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Zakat in “Qanun” (Aceh Local Law): The Impact to Zakat Management as the Local Government Original Revenues in Baitul Mal of Aceh [الزكاة في "القانون" (النظام المحلي في آتشيه): تأثير إدارة الزكاة كالإيرادات الأصلية للحكومة المحلية في بيت المال الآتشي] Musa, Armiadi
KARSA: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol 26, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v26i1.1832


Zakat is considered as one of the sources of the original revenues of the local government (PAD) and is managed by Baitul Mal, whether at the level of Aceh province or at the level of the municipality and the city. It is regulated and codified in Indonesian Law No. (11) of the year 2006 regarding the Government of Aceh (UUPA) in the section of 108. The arrangement of this law has raised a number of serious problems and can be said to be a hasty and incautious movement done by Aceh government, because forcing the implementation of the governmental financial system in the mechanisms of organizing zakat and the inefficiency of the Aceh government to create special derivatives of zakat make this institution does not enjoy the independence and flexibility in organizing Zakat. The negative effects of applying this system in zakat have hampered the organization of zakat as well, especially in terms of the distribution, disbursement and efficient use of Zakat and the preparation of its reports. Employees also feel under the specter of criminalization of the designated authorities. Therefore, this research suggests that the zakat system should be set up in a special system, in a special mechanism and in a special account number. It should not be equalized with the other original revenues of the local government (PAD).
Journal of Sharia Economics Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Islamic Finance
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Ekonomi Syariah UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jose.v1i1.630


Suatu kegiatan bisnis harus dilakukan dengan etika atau norma-norma yang berlaku di masyarakat bisnis agar para pedagang tidak melanggar aturan yang telah ditetapkan. Namun pada pasar tradisional di kota Banda Aceh masih terdapat penyimpangan dan kecurangan. Ada beberapa hal yang mendorong seseorang berperilaku religius atau tidak religius jika dilihat dari dimensi religiusitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh religiusitas terhadap perilaku etika bisnis Islam pedagang pasar tradisional di Kota Banda Aceh. Religiusitas terdiri dari dimensi keyakian, praktik agama, pengamalan, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pedagang pasar tradisional di kota Banda Aceh dengan sampel yang diambil sebanyak 102 responden dengan menggunakan teknik purposiv sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari penyebaran angket/kuesioner. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan bantuan software IMB SPSS Versi 20. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial dimensi Keyakinan Agama, dimensi Pengamalan Agama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku etika bisnis Islam pedagang pasar tradisional di Kota Banda Aceh. Sedangkan dimensi Praktik Agama, Pengetahuan Agama, dan Pengalaman Agama berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap perilaku etika bisnis Islam pedagang pasar tradisional di Kota Banda Aceh. Secara simultan dimensi keyakinan Agama, dimensi Praktik Agama, dimensi Pengamalan Agama, Pengetahuan Agama, dan Pengalaman Agama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku etika bisnis Islam. Berdasarkan uji R Square (R2) pengaruh yang diberikan sebesar 33,1 %, sedangkan sisanya 66,9% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar model.
What Determines Muslim-Friendly Tourism in Aceh? Musa, Armiadi; Halim, Hendra; Khalidin, Bismi; Ibrahim, Azharsyah
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/iqtishadia.v14i1.9438


Aceh is the only province in Indonesia legally allowed to implement sharia law across all sectors, including the tourism industry. This study aims to analyze factors influencing Muslim-Friendly Tourism (MFT) in Aceh. Specifically, it examines the direct and indirect relationship between MFT with travel intention, destination image, and tourist attitude. Data is gathered through a questionnaire survey among 150 respondents that were selected using the convenience sampling method. To explain the tourist’s travel intentions, this study develops and tests a multiple regression analysis using the extended hierarchical linear modeling. Seven hypotheses were proposed regarding the relationships between MFT, tourist attitude, destination image, and travel intention constructs. The empirical results from the structural model suggest that MFT, destination image, and tourist attitude significantly influence travel intention; destination image and tourist attitude are the perfect mediators in influencing the MFT on travel intention to Aceh. These results have the implication in improving the promotions of tourism destinations in Aceh and developing more effective halal tourism positioning strategies for Aceh in particular and Indonesia in general.
What Determines Muslim-Friendly Tourism in Aceh? Musa, Armiadi; Halim, Hendra; Khalidin, Bismi; Ibrahim, Azharsyah
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/iqtishadia.v14i1.9438


Aceh is the only province in Indonesia legally allowed to implement sharia law across all sectors, including the tourism industry. This study aims to analyze factors influencing Muslim-Friendly Tourism (MFT) in Aceh. Specifically, it examines the direct and indirect relationship between MFT with travel intention, destination image, and tourist attitude. Data is gathered through a questionnaire survey among 150 respondents that were selected using the convenience sampling method. To explain the tourist’s travel intentions, this study develops and tests a multiple regression analysis using the extended hierarchical linear modeling. Seven hypotheses were proposed regarding the relationships between MFT, tourist attitude, destination image, and travel intention constructs. The empirical results from the structural model suggest that MFT, destination image, and tourist attitude significantly influence travel intention; destination image and tourist attitude are the perfect mediators in influencing the MFT on travel intention to Aceh. These results have the implication in improving the promotions of tourism destinations in Aceh and developing more effective halal tourism positioning strategies for Aceh in particular and Indonesia in general.
What Determines Muslim-Friendly Tourism in Aceh? Armiadi Musa; Hendra Halim; Bismi Khalidin; Azharsyah Ibrahim
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/iqtishadia.v14i1.9438


Aceh is the only province in Indonesia legally allowed to implement sharia law across all sectors, including the tourism industry. This study aims to analyze factors influencing Muslim-Friendly Tourism (MFT) in Aceh. Specifically, it examines the direct and indirect relationship between MFT with travel intention, destination image, and tourist attitude. Data is gathered through a questionnaire survey among 150 respondents that were selected using the convenience sampling method. To explain the tourist’s travel intentions, this study develops and tests a multiple regression analysis using the extended hierarchical linear modeling. Seven hypotheses were proposed regarding the relationships between MFT, tourist attitude, destination image, and travel intention constructs. The empirical results from the structural model suggest that MFT, destination image, and tourist attitude significantly influence travel intention; destination image and tourist attitude are the perfect mediators in influencing the MFT on travel intention to Aceh. These results have the implication in improving the promotions of tourism destinations in Aceh and developing more effective halal tourism positioning strategies for Aceh in particular and Indonesia in general.
WAKAF TUNAI DALAM PERSPEKTIF MAJELIS ULAMA INDONESIA (Analisis Terhadap Fatwa MUI No.2. Tahun 2002 Tentang Wakaf Uang) Dr. Armiadi Musa
Dusturiyah: Jurnal Hukum Islam, Perundang-undangan dan Pranata Sosial Vol 7, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/dusturiyah.v7i2.3254


MUI fatwa against legal permissibility (jawaz) wakaf cash has the basis of consideration nash argument (hadith Ibn Umar) which reads ihbas ashlaha wa sabbil tsamarataha. The basic considerations of MUI also exist in the aspect of its mashlahah, that the money waqf has flexibility (flexibility) and the great benefit that is not owned by other objects, in addition to its easiness in capturing waqif. The MUI sees it necessary to the development of meaning because of the substance of that understanding is the necessity of ta'bid on the substance of mawquf substance (baqa 'ainih). So the element of his devotion is to emphasize only aspects of matter not including the nature of things as well as the eternal intrinsic value of money (baqa 'ashlih). So with the development of understanding of this wakaf, is expected to open opportunities for reinterpretation of the meaning of waqf more relevant in the economic development of society. MUI also sees the need for the addition of "aw ashlihi" (baqa ashlih) which means the subject of fixed property is not lost, the addition of sentence in the definition of wakaf is also in order to understand or interpret the dedication on the aspect of the nature of the wakaf (nature)
Dusturiyah: Jurnal Hukum Islam, Perundang-undangan dan Pranata Sosial Vol 8, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/dusturiyah.v8i1.3417


There are various understandings of the meaning of benefits, whether it can be categorized as property or not. The musalabi and Wahbah al-Zuhayli mushafa are of the same opinion about the benefits despite the different editorials, namely the usefulness or usefulness produced from a particular object, such as inhabiting a house, driving a car, wearing clothes, etc., while the Prophet Ahmad Al-Zarqa states that the benefits is the essence of ownership of property and objects with 'haq al-intifa', which is more common because the more includes the beneficial properties also includes 'haq al-intifa' which is something that benefits obtained from the permission of the owner, without ownership of the object. According to Hanafiyah, benefits other than the aqad ijarah are considered not valuable, in contrast to Syafi'iyah and Hanabilah who argue that the benefits of an object lie in the object itself, because that is the purpose of using the object. And mastery of the benefits of al-ijarah, al-'ariah, al-waqaf, al-washiyah bi al-manfaah and al-ibahah can switch after the benefits are exchanged for rewards and benefits of an object must be handed over.
Zakat in “Qanun” (Aceh Local Law): The Impact to Zakat Management as the Local Government Original Revenues in Baitul Mal of Aceh [الزكاة في "القانون" (النظام المحلي في آتشيه): تأثير إدارة الزكاة كالإيرادات الأصلية للحكومة المحلية في بيت المال الآتشي] Armiadi Musa
Karsa: Journal of Social and Islamic Culture Vol. 26 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v26i1.1832


Zakat is considered as one of the sources of the original revenues of the local government (PAD) and is managed by Baitul Mal, whether at the level of Aceh province or at the level of the municipality and the city. It is regulated and codified in Indonesian Law No. (11) of the year 2006 regarding the Government of Aceh (UUPA) in the section of 108. The arrangement of this law has raised a number of serious problems and can be said to be a hasty and incautious movement done by Aceh government, because forcing the implementation of the governmental financial system in the mechanisms of organizing zakat and the inefficiency of the Aceh government to create special derivatives of zakat make this institution does not enjoy the independence and flexibility in organizing Zakat. The negative effects of applying this system in zakat have hampered the organization of zakat as well, especially in terms of the distribution, disbursement and efficient use of Zakat and the preparation of its reports. Employees also feel under the specter of criminalization of the designated authorities. Therefore, this research suggests that the zakat system should be set up in a special system, in a special mechanism and in a special account number. It should not be equalized with the other original revenues of the local government (PAD).
PERSEPSI PEKERJA WANITA SEBAGI PEDAGANG DALAM TINJAUAN HUKUM ISLAM (Studi Kasus di Pasar Aceh Kecamatan Baiturrahman Kota Banda Aceh) Armiadi Armiadi; Sartika Indah Sari
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/equality.v5i2.5601


Berdagang merupakan usaha yang banyak ditemukan dalam konteks kehidupan masyarakat. Profesi berdagang tentu dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi keluarga. Biasanya, peran yang biasa digeluti dalam profesi berdagang ini adalah laki-laki. Namun demikian, pekerja wanita juga sangat banyak dijumpai salah satunya di Pasar Aceh. Dalam konteks hukum, pekerja wanita sebagai pedagang dilakukan dengan syarat, yaitu harus adanya izin dari wali atau suami. Permasalahan yang ingin diteliti adalah bagaimana persepsi pekerja wanita Pasar Aceh tentang hukum wanita bekerja sebagai pedagang dan jenis perdagangan apa saja yang mereka geluti, dan bagaimana tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap pekerja wanita sebagai pedagang di Pasar Aceh Kecamatan Baturrahman Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan studi kasus (case study). Data-data yang dikumpulkan akan dianalisis melalui cara analisis-normatif.Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa menurut pekerja wanita di Pasar Aceh Kecamatan Baturrahman Kota Banda Aceh, hukum wanita bekerja sebagai pedagang dibolehkan dengan syarat harus mendapat izin suami dan wali bagi yang belum menikah. Adapun jenis perdagangan apa saja yang mereka geluti di antaranya menjual kebutuhan rumah tangga seperti peci, sandal, usaha jahit baju dan kain, kosmetik, baju dan jilbab anak-anak, alat memasak dan pedagang es campur. Menurut hukum Islam, pekerja wanita sebagai pedagang dibolehkan. Dilihat dari sisi normatif, terdapat beberapa ketentuan ayat Alquran yang menyeru agar manusia berusaha dan mendapatkan hasil dari usahanya, seperti ketentuan al-Nisā‟ ayat 29 dan ayat 32, surat al-Aḥzāb ayat 33. Dalam HR. Bukhari dan HR. Abu Dawud disebutkan bahwa Rasulullah saw pernah mempekerjakan perempuan sebagai tenaga medis atau perawat sahabat yang terluka pada saat peperangan. Dari sisi historis, isteri Rasulullah saw yaitu Khadijah merupakan pedagang dan saudagar kaya yang menunjukkan bahwa wanita juga bekerja pada masa Rasulullah. Dari sisi logis, perempuan yang bekerja sebagai pedagang merupakan usaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Kondisi ekonomi yang menurun mengharuskan perempuan untuk bekerja.
What Determines Muslim-Friendly Tourism in Aceh? Armiadi Musa; Hendra Halim; Bismi Khalidin; Azharsyah Ibrahim
Publisher : Ekonomi Syariah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/iqtishadia.v14i1.9438


Aceh is the only province in Indonesia legally allowed to implement sharia law across all sectors, including the tourism industry. This study aims to analyze factors influencing Muslim-Friendly Tourism (MFT) in Aceh. Specifically, it examines the direct and indirect relationship between MFT with travel intention, destination image, and tourist attitude. Data is gathered through a questionnaire survey among 150 respondents that were selected using the convenience sampling method. To explain the tourist’s travel intentions, this study develops and tests a multiple regression analysis using the extended hierarchical linear modeling. Seven hypotheses were proposed regarding the relationships between MFT, tourist attitude, destination image, and travel intention constructs. The empirical results from the structural model suggest that MFT, destination image, and tourist attitude significantly influence travel intention; destination image and tourist attitude are the perfect mediators in influencing the MFT on travel intention to Aceh. These results have the implication in improving the promotions of tourism destinations in Aceh and developing more effective halal tourism positioning strategies for Aceh in particular and Indonesia in general.