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Analisis Kuat Tekan Beton Mutu Tinggi Pasca Bakar Menggunakan Serat Polypropylene Aulia, Teuku Budi; Muttaqin, Muttaqin; Afifuddin, Mochammad; Amalia, Zahra
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1043.615 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v26i1.28262


High-strength concrete is vulnerable to high temperatures due to its high density. The use of polypropylene fibers could prevent structure explosion by forming canals due to melted fibers during fire, thus release its thermal stress. This study aims to determine the effect of polypropylene fibers on compressive strength of high-strength concrete after combustion at 400ºC for five hours. High-strength concrete was made by w/c-ratio 0.3 with cement amount 550 kg/m3 and added with silica fume 8% and superplasticizer 4% by cement weight. The variations of polypropylene fibers were 0%, 0.2% and 0.4% of concrete volume. The compression test was carried out on standard cylinders Ø15/30 cm of combustion and without combustion specimens at 7 and 28 days. The results showed that compressive strength of high-strength concretes without using polypropylene fibers decreased in post-combustion compared with specimens without combustion, i.e., 0.81% at 7 days and 23.42% at 28 days. Conversely, the use of polypropylene fibers can increase post-combustion compressive strength with a maximum value resulted in adding 0.2% which are 25.52% and 10.44% at 7 and 28 days respectively. It can be concluded that the use of polypropylene fibers is effective to prevent reduction of high-strength concrete compressive strength that are burned at high temperatures.
TERAS JURNAL Vol 11, No 2 (2021): Volume 11 Nomor 2, September 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v11i2.507


Abstrak Korosi pada struktur beton betulang dapat mengurangi kinerja struktur dan umur layannya karena volume tulangan yang berkurang. Besarnya jumlah korosi yang dipengaruhi oleh laju korosi dapat digambarkan melalui besarnya densitas arus yang terjadi. Jumlah korosi yang terjadi mempengaruhi perilaku retak pada beton bertulang, oleh karen itu, pada studi ini dilakukan uji eksperimental untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh densitas arus terhadap perilaku retak permukaan beton dari struktur beton bertulang yang mengalami korosi tulangan. Pengujian dilakukan dengan mengaplikasikan variasi densitas arus yaitu 900 µA/cm2, 500 µA/cm2, 200 µA/cm2 and 100 µA/cm2 pada pengujian korosi secara elektrik menggunakan larutan NaCl sebagai elektrolit untuk menghasilkan ion Cl-. Benda uji yang digunakan adalah balok dengan luas penampang 150x150 mm2 dan panjang benda uji 300 mm. Tulangan baja diameter 19 mm digunakan pada tengah penampang. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku retak dari beton bertulang yang mengalami korosi pada tulangannya memiliki kurva yang bilinear. Selain itu, hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa densitas arus yang rendah memiliki kecepatan retak permukaan beton yang lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan benda uji dengan menggunakan densitas arus yang tinggi. Kata kunci: korosi, beton bertulang, produk korosi, retak, densitas arus Abstract Corrosion in reinforced concrete structure can reduce structure performance and its service life due to rebar mass loss. Corrosion amount influenced by corrosion rate can be figured out by using current density. Corrosion amount influences the crack behavior of reinforced concrete, therefore, in this study, experimental study was performed to evaluate the effect of current density to surface concrete cracking behavior of corroded reinforced concrete structure. Accelerated corrosion test tests were conducted with various current density. It was 900 µA/cm2, 500 µA/cm2, 200 µA/cm2 and 100 µA/cm2. NaCl solution was used as electrolyte to produce ion Cl-. The specimens were beam with cross section area 150x150 mm2 and 300 mm in length. Rebar with diameter 19 mm was applied in the center of specimen. The results showed that cracking behavior of corroded rebar has bilinear curve that shows the effect of corrosion products movement through cracks. Furthermore, lower corrosion rate has higher cracking speed than higher corrosion rate. Keywords: corrosion, reinforced concrete, corrosion products, cracking, current density
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Prodi Magister Teknik Sipil Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jarsp.v5i1.24581


Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) is an alternative for planning, repairing, and strengthening structures. FRP is a combination of fiber as reinforcement and resin as adhesive. Reinforcing materials can be made of carbon, aramid, glass, and natural fibers. Utilization of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer (NFRP) FRP with natural fibers can be more economical. The natural fiber used in this research is abaca fiber which is often found and is not used for structural reinforcement. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in shear strength of reinforced concrete beams with different widths of NFRP abaca fiber. NFRP Abaca fiber is fully wrapped (complete wrapping) on the surface of the reinforced concrete beam. The study was conducted on four reinforced concrete beams measuring 15 cm x 30 cm x 220 cm with simple support with two load points to determine the effect of abaca fiber width on increasing the shear strength of the beam. One specimen as a control test object and three specimens reinforced with Abaca Fiber NFRP with variations in fiber width of 2.5 cm, 5 cm, and 7.5 cm, respectively. The test results show an increase in the shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams as the fiber width increases. The flexural failure occurred in the test object with a width of 7.5 cm, this was the case that the shear capacity of the beam had exceeded the flexural capacity of the beam.
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Prodi Magister Teknik Sipil Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jarsp.v5i2.25081


Reinforcement and repair of reinforced concrete structures using Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites have been widely used. However, the high price is one of the obstacles to applying it. Utilization of natural fiber as a Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer (NFRP) composite material is an alternative because, in addition to its abundant availability in nature, natural fiber also has low specific gravity, is environmentally friendly, and has a more economical production cost. In this study, natural fibers were used as a substitute for synthetic polymer fibers for strengthening and repairing reinforced concrete structures. This study aims to determine the bond strength between concrete and NFRP. The benefit of this research is to provide an overview of the behavior of the bonding strength of NFRP so that it can be applied to the reinforcement and repair of reinforced concrete structures. The bond strength behavior between concrete and NFRP was tested experimentally. The parameters used were the type of natural fiber (abaka, ramie, pineapple, Samia's silk), the type of adhesive (epoxy, polyester, thixotropic epoxy), and the number of layers of fiber. The test object used the form of a beam (100x100x300) mm and has a single reinforcement of 10 mm in the middle of the cross-section. The width of the NFRP is 50 mm with a bond length of 120 mm. Strain gauges are used on NFRP every 50 mm. In addition, strain gauges are also installed on reinforcement and concrete. A result, NFRP bonding can increase the tensile strength capacity of reinforced concrete beams. Bonding of type-b abaca fiber composite with polyester adhesive is the composite that gives the most significant increase in tensile strength capacity. The Beams with three-layer type-b abaka composite bonded with polyester adhesive experienced the highest increase in tensile strength capacity reaching 47.25%. The results of this study indicate the potential of NFRP as a retrofitting method and further research is needed so that it can be applied to reinforced concrete structures.
Contribution of Transverse Reinforcement Configuration on Concrete Shear Capacity of RC Column Taufiq Saidi; Rudiansyah Putra; Zahra Amalia; Munawir Munawir
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 8, No 3 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (983.578 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.8.3.14049


Proper design of transverse reinforcement in the RC column is needed to maintain its ability to deform under axial and shear load safely. Even though mandatory building codes for transverse support of the RC column exist, shear failure was still found in the last high earthquake in Pidie, Aceh, in 2016. Therefore, as an attempt to improve RC column strength and elasticity, the effect of transverse reinforcement configuration was evaluated experimentally to a column subjected to an axial and shear load. The experiment was conducted by using four-column specimens with a cross-section 200 x 200 mm. Four types of transverse reinforcement configurations were applied in each column. The test was carried out by loading an axial load always and shear load gradually until its failure. The test results show that the configuration of transverse reinforcement has a significant effect of maintaining column stiffness, which was subjected to compressive axial load and shear load. Furthermore, the arrangement of transverse reinforcement influences the compressive strength significantly and enhance the concrete shear capacity of a column due to its confinement effect.
Behaviour Analysis of Strengthened-RC Beam with Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer (NFRP) based on Abaca Fiber by Using Finite Element Method Taufiq Saidi; Muttaqin Hasan; Zahra Amalia; Muhammad Iqbal
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 11, No 2 (2022): August 2022
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (570.205 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.11.2.26520


The use of synthetic Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) as a composite material is an alternative material that has been widely used for strengthening and repairing reinforced concrete structures. However, the high price is one of the obstacles in applying synthetic FRP materials in developing countries such as Indonesia. Utilization of natural fiber as a Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer (NFRP) composite material is an alternative, especially in shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams. Because it has good tensile strength and also is environmentally friendly. Technological developments in the field of computing make modelling various aspects easier. One of them is modelling reinforced concrete (RC) beams. ATENA V534 is a software that can be used for finite element-based modelling. Therefore, in this study, the ATENA V534 software was used to evaluate the results of research and testing behaviour of reinforced concrete beams from the previous studies about strengthened beam for shear by using NFRP. Behaviour that is evaluated in the form of load and deflection, the pattern of cracks and failure, and stress and strain of reinforcements. The numerical results obtained in ATENA V534 showed in a good agreement with experimental results.
Tensile Strength of Natural Fiber in Different Type of Matrix Taufiq Saidi; Muttaqin Hasan; Zahra Amalia
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 11, No 2 (2022): August 2022
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1116.824 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.11.2.26175


In recent years, the used of product based with low environmental impact has become one of the considerations in the construction structure. Attention of the researchers towards the development of natural material has been increasing. The use of natural fibers as composite materials for strengthened structure have been studied. However, natural fibers are influenced by the hydrophilic nature and its specific morphology. Thus, research related to the natural fiber composite materials still needs to be explored. This study aims to evaluate the tensile strength of natural fiber composite materials based on the type of fiber, fiber layer used and its type of resin according to ASTM D3039. The results show that type of fiber, fiber layer used and its type of resin in the composite matrix considerably affects its tensile strength performance.
Preliminary Study of NFRP-Confined Concrete for Enhancing Compressive Strength Taufiq Saidi; Muttaqin Hasan; Zahra Amalia
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 12, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.12.1.31500


Earthquake that occurred within a period of several years may be caused reinforced concrete column fails to maintain its performance. Reinforcement methods to improve the quality of concrete in resisting earthquake loads are needed. Strengthening the column with external restraints is expected to increase the strength of the concrete. The use of synthetic Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) as a composite material for external restraint on structures is one of the materials that has been widely used for strengthening concrete structures. Considering the environmental impact, natural FRP materials have been developing nowadays. One of the natural fibers that have been researched and used as a composite material for Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer (NFRP) is abaca fiber. This research aims to find the contribution of abaca fiber in increasing the compressive strength of confined concrete as a preliminary study. In this study, the test was carried out by applying a compressive load to concrete specimens reinforced with NFRP restraints. The NFRP was investigated with variations in the number of NFRP layers. The results showed that NFRP-confined concrete has a higher compressive strength of 34.73% than the controlled specimen
Produksi serbuk limbah cangkang tiram di Gampong Alue Naga untuk meningkatkan nilai ekonomis dan mengurangi dampak lingkungan (Production of oyster shell waste in Alue Naga Village to increase economic value and reduce environmental impact) Kana Puspita; Fitria Herliana; Zahra Amalia; Muhammad Nazar; Nur Izzaty; Faradilla Fadlia
Buletin Pengabdian Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Bull. Community. Serv.
Publisher : The Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/bulpengmas.v3i1.29134


Alue Naga Village in Banda Aceh City is a village that has a river and is directly adjacent to the sea, so this village has the potential to produce oysters. Oyster shell waste is usually dumped on the banks of the river, into the river, or thrown back into the oyster farm. This results in land and water pollution. This pollution can cause rivers to become shallow; if this continues, it can result in natural disasters such as floods. Therefore, Therefore, this service aims to provide education and training related to oyster shell waste into something more valuable. This activity also involved CV. Natural Aceh Food is a forum for the community to market its products. The production process required ±5 minutes to grind 8 kilos of oyster shells and produce 7.7 kilos of oyster shell powder. Overall, the specific target achieved from this service activity is the packaged oyster shell powder to reduce oyster waste and empower the female oyster farmers in Alue Naga Village to earn additional income.
Preliminary Study of NFRP-Confined Concrete for Enhancing Compressive Strength Taufiq Saidi; Muttaqin Hasan; Zahra Amalia
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 12, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.12.1.31500


Earthquake that occurred within a period of several years may be caused reinforced concrete column fails to maintain its performance. Reinforcement methods to improve the quality of concrete in resisting earthquake loads are needed. Strengthening the column with external restraints is expected to increase the strength of the concrete. The use of synthetic Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) as a composite material for external restraint on structures is one of the materials that has been widely used for strengthening concrete structures. Considering the environmental impact, natural FRP materials have been developing nowadays. One of the natural fibers that have been researched and used as a composite material for Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer (NFRP) is abaca fiber. This research aims to find the contribution of abaca fiber in increasing the compressive strength of confined concrete as a preliminary study. In this study, the test was carried out by applying a compressive load to concrete specimens reinforced with NFRP restraints. The NFRP was investigated with variations in the number of NFRP layers. The results showed that NFRP-confined concrete has a higher compressive strength of 34.73% than the controlled specimen