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Kemampuan Pemangsaan Pred a tor Kumbang Buas terhadap Hama Penggerek Bonggol Pisang Hasyim, Ahsol; Harlion, -; Yasir, H.
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 14, No 3 (2004): September 2004
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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Kumbang pred a tor Plaesius javanus dikoleksi dari pertanaman pisang di Bukittinggi dan Sitiung. Percobaandilakukan di Laboratorium Proteksi, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Solok dari bulan April sampai Desember 2001,menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan individupemangsaan pred a tor kumbang buas dalam mengendalikan hama penggerek bonggol pisang. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa P. javanus dewasa dan larva dapat memangsa semua sta dia hama penggerek bonggol pisangsecara efektif. Setiap individu P. javanus dewasa dapat memangsa telur, larva instar 2, 3, 4, 5, serta pupa dan dewasaberturut-turut 7 butir, 4,9; 3,9; 2,9; 2,9; 2,0; 2,0; dan 1,9 ekor/hari. Kemampuan memangsa individu larva P. javanusrelatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kemampuan memangsa individu dewasa P. javanus. Sedangkan kemampuanmemangsa individu P. javanus betina relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan P. javanus jantan. Pred a tor inimempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai agens pengendali hayati di masa mendatang.Kata kunci: Musa sp.; Plaesius javanus; Cosmopolites sordidus; Sta dia hama penggerek bonggol; PemangsaanAB STRACT. Hasyim, A., Harlion, and H. Yasir. 2004. Pred a tory rate of histerid bee tles on ba nana wee vilborer. Pred a tory of histerid bee tles were col lected from ba nana field at Bukittinggi and Sitiung. This ex per i ment wascar ried out at lab o ra tory of In do ne sian Fruit Re search In sti tute from April to De cem ber 2001, used a ran dom ized blockde sign. The pur pose of this ex per i ment was to know the in di vid ual po ten tial of pred a tory bee tles, P. javanus to preyba nana wee vil borer. The re sults showed that adult and lar vae of P. javanus ef fec tively preyed ba nana wee vil borer,Cosmopolites sordidus. Each in di vid ual of P. javanus adult was able to prey 7 pieces 4.9, 3.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.0, 2.0, and 1.9in di vid ual/day, re spec tively for egg, sec ond, third, fourth, fifth instar lar vae, pupa and adult. Pre da tion rate of individualP. javanus lar vae was higher com pare to adult in con trolling ba nana wee vil borer. Pred a tory rate of in di vid ual fe -male P. javanus was higher than the male. The pred a tor has a prom is ing po ten tial us age as bi o log i cal con trol agent innear fu ture.
Peningkatan Infektivitas Jamur Entomopatogen, Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuill. pada Berbagai Bahan Carrier untuk Mengendalikan Hama Penggerek Bonggol Pisang, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar di Lapangan Hasyim, Ahsol
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 17, No 4 (2007): Desember 2007
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kebun petani pisang di daerah Baso, Kabupaten Agam dari bulan Oktober 2002 sampai Februari 2003. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui peningkatan infektivitas jamur entomopatogen, Beauveria bassiana menggunakan bahan carrier dan model bahan perangkap yang baik untuk mengendalikan hama penggerek bonggol pisang, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar. Untuk mengetahui peningkatan infektivitas jamur B. bassiana, penelitian ditata dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan 7 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari 6 bahan carrier sebagai perlakuan, yaitu tepung jagung, tepung beras, tepung maizena, talk, minyak sayur, air, dan kontrol (konidia kering). Jamur B. bassiana yang telah dicampur dengan bahan carrier sebanyak 100 g atau 100 ml disebarkan pada potongan bonggol bagian atas kemudian ditutup dengan batang semu pisang. � � Sedangkan untuk mengetahui model alat perangkap yang baik digunakan 3 macam bahan perangkap yaitu (1) bonggol pisang + batang semu, (2) bonggol pisang, dan (3) batang semu dengan 6 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tepung beras merupakan carrier yang paling baik dalam pemanfaatan B. bassiana dan menyebabkan mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol paling tinggi dibandingkan carrier minyak sayur dan air yang menyebabkan mortalitas paling rendah atau sama dengan B. bassiana tanpa bahan carrier. Mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol C. sordidus yang paling tinggi, yakni 95% diperoleh jika menggunakan B.bassiana dengan tepung beras sebagai carrier pada perangkap bonggol dan ditutupi batang semu pisang. Sedangkan B. bassiana dengan menggunakan minyak atau air dan tanpa substrat carrier hanya dapat menyebabkan mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol paling rendah, yaitu berturut-turut 72, 75, dan 70%. Mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol pisang yang disebabkan oleh jamur B. bassiana yang dicampur dengan carrier tepung beras, paling tinggi diperoleh menggunakan alat perangkap bonggol pisang dengan batang semu. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa berbagai carrier berbentuk tepung dapat meningkatkan infektivitas jamur entomopatogen, B. bassiana dalam mengendalikan hama penggerek bonggol pisang, C. sordidus di lapangan.ABSTRACT. Hasyim, A. 2007. Enhancing Infectious Capacity of Entomopathogen Fungi, Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuill. Using Various Carrier Materials in Controlling Banana Corm Borer, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar under Field Condition. This experiment was conducted at Baso banana farmer field, Agam District from October 2002 to February 2003. The objectives of these studies were to know the infectious capacity of entomopathogen fungi, Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin using various carrier materials and to know the best trapping model in controlling banana corm borer Cosmopolites sordidus Germar. A randomized complete design with 7 treatments and 4 replications were used in this study. The treatments consisted of 6 carriers, i.e. corn powder, talc, rice powder, maizena powder, vegetable oil, water, and control (dry conidia). Amount of 100 g or 100 ml mixture of B. bassiana were distributed by hand or sprayed with water on cut surface of the banana corm then covered by sliced banana pseudostem. Futhermore, 3 types of trapping model i.e (1) banana corm + pseudostem, (2) banana corm, and (3) pseudostem were used with 6 replications to find out the best trapping design. The results showed that rice powder was the best carrier for delivery of B. bassiana and caused highest mortality of banana corm borer. On the other hand, vegetable oil, water, and without carrier material caused the lowest mortality of banana corm borer. The highest mortality of adult banana weevil borer, C. sordidus reached 95% when weevil exposure using rice powder carrier on corm and pseudostem. While the B. bassiana exposure using liquid carrier such as vegetable oil, water carrier, and without carrier material on corm and pseudostem caused the lowest mortality of C. sordidus of 72, 75, and 70% respectively. The highest mortality of banana corm borer caused by B. bassiana was found in the treatment with rice powder as a carrier material and pseudostem trapping design. The results demonstrated that powder as a carrier could enhance the infectious capacity of entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana against banana weevil borer, C. sordidus under field condition
EVALUATION OF NATURAL ENEMIES IN CONTROLLING OF THE BANANA WEEVIL BORER Cosmopolites sordidus Germar IN WEST SUMATRA Hasyim, Ahsol; Azwana, Azwana; Syafril, Syafril
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 10, No 2 (2009): October 2009
Publisher : Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development - MOA

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The banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, is an important pest of highland banana and plantain in Africa, but it exists in low densities in presumed area of origin in Southeast Asia such as in Indonesia. This suggests a possible existence of effective co-evolved natural enemies in the origin area of Indonesia, especially West Sumatra. The objectives of this study were: (1) to evaluate banana weevil pest status at selected sites in West Sumatra, (2) to survey parasitoids and predators, and(3) to determine the control potential of the most important natural enemies. Surveys were undertaken in March 2002-August 2003 in five locations in West Sumatra, i.e., Bukittinggi, Sitiung, Pariaman, Pasaman, and Batusangkar. Five farms per site were selected randomly among all farms that contained banana stands of > 0.5 ha. Sampling for banana weevil adults and damage, and for predators was done throughout small banana stands and within a 20 m x 40 m (0.08 ha) subplot on largerfarms. Field-collected larvae were taken to the laboratory and reared on corm pieces (3 cm x 3 cm x 3 cm) until pupation. Larvae were collected from pseudostem as well as corm residues. To estimate the abundance of non-social predators, i.e., those other than ants, 10 residues each on each farm were examined from plants that had been harvested 1-4 weeks, 5-8 weeks or 9 or more weeks before our visit to the site. Samples of thedifferent morphospecies were saved in alcohol for later identification. The result showed that the banana weevil incidence was found to be low,  0.6-1.7 adults per trap. Plant damage indices were below 2.2%. We collected and reared 24,360 eggs and 3118 larvae, but no parasitism was detected. Phorids (Megaselia sp.) and drosophilids were recovered from larval rearings, but most likely were scavengers. A complex of predators was detected, the most important of which was the histerid beetles,  Plaesius javanus Erichson. In laboratory tests, adults and larvae of P.  javanus attacked 75-88% and 38-53% of banana weevil larvae and pupae, respectively. Predatory ants, including species of Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, Formicinae, and Dolichoderinae, were found to be associated with bananaplants and residues. Adults of Myopopone castanea Smith (Ponerinae) were directly observed attacking banana weevil larvae in crop residues. The adult banana weevil mortalities caused by the entomopathogen fungi of Beauveria bassiana from Baso, Sungaitarab, Sei Sariek, and Sikabau at highest density (3.2 x 108 spores ml-1) after two weeks were 96.67%, 90.00%, 60.00% and 83.33%, respectively. The high diversity of habitatconditions in which crop-pest-natural enemies systems exist, support the idea that banana weevil population and damage intensity in the study area is low due to active role of natural enemies.
Pengembangan Inovasi Pertanian Vol 8, No 1 (2015): Maret 2015
Publisher : +622518321746

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Cabai merupakan salah satu komoditas pilihan bagi petani karena mempunyai nilai jual yang tinggi. Pengusahaan cabai dilakukan secara intensif tanpa mempertimbangkan prinsip pertanian berkelanjutan sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya ledakan organisme pengganggu tanaman (OPT), penurunan kesuburan tanah, dan pencemaran lingkungan. Selain itu, introduksi sistem pertanaman monokultur dan varietas modern menyebabkan hilangnya keragaman genetik, sebagai contoh 70% spesies burung dan 49% spesies tanaman kini terancam. Hal ini diperparah oleh perubahan iklim yang meningkatkan serangan OPT dan menurunkan produksi cabai antara 25-100%. Pengendalian OPT ramah lingkungan akhir-akhir ini dikembangkan dalam usaha tani cabai untuk menurunkan penggunaan pestisida sintetis. Oleh karena itu, perlu dikembangkan teknologi yang dapat mengatasi dampak variabilitas iklim dan kejadian cuaca ekstrem. Indikator keberhasilan pengendalian OPT ramah ling-kungan ialah (1) keseimbangan ekosistem tetap terjaga; (2) biodiversitas tetap lestari; (3) residu pestisida minimal; dan (4) biaya produksi menurun. Teknologi pengendalian OPT ramah lingkungan dapat diterapkan bila pemerintah berfungsi sebagai fasilitator melalui kebijakan dengan memberikan insentif kepada produsen untuk mengadopsi cara pengendalian OPT ramah lingkungan dan insentif bagi konsumen yang mengonsumsi produk bersih. Dukungan terhadap kegiatan penelitian pengendalian OPT ramah lingkungan perlu pula ditingkatkan. Peraturan perundangan dalam diseminasi dan implementasi pertanian berwawasan lingkungan perlu pula diperkuat.
Respons Hama Lalat Buah Jantan terhadap beberapa Jenis Atraktan dan Warna Perangkap di Kebun Petani Hasyim, Ahsol; Boy, A; Hilman, Yusdar
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 20, No 2 (2010): Juni 2010
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v20n2.2010.p%p


ABSTRAK. Penelitian respons lalat buah jantan terhadap beberapa jenis atraktan dan warna perangkap dilakukan dikebun buah dan sayur Padang Pariaman dari bulan Juni sampai Oktober 2006. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acakkelompok pola faktorial dengan dua faktor dan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama ialah warna perangkap (merah, kuning,hijau, oranye, dan transparan). Faktor kedua ialah atraktan ME sintetik (metil eugenol murni 90%), petrogenol (ME70%), dan cue-lure. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata jumlah lalat buah yang terperangkap/perangkap/haripada berbagai warna perangkap dan atraktan sintetik berbeda nyata. Lalat buah lebih banyak terperangkap, diperolehpada perangkap warna kuning (39 ekor), kemudian diikuti oleh perangkap warna merah, hijau, oranye, dan transparan,masing-masing 29,84, 27,99, 14,89, dan 14,3 ekor lalat buah/perangkap/hari. Jumlah lalat buah paling banyak tertarikpada perangkap dengan atraktan metil eugenol murni dibandingkan dengan perangkap ME 70% dan cue-lure. Perangkapwarna kuning dengan atraktan ME dapat menarik lebih banyak jenis lalat buah (11 spesies) kemudian diikuti olehperangkap transparan, perangkap warna merah, oranye, dan hijau, masing-masing dapat menarik berturut-turut 9,8, 8, dan 7 jenis lalat buah. Penggabungan antara warna perangkap dengan atraktan sintetik metil eugenol, dapatmeningkatkan kemampuan sebagai perangkap yang potensial dan juga sebagai alat monitoring lalat buah.ABSTRACT. Hasyim, A., A. Boy, and Y. Hilman. 2010. The Response of Male Fruit Fly to Various Attractantand Trap Colors in the Farmer Orchard. The research was conducted in fruits and vegetables farmer orchard inPadang Pariaman from June to October 2006. The factorial randomized completely design with three replications andtwo factors were used in this experiment. The first factor was trap color (red, yellow, green, orange, and transparent).The second factor was kind of synthetic attractant (pure methyl eugenol 90%, petrogenol 70%, and cue-lure). Theresults showed that number of flies’ caught/trap/day was significantly different in response to trap colors and syntheticattractant. Yellow colored trap captured significantly highest number of male fruit fly (39 flies/trap/day) followed byred, green, orange, and transparent trap which were 29.84, 27.99, 14.89, and 14.3 fruit fly/trap/days, respectively.Pure ME (90%) attracted highest number of flies comparing ME 70% (petrogenol) and cue-lure. Yellow trap attractedhighest number of flies species (11 species) followed by transparent trap, red, orange, and green which were of 9, 8,8, and 7 species, respectively. The incorporation of trap color and synthetic attractant such as methyl eugenol wouldprovide powerful tools not only potential for fruit fly trapped but also for monitoring.
Isolasi, Identifikasi, dan Karakterisasi Jamur Entomopatogen dari Rizosfir Pertanaman Kubis Nuraida, -; Hasyim, Ahsol
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 19, No 4 (2009): Desember 2009
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v19n4.2009.p%p


Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi dan mengkarakterisasi jamur entomopatogen dari rizosfirpertanaman kubis. Percobaan ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Entomologi dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, FakultasPertanian Universitas Andalas dan Laboratorium Entomologi, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika Solok dariMaret sampai Agustus 2006. Pengujian sporulasi jamur entomopatogen menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap polafaktorial dengan 2 faktor yaitu jenis isolat dan substrat. Sebanyak 500 g tanah diambil dari pertanaman kubis di PadangPanjang (Desa Koto Panjang) dan Alahan Panjang (Desa Rimbo Data) kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam kotak plastik.Sebanyak 10 ekor Tenebrio molitor stadia larva instar ketiga yang baru berganti kulit dimasukkan ke dalam kotakyang berisi tanah, kemudian ditutup dengan selapis tipis tanah dan dilembabkan dengan menyemprotkan akuadessteril di atasnya sebanyak 100-150 ml. Kotak tersebut diletakkan di laboratorium dengan kelembaban >90%. Larvayang terinfeksi setelah 3-4 hari digunakan sebagai sumber isolat jamur entomopatogen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa jamur yang menginfeksi T. molitor adalah jamur entomopatogen yang dapat menyebabkan kematian hamakrop kubis Crocidolomia pavonana F.. Enam jenis jamur patogen serangga berhasil dibiakkan pada media SDAY.Genus jamur patogen tersebut adalah Fusarium sp., Beauveria sp., Metarhizium sp., Nomuraea sp., Paecilomycessp., dan Achersonia sp.. Beras dan gandum adalah substrat yang paling baik bagi perbanyakan dan pertumbuhankoloni jamur dibandingkan substrat lainnya. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa spesies jamur entomopatogentersebar secara alami di lingkungan kebun tanaman kubis.ABSTRACT. Nuraida and A. Hasyim. 2009. Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of EntomopathogenicFungi from Rhizosphere of Cabbage Plant. This experiment was conducted at Entomology and PhytopathologyLaboratory Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University and Entomology Laboratory of Tropical Fruit ResearchInstitute, Solok, West Sumatera, from March to August 2006. A factorial completely randomized design with 2factors, i.e. fungi isolates and its substrates was applied. About 500 g soil samples were collected from cabbagefields in Padang Panjang (Koto Panjang Village) and Alahan Panjang (Rimbo Data Village) and placed into plasticbags. The soils were screened for the presence of entomopathogenic fungi. The new third instars larvas of Tenebriomolitor L. were used as baits. About 10 larvae were placed on the soil surface in plastic bowl and covered withlid. Then the bowl was incubated under laboratory condition with >90% RH. The infected larvas, after 3-4 days,were used as source of entomopathogenic fungi isolate. The results showed that fungi isolated from T. molitor baitwere all entomopathogenic causing mortality of Crocidolomia pavonana. Six entomopathogens were successfullycultured on SDAY. These were Fusarium sp., Beauveria sp., Metarhizium sp., Nomuraea sp., Paecilomyces sp., andAchersonia sp.. Rice and wheat produced better cultures and growth of fungal colony than those other substrates.The present study has provided strong evidence that entomopathogenic fungal species were naturally spread in thesoil environment of cabbage field.
Seleksi Substrat untuk Perbanyakan Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin dan Infektivitasnya terhadap Hama Penggerek Bonggol Pisang, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar Hasyim, Ahsol; Yasir, H; Azwana, -
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 15, No 2 (2005): Juni 2005
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v15n2.2005.p%p


Seleksi substrat untuk perbanyakan Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin dan infektivitasnya terhadap hama penggerek bonggol pisang, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai Desember 2002 di Laboratorium Entomologi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah, Solok. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui media substrat yang terbaik untuk perbanyakan B. bassiana dan infektivitasnya dalam mengendalikan hama penggerek bonggol pisang. Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari lima jenis media substrat yaitu beras, jagung, pupuk kandang, dedak halus, dan kontrol (air). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat variabilitas daya kecambah isolat B. bassiana yang dibiakkan pada substrat jagung, beras, pupuk kandang, dan dedak. Daya kecambah isolat B. bassiana yang dibiakkan pada media substrat jagung dan beras lebih tinggi (86,47 dan 76,67%) dibandingkan media substrat dedak dan pupuk kandang yaitu 31,67 dan 24,00%. Produksi konidia pada jagung dan beras lebih tinggi dan berbeda sangat nyata (2,8 x 108 konidia ml/l dan 1,96 x 108 konidia ml/l) dibandingkan dengan dedak dan pupuk kandang dengan jumlah konidia paling rendah berturut-turut 1,26 x 106 konidia ml/l dan 4,57 x 106 konidia ml/l. Mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol pisang, C. sordidus paling tinggi diperoleh setelah diaplikasikan dengan jamur B. bassiana hasil biakan pada substrat jagung dan beras berturut-turut yaitu 86,67 dan 76,67%. Sedangkan jamur B. bassiana hasil biakan pada substrat pupuk kandang dapat menyebabkan kematian hama penggerek bonggol paling rendah yaitu 29,54% (LT50). Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi bahwa substrat jagung dan beras merupakan media perbanyakan B. bassiana yang baik untuk mengendalikan hama penggerek bonggol pisang. Selection of substrates for mass production of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and their infectiveness to control banana weevil borer, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar. Experiment was conducted at Entomological Laboratory of Indonesian Fruit Research Institute from June to December 2002. The aim of this study was to find out the best substrates for mass production of B. bassiana and their infectivity to control banana weevil borer. The research used a randomized complete block design with five treatments and three replications. Treatments consisted of five substrates such as rice, maize, animal manure, rice siftings, and control (water). The results showed that there was variability in germination of fungal B. bassiana culture on solid media (maize, rice, animal manure, and rice siftings). Germination rate of B. bassiana cultured in maize and rice substrate were higher (86.47 and 76.67% respectively), than the germination rate of B. bassiana cultured in animal manure and rice siftings substrate (31.67 and 24.00% respectively). A total of conidia production on maize and rice substrate were significantly higher i.e. 2.8 x 108 conidia ml/l and 1.96 x 108 conidia ml/l respectively, than that of B. bassiana isolate on animal manure and rice siftings substrate (1.26 x 106 conidia ml/l and 4.57 x 106 conidia ml/l) respectively. The highest mortalities of adult banana weevil borer, Cosmopolites sordidus was obtained by application of B. bassiana produced form maize and rice substrates i.e. 86.67 and 76.67% respectively. While B. bassiana produced form animal manure caused lowest death of C. sordidus i.e. 29.54% (LT50). This study was undertaken to provide more information of maize and rice substrates as a media for mass production of B. bassiana to control banana weevil borer.
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 33, No 3 (2011)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in collaboration with PERAGI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17503/agrivita.v33i3.69


The spatial distribution of Bactrocera dorsalis complex in the mango orchard that was analyzed using various mathematical indices dispersion and regression models showed an aggregated distribution. Taylor?s power law and Iwao?s regression model fitted well to all data sets. However, Iwao?s regression model fitted the data better, yielding higher values of R2 than Taylor?s power law. As the regression of the reciprocal of k of negative binomial (1/k) on x [k = ( x2 ? s2/n) / (s2 ? x )] was not significant, the calculation of a common k was justified to be 1.30. This implies that the grade of aggregation of the fruit flies population was relatively constant throughout the time despite the variation in sample means. Since the clump size (?) value was more than 2, the aggregated distribution might be due to the behavior and environmental factors working together.Keywords: Bactrocera dorsalis complex, spatial, distribution, trapping, mango
Skrining Tumbuhan Atraktif terhadap Lalat Buah Jantan Bactocera carambolae D&H A, Almahdy; Putra, Deddi Prima; Hasyim, Ahsol; Mardinus, Mardinus
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati Vol 11, No 3 (2006): October 2006
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (192.716 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/biota.v11i3.2545


Odour and frequently visited plants by Bactocera sp. were screened for fruit fly attractants. The attractiveness of hexane extracts for B. dorsalis were determined by Y-tube method. Of 20 species treated, 5 species such as Cymbopogon nardus, Ocimum basillicum, Cymbopogon citratus, Cananga odorata, and Hyptis suaveolens showed the attractiveness and the presence of methyl eugenol (ME). These plants could be used as the source of ME for controlling fruit flies infestation. It was also found that Ruta graveolens (Rutaceae) revealed the absence of ME peak by GC-spectrum but responded to fruit flies B. carambolae. The results reveal that the chemical compounds existing in the extracts of R. graveolens may have great potential for development as attractants of the Oriental fruit fly. However, further isolation, identification, and evaluation of active compounds are needed in future studies.
Peningkatan Infektivitas Jamur Entomopatogen, Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuill. pada Berbagai Bahan Carrier untuk Mengendalikan Hama Penggerek Bonggol Pisang, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar di Lapangan Hasyim, Ahsol
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 17, No 4 (2007): Desember 2007
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v17n4.2007.p%p


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kebun petani pisang di daerah Baso, Kabupaten Agam dari bulan Oktober 2002 sampai Februari 2003. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui peningkatan infektivitas jamur entomopatogen, Beauveria bassiana menggunakan bahan carrier dan model bahan perangkap yang baik untuk mengendalikan hama penggerek bonggol pisang, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar. Untuk mengetahui peningkatan infektivitas jamur B. bassiana, penelitian ditata dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan 7 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari 6 bahan carrier sebagai perlakuan, yaitu tepung jagung, tepung beras, tepung maizena, talk, minyak sayur, air, dan kontrol (konidia kering). Jamur B. bassiana yang telah dicampur dengan bahan carrier sebanyak 100 g atau 100 ml disebarkan pada potongan bonggol bagian atas kemudian ditutup dengan batang semu pisang. � � Sedangkan untuk mengetahui model alat perangkap yang baik digunakan 3 macam bahan perangkap yaitu (1) bonggol pisang + batang semu, (2) bonggol pisang, dan (3) batang semu dengan 6 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tepung beras merupakan carrier yang paling baik dalam pemanfaatan B. bassiana dan menyebabkan mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol paling tinggi dibandingkan carrier minyak sayur dan air yang menyebabkan mortalitas paling rendah atau sama dengan B. bassiana tanpa bahan carrier. Mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol C. sordidus yang paling tinggi, yakni 95% diperoleh jika menggunakan B.bassiana dengan tepung beras sebagai carrier pada perangkap bonggol dan ditutupi batang semu pisang. Sedangkan B. bassiana dengan menggunakan minyak atau air dan tanpa substrat carrier hanya dapat menyebabkan mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol paling rendah, yaitu berturut-turut 72, 75, dan 70%. Mortalitas hama penggerek bonggol pisang yang disebabkan oleh jamur B. bassiana yang dicampur dengan carrier tepung beras, paling tinggi diperoleh menggunakan alat perangkap bonggol pisang dengan batang semu. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa berbagai carrier berbentuk tepung dapat meningkatkan infektivitas jamur entomopatogen, B. bassiana dalam mengendalikan hama penggerek bonggol pisang, C. sordidus di lapangan.ABSTRACT. Hasyim, A. 2007. Enhancing Infectious Capacity of Entomopathogen Fungi, Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuill. Using Various Carrier Materials in Controlling Banana Corm Borer, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar under Field Condition. This experiment was conducted at Baso banana farmer field, Agam District from October 2002 to February 2003. The objectives of these studies were to know the infectious capacity of entomopathogen fungi, Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin using various carrier materials and to know the best trapping model in controlling banana corm borer Cosmopolites sordidus Germar. A randomized complete design with 7 treatments and 4 replications were used in this study. The treatments consisted of 6 carriers, i.e. corn powder, talc, rice powder, maizena powder, vegetable oil, water, and control (dry conidia). Amount of 100 g or 100 ml mixture of B. bassiana were distributed by hand or sprayed with water on cut surface of the banana corm then covered by sliced banana pseudostem. Futhermore, 3 types of trapping model i.e (1) banana corm + pseudostem, (2) banana corm, and (3) pseudostem were used with 6 replications to find out the best trapping design. The results showed that rice powder was the best carrier for delivery of B. bassiana and caused highest mortality of banana corm borer. On the other hand, vegetable oil, water, and without carrier material caused the lowest mortality of banana corm borer. The highest mortality of adult banana weevil borer, C. sordidus reached 95% when weevil exposure using rice powder carrier on corm and pseudostem. While the B. bassiana exposure using liquid carrier such as vegetable oil, water carrier, and without carrier material on corm and pseudostem caused the lowest mortality of C. sordidus of 72, 75, and 70% respectively. The highest mortality of banana corm borer caused by B. bassiana was found in the treatment with rice powder as a carrier material and pseudostem trapping design. The results demonstrated that powder as a carrier could enhance the infectious capacity of entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana against banana weevil borer, C. sordidus under field condition