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Internet of Things: Water Quality Classifying Based on Estimation Dissolved Oxygen Solubility and Estimation Unionized Ammonia for Small-scales Freshwater Aquaculture Shandikri, Rheza; Erfianto, Bayu
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vo. 6, No. 3, August 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v6i3.1329


In aquaculture, poor water quality can affect fish growth and mortality. Water quality parameters such as ammonia, temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen must be controlled and monitored. There are available measuring devices for dissolved oxygen and ammonia levels, but measurements cost is not suitable for small-scale aquaculture and are manually process. Our experimental study proposes the Emerson formula to find the estimated value of unionized ammonia and the Benson-Krause formula to find the estimated dissolved oxygen solubility value without using an ammonia sensor or dissolved oxygen sensor. Internet of things can be applied to aquaculture to monitor and collect water parameter data without human intervention. The values ​​of both estimates are validated using the Seneye Sensor. RMSE and MAE are used to calculate the performance evaluation between the Seneye value and the estimated value. Fuzzy logic clasify water quality derived from estimates of ionized ammonia and estimates of dissolved oxygen as input.
Stability and Vulnerability of Bird Flocking Behaviour: A Mathematical Analysis Bayu Erfianto; Intan Muchtadi-Alamsyah
HAYATI Journal of Biosciences Vol. 26 No. 4 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (650.84 KB) | DOI: 10.4308/hjb.26.4.179


Given a large number of birds in the flock, we mathematically investigate the mechanism the birds move in a collective behavior. We assume that each bird is able to know its position and velocity of other birds within a radius of communication. Thus, to be able to fly in the flock, a bird has to adjust its position and velocity according to his neighbors. For this purpose, first of all, we analyze how the connectedness of the bird interaction network affects the cohesion of the stable bird flock. We further analyze a condition when the flock is vulnerable, which is mathematically indicated by means of the presence of an articulation point in bird communication network.
Interpolasi Cubic Spline untuk Memetakan Distribusi Panas pada Permukaan Panel Sel Surya BAYU ERFIANTO; ALDRY HERNANDA SETIAWAN
ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika Vol 8, No 3 (2020): ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektro
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v8i3.467


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran atau distribusi panas yang terjadi pada permukaan panel surya atau photo voltaic (PV) dengan dengan data sebaran sensor yang diolah dengan metode interpolasi cubic spline, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui posisi panel surya yang efektif dan ideal menerima cahaya matahari. Selain informasi panas pada panel surya juga informasi mengenai daya yang dikeluarkan oleh panel surya tersebut. Pemetaan distribusi panas pada panel PV menggunakan metode interpolasi cubic spline yang selanjutnya divisualisasikan dalam heatmap 2D. Berdasarkan heatmap hasil interpolasi dan hasil eksperimen menunjukkan panel PV pada posisi vertikal dengan kemiringin 0o pukul 12.00-14.00 menghasilkan arus tertinggi yaitu 449.2mA dengan tegangan yang dihasilkan sebesar 1.03V sehingga menghasilkan daya sebesar 0.46W. Hal ini lebih optimal dari suhu permukaan PV yang lebih panas pada pada posisi vertikal dengan kemiringin 45o ataupun posisi horizontal 0o dan 45o pada jam yang sama.Kata kunci:panel surya, heatmap, cubic spline, interpolasi  ABSTRACTThis research aims to determine the distribution of heat that is exposed on the surface of solar panels or photo voltaic (PV), where the data from distributed sensor is processed by means of cubic spline interpolation method, so that it can be used to determine the ideal and effective position of solar panel to receive sunlight radiation. In addition to heat information on the solar panel, information about the power generated by PV is also measured. Based on the heatmap generated from the interpolation method and the experimental results, it shows that the PV panel in a vertical position with 0o inclination at 12.00-14.00 produces the highest current which is 449.2mA with the output voltage of 1.03V, thus the generated power is about 0.46W. This is more optimal than the surface temperature of the PV which is hotter in the vertical position with a  45o or horizontal position with 0o and 45o at the same time.Keywords: solar panel, heatmap, cubic spline, interpolation
Upwelling Solution Prototype Using Wireless Sensor Network Novian Anggis Suwastika; Sidik Prabowo; Bayu Erfianto
International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : School of Computing, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21108/IJOICT.2016.22.128


One of the problems in the freshwater fisheries sector is the phenomenon of upwelling can occur anytime without warning signs, especially in lakes and lake. This problem causes a failed harvest and fish farming business owners suffered a great loss due to the death of fish in large numbers. Upwelling caused by toxic substances results increased nitrification from fish feces and remaining fish feed deposited at the bottom of the Lake and rises to the surface quickly. Ammonia (NH3) in the form of ionized causing no fish that are on the surface of the Lake is not enough oxygen to meet the needs of hemoglobin, so cannot bind oxygen or lack of dissolved oxygen (DO). The condition causes the death of the fish very much. This research built a monitoring system to monitor the condition of the temperature at the surface and at the underwater of the lake and to monitor DO levels to check the possibility of upwelling. Temperature sensor and DO sensor connect with microcontroller and . The results of experiment system on the area fish farms (karamba) and not the area fish farms, obtained the test results are accurate and real time.
Pembelajaran interaktif melalui game edukatif selama masa pandemi di TK AL Ghifari Bandung Vera Suryani; Bayu Erfianto; Andrian Rakhmatsyah; Fazmah Arif Yulianto
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/kacanegara.v5i1.979


Kurikulum sekolah TK meliputi aspek motorik,maupun kognitif bagi anak usia pra-sekolah. Pembelajaran daring selama pandemi membuat anak cepat bosan, karena masa konsentrasi mereka belum bisa lama seperti halnya orang dewasa. Dibutuhkan perangkat bantu agar penyampaian materi lebih menarik dan tidak membosankan. Permainan merupakan salah satu cara penyampaian materi agar anak TK dapat belajar secara menyenangkan. Game edukatif merupakan perangkat bantu yang bersifat menarik bagi anak TK, dan melalui game ini materi pembelajaran dapat disampaikan secara menarik. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini ialah melakukan penyuluhan kepada guru PAUD TK Al-Ghifari Sukabirus mengenai cara penyampaian materi pembelajaran melalui game edukatif, serta pelatihan kepada anak TK mengenai cara penggunaan game edukatif tersebut. Game edukatif bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar melalui story telling, peningkatan konsentrasi, serta aspek computational thinking untuk usia pra-sekolah. Dari hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di TK Al Ghifari Bandung di dapatkan bahwa perangkat dan modul pembelajaran yang diberikan sangat membantu proses belajar mengajar di TK Al Ghifari. Poin utama yang disasar adalah aspek motivasi dan konsentrasi anak usia TK.
Pemberdayaan guru paud RA Al-Ghifari Sukabirus Dayeuhkolot dalam penyusunan bahan ajar berbasis online Vera Suryani; Bayu Erfianto; Andrian Rakhmatsyah
KACANEGARA Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28989/kacanegara.v4i2.868


Kasus Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) yang semakin meningkat mengharuskan proses kegiatan belajar mengajar bagi peserta didik untuk sementara waktu dilakukan di rumah. PAUD dan TK Al-Ghifari Sukabirus merupakan salah satu sekolah yang terkena dampaknya. Saat ini, proses kegiatan belajar mengajar masih menggunakan metode konvensional, yaitu hanya pemberian tugas offline kerumah siswa. Pembelajaran tidak efektif untuk siswa dikarenakan tidak ada kegiatan mengajar secara tatap muka oleh guru kepada siswanya. Beberapa guru juga belum terlalu familiar dengan penggunaan media pembelajaran daring, seperti Google Meet maupun Google Classroom . Dengan demikian diperlukan suatu cara transfer knowledge penggunaan media daring yang dapat mendukung proses belajar mengajar di PAUD dan TK Al Ghifari. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini ialah mendukung pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan media daring (dalam jaringan) dengan melakukan penyuluhan kepada guru PAUD dan TK Al-Ghifari Sukabirus mengenai cara pembelajaran online menggunakan aplikasi Google Meet, Google Classroom, dan penyusunan bahan ajar berbasis online.
On the Experiment of Path Planning Using Multi-way Points with A* Algorithm for Autonomous Surface Vehicle Bayu Erfianto; Adysti Adrianne; Ramzy Rashaun Arif
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vol. 6, No. 2, May 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v6i2.1244


Commonly, surveillance activities on lake waters is mostly carried out by using a surface vehicle as special-designed vehicle, especially to conduct water quality measurements, underwater surveys, and bathymetry mapping. However, conventional survey and monitoring still involves humans on the site. If a survey is conducted during strong wind conditions, it could jeopardize surveyor’s safety. Therefore, a vehicle must have several criteria, e.g., it must be pretty spacious and comfortable to carry surveyors, free from engine vibrations, stabilized and easy to maneuver, and the surveyor's safety can be guaranteed. This paper discusses preliminary research aiming to develop an Autonomous Raft Vehicle (ARV), a type of autonomous unmanned surface vehicle. The ARV is equipped with autonomous control based on multi-way-points with an A* algorithm. Thus, a user only requires giving a command once initially during path planning. A* algorithm over multi-way-point could improve ARV navigation when there are obstacles along the predetermined trajectory. Hence the predetermined trajectory will be maintained throughout the mission. It is a significant contribution to this paper.
Forensic Analysis of Braking Classification Based on Acceleration, Jerk, and Velocity Data Bayu Erfianto; Andrian Rahmatsyah
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vo. 6, No. 3, August 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v6i3.1284


Nowadays, four-wheeled vehicles are equipped with an event data recorder (EDR) device to record sensors data. With advances in-memory technology, EDR provides evidence for forensic analysis after an accident happens, that uses information technology to facilitate forensic analysis to provide complete and valuable results using digital investigations. Several types of research have been conducted to reconstruct accidents from forensic data and Fuzzy Logic is an alternative method for classifying crash data taken from the accelerometer due to less complexity of implementation. Vehicle braking data is one of the most important evidence for digital investigation, since braking is a complex process determined by many factors, such as the condition of the vehicle, road construction, and the driver’s physiological condition. However, the existing digital investigation still process vehicle speed, deceleration, and varia- tion time of deceleration (known as a jerk) in separated manner to determine braking distance, driver response time, and braking category. The problem identified in this paper is how to use deceleration, velocity, and jerk to categorize the braking evidence forensic analysis. In this paper, forensic analysis is limited to produce forensic evident of braking events based on the collected data. The contribution of this paper is to propose a braking detection model by combining acceleration, speed, and jerk data into a Fuzzy Inference System. As a result, a forensic analysis of braking data can better understand the braking maneuvers, which can be further developed to identify the cause of the accident and provide recommendations on which actions to include in future analyses.
Forecasting Fuel Consumption Based-On OBD II Data Satrio Nurcahya; Bayu Erfianto; Setyorini Setyorini
Indonesia Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): August, 2022
Publisher : School of Computing, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34818/INDOJC.2022.7.2.659


Cyber Physical System consists of computing devices that communicate with each other by interacting with the physical world assisted by sensors and actuators with an iterative response. Intelligent Transportation System which aims to apply information and communication technology in every transportation area. Applying ITS to vehicles, especially in the aspect of fuel consumption, vehicles must begin to be able to analyze the use of fuel that is being used to provide users so that users can be more effective. Regarding the analysis of fuel consumption, several researchers have done this with several existing methods such as ANN, SVM and the like. The use of the Multivariate time series method is used as a solution to the forecast analysis of vehicle fuel consumption. In this study, data from vehicles obtained from OBD-II will be processed using the Multivariate time series method with output in the form of analysis and visual data from the forecast with parameters related to RPM, TPS and fuel consumption. So the expected result is the relationship between RPM, TPS and fuel consumption as well as the formation of a system model to obtain sample data related to RPM, TPS and fuel consumption.
Application of ARIMA Kalman Filter with Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Fuzzy Logic to Improve Indoor Air Quality Index Estimation Bayu Erfianto; Andrian Rahmatsyah
JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization Vol 6, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/joiv.6.4.889


Air quality monitoring is a process that determines the number of pollutants in the air, one of which is indoor air quality. The Fuzzy Indoor Air Quality Index was developed in this research. It is a method for determining the indoor air quality index using sensor fusion and fuzzy logic. By combining several different time series determinants of air quality, a fuzzy logic-based sensor fusion method is used to build a knowledge base about indoor air quality levels. Without the use of complicated calculation models, fuzzy logic-based fusion will make it easier to determine indoor air quality levels based on various sensor parameters. The input for fuzzy-based data fusion is obtained from the ARIMA method with Kalman Filter's air quality parameter values estimation. The application of ARIMA with a Kalman Filter was used to improve the accuracy of indoor air quality estimation in this study. ARIMA(3,1,3) had a MAPE of 0.1 percent on the CO2 dataset, and ARIMA(1,0,1) had a MAPE of 0.63 percent on the TVOC dataset based on approximately three experimental days. ARIMA (3,1,3) estimation with a Kalman Filter results in a MAPE of 0.03 percent for the CO2 dataset and a MAPE of 0.24 percent for ARIMA(1,0,1) Kalman Filter estimation on TVOC dataset. As a result, the Fuzzy Indoor Air Quality Index (FIAQI) developed in this research reasonably estimates indoor air quality. This can be seen by examining the percentage of estimation errors obtained from the experiment.