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Optimasi Pariwisata Kreatif Berbasis Integrasi Potensi Lokal Desa Puntukrejo Untuk Mewujudkan Sustainable Development Goals Desa Aldi Rizki Khoiruddin; Muhammad Ainurrasyid Al-Fikri; Aditya Tri Wijaya; Alizza Khumaira Assyifa; Jelita Kristi Agape; Ika Putri Wijayanti; Hanif Alwa Mumtaz; Petrus Kanisius Eko K; Ragil Listyaningrum; Widyasari Rizki Ananda; Yusriel Bachrie; Muhammad Rustamaji; Rysca Indreswari
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 3 (2021): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.3.652-657


The lack of innovation and creativity causes many tourist destinations during this pandemic to have no distinction from other tourist destinations. Though there are many opportunities from the village that can be developed and then integrated between each other to support the peculiarities of a region. The same is true of PuntukrejoVillage. Puntukrejo Village which is the main access to the entrance to Ngargoyoso District offers a variety of natural and cultural tourist destinations. Puntukrejo village has one of the preferred tourist destinations, namely The Lawu Fresh which is an agrotourism pioneer cultivating dekopon oranges, honey gourds, bottled pumpkins, and vegetables. However, since the pandemic, the number of tourist visits at The Lawu Fresh has dropped dramatically. This is due to the lack of innovation made by the village in developing the tourist village. Therefore, the service team in collaboration with partner villages aims to make creative tourism innovations in the form of Educative and Creative Camping with the concept of Indian Night, improve the marketing system of Puntukrejo Village's Flagship MSME products, and realize the existence of MSMEs with dual roles as production centers and destinations in the Jeep Adventure travel package series. The method of community empowerment used in this devotional activity is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). Methods that apply the active role of partner villages together with service teams in developing village potential. The result of this devotion is the rise of community skills in marketing tourist attractions and MSME products owned by the village through various social media such as Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, and Youtube. This skill increase goes hand in hand with the increasing number of tourists who come to village tourist attractions, as well as also buying village MSME products.
Kajian Terhadap Putusan Peninjauan Kembali Terpidana Dikabulkan Atas Dasar Novum Dan Kekhilafan Hakim Atau Kekeliruan Yang Nyata Perkara Penipuan (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung 21/Pk/Pid/2015) Adimas Wisnu Hidayat; Muhammad Rustamaji
Verstek Vol 10, No 2: 2022
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jv.v10i2.67630


Abstrak: Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui  alasan  Peninjauan  Kembali  Terpidana terhadap putusan Judex Facti Pengadilan Negeri Jambi dalam memutus perkara Penipuan serta pertimbangan Mahkamah Agung mengabulkan permohonan Peninjauan Kembali Terpidana dan mengadili kembali sesuai dengan ketentuan Kitab Undang- Undang Hukum Acara Pidana.   Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif. Sumber bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder, teknik analisis bahan hukum menggunakan metode silogisme dan interpretasi dengan menggunakan pola berpikir deduktif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang penulis lakukan, diketahui bahwa alasan Peninjauan Kembali dari Terpidana dalam kasus Penipuan telah memenuhi syarat formal dan syarat material berupa Judex Facti Pengadilan Negeri Jambi dalam memeriksa dan mengadili perkara telah melakukan kekeliruan yang nyata atau kekhilafan dalam memeriksa serta adanya bukti baru atau novum sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 263 ayat (2) huruf a dan c KUHAP serta dasar pertimbangan Mahkamah Agung mengabulkan permohonan Peninjauan Kembali Terpidana membenarkan alasannya, membatalkan putusan Pengadilan   Tingkat   Kasasi   Nomor   1723  K/PID/2012   dan   mengadili   kembali menyatakan Terpidana telah terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan bersalah melakukan perbuatan sebagaimana yang didakwakan oleh Jaksa/Penuntut Umum, tetapi perbuatan itu  tidak  merupakan  suatu  tindak  pidana  dan  melepaskan  Terpidana  dari  segala tuntutan hukum.Kata kunci: Judex Facti; Novum; Peninjauan Kembali Abstract: This study aims to determine the reason for the Judicial Review of Judison Judgment of the Jambi District Court Court in deciding the case of Fraud as well as the consideration of the Supreme Court granting the request for the Judicial Review and re- trial in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code. The research method used is normative legal research. Sources of legal materials used are primary legal materials and secondary legal materials, techniques of legal material analysis using the method of syllogism and interpretation by using deductive thinking patterns. Based on the results of the research that the authors do, it is known that the reason for review of the criminal in the case of fraud has fulfilled the formal requirements and material requirements of Judex Facti Jambi District Court in examining and adjudicating the case has made a real mistake or mistake in checking and the existence of new or novum evidence in accordance with the provisions of Article 263 paragraph (2) a and c of the Criminal Procedure Code and the basis of consideration of the Supreme Court granting the request for Judicial Review of the Accused justify the reason, to cancel the decision of the Court of Cassation Number 1723 K / PID / 2012 and adjudicate to declare a Terpidana has been proven legally and convincingly guilty of committing acts as prosecuted by the Prosecutor / Prosecutor, but the act is not a criminal act and releases the convicted of any lawsuit.Keywords: Judex Facti; Novum; Reconsideration
Jurnal Global Citizen : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Vol 11 No 2 (2022): JURNAL GLOBAL CITIZEN JURNAL ILMIAH KAJIAN PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN
Publisher : Prodi PPkn Universitas Slamet Riyadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (126.567 KB) | DOI: 10.33061/jgz.v11i2.6743


This article discusses the civilian aspect in defamation cases which is intended to reform law enforcement against defamation cases. This article uses normative research methods and uses a legislative approach. Defamation is indeed an act that violates the law and certainly harms the person whose reputation is tarnished, but with this loss, it is seen that it is possible to resolve this issue can be resolved through a civil law approach with aspects of illegal acts. This is because the application of criminal sanctions is the ultimate medium, and also of course the essence is to look at the resolution of the problem. Reformulation of law enforcement policy in defamation cases leading to civil settlement is of course intended so that the aggrieved person also receives compensation from the perpetrator, and also the perpetrator is obliged to pay compensation, so as not to release the perpetrator of defamation for the act committed, but not in the presence of criminal sanctions law enforcement.
PEMBERDAYAAN LEGALITAS PRODUK LOKAL USAHA MIKRO KECIL DAN MENENGAH MELALUI PROGRAM HIBAH MERDEKA BELAJAR KAMPUS MERDEKA DI DESA PUNTUKREJO Reza Ilham Maulana; Aldi Rizki Khoiruddin; Kadek Dwi Ariani; Tifani Rizki Dianisa; Zufar Maulana Ar-Razaq; Andini Timoer Putri; Keisya Kalyana Mahdy; Yundha Rachmawati; Martina Radin; Elma Dzakya Salsabila Rein Hart; Rysca Indreswari; Muhammad Rustamaji
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 (2022): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract Examining the development of the number of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Puntukrejo Village, Ngargoyoso District, Karanganyar Regency, where in 2019 there were 15 MSME actors, then increased by 30 MSMEs in 2020, until the latest data on the number of existing MSMEs reached 50 SMEs. The development of the number of MSMEs and the products of Puntukrejo Village is not proportional to the awareness of MSME actors on the importance of managing the legal aspects of MSME products and registering trademark rights to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Therefore, with the problem of the legality aspect of MSMEs and the registration of trademark rights, the service team realized a solution idea to be able to overcome these problems. The service team's service activities are carried out based on the Participatory Rural Appraisal (RPA) method. The purpose of the service is to raise awareness and the active role of MSME actors in Puntukrejo Village in managing the legality of MSMEs and registering Brand Rights. In addition, the service team carried out this activity through the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Merdeka Campus) program. The form of activities carried out are projects in villages ranging from data collection, socialization, assistance in managing the legal aspects of MSMEs, registration of trademark rights, commercialization to preparing reports and publications. As a result of this activity in the form of completing the legality aspect for MSME actors, the creation of a Trademark Rights certificate for MSME actors in Puntukrejo Village, understanding of the commercialization of Trademark Rights for superior products of Puntukrejo Village, and the independence of Puntukrejo Village MSMEs in developing Mark Rights. Abstrak Menelaah perkembangan jumlah pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Puntukrejo, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso, Kabupaten Karanganyar yang mana pada tahun 2019 terdapat 15 pelaku UMKM, kemudian meningkat sebanyak 30 UMKM pada 2020, hingga data terakhir jumlah UMKM yang ada mencapai 50 UMKM. Perkembangan jumlah UMKM dan produk-produk Desa Puntukrejo tersebut tidak sebanding dengan kesadaran pelaku UMKM akan pentingnya mengurus aspek legalitas produk UMKM dan mendaftarkan Hak Merek kepada Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual Kementrian Hukum dan HAM. Oleh karena itu, dengan adanya permasalahan terhadap aspek legalitas UMKM dan pendaftaran Hak Merek ini, tim pengabdi mewujudkan ide solutif untuk bisa mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian tim pengabdi laksanakan berdasarkan metode Participatory Rural Apprasial (RPA). Tujuan pengabdian adalah menumbuhkan kesadaran dan peran aktif pelaku UMKM Desa Puntukrejo dalam mengurus legalitas UMKM serta mendaftarkan Hak Merk. Selain itu, tim pengabdi melaksanakan kegiatan ini melalui program MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka). Bentuk kegiatan yang dilakukan yakni proyek di desa mulai dari pendataan, sosialisasi, pendampingan pengurusan aspek legalitas UMKM, pendaftaran Hak Merek, komersialisasi hingga penyusunan laporan dan publikasi. Sebagai hasil dalam kegiatan ini berupa telengkapinya aspek legalitas bagi pelaku UMKM, terciptanya sertifikat Hak Merek bagi para pelaku UMKM di Desa Puntukrejo, pemahaman mengenai komersialisasi Hak Merek produk unggulan Desa Puntukrejo, serta mandirinya UMKM Desa Puntukrejo dalam mengembangkan Hak Merek.
Judge's Legal Considerations as Determination of the Justice Model in Payment of Restitution for Child Sexual Affair (Decision Study No. 167/ Pid.Sus /2021/PN Krg) Bima Adi Wibowo; Muhammad Rustamaji; Alfin Dwi Novemyanto
Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains Vol 2 No 05 (2023): Jurnal Hukum dan HAM Wara Sains
Publisher : Westscience Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58812/jhhws.v2i05.351


Pada Putusan Nomor 167/Pid.Sus/2021/PN Krg, restistusi yang dibayarkan pelaku kepada anak sebagai korban tindak pidana persetubuhan anak dianggap tidak adil dan tidak dapat memulihkan hak korban yang ditambah munculnya subjek hukum baru akibat perbuatan mereka. Apalagi dalam perhitungan pembayaran restitusi yang ditetapkan oleh hakim tidak terdapat tolak ukur sebagai pedoman pemberian restitusi. Dengan demikian ada kekosongan hukum yang berkenaan dengan pertimbangan hukum hakim yang seharusnya membahas tentang restitusi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tinjauan yuridis dan eksistensi perjanjian sewa menyewa terhadap perkara wanprestasi. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian hukum doktrinal (normatif) yang sifat penelitianya preskriptif dengan Pendekatan kasus (case approach) dengan mengkaji pertimbangan kasus yuridis. Hakim dalam pertimbangan hukumnya tidak memberikan aspirasi terhadap restitusi yang dibayarkan. Dengan demikian ada kekosongan hukum yang berkenaan dengan pertimbangan hukum hakim yang seharusnya membahas tentang restitusi.
Verstek Vol 11, No 2: 2023
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jv.v11i2.71497


This research aims to find out the ratio decidendi of the Supreme Court which annulled the Judex Factie’s decision and made judgment on own authority in a narcotics crime case in accordance with Article 256 jo. 255 of the Criminal Procedure Code. This research is aimed at examining the application of criminal procedural law to the Supreme Court Decision Number 4043K/Pid.Sus/2020 which in its decision annulled the Judex Factie’s decision and made judgment on own authority in a narcotics crime case. This type of research is normative research that is prescriptive and applied with a case approach. The legal materials used are primary and secondary legal materials, while the technique of collecting primary and secondary legal materials used is literature study. Based on the results of the discussion, that the ratio decidendi in Supreme Court Decision Number 4043K/Pid.Sus/2020 which annullled the Judex Factie’s decision and made judgment on own authority in accordance with the provisions of Article 256 jo. Article 255 KUHAP. This is because the Defendant was not legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a crime as charged in the first or second indictment of the Public Prosecutor.Keywords: Cassation Defendant; Narcotics; Ratio Decidendi
Verstek Vol 11, No 2: 2023
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jv.v11i2.71533


This research aims to determine the suitability of the Public Prosecutor's evidentiary construction in proving drug abuse for dealers inVerdictNumber 22/Pid.Sus/2022/PN Krg with the evidentiary law. This research is normative or doctrinal legal research. The nature of this research is perscriptive and applied. The approach used in this study is the case approach. The legal materials used are primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The legal material collection technique used in this study is a literature study. The legal material analysis technique used is a syllogism method with a deductive mindset, which is based on a major premise and a minor premise which is then drawn conclusions.Based on this research, the results were obtained that the construction of proof of the Public Prosecutor in proving drug abuse for dealers in VerdictNumber 22/Pid.Sus/2022/PN Krg has been in accordance with the evidentiary law.Keywords: Proof; Narcotics;Verdict
Verstek Vol 11, No 2: 2023
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jv.v11i2.71885


This article was created to analyze the practice of the live broadcast of the trial. The existence of this practice means that everyone from all ages can participate in witnessing the live broadcast without any restriction, including minors. This article aims to find out the legal principle about the live broadcast of the trial in the child protection concept and the open court principle and to find out the limititations of open court principle on a live broadcast of the trial. This is a normative legal research using conceptual approach. This research shows that the live broadcast of the trials in child protection is carried out by ensuring child protection through the dissemination of useful information and educational materials from the social, cultural, educational, religious, and health aspests and pay attention to child’s importance. The obligations of the television media is to make sure that live broadcast of the trial include on clasification D for audience over the age of 18 years old. The limitation of the live broadcast of the trials is entirely on the role of the judges to determining the open court mechanism by pay attention to the characteristic of the case and to priority the litigants. Meanwhile the interests of broadcasting institution are accesoir after the limitation of the broadcasting law, KPI regulation, and law of criminal procedure.Keywords: Child Protection; Live Broadcast; Open Court principle; Television.
Verstek Vol 10, No 4: 2022
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jv.v10i4.72650


As individuals who are immature both physically and mentally, children are vulnerable human beings. A child has not been able to protect himself because he is not yet considered capable of being held accountable for his actions, considering that he is immature and still growing. The aim of this research is to examine the fulfillment of the rights of children who are in conflict with the law in the case of recidivist klitih in Decision Number 02/Pid.Sus-Anak/2022/PN Yyk. Children as perpetrators of crime must receive special protection and protection in accordance with the law, especially in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System. The results of the research study show that even though the perpetrators of criminal acts in the decision are minors who commit repeated crimes (recidivist), their rights as children who are in conflict with the law must fulfill their rights. This research is intended to provide arguments and serve as a reminder for law enforcers to fulfill the rights of children who are in conflict with the law. Keywords: Children, Children's Rights, Recidivist.
Verstek Vol 9, No 4: 2021
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jv.v9i4.72309


This article aims to analyze the judge's considerations in imposing a sentence below the special minimum for narcotics crime cases by studying the decision of the Jantho District Court Number 215/Pid.Sus/2020/Jth which violates the special minimum criminal provisions in Law No.35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. This research method is a prescriptive normative legal research with a case approach. Based on the research conducted by the author, it was found that in imposing a sentence below the special minimum in the narcotics crime case committed by T. Irfan, the judge made juridical and non-juridical considerations accompanied by the application of combined sentencing theory. This consideration is based on the fulfillment of the elements of the second alternative indictment, the fact that the purpose of possession of narcotics is for self-consumption, the provisions of the SEMA which accommodate the doubts of judges to then be able to commit deviations, and are based on the ability to be responsible, mitigating and aggravating things. The considerations in imposing the sentence are in accordance with legal objectives which are based on legal justice, legal benefits and legal certainty. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the use of articles regarding the possession and control of narcotics is irrelevant because they are always associated with the purpose of use and distribution which are regulated in different provisions so that these provisions seem ambiguous and need to be corrected.Keyword: Judge’s Consideration; Narcotics Crime; Special Minimum Punishment