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Abdi Dosen : Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : LPPM Univ. Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (367.139 KB) | DOI: 10.32832/abdidos.v5i2.851


Setiap desa memiliki ciri khas dan potensi untuk dikembangkan. Desa Purwosari Kabupaten Magelang memiliki potensi daerah yang perlu didorong pengoptimalan potensinya. Potensi tersebut ada pada potensi geografis, produk lokal dan kehidupan religi setempat. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bersifat pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan memfasilitasi partisipasi masyarakat berupa masukan dan pendapat dari masyarakat untuk dapat diilustrasikan kedalam sebuah grafik konsep pengembangan wisata dan ilustrasi animasi pengembangan lokasinya. Hasil dari pemberdayaan masyarakat ini adalah sebuah konsep pola pikir pengembangan wisata dengan konsep interkoneksi wisata, pencirian wisata, sarana wisata dan pengembangan produk getuk untuk atraksi wisata.
Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik Vol 1, No 1 (2017): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI 8 2017
Publisher : Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memprediksi besar dan lamanya  amblesan karena konsolidasi juga perubahan luas genangan yang terjadi di kecamatan Semarang Barat, prediksi tersebut mencapai T90. Untuk penelitian amblesan tanah dan perubahan  luasan genangan yang terjadi di kecamatan Semarang Barat digunakan analisis laboratorium berdasarkan sampel dan data primer. Metode perhitungan pertama adalah menggunakan Rumus TERZAGHI untuk menghitung model fisik dengan pendekatan 1D. Yang kedua yaitu dengan metode perhitungan dengan menggunakan bantuan software PLAXIS untuk analisis besar dan lama penurunan lahan alluvial dan progam GIS(Geographic Information System) untuk menghitung perubahan luas genangan yang terjadi. Dengan perhitungan menggunakan pendekatan 1D Terzaghi dengan T90 didapat prediksi amblesan yang paling terkecil terdapat didaerah Madukoro 56,06 cm, sedangkan untuk Bandar Udara Ahmad 58,66 cm. Untuk perhitungan menggunakan program Plaxis 8.2 didapat prediksi amblesan di daerah madukoro mencapai 57,5 cm dan untuk daerah Bandar Udara Ahmad Yani amblesan mencapai 59,40 cm. Waktu Amblesan yang paling lama pada daerah Bandar Udara Ahmad Yani 23,64 tahun dan waktu amblesan tercepat terjadi pada daerah Madukoro dengan waktu amblesan 18,9811 tahun. Kata kunci: Alluvial, Amblesan, Genangan, PLAXIS , GIS  
KELAYAKAN EKONOMI BENDUNGAN JRAGUNG KABUPATEN DEMAK Ari Ayu Kusumaningtyas; Pratikso Pratikso; Soedarsono Soedarsono
Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik Vol 1, No 1 (2017): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI 8 2017
Publisher : Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik

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Setiap proyek keteknikan (engineering project) harus mampu diwujudkan (realizable) secara teknis juga harus layak (feasible) secara ekonomis. Penelitian ini akan membahas kelayakan ekonomi teknik Pembangunan Bendungan Jragung, Kabupaten Demak, untuk mengetahui apakah layak atau tidak ditinjau dari sisi ekonomi dengan memperhitungkan nilai manfaat dan biaya dari proyek tersebut. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode NPV, IRR, BCR dan analisa sensitivitas terhadap berbagai kemungkinan perubahan. Biaya (Cost) Pembangunan Bendungan Jragung sebesar Rp.,00. Manfaat (Benefit) yang diperoleh dari penyediaan air baku sebesar Rp.,00/tahun, PLTMH sebesar Rp.16.840.328.220,00/tahun, perikanan sebesar Rp.81.575.640.000,00/tahun, pertanian sebesar Rp.3.959.591.000,00 /tahun. Pada kondisi normal menghasilkan nilai BCR = 1,34, B-C = Rp.284.232.393.574,00 dan IRR = 18%. Analisa sensitivitas dihitung pada kondisi keuntungan turun 10%, kondisi O&P naik 10%, kondisi waktu pelaksanaan mundur 1 tahun, kondisi biaya konstruksi naik 10%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan Bendungan Jragung Kabupaten Demak layak secara ekonomi untuk dibangun.Kata kunci : Bendungan Jragung, Kelayakan Ekonomi Teknik.
Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik Vol 1, No 1 (2017): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI 8 2017
Publisher : Prosiding SNST Fakultas Teknik

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Amblesan tanah di sebagian Kota Semarang menjadi masalah yang serius. Akibat amblesan tanah, kawasan permukiman menjadi lebih rendah. Maksud dan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji dan memprediksi besar dan lama amblesan tanah pada dataran aluvial akibat beban dan sifat mekanis tanah serta mengkaji dan memprediksi perubahan luas genangan pada dataran aluvial akibat amblesan tanah. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan dua cara, cara pertama menghitung model fisik dengan pendekatan 1D Terzaghi, sedangkan cara kedua memprediksi amblesan menggunakan program GEO – STUDIO hasilnya berupa prediksi besar dan lama amblesan. Sedangkan untuk menghitung luas genangan menggunakan program GIS (Geographic Information System). Hasil dari penelitian ini yang menggunakan pendekatan 1D Terzaghi, amblesan terkecil 61,2 cm dalam waktu 23,998 tahun, dan amblesan terbesar 87,6 cm dalam waktu 23,645 tahun. Sedangkan melalui program GEOSTUDIO amblesan terkecil, 85,6 cm dalam waktu 23,998 dan amblesan terbesar 102,4 cm dalam waktu 23,645 tahun. Pada tahun 2017 luas genangan mencapai 830,95 Ha sedangkan pada tahun 2040 luas genangan mencapai 1851,58 Ha. Hal ini membuktikan terjadi perubahan luas genangan sebesar 1020,61 Ha. Sampai dengan tahun 2040, dan prediksi perubahan luas genangan tiap tahun sebesar 23,902 Ha. Kata kunci : Aluvial, Amblesan, Genangan, GEO – STUDIO, GIS. 
Repairs Of Expansive Land For Sub Grade Roads Pratikso Pratikso; Rachmat Mudiyono; Faizal Mahmud
International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas Vol 3 (2017): The 3rd International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas
Publisher : International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas

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Subgrade is the most important part in laying the building structure, especially for road construction. The improvement of the quality of road facilities is carried out with initial planning on good pavement layers and should consider the type and strength of subgrade. Road conditions are often damaged in the structure of the road surface layer because it is caused because the structure of the soil in the area often experience shrinkage causing the road becomes cracked and even waving. It is therefore necessary to experiment to stabilize the soil by improving the gradation of mixing the original soil with a larger graded material of rice husk ash, in several experiments with several samples and aggregate mixture to find out the free press value on soil tested both before and after stabilized. The test results showed free press value of comparison between mixing using inorganic salts and lime has increased soil bearing capacity. From the results of this study can be concluded that the addition of the right stabilizer material on expansive soil is good enough to be used to improve the physical and mechanical properties of expansive soil. Keywords: Subgrade, expansive soil, soil stabilization, stabilizer material, soil bearing capacity
CHARACTERISTIC OF EXPANSIVE CLAY SOIL (Case research at Bugel Village, Godong Subdistrict, Purwodadi Regency, Central Java Province) Soedarsono Soedarsono; Pratikso Pratikso
International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas Vol 3 (2017): The 3rd International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas
Publisher : International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas

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Almost all civil constructions were built on the ground. However, not all soil types can be used for construction due to the load supporting capacity of the soil and the soil deformation that occurs for each different soil type. One type of soil that has many problems on its supporting capacity is expansive clay soil. It is a type of soil that has a mineral content that easily absorbs water in wet conditions and also release water easily in dry conditions so that is soil can swell and shrink in a relatively short time. The purpose of this research is to know expansive soil characteristic in Bugel Village, Godong District, Purwodadi Regency, Central Java Province covering physical and mechanical properties. Based on laboratory tests, the soil in Bugel Village has Waverage = 60.90%. From result of atterberg limit test obtained result LL = 90,75%; PL = 24.138%; SL = 23.759%; And PI = 66.612%. According to Raman with a PI of 66.612% already shows the soil is expansive ground. For Gravity Specific the results is 2,782, indicating the soil contains Montmorillonite minerals that have high passivity properties. The AASTHO classification of soil is incorporated into groups A-7-6 whereas for USCS classification is incorporated into CH zones and for English classification is entered into the zone between CV and CE. Of the three classifications can be drawn the clay soil area has a high plasticity value. For standard compaction test result, the characteristic value for maximum γunsat = 1,389 gr / cm2, γsat maximum = 1.78 gr / cm2, Woptimum = 31,46%, and n = 58,92%. And for soil swelling test can be seen the percentage of swelling is very high that is about 274%. Keywords: Soil Charactreristic, Expansive Clay Soil, Montmorillonite, Bugel Village.
ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN THE AREA OF INUNDATION DUE TO LAND SUBSIDENCE IN SEMARANG (A Case Study: Jl. Ahmad Yani, Jl. Erlangga Tengah, Jl. Sugiyopranoto) Pratikso Pratikso; Rahmat Mudiyono; Dian Indah Permatasari
International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas Vol 3 (2017): The 3rd International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas
Publisher : International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas

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Semarang is located on the north coast of Java island and develops in river flow area which genetically has alluvial materials. The process of precipitation continues until now and as a result a fairly thick layer of clay is founded. The layers of clay and land subsidence are related to each other. Land subsidence causes inundation or locally called rob area becoming increasingly widespread. The process of land subsidence causes a loss for the government of Semarang. The purpose of this study was to analyze the change in the area of inundation due to land subsidence in Semarang, on Ahmad Yani Street, Central Erlangga Street, and Sugiyopranoto Street, and give the best advice for the government to develop the city. Method of analysis used in this study was terzaghi method, GIS software (Geography Information System), and Plaxis software. The results showed that the rates of the land subsidence is getting bigger and the time is getting longer. Keywords: Land Subsidence, Terzaghi, Geography Information System, Plaxis
Analysis of Land Subsidence (Land Subsidence) Affects Against Water Puddle In Semarang City Pratikso Pratikso; Soedarsono Soedarsono; Andri Kurniawan
International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas Vol 3 (2017): The 3rd International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas
Publisher : International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas

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Land subsidence is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the young soil layer (alluvial). The incident is bad for the construction that is above it, it is also exacerbated by the entry of seawater that enters due to the soil surface that has been declining so that the ground elevation is below sea level elevation.Semarang city is one of the cities located in the north of Java island that the condition of the land in the city is alluvial soil. Semarang's coastal topography is flat in the range of 0-2% with most of its area almost equal to sea level and even in some places below it. The results of technical geological investigation in North Semarang city showed that the subsurface layers up to 25 m depth consisted of heavier soil types 1.7-1.84 t / m3, silt with 0.200 0.448, & clay. The predictions of subsidence using the 1D Terzaghi approach with the T90 obtained the smallest decay of 19.6 cm over 8,624 years and the greatest collapse 127.7 cm for 29.634 years, while using the smallest 216 cm subsidence Geostudio program for 8,624 years and the greatest descendant of 135.9 cm for 29.634 years. Keywords: Land Degradation, Digital Elevation Model, Rob's puddle
THE INFLUENCE OF LAND SUBSIDENCE TO THE CHANGES OF INUNDATION WIDTH IN SEMARANG CITY ALLUVIAL PLAINS (Case Study: Northern Districts of Semarang) Pratikso Pratikso; Soedarsono Soedarsono; Eky Sulistiyo Hariawan
International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas Vol 3 (2017): The 3rd International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas
Publisher : International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas

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Semarang city is geographically consisting two units of morphology, namely: in the southern part is a denudasional structural hills consisting of Tembalang, Tanah Putih, Tegalsari, Siranda, until Gajah Mungkur. While the alluvial plain lies in the northern part. Land subsidence in some parts of Semarang city becomes a serious problem, because the area is generally a settlement area. As a result of land subsidence, settlement areabecomes lower, because the settlement location partly close to the beach, during a tide it overflows into the mainland through rivers and drainage canals and then it pooled to the settlement. The purpose and goal of this study is to assess and predict the large and length of land subsidence on alluvial plain due to the load and the mechanical properties of the soil as well as to assess and predict the changes of the inundation width in the alluvial as a result of land subsidence. This research use experimental method. To test the analysis of alluvial sediment subsidence, it is obtained by the calculation based on samples and primary data in the laboratory. The calculation is done in two ways, the first way is calculating the physical model with 1D Terzaghi, while the second way is predicting the subsidence using PLAXIS software and the result is the prediction of the large and length of subsidence with load variations and different soil mechanical conditions. Furthermore, comparing the calculation result using a physical model with the calculation result using PLAXIS software to get the final result of how is the large and length of land subsidence and the tendency of the subsidence. Whereas to calculate the width of the inundation, it is planned the changes of the inundation width using GIS software (Geographic Information System). The result of this study which applies 1D Terzaghi approach, obtained the smallest subsidence is 64,2 cm for 17,781 years and the largest subsidence is 107.600 cm for 29,635 years. While the approach which applies PLAXIS software obtained the smallest subsidence is 65.8 cm for 17,781 years and the largest subsidence is 110,000 cm for 29,635 years. The subsidence tendency more northern is larger and the time is longer. Land subsidence in the alluvial plain continues to rise, therefore the inundation in the settlement that located close to the river and the beach continues to grow wider, between 2016 and 2045 there is additionalinundation of 493,63 Ha. Keywords: Alluvial, Subsidence, Inundation, GIS, PLAXIS
The Prediction of Broad Puddle Change Based on Land Subsidence Analysis in Semarang Pratikso Pratikso; Rahmat Mudiyono; Bagas Wahyu Adhi
International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas Vol 3 (2017): The 3rd International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas
Publisher : International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas

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Semarang is the capital city of Central Java that has a population about 1.3 million people, the position of Semarang is very strategic as a regional transport. Semarang is divided into 2 parts namely Semarang Upper area and Semarang lower area. The soil layer of Semarang lower area is dominated by soft alluvial soil layers that continue to occur compression. These conditions effect this area most likely get the environmental impact caused by land subsidence. The objective of this study was to determine the large and duration of land subsidence that occurred in Semarang Barat district and its influence towards the area of inundation. The analysis of this research used 1D terzaghi method and plaxis software which then in overlay using GIS which yielded map of subsidence in the area. The calculation results that used 1D Terzaghi, the land subsidence of Mediterranean Housing was 91.11 cm for 27.11 years, Ronggolawe area subsidence was 24.40 cm for 18,50 years, and Jendral Sudirman area was 10 cm for 15,94 years, while using plaxis 8.2 software, the Perum Mediterania was 93.40 cm, Ronggolawe area was 26.22 cm, Jendral Sudriman area was 13.68 cm. Changes in the area of inundation in 2017 to 2047 amounted to ± 924,74 ha. Keywords: Land Subsidence, 1D Terzaghi, GIS, Plaxis