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Sistem Pemantauan Kapasitas Sampah Berbasis IoT (SiKaSiT) untuk Pencegahan Banjir di Wilayah Sungai Citarum Bojongsoang Kabupaten Bandung Mukhtar, Husneni; Perdana, Doan; Sukarno, Parman; Mulyana, Asep
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan Vol. 21 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Center for Environmental Technology - Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1095.757 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jtl.v21i1.3622


ABSTRACTThe needs of flood disaster management encourage various efforts from all scientific disciplines of science, technology, and society. This article discusses the efforts to prevent flooding due to the habit of disposing of their waste into rivers through an innovative waste management system using the approach and application of Internet-based technology (IoT). Previous research has produced a prototype of the waste level monitoring system. In this research, the prototype was developed into a practical technology, called SiKaSiT (IoT Based Trash Capacity Monitoring System). This technology aims to assist janitor in monitoring, controlling and obtaining information about trash capacity and disposal time easily through an application on the smartphone in real-time and online. The system was made using a level detection sensor integrated with NodeMCU and Wi-Fi, MQTTbroker-protocol and Android-based application. Furthermore, the system was implemented in Bojongsoang adjacent to the Citarum river, where the water often overflowed due to the high rainfall and volume of trash around it. The results of system testing in the field shown good performance with value ranges of reliability is (99,785 - 99,944)% and availability is (99,786 - 99,945)%. SiKaSiT has several advantages over other similar systems. First, there is an application on the user's smartphone to monitor the capacity of trash and notification for full-bin. Second, the ability to operate on a small-bandwidth internet network because the throughput time is only around 0.59 kbps, thereby saving internet bandwidth consumption. This system has also helped overcome the problem of community trash management in Kampung Cijagra, where 60% of them gave feedback "agree" and the rest "strongly agree".Keywords: waste, IoT, monitoring, flooding, riverABSTRAKKebutuhan penanggulangan bencana banjir mendorong berbagai upaya dari semua disiplin ilmu baik dari bidang sains, teknologi dan sosial. Dalam artikel ini, penulis membahas upaya pencegahan banjir akibat kebiasaan membuang sampah ke sungai melalui inovasi sistem manajemen sampah menggunakan pendekatan dan penerapan teknologi berbasis Internet of Things (IoT). Pada riset sebelumnya telah dihasilkan sebuah prototype sistem monitoring level sampah. Kemudian pada riset ini prototype tersebut dikembangkan menjadi suatu teknologi tepat guna, dinamakan dengan SiKaSiT (Sistem Pemantauan Kapasitas Sampah Berbasis IoT). Teknologi ini bertujuan untuk membantu petugas kebersihan dalam memantau, mengontrol dan memperoleh informasi tentang kapasitas sampah dan waktu pembuangan sampah dengan mudah melalui aplikasi di smartphone secara real time dan online. Sistem dibuat dengan menggunakan sensor deteksi ketinggian sampah yang diintegrasikan dengan NodeMCU dan Wi-Fi, protokol MQTT broker dan aplikasi berbasis android pada smartphone. Selanjutnya sistem diimplementasikan di daerah Bojongsoang yang berdekatan dengan sungai Citarum yang airnya sering meluap akibat tingginya curah hujan dan volume sampah di sekitarnya. Hasil pengujian sistem di lapangan menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dengan kisaran nilai reliability adalah (99,785 – 99,944) % dan availability adalah (99,786 – 99,945) %. SiKaSiT memiliki beberapa kelebihan dibanding sistem serupa lainnya. Pertama, adanya aplikasi di smartphone pengguna untuk memonitor kapasitas sampah dan notifikasi saat tempat sampah penuh. Kedua, sistem mampu beroperasi pada jaringan internet bandwith kecil karena waktu throughput-nya hanya sekitar 0,59 kbps sehingga menghemat konsumsi bandwith internet. Sistem ini juga telah membantu menanggulangi permasalahan pengelolaan sampah masyarakat Kampung Cijagra, dimana 60% masyarakat memberi feedback “setuju” dan sisanya “sangat setuju”.Kata kunci: Sampah, IoT, Monitoring, Banjir, Sungai
Electronic document authenticity verification of diploma and transcript using smart contract on Ethereum blockchain Chaniago, Nero; Sukarno, Parman; Wardana, Aulia Arif
Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi Vol 7, No 2 (2021): July
Publisher : Information Systems - Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26594/register.v7i2.1959


Ethereum is one of the oldest examples of blockchain technology provides a system that converts centralized storage to distributed and records transactions by way of decentralized and not by a centralized system and can be verified by each node, therefore it is suitable for storing fingerprints from official diploma documents and transcripts that are published. Smart contract is needed for making contract transactions to Ethereum with programming code, so contracts such as diplomas and transcripts uploaded on the Ethereum blockchain can distribute and produce diploma validation and the authenticity of transcripts with transaction hash, consensus, and comply with ERC-721 token standardization. The results showed that a sample of 5 electronic documents in pdf format with a transaction speed of 1 second on each file that were published and secured with Ethereum blockchain technology can be easily verified for authenticity, the system proposed and developed by us takes in consideration invalid and failure cases by giving the necessary feedback to the user.
Two factor authentication framework based on ethereum blockchain with dApp as token generation system instead of third-party on web application Putri, Marsha Chikita Intania; Sukarno, Parman; Wardana, Aulia Arif
Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi Vol 6, No 2 (2020): July
Publisher : Information Systems - Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26594/register.v6i2.1932


Authentication is a method for securing an account by verifying the user identity by inputting email with a password. Two factor authentications is an authentication system that combines the first-factor authentication with the second factor. General two factor authentication by entering an email or username with a password are similar. However, two factor authentication requires additional information that must be inputted by the user. Additional information can be in the form of tokens or one-time passwords (OTP). Two factor authentications generally still uses third-party services to generate token or OTP still have vulnerable because can attacked from tokens steal through MITM and found that the generated tokens with the same value. Therefore, we propose a two-factor authentication framework based on ethereum blockchain with dApp as token generation system. Firstly, outcome from the analysis of the system, next succeeded in creating a two-factor authentication system without using third-parties. Second, token system generate up to 3164 different tokens  in one second and has been collisions tested. Third, security method to protect token from MITM attack. The attacker unable to get access caused all the checking are done by dApp user authentication.
Collaborative System for Friday Preacher Scheduling Hariandi Maulid; Indra Azimi; Amir Hasanudin Fauzi; Parman Sukarno
IJAIT (International Journal of Applied Information Technology) Vol 03 No 01 (May 2019)
Publisher : School of Applied Science, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/ijait.v3i01.2275


In 2016, we have started to develop a collaborative system for Friday prayer scheduling. The system was intended to cope with some problems that corresponded with the high probability collision occurrences while compiling a timetable. In order to measure the effectiveness of the system implementation, we undertook a survey that started from late 2017 to September 2019. We observed the implementation of the system throughout the years and investigated the impact of its implementation. The objective of this research is to determine whether the system can diminish the collision rates and foster a user-friendly experience both for MTM and client users in managing, requesting, compiling, viewing and organizing the schedules. The pre and post- questionnaires clearly indicated that the system managed to diminish or almost deal with all the problems that regularly occurred during timetable compilation. In regard to usability, users found that the system was useful and easy to use as the system gained the highest possible score for overall satisfaction.
Multi-Factor Authentication Using a Smart Card and Fingerprint (Case Study: Parking Gate) Isa Mulia Insan; Parman Sukarno; Rahmat Yasirandi
Indonesia Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): September, 2019
Publisher : School of Computing, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34818/INDOJC.2019.4.2.309


Security is one of the considerations in the development of smart parking. In Indonesia, the most common authentication factor is using a smart card as an authentication factor at the gate. Using a smart card as an authentication factor has loopholes that can be misused. Accordingly, authentication system needs an additional factor (more than one). Authentication that uses more than one factor is also called Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). However, the MFA applied to smart parking can still be misused. The cause of the MFA can be misused because the MFA cannot ensure the user's smart card. Therefore, we apply the MFA at the gate in smart parking using a two-factor authentication system on this research. These two factors are the smart card and biometric data (fingerprint). This authentication system can prove the hypothesis that if the smart card lost, the smart card cannot be used by other than the owner (H0) and the smart card whose data has been rewritten or cloned cannot be a threat to the system (H1). Proofing of this hypothesis is bypassing several attack scenarios. Thus, the security of the proposed parking gate system can be guaranteed.
Pendeteksian PHP Vulnerabilities Menggunakan Metode Forward Taint Data Analisis Shyffa Ilmallia Noer Fhadillah; Parman Sukarno; Aulia Arif Wardana
JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 7 No 1 (2020): JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) STMIK Global Informatika MDP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (192.381 KB) | DOI: 10.35957/jatisi.v7i1.237


This research builds the detection of php scripts using the Forward Taint data analysis method. Research has been carried out to test this attack. However, the accuracy that has been inferred is still very low. This is getting higher because of the false positive generated. So in solving this problem, the forward taint data analysis method performs double checks that will reduce the positive false value generated. Accuracy resulting from this research reached 90%. These results outperform other existing methods.
Technology Readiness Index of Agricultural Extension Officers in Bandung City, Indonesia, towards Digitalization of the “Buruan Sae” Program Parman Sukarno; Rahmat Yasirandi; Rio Guntur Utomo; Muhammad Al Makky; Ridha Muldina Negara; Sri Rezeki
agriTECH Vol 42, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.67535


Currently, “Buruan Sae” is a leading program in Bandung City, during the pandemic, this program was used to solve the problem of food security for every community. The government also promotes every community to implement urban farming in the city. Meanwhile, digitization is a step that is expected to be carried out in the future. To prepare for the transformation in this direction, the initial step is to measure readiness. Therefore, this study aims to determine the readiness of Agricultural Extension Officers (AOE) in Bandung as a necessary initial step in assisting the digital transformation of the “Buran Sae” program. AOE from the Department of Food and Agriculture were used as the sample population considering that they are the “spearhead” of this program. Using the Technology Readiness Index (TRI) Model, the value obtained was 3.365, which can be categorized as Medium Technology Readiness group. The amount of Explorers group namely 37.5% indicated that the majority of extension officers will accept the technology quickly. Furthermore, no part of the population can completely resist technological change as implied by the absence of the Laggards group. In the future, the results are expected to become a fundamental basis for the Department of Food and Agriculture to achieve digital transformation and this program will continue to be the main answer to every community’s problem of food and agriculture.
Analisis Performansi Metode Redundant Multipath TCP pada Bufferbloat Channel di Jaringan LTE/Wi-F Adrian Gusti Nurcahyo; Parman Sukarno; Aji Gautama Putrada
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 5, No 3 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Singlepath TCP adalah salah satu protokol yang umumnya digunakan pada saat pengiriman data, akan tetapi dalam kondisi bufferbloat, throughput yang dihasilkan singlepath TCP tidak optimal. Multipath TCP adalah salah satu teknologi yang menggabungkan beberapa singlepath TCP untuk mendapatkan bandwidth yang besar demi mencapai throughput yang tinggi, untuk mengatasi kerugian bufferbloat salah satu metode yang digunakan pada MPTCP adalah metode redundant yaitu menggunakan seluruh antarmuka yang disediakan untuk pengiriman data sekaligus secara bersamaan, serta memanfaatkan ketahanan koneksi walaupun terdapat kerugian pada jalur yang digunakan. Sehingga throughput yang di dapatkan tinggi atau paling tidak sama dengan singlepath TCP. Melalui simulasi dapat dibuktikan bahwa Multipath TCP dapat mengatasi bufferbloat pada singlepath TCP. Hasil throughput yang dihasilkan pada LTE sebesar 1.63 Mbit/s, untuk WiFi sebesar 1.08 Mbit/s sedangkan Multipath TCP sebesar 2.59 Mbit/s. Hasil delay yang dihasilkan pada LTE sebesar 4.6 ms, pada WiFi sebesar 4.09 ms, dan MPTCP sebesar 3.00 ms. Kata kunci : Multipath TCP, Bufferbloat, Throughput, Delay. Abstract Singlepath TCP is one of the protocols commonly used when sending data, but under bufferbloat conditions, the throughput generated by TCP singlepath is not optimal. Multipath TCP is one technology that combines several TCP singlepaths to get large bandwidth in order to achieve high throughput, to overcome bufferbloat losses one of the methods used in MPTCP is a redundant method that uses all interfaces provided for data transmission simultaneously, as well as utilize connection resilience even though there are losses on the path used. So that the throughput obtained is high or at least equal to TCP singlepath. Through simulation it can be proved that Multipath TCP can overcome bufferbloat on singlepath TCP. The result of throughput generated in LTE is 1.63 Mbit / s, for WiFi is 1.08 Mbit / s while Multipath TCP is 2.59 Mbit / s. The resulting delay in LTE is 4.6 ms, in WiFi is 4.09 ms, and MPTCP is 3.00 ms. Keywords: Multipath TCP, Bufferbloat, Throughput, Delay.
Analisis Perbandingan Deteksi Trojan Menggunakan Metode Static-Dynamic dengan Metode Behaviour Pada Sistem Operasi Windows Dania M.P.M; Parman Sukarno; Erwid Mushofa Jadied
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 5, No 3 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Windows adalah sistem operasi yang paling banyak digunakan oleh pengguna komputer. Karenanya, pengguna Windows menjadi sasaran utama dalam penyebaran malware terutama trojan. Trojan adalah malware yang menyebar pada komputer korban yang mempunyai sifat merusak hingga merugikan. Oleh karena itu banyak penelitian mengenai metode untuk mendeteksi trojan. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya, metode Static-Dynamic lebih sering digunakan. Namun metode tersebut belum cukup akurat dalam hal mendeteksi trojan dibandingkan dengan metode Behaviour. Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan metode Static-Dynamic dan metode Behaviour dengan melakukan percobaan menggunakan threshold yang berbeda pada pengujiannya. Didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa setiap perubahan pada threshold akan berpengaruh pada tingkat akurasi dari setiap metode. Dari dua belas kali pengujian metode Static-Dynamic mempunyai rata-rata akurasi sebesar 32,70%. Sedangkan metode Behaviour dengan dua puluh tiga kali percobaan mempunyai rata-rata akurasi sebesar 32,54%. Kata kunci : Trojan, Metode Static, Metode Dynamic, Metode Behaviour Abstract Windows is the operating system that is most widely used by computer users. Therefore, Windows’ users are the main target of the malware spreading, especially trojan. Trojans are malware that spreads on a victim's computer that destructive and harmful users’ properties. There is a lot of research about methods for detecting trojans. From previous research, the Static-Dynamic method is used more often. But this method is not accurate enough in detecting trojan compared to the Behavior method. This study implements the Static-Dynamic method and the Behavior method. It was concluded that every change of threshold will have different result. Out of twelve threshold of Static-Dynamic method, the average accuracy is 32,70%. And Behaviour method with twenty three threshold has 32,54% of average accuracy. Keywords: Trojan, Static Method, Dynamic Method, Behaviour Method
Analisis Dan Implementasi Sistem Pendeteksi Ijazah Dan Transkrip Palsu Dengan Menggunakan Ipfs Dan Smart Contract Blockchain Muhammad Danil Muis; Parman Sukarno; Aulia Arif Wardana
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 8, No 5 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Pemalsuan ijazah/transkrip merupakan salah satu masalah dalam dunia pendidikan. Dalam menyikapi hal ini, Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi membuat Sistem Verifikasi Ijazah Secara Online (SIVIL) dan kebijakan Penomoran Ijazah Nasional (PIN). Sistem yang dibangun masih menggunakan penyimpanan secara terpusat sehingga rentan terhadap peretasan seperti SQLInjection yang membahayakan data. Oleh karena itu, sistem yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini menggunakan penyimpanan terdistribusi untuk mencegah terjadinya serangan tersebut. Sistem ini menggunakan InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) untuk menyimpan data secara terdistribusi dan smart contract blockchain untuk menyimpan hash file ijazah/transkrip. Dalam mengetahui performansi sistem, maka dilakukan pengujian Quality of Service (QoS) dengan menggunakan parameter throughput, packet loss dan delay serta analisis penggunaan Central Processing Unit (CPU) dan Random Access Memory (RAM). Berdasarkan penelitian yang sudah dilakukan, sistem pendeteksi ijazah/transkrip palsu dapat dijalankan dengan baik dengan menggunakan 1 node sampai dengan 5 node. Nilai throughout terbaik pada saat proses pembuatan serta proses validasi ijazah/transkrip adalah dengan menggunakan 1 node. Nilai packet loss pada proses pembuatan serta proses validasi ijazah/transkrip memiliki kategori sangat bagus. Nilai delay pada proses pembuatan serta proses validasi ijazah/transkrip memiliki kategori sangat bagus. Kata kunci : IPFS, Blockchain, Ijazah