I Nyoman Sutapa
Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University

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Perbaikan Dokumen ISO 9001:2015 Klinik Pratama Universitas Kristen Petra Mendukung Pencapaian Sasaran Mutu CSI Raymond Andika Kopaloma; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Titra 9(1) Januari 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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This study is about improving the quality document of Klinik Pratama at Univeristas Kristen Petra (UKP). The UKP Klinik Pratama sets several quality objectives, one of which is Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) or patient satisfaction level which is not explicit enough or clearly stated in some of quality documents, such as Business Process, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), and Work Instruction IK , so that in its implementation the quality objectives are not achieved optimally.double- The method used in this research is qualitative by relying on data and information from relevant and competent sources. This study used secondary data, namely the quality documents belonging to the UKP Klink Pratama, ISO 9001: 2015 standards and primary data, namely the results of interviews with doctors and paramedics at the UKP Klink Pratama. Processing and discussion are carried out by aligning quality objectives and quality documents, so that the target of quality objectives is clearer and more focused. The results of this study is a the design to improve Business Process documents, especially the flow of patient treatment, improving the SOP, especially the flow of treatment for patients in dentistry and general clinic, also improvement of IK especially for dentistry.
Pengaruh Tuntutan Kerja dengan Moderasi Panggilan Kerja saat Work From Home terhadap Work Engagement pada Guru Timotius Setyono; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Education is important because we will never stop learning both formally and informally. This is also supported by the government in Article 34, paragraphs (1) and (2) of Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. However, the government program cannot run without the role of the teacher because the teacher is not only tasked with teaching, but also to guide, train, etc. Therefore, it is important for teachers to have work engagement in order to carry out their work well. Especially during a pandemic, where there are changes in teaching procedures that require teachers to adapt and work extra to prepare teaching needs. With the increasing demands of work, gradually this will affect the work engagement of teachers. Therefore, it is important for teachers to have a calling, so that they consider that what they are doing is a service or dedication.
Analisis Bahaya Area Kampus bagi Pihak Eksternal: Studi Kasus di sebuah Universitas Swasta Billy Danuharjo Gani; I Nyoman Sutapa; Benedictus Rahardjo
Jurnal Titra Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Titra 8(2) Juli 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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This case study was done at a private university located in Surabaya. The aims of this study was to analyze the potential hazards and risks of workplace accidents. The university is preparing for the stage of the Occupational Health Safety Management System (SMK3). The Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) method is adopted to detect activities on external parties and arrange for its control so that the potential for workplace accidents can be minimized. The design of HIRARC for external parties of university was 51 potenial hazards. This potential hazard has an extreme risk assessment value of 0% , high 24%, moderate 25% and low 51%. The proposed risk control for K3 induction such as guidebook and video safety induction. In addition, risk control is carried out by means of elimination, substitution, administration, and personal protective equipment.
Rancangan Pengurangan Waste Proses Penyusunan Dokumen: Studi Kasus pada Service Level Agreement Perusahaan Rokok Arvin Oktovianus; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Titra 8(2) Juli 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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The Research is held in a manufacturing company that manufactures cigarettes. The problem that occurs in the company is the ineffectiveness of the process of drafting documents such as organization chart and job description along with job evaluation at the Service Level Agreement in the Compensations & Benefits (C&B) department as the result of waste. Transportation waste occurs as a result of the form of the documents is in the form of hardcopy. Overprocessing waste occurs as a result of operator error in doing the work, so it is necessary to repeat the work process. The analysis technique used in this research is Value Stream Mapping (VSM) which is one of the tools of lean manufacturing. VSM is used as a tool to identify waste from the classification of value added activity and non-value added activity. The elimination of transportation waste is done by using an Electronic Document (e-doc). The elimination of overprocessing waste is done by setting a job family template, setting a complete document checklist, and checking spelling through excel. 
Rancangan Evaluasi Vendor untuk Perusahaan Produksi Helmet dan Jasa Injection Molding Olivia Harsono; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Titra 10(2) Juli 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Purchasing department is one of the most important departments because the company relies on the raw goods purchased by the purchasing department. The company also has suppliers or vendors of the raw products that the company needs. Vendor selection is an important task for every company, especially the purchasing department itself. Each vendor that has been selected requires a vendor evaluation to determine the assessment for each vendor that the company has used before. The vendor's assessment has several criteria that must be assessed in the vendor's assessment. Some of these criteria are the quality of the products they provide, the quantity or quantity of each item they send, the accuracy of the delivery by the vendor, the service provided by the vendor, and the last is the comparison of the price of the selected vendor with other vendors. The weighting assessment for each of these criteria was carried out using the AHP paired weighting method. The AHP method will be used to obtain a weighted value for each predetermined criterion. This weighting will later be used to assess each vendor in the company. The results of calculations using AHP state that these data are consistent and can be weighted.
Pengaruh Job Demand, Burnout, dan Job Satisfaction terhadap Turnover Intention Pegawai di PT. Telkomsel Alexander Marcel Putra Perdana; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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In company, a high turnover rate will have negative impact such as emergence of recruitment cost, training cost and decrease the productivity rate. Every company must take notice on some aspect like job demand, burnout, and employee’s job satisfaction. Based on employee interview, in PT. Telkomsel, there are many people following the early retirement program. He also said that he is exhausted at work. Therefore, this observation aims to find out whether there is an effect between job demand and turnover intention through burnout and job satisfaction. This research was done by distributing a questionnaire to 76 employees. After all data was collected, observer will analyze descriptively and test some hypothesis with Structural Equation Modelling method to know the impact between those variable. The results of the study stated that job demand had no significant effect on turnover intention, but burnout and job satisfaction were able to become mediating variables because both had a significant effect on turnover intention. In addition, job demand has a significant effect on burnout and job satisfaction.This research can be useful for the company to decreases the turnover intention rate.
Analisis Work Engagement di Perusahaan Kelapa sawit Theofilia Jade Oroh; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Titra
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. X is a company engaged in the oil industry. The oil produced is palm oil. This palm oil company has been established since 1970, but in February 2021 it was acquired. PT. X is currently focusing on innovating new products that will be launched in the near future. The product launch also coincided with the high demand for palm oil starting in October as much as 23.5% compared to the previous month. The company realizes that employee performance needs to be maximized considering the increasing demands of work. Companies want to know whether employees are ready for many demands by looking at the employee's attachment to the company. Company engagement can be measured by several factors, namely work demands, company support, and support from each individual. Questionnaires were distributed to collect data to all employees from various divisions in the company. The conclusion obtained is that job resources and personal resources have an impact on company employees. This impact is a good thing considering that the high job resources compared to job demand has a positive impact on the possibility of employees experiencing burnout or leaving their jobs to be small.
Perancangan Pengendalian Penyebaran Virus Corona di Ruang Kelas Suatu Universitas Cristofer Javier; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Titra 9(1) Januari 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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The purpose of this final project is to design the control of the spread of the corona virus in the classroom. The method used is descriptive research, literature study and extracting protocol information from various literatures. The control design consists of several stages, namely seeking information through literature studies to identify potential points of exposure to COVID-19 in the classroom, identifying causes of failure, identifying the impact or risk of failure. After identifying new problems, an assessment stage is carried out to look for possible impacts or risks so that a control design will be made as a solution. The results show that there are 9 controls that will be designed to control the spread of COVID-19 in classrooms and the final result of this final project produces suggestions for protocol stages according to government standards and universities or schools that have carried out offline learning in the new normal period.
Perancangan Assessment Value pada PT. XYZ dengan Menggunakan Metode Rasch Christofer Kenny Yandra; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Titra 10(2) Juli 2022
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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This research was conducted to design a value assessment at PT. XYZ using the Rasch method. Assessment Value is a measuring tool created to identify and measure the suitability of the candidate's work value. The purpose of making a value assessment is to obtain an assessment design and determine the suitability of the candidate's values with company values. The Rasch method is used to assist research because it facilitates dichotomous data. Dichotomy data consists of two answers, for example, yes or no answers in the assessment. The trial was carried out to obtain an assessment design, which consisted of statistical tests in the form of validity and reliability tests and verification from the user. Test the validity and reliability using computational assistance from the Rasch method on Winstep software. The item assessment validity test is carried out with the help of the item function, while the reliability test uses the summary statistic function in Winstep. User verification is carried out to determine whether the value assessment made is in accordance with the needs and the company's values. The results of the value assessment later can help the company to identify the suitability of the candidate's work culture with the company.
Rancangan Protokol Kesehatan untuk Pengendalian Penyebaran Virus: Studi Kasus pada Ojek Online Caroline Esther Suhartono; I Nyoman Sutapa
Jurnal Titra Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Titra 9(1) Januari 2021
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Occupational safety during a Covid–19 pandemic is something that needs attention related with health and physical distancing with the others. As in online transportation that can not implement physical distancing between driver and passenger. This research aim to identify hazard and risk Covid–19 virus contamination and impact to driver and passenger that using this service. Health protocols can be done in according to government and online transportation company regulation to prevent widespread transmission of the virus. Prevention that can be taken while driving by online transportation using 5 whys. The recommendations used for the most important prevention for driver and passenger from being contaminated the virus are using masks, using the personal helmet, payment methods, and spraying disinfectant on driver’s vehicles and the other surfaces.