I Nyoman Sutapa
Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University

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Pembaruan Standar serta Peningkatan Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Proses Loading Unit dengan Simulasi Flexsim Richie Ruslim; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Titra 8(2) Juli 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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This research was done at a market leader for motorcycle providers. In implementation of distribution there is standard where there are some parts of existing standard that are less relevant to current conditions. In addition, the observations made show that the truck queues are quite dense because the loading process is less effective and efficient. To solve this problem, simulation model was made then looked at the results of several proposals before applying them. The first proposal is to increase worker utilization by adding final checking process to ensure the quality of the units. The results obtained are the output produced is not significantly different from the initial model and the existence of proposed standard update with the final checking process. The second proposal is to make dedicated location, so the distance is reduced. The results obtained from this proposal are the process of moving units to become more effective and efficient and the output of units and trucks increased. The third proposal made is to speed up the loading unit setup to be more effective and efficient. From this proposal, we obtain significantly different results from the initial model in which the number of trucks and units output increased.
Mempercepat Change Over di Mesin IMM Jonathan Albertus Gunawan; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. X is a daily use plastic packaging manufacturing company. The variety of the products produced causes PT. X to have many change over operation. The change over time for the IMM machine in production floor is taking too long causing delay in customer product fulfillment. Because of that it needs improvement. The chosen method to address this problem is Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED). The project was done by conducting an on-site observation and directly determined the machine and mold that is problematic. Pareto diagram, fishbone, and 5-whys analysis method were used to identify the root cause of the problem and the main factors contributes to it. The chosen machine and mold will be measured in time and analyzed directly using SMED. SMED analysis result will be used to create an improvement. Improvement that can be applied will be implemented immediately toward the affected machines and molds. The solution that has been implemented toward the machine and mold’s work methods has managed to reduce the amount of change over time by up to 45 percent.
Perancangan Tindakan Pengurangan Komplain Produk Berkutu pada Perusahaan Tepung Terigu Felicia Layrensius; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Titra 8(2) Juli 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Customer satisfaction is one of the main focus of company for giving service. Benchmark to find out the level of customer satisfaction is by the number of complaints customer delivered. The most frequently delivered type of complaint caused by weevil contamined products. Company would like to reduce number of complaints especially in the biggest causes. The analytical method is using gap analysis between Good Manufacturing Practices theory  and the fact which is implemented by the company. Good Manufacturing Practice is a criteria that must be done by the processed food company, then if there is any criteria has not been fulfilled, it will be used as a guidance to identify the problem and designing corrective actions to reduce the number of complaints caused by weevil contamined product. Gap analysis result showed that company has already produced the processed food well overall, but some scopes still need improvement to reduce the number of complaints, such as packer in production process and sanitation facilitation in warehouse.
Identifikasi dan Pengendalian Bahaya : Studi Kasus SMP Negeri 1 Ratahan, Sulawesi Utara Aditya Rivky Pratama The; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Titra 9(1) Januari 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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SMP Negeri 1 Ratahan is a junior high school with 520 school members. The article discusses the potential hazards related to the safety and health of the school environment. After being identified, the hazards potential with moderate to high risk rating are carried out by designing controls to reduce the risk of hazards occuring. The results of the hazard potential identification indicated that there were 4 potential hazards with medium rating and required a control design. The control design is carried out by applying the standards set by the government regulations related to school environment facilities and infrastructure and administration of school environmental health. The control design is carried out to reduce the frecuency of occurence of potential hazards and their impact.
Perancangan Manual SMK3 Berdasarkan ISO 45001:2018: Klausul 4, 5, 7, dan 10 di Universitas “X” Steven Pringgo; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Titra 10(2) Juli 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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In carrying out work or activities, accidents can occur anywhere, anytime and this is certaintly not desireable. Unsupportive workplace conditions (no personal protective equipment) can also threaten worker safety and can disrupt worker productivity. Indonesian national standardization on SNI ISO 45001:2018 creates an occupational health and safety management system that can minimize work accidents and can achieve the goals set by the organization or company in this case “X” University. Initially, “X” University did not have a policy that regulated the importance of occupational health and safety. The design of the occupational health and safety management of “X” University designed the SMK3 manual to realize safe, comfortable and healthy campus activites by creating on organizational structure that regulates human resource that will run and manage the SMK3 at “X” University to be more organized.
Peningkatan Efektivitas untuk Perusahaan Pigura Timotius Limanto; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Hartono Frame is Frames company that has a problems about delays in order production due to the absence of order production scheduling control and the amount of time wasted due to a lot of movement to find and repair tools. Then there is the loss of finished products in the warehouse due to the messy arrangement of finished goods so that employees forget to put the place and goods are sometimes tucked in a pile of other goods. Improvements made using the DMAIC method by identifying problems, measuring problems, finding root causes, dealing with existing problems, and controlling the improvements that have been given. Improvements made are design of job descriptions, design of production schedules, and given 5S method for the assembly room and warehouse so that the assembly process is easy to do and the goods in the warehouse are easy to find. The results obtained after the repair are an increase in effectiveness in the accuracy of finished products according to the previous order deadline which was 70% to 90% and an increase in the effectiveness of storing goods in the finished goods warehouse which used to lose an average of 12 items to 6 per day.
Importance Performance Analysis para Penjual di Pasar Mama Papua di Wilayah Kabupaten Mimika Juliana Faluk; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Titra Januari 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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The measurement regarding the service that government has provide in Mama Papua marketplace to improve the economic which aims on the satisfaction of the vendors about the facilities. This measurement focus on how the people or Papuan mothers could experience great service to create great environmental working place. One of the methods that use for the measurement which is  analysis.  Analysis is the measurement that use to find the  between the performance of a variable and consumer expectations. This shows that it could analyze the difference between the level of interest and the perception of the vendors toward the Mama Papua market service. Moreover, another method that use for the measurement is IPA that stands for importance performance analyze. IPA is the method of measurement that used to determine the level of importance and satisfaction of the vendors in the Mama Papua marketplace by using a quadrant. Optimistically, the facilities should reach the expectation to improve the services at Mama Papua marketplace in Mimika district according to the results.
Perancangan Modul dan Video Pelatihan terkait Gaya Kepemimpinan Supervisor di PT. X Ronan Yadi Sunarto; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Titra 10(2) Juli 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Awareness of the various leadership styles will help people to work more effectively by understanding how and why they do what they do, as well as helping them identify where and when they need to adjust their style, especially for supervisors at PT. X. This is because they are in charge of leading and maintaining a department. PT. X is a company engaged in the production of medicines. The company then wants to design training with the help of training modules and videos to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the training. The analysis was conducted to determine the most dominant leadership style supervisors possess at PT. X is done in two ways, namely analysis based on field observations and analysis based on the theory of Peter G. Northouse. The results of the two analyses indicate the most dominant leadership style possessed by supervisors at PT. X is democratic leadership. The design of training modules and videos considers the criteria for the correct training modules and videos and has been validated by the company.
Dampak Program Enhancement dan Work Engagement Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bank Jatim Andreas Kristanto Nahot; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Titra 10(2) Juli 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Performance is influenced by individual ability and work engagement. To improve the ability of its employees, Bank Jatim provides a program called enhancement. Based on the annual report of Bank Jatim, the program assessment given is only limited to pre-test and post-test, which if the post-test score is high then the employee is considered good. Therefore, this study aims to determine whether the enhancement and work engagement programs have an effect on employee performance and a description of the work engagement of Bank Jatim employees. The data used in this study is the KPI balanced scorecard from the perspective of learning and growth and finance and questionnaires distributed to 54 employees in all branches throughout East Java. After all the data was collected, the data was analyzed descriptively using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method to determine the effect between variables. The results of this study are enhancement programs have an impact on employee performance but work engagement has no impact on employee performance. In addition, the description of work engagement shows that the majority of employees who get high engagement scores come from employees who have worked under 5 years.
Rancangan Self Evaluation dengan Media E-Filling untuk Sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 Natanael Tedjakusuma; I Nyoman Sutapa; Indriati Njoto Bisono
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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This study discusses the design of a self-evaluation program with a media called e-filling for ISO 9001:2015. in this e-filling program, it is useful to help an organization create an internal management system faster, easier, and without having to sacrifice production time to prepare for ISO 9001:2015 certification. This e-filling program packs the concept of self-evaluation so that in the program there are various questions that are in accordance with the clauses in ISO 9001:2015 along with the assessment points. so that auditors no longer need to come to a company to audit the completeness of documents to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 clause. This program, also helps in the COVID-19 pandemic, where it is not recommended to have direct contact between humans, so with this program, auditors no longer need to have direct contact because everything is done online.