdr1 ortolog dengan gen pfmdr1 P. falciparum yang telah terbukti berkaitan dengan multidrug resisten. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi SNP/mutasi pada gen pvmdr1 dari pasien malaria vivax yang berobat ke Puskesmas Touluaan dan Tombatu di Minahasa Tenggara (Sulut). Sampel darah dan sediaan apusan darah tebal dan tipis dikumpulkan dari pasien yang terinfeksi P.vivax atau infeksi campuran P.vivax dan P.falciparum. Setelah spesies dicek ulang oleh mikroskopis pusat dan dikonfirmasi dengan teknik PCR, dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi SNP dengan teknik sekuensing Dari 99 subjek yang dikumpulkan hanya 83 subjek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil sekuensing memperlihatkan bahwa 59 dari 83 sampel dianalisa untuk identifikasi SNP. Kami menemukan 5 SNP nonsynonymous yaitu pada titik G698S, M908L,Y976F, L1076F, dan K1261E.Kata kunci: Plasmodium vivax, Single Nucletide Polymorphism, Gen pvmdr1, Mutasi
Pengembangan Mikroskop Dengan Mikrokontroler dan Cahaya Monokromatik Untuk Mendeteksi Parasit Malaria Susanti, Ida; Handayani, Sarwo; Ekowatiningsih, Riyanti; Prasetyorini, Budi; A Yusnita, Endah; Ardianto, Donni Agus; K Widjaya, Sastra
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium Vol 6 No 2 (2017): 2017 (2)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (683.906 KB) | DOI: 10.29238/teknolabjournal.v6i2.59


Malaria still become one of major health burden in Indonesia especially in remote areas of east Indonesia. Golden standard of malaria parasite detection is still microscopic technique using polychromatic light source whether from halogen or natural light source. A microscopic technique has a lot of benefits but still have weaknesses, such as time-consuming and bias on the reading by microscopist, because of artifact in the image. Aims of this study were to designed malaria parasites detection tool that is robust, fast, convenient and clear by minimizing artifact on the slide. Design of this study was laboratory experimental which modified simple microscope into an automatic microscope with table movement and webcam recording using a microcontroller and monochromatic light source. The wavelength of the light sources was 402nm(blue), 532 nm (green) and 650 nm (red), the intensity of each source differed. The reading of the slide image was conducted by two certified microscopists, who read 60 images of a thick and thin slide with three different live stage of Plasmodium falciparum live, which wearing, trophozoite and schizont. This study showed that modification of microscope was succeeded with automatic movement and webcam recording, process time in one step movement and recording approximately 10 seconds or 17minutes for 100 fields of view as confirmation process. The monochromatic light source has proven to give a clear and contrast field of view when the intensities were higher than 40 mW and the certified microscopist able to identified Plasmodium falciparum parasites. Data analysis of microscopist reading used nonparametric statistic Friedman by SPSS showed that correlation between images using monochromatic and polychromatic lights have meaningless differences in a thick and thin slide. However, hemozoin as a marker of Plasmodium falciparum parasite was less detected by monochromatic light used in this study.