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AUSTENIT Vol. 1 No. 01 (2009): AUSTENIT: April 2009
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.377 KB)


Ceramics are non-metal material and are able to meet in daily activities. Generally, ceramic have superior high temperature strength, higher hardness, lower density and lower thermal conductivity than metal. The disadvantages of ceramics as structural materials are flaws, such as cracks, voids, and inclusions. In development of ceramics can be used in medical field for instance, implant of bone or tissue of the body. Hydroaxyapatite (HAp) is one of ceramics that is applied in medical field. In natural resources HAp is easy to find in every place in the world. The advantage of ceramics is bio- comfortable and disadvantages is poor fatigue properties, this material cannot be used in bulk form fro load bearing application such as orthopedics.
AUSTENIT Vol. 3 No. 01 (2011): AUSTENIT: April 2011
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.582 KB)


Kompor adalah alat yang digunakan untuk memasak, menggoreng dan merebus, kebanyakan orang biasanya menggunakan kompor minyak dan gas dalam kegiatan memasak di rumah tangga mereka. Kompor menurut jenisnya ada bermacam ragam, diantaranya kompor gas, kompor minyak tanah, kompor listrik dan masih banyak lainnya. Namun jarang orang menggunakan kompor bio-mass, yang pada dasarnya banyak keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh dengan menggunakan kompor bio-mass ini, salah satu yaitu memanfaatkan sampah organik yang tidak digunakan sehingga bermanfaat dan berdaya guna sebagai bahan bakar. Maka dari itu dilakukan pembuatan kompor bio-mass dengan menggunakan serbuk besi dan campuran semen sebagai perekatnya untuk menggantikan batu tahan api atau pun selubung pipa besi. Kompor ini berbeda dengan yang lainnya dan menggunakan bahan bakar yang mudah didapat seperti arang kayu, tempurung kelapa atau sabut kelapa. Hasilnya menunjukkan kompor ini dapat mencapai suhu 146°C dalam waktu 40 menit untuk konsumsi bahan bakar Tempurung kelapa 1 kg.
AUSTENIT Vol. 5 No. 1 (2013): AUSTENIT: April 2013
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.656 KB)


his paper is aimed to inform the advantages of exohand as device that is used in industry and medical treatment on literature review. The  exohand  is manufactured by Festo, Inc. It has many advantages such as design is more comfortable to human or in the other words is ergonomic than the others design. Not only using the latest technology but also consent about the product method alike using selective laser sintering. This model of exoskeletons can be applied in many fields, such as industry and medical treatment for stroke patients.
Design Manufacture of Fixture Fire Fighter Kit Wirda Novarika; Fatahul Arifin; Eka Satria Martomi; Indra Gunawan; Fathur Raihan Perdana
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): IJRVOCAS - December
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (422.782 KB) | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v1i3.58


Forest fires are one that needs attention in Indonesia. Due to spent a lot of money to solve this problem. One of the tools to solve this problem is fire fighter, so in case is need to make the fixture can manufacture the fire fighter kit. In this study, we propose the fixture that can be produce the kit. It call fixture fire fighter kit. Autodesk inventor is applied in the simulation design and also it is considering with the ergonomic for the worker especially the Indonesian male. Finally, this tool can be resistant with load 50 kg, the deflection is 0.831 mm, and the maximum von misses stress is 34.12 MPa.
Study of Effect Changing the Blade Shape and Lift Angles on Horizontal Wind Turbine Ichsan Astanto; Fatahul Arifin; Yohandri Bow; Sirajuddin
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): IJRVOCAS - April
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v2i1.92


The lack of energy commodities such as coal and petroleum makes the cost of these commodities soar. This event shows how much countries in the world are still very dependent on fossil fuels, and it is fitting that the transition to new renewable energy can be realized soon, low emission and environmentally friendly energy is the hope in the future. Indonesia has a supply of renewable energy sources that are abundant is a great force for this clean energy revolution. The momentum of the presence of the first wind farm in Indonesia operating in Mattirotasi Village, Sidrap Regency, Central Sulawesi in Indonesia with a wind power plant capacity (PLTB) of 75 MW is positive evidence that the government is starting to pay more attention to the development of renewable energy technology in Indonesia. Turbine technology that is able to optimize wind speed in Indonesia must be the answer so that this energy is more useful.  In this study, the idea for an experimental analysis of "Study of the Effect of Blade Shape Change and Lift Angle on Horizontal Wind Tubin using Nvis 6009 Experimentation with Solar and Wind Energy props. The Nvis 6009 is a prop used by vocational schools to understand the concept of a DC power plant based on solar and wind energy. To optimize low wind speed, on Nvis 6009 horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) with different type 3 Blade and changes in lift angle, so that we can know the effect of the resulting voltage change, so that we can know the effect of the resulting voltage change. Simple illustrations using the Solidworks application are done as validation of the results of previous research and to obtain preliminary data of research experiments. The final results of the test on Type Blade II obtained maximum data at a Blade angle of 13 ° with a wind speed of 3.9 m / s, Blade Rotation 2587 Rpm produces a voltage of 2.8 V.
Study Combination Vertical Wind Turbine in The Mining Area RD. Kusumanto; Fatahul Arifin; Carlos R. S.; Dicky Septrianto; Rusdianasari; RM. Fauzi; Yusuf Dewantoro Herlambang
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): IJRVOCAS - April
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v2i1.96


Wind Technology has developed rapidly because it is environmentally friendly alternative energy. The speed of the wind to run the wind turbine is able to exhaust a fan and ordinary wind sources. Tanjung Enim is one of Indonesia's areas, that have comparatively little wind energy. It has a wind velocity of 1.5 - 3 m/s. Tanjung Enim has coal mining, and the blower is used for air in the conveyor line of the mining. It is the potential to generate wind turbines. because the wind velocity in this area is 8 m /s. This study examines the enactment of blades on vertical wind turbines, namely Savonius with 3 blades combine with Darrius 3 blades. The result of the voltage output currently created by of vertical wind turbine maximum is 8.42 Volt and 345 Ampere.
MACHINERY: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Machinery: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.782 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6413354


Troli Penggulung Selang Pemadam Kebakaran Semi Otomatis alat ini berfungsi untuk mengefisienkan waktu dan tenaga agar mempermudah Pemadaman kebakaran untuk menggulung Selang supaya mengurangi bergesekan dengan permukaan tanah yang bisa menyebabkan selang mudah rusak dan robek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain dan menganalisis simulasi kekuatan alat dengan variasi penempatan beban mulai dari 60 kg sampai dengan 300 kg, Dengan menggunakan software Autodesk Inventor Professional yang dilengkapi dengan metode finite element analysis (FEA) dari simulasi Konstruksi Troli Penggulung Selang Pemadam Kebakaran Semi Otomatis yang memiliki hasil analisis Von Messes minimum adalah 37,8 Mpa dengan beban 60 kg, dan maksimum adalah 186,2 Mpa dengan beban 300 kg, Lendutan minimum adalah 0,322 mm dengan beban 60 kg, dan maksimum adalah 1,605 mm dengan beban 300 kg, Faktor Keamanan minimum adalah 5,48 dengan beban 60 kg, dan maksimum adalah 1,11 dengan beban 300
MACHINERY: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Machinery: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (713.951 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6413294


Kelapa merupakan salah satu pohon yang tumbuh dengan baik hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia terutama di Sumatera Selatan dimana produksi buah kelapa setiap harinya cukup tinggi. Orang biasanya menggunakan linggis untuk membersihkan batok kelapa dengan tangan. Hal ini cukup berbahaya, apalagi jika dilakukan dalam jumlah banyak. Dalam tugas akhir ini,menyajikan metodologi dan implementasi numeric dari program CAD-CAE tenaga Kelelahan dan stress analysis, desain konstruksi mesin pengupas kelapa dengan sistem lima kelapa sederhana yang mudah digunakan, aman dan efektif. Tujuan utama dari pengujian ini adalah untuk menganalisis konstruksi mesin yang dibuat dengan Autodesk Inventor, sehingga mesin yang dirancang dapat bekerja dengan aman.
Temperature Decreasing Circulation of Solar Panels Using Water Flow Rosita Efriyanti; Ahmad Taqwa; Fatahul Arifin
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): IJRVOCAS - August
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v2i2.106


This study aims to provide a clear picture of the efficiency of using solar panels as an alternative energy source compared to conventional energy, as well as to keep the temperature of the solar panels stable. Where the solar panel itself has a maximum body and temperature that affects the results of the solar panel. Solar panels experience a decrease in their ability to generate electricity when they overheat or exceed their effectiveness limits. Therefore, seeing the effectiveness of solar panels working at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, there is a desire to take advantage of the excess heat generated from solar panels by cooling the solar panels by flowing water through a capillary tube. Where the experimental results can be seen in the graph of solar panels that have not used cooling. showed a decrease in the absorption of solar panels, precisely at 11.30 am and had a voltage of 20.2V with a temperature of 3.1℃. shows a decrease in the power produced on the day of the study where at 11.30 am there was a decrease in power to the voltage from 20.4V to 19.00 V and it can be said that this was caused by an increase in temperature in three days which was also influenced by the heat earlier.
Utilization of Solar Energy in the Substation Energy in Provider Connected to PT. PLN (Persero) Based on IoT Syanno Revy; Ahmad Taqwa; Fatahul Arifin
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): IJRVOCAS - August
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v2i2.108


In organizing the Asian game event in Palembang in 2018, PT PLN Persero supported this activity by supplying electricity at several points in the Jakabaring Spot City (JSC) area with a total of 27 connecting substations with a loop system, but when the event was over the loop system was turned off and several locations of connecting substations. not deactivated due to operational constraints and the absence of activities at the location resulting in the supply to the substation shutting down but still operating distributing a voltage of 20 to several substations that are still operating in the JSC area, Indonesia has a very large renewable energy potential, especially solar energy which can supply a heater to maintain humidity prevent partial discharge and make cubicle equipment have a long lifetime. The results show that the radiation received by the PV system is sufficient to produce Stable electric power to turn on the heater continuously for 24 hours Future research will be extended to monitoring via IoT.