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Evaluasi Perancangan Kolom Beton Bertulang dengan Metode Elemen Hingga Bayzoni Bayzoni; Laksmi Irianti; Vera Chania Putri
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 20, No 3 (2016): Edisi Desember 2016

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The design of a column is performed particularly to prevent any excessive deformation when it is used to support working load, and still have sufficient safety and reserve strength to withstand the load and stress without experiencing the collapse. The process of design or analysis generally begins with a compliant againt flexure, and the other requirements such as shear, crack, anchorage length were so that all requirment satisfied. The aim of this research is to get the stress of reinforced concrete column using the finite element method, so that it can get an evaluation of the design of reinforced concrete columns by comparing the stress design with the stress obtained from the finite element method. The calculations result shown that the enlargement deflection in horizontal direction is greater than the value of the enlargement deflection in vertical direction, that cause of the influence of axial forced and bending moment. From the results of stress analysis in steel and concrete by using the finite element method has a value less than fy and f'c used in the design. This shows the reinforced concrete column can withstand a greater load than the load value which was assumed the column on the balance condition
Analisis dan Desain Elemen Struktur Beton Bertulang pada Gedung yang Memiliki Kolom Miring dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Biasa (SRPMB) Angelina Dhini Uli Artha Simatupang; Bayzoni Bayzoni; Andi Kusnadi
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 7, No 2 (2019): Edisi Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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The increasing development of high-rise building construction with unique design in Indonesia today can not be denied. The high-rise buildings must have earthquake resistance because of Indonesia is a country that has the risk of an earthquake. This requires a multi-storey structure designer to be able to design a multi-storey building structure with various conditions and configurations. Based on that problems, a building will be designed with unusual shape by inclining the entire main structural column with a slope angle is 80o. And as a comparison, another building will be designed which uses vertical column. The building plan will be located in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.The building plans with inclined and vertical column use reinforced concrete material with Ordinary Moment Resisting Frame (OMRF) as a structural strength system. This system is determined by the location of the building based on Indonesian Earthquake Map 2012. The result of the analysis and design is the building with inclined column has greater internal force compared to a building with vertical column and requires a reinforcement of 70.89% more than the building with vertical column.Keywords: earthquake, inclined column, building, concrete reinforcement, vertical column 
Pengaruh Perbedaan Jarak Kolom Terhadap Efisiensi Volume Beton dan Baja Tulangan Angela Chikita Marcus; Bayzoni Bayzoni; Fikri Alami
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Edisi Juni 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Perencanaan elemen struktur harus dilakukan dengan matang untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimal dalam hal kekuatan dan efisiensi bahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dimensi elemen struktur, volume beton dan baja tulangan, serta nilai biaya yang efisien, berdasarkan jarak optimal kolom. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan penghitungan preliminary design tiap elemen struktur, penghitungan gaya dalam yang bekerja dengan menggunakan SAP 2000, penghitungan tulangan yang dipakai, dan RAB dari tiap sampel jarak kolom. Penghitungan dilakukan dengan memenuhi kaidah keamanan dan kekuatan menurut standar SNI 2847:2013. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada struktur pelat dan balok antar bangunan. Perbedaan tersebut disebabkan oleh pemakaian balok anak pada bangunan dengan jarak kolom 8 meter. Sehingga didapatkan secara total pada jarak kolom 4 meter menggunakan volume beton yang paling sedikit yakni lebih efisien 13,61% jika dibandingkan  dengan jarak kolom 6 meter dan lebih efisien  19,52% dibanding jarak kolom  8 meter. Untuk volume baja tulangan, jarak kolom 6 meter lebih efisien, yakni lebih efisien 25,21% jika dibandingkan  dengan jarak kolom 8 meter dan lebih efisien 4,04% dibanding jarak kolom 4 meter. Pada perbandingan nilai biaya, yang paling ekonomis adalah bangunan dengan jarak kolom 6 meter dengan nilai RAB lebih kecil 5,07% dibanding nilai biaya untuk bangunan dengan jarak kolom 4 meter dan  lebih kecil 10,82% dibanding jarak kolom 8 meter.
Perancangan Struktur Apartement 20 Lantai Bandar Lampung Fauzil Alim; Bayzoni Bayzoni; Hasti Riakara Husni
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 3, No 2 (2015): Edisi Juni 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Bandar Lampung is one of the cities in Indonesia, which is being developed at this time. Thesedevelopments will affect population and workforce. The flurry will make the work of the public donot have much free time to prepare for daily needs. Condition, situation, and the state of society asthis causes them to prefer a place that provides various kinds of necessities of life (one stopservice).This apartment structure design project at the Teluk Betung which consists of 20 floors has 620rooms with various types and consists of Type A (230 m2), Type B (152 m 2 ), Type C (135 m 2 ), TypeD (120 m 2 ), Type E (98 m 2 ), Type F (73 m 2 ) and Type G (54 m 2 ). The apartment is also equippedwith various facilities such as a cafeteria, mini market, restaurant, fitness room, a mosque and amultipurpose hall.To analyze the structure, ETABS Non Linear version 9.7.4 software are used to get internal forcesand will be used in manually design of reinforce concrete refer to Concrete SNI code 03-2847-2002 and Earthquake code SNI 03-1726-2002. To compare the result Sp Coloum v. 4.81. and RC.Beam Design V.1.0. are used. The calculation obtained 80 x 80 cm coloum with 24 D 25reinforcement, 35 x 60 cm primary beam and 15 x 30 cm secondary beam. The pile pondation areused for pondation with 9 pile pondation, 60 cm diameter and 18 m depth.Key words: Structure, ETABS, Pile Pondation
design and analysis of cable stayed bridge with 800 m span Mohammad Salman Manan; Bayzoni Bayzoni; Surya Sebayang
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 6, No 4 (2018): Edisi Desember 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Bridges are constructions that connect people and land transportation that is blocked by obstacles. One of which is the type of cable stayed bridge.. This bridge structure consists of a combination of various structural components such as pylon, cable and deck. The deck is hung with a prestressed cable that is anchored to the pole. Gravitational and lateral forces acting on the bridge deck will be transferred to the ground via cables and pylon. The cable will receive tensile force and the pylon accepts the compressive force. This bridge planned 800 m long, 14 m wide traffic, 1.5 m sidewalk width, elongated girder type is tub girder, 300 mm plate thickness, cable arrangement is 2 fields and fan, and the cable used is VSL 7-wire strand. Girder quality of 290 MPa, concrete quality of 35 MPa, and welding quality of 490 MPa. Bridge model calculations are supported by SAP 2000 and Microsoft Excel programs. From the calculation results obtained the reinforcement design for the sidewalk using the main reinforcement D16-150 mm and reinforcement for D13-200 mm, reinforcement for vehicle floors both in the field and pedestal with the main reinforcement D22-100 mm and reinforcement for D16-100 mm. The dimensions of the girder used were flanges of 1 m x 0.05 m, web 1.3 m x 0.01 m and lower fluxes 4.2 m x 0.04 m. To get a more stable structure design, 3-dimensional analysis is needed. Keywords: Cable Stayed Bridge, Tub Girder, Girder
Evaluasi Perancangan Balok Beton Bertulang dengan Menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga fazadina alia; bayzoni bayzoni; eddy purwanto
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 4 (2016): Edisi Desember 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Perancangan balok dilakukan sedemikian rupa agar tidak menimbulkan retak berlebihan pada penampang sewaktu mendukung beban kerja dan tegangan lebih lanjut tanpa mengalami keruntuhan.  Agar tidak terjadi keruntuhan tersebut, batang balok sebagai bagian dari sistem yang menahan lentur harus kuat untuk menahan tegangan tekan dan tarik pada balok tersebut.  Oleh karena itu dalam teknik sipil klasik, penyelesaian analisis tegangan struktur di pakai metode-metode seperti kemiringan lendutan (slope deflection) dan distribusi momen namun di teknik sipil modern ini terdapat metode baru yaitu metode elemen hingga dengan prinsip dikritisasi yang membagi suatu benda menjadi benda-benda yang berukuran lebih kecil agar lebih mudah pengelolaanya.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan tegangan yang diterima balok beton bertulang dengan menggunakan metode elemen hingga sehingga bisa mendapatkan suatu evaluasi perancangan balok beton bertulang dengan membandingkan tegangan yang di terima antara menggunakan metode konvensional dengan metode elemen hingga. Dari perhitungan yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa nilai pembesaran defleksi arah y (vertikal) lebih besar dibandingkan dengan nilai pembesaran defleksi arah x (horizontal), hal ini terjadi karena pengaruh dari beban vertikal yang diberikan dan juga konfigurasi balok yang digunakan dari struktur yang simetris.  Tidak hanya itu dari hasil analisis tegangan pada tulangan dan pada beton di balok beton bertulang dengan menggunakan metode elemen hingga memiliki nilai yang lebih kecil bila dibandingkan dengan nilai fy dan  f’c pada metode konvensional.  Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa balok beton bertulang tersebut dapat menahan beban yang lebih besar dari pada nilai beban yang digunakan dalam perancangan balok bertulangan rangkap.Kata Kunci: Beton bertulang, Balok, Metode elemen hingga, Tegangan 
Pengaruh Penambahan Serat Kawat Bendrat pada Beton Mutu Tinggi terhadap Kapasitas Kuat Tekan dan Kuat Lentur Krisna Bagus; Eddy Purwanto; Bayzoni Bayzoni
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Edisi Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Concrete is one of the construction materials that has the advantage of being able to withstand a high compressive strength but has a low tensile strength.To overcome the weaknesses that exist in the concrete, one of the efforts applied is to add fiber in the form of bendrat wire in the concrete in order to increase the tensile strength and flexural strength of concrete. The specimens of this research are concrete cylinder with diameter 15 cm and height 30 cm and concrete beam object with dimension of length, width and height 60 cm, 15 cm, and 15 cm respectively. Tests were performed at 28-days of concrete. While the addition of bendrat wire fiber is done based on the percentage of volume fraction (Vf) addition to the volume of concrete by 0%; 0,299%; 0,695%; and 0,990%. Each variation was made 9 test specimens consisting of 6 cylinders and 3 beams.The average compressive strength in high quality concrete without bendrat wire has the highest value of 50,0118 MPa. For the average compressive strength value at Vf 0.299%, 0.695%, and 0.990% were 42,2741 MPa, 41,8967 MPa and 39.6320 MParespectively. While for splitting strength and flexural strength in high quality concrete with volume fraction (Vf) 0,990% has the highest value with the splitting strength of an average of 4,6945 MPa and the average flexural strength of 7,9133 MPa Keyword : High quality concrete, bendrat wire fiber
Analisis struktur atas jembatan kereta api jalur tunggal pc i girder bentang 35 meter way pengubuan Muhammad Tri Wahyuddin; Bayzoni Bayzoni; Amril Ma'ruf Siregar
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 8, No 3 (2020): Edisi September 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Beton prategang merupakan jenis beton dengan tulangan baja ditarik dan menghasilkan sistem kesetimbangan pada tegangan dalam tarik pada baja dan tekan pada beton yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan beton menahan beban luar. Terdapat beragam bentuk profil gelagar beton prategang antara lain box girder, profil U, dan profil I. Pada analisis struktur atas jembatan ini digunakan gelagar profil I atau disebut juga PC I girder. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis struktur atas jembatan dengan gelagar profil I, menghitung dan melakukan kontrol keamanan terhadap besar lendutan, geser, tegangan serta momen ultimit.Berdasarkan analisis struktur atas jembatan diperoleh dimensi PC I girder dengan tinggi 2,17 m, lebar bidang bawah 0,75 m, lebar bidang atas 0,5 m, dan lebar bidang badan 0,25 m. Pada perhitungan gaya prategang didapatkan gaya prategang awal sebesar 13513,98 kN, gaya prategang saat jacking sebesar 15898,8 kN, dan total kehilangan gaya prategang sebesar 4291,811 kN atau sebesar 27%, sehingga diperoleh nilai gaya prategang efektif sebesar 11606,99 kN. Dan pada perhitungan momen ultimit dinyatakan aman karena diperoleh kapasitas momen ultimit pada balok prategang sebesar 21047,65905 kNm yang nilai nya lebih besar dari momen ultimit terbesar dari hasil kombinasi yaitu sebesar 13764,95 kNm.Kata Kunci : Struktur Atas Jembatan, PC I Girder, Beton Prategang
Perbandingan Volume Kebutuhan Baja pada Pembuatan Struktur Rangka Atap Bentang 30 m Berdasarkan SNI 1729-2015 Sella Anggraini; Bayzoni Bayzoni; Hasti Riakara Husni
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Edisi Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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The use of steel as a framework for the roof of the warehouse building requires research on the efficiency of its volume according to the form of the frame designed by considering the strength and the economical of the building materials. In the implementation of this research the calculation of structural analysis using method of joint. The outline of the implementation step is to determine the profile data (quality and dimensions) and various controls on Gording, calculate the loading using SNI 1727-2013, calculate the structure analysis of each roof frame using Microsoft Excel, calculate the analysis of truss frame design (Tensile and press memberss), weld joint planning using SNI 1729-2015 and calculate the steel requirement volume ratio of the four types of roof truss structure. The result of the research shows that the volume of steel used in Type 1 roof truss construction is 0,2046 m3 with weight 1571,4287 kg; In Type 2 roof truss construction is 0,1862 m3 with weight 1461,5889 kg; In Type 3 roof truss construction is 0,1499 m3 with weight 1176,0578 kg; In Type 4 roof truss construction is 0,1488 m3 with weight 1167,4652 kg. Based on these results, the Type 4 is the most optimal type of roof truss construction, because the lowest volume and weight of steel was obtained. Keywords: Roof frame, SNI 1729-2015, steel, tensile member, press member
Evaluasi Perencanaan Jembatan Beton Bertulang Balok T dengan Variasi Mutu Antara K-200 – K-300 Devie Arisandy Sumantri; Bayzoni Bayzoni; Surya Sebayang
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Edisi Maret 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Design of reinforced concrete T beams bridge with variation concrete strength is conducted to determine design of a bridge which can be built in remote area with a minimum concrete quality but still in accordance with the applicable safety standards. The bridge has a span of 15 m, a width of traffic lanes 2 x 5.5 m with variations concrete strength of K-200, K-225, K-250, K-275 and K-300. The calculations that have been done show that in cross section 2-2 , cross section 3-3 and cross section 4-4, the lower concrete strength will obtains more flexural girder reinforcement needs. However at cross section 1-1 the amount of reinforcement on every concrete strength has the same amount of reinforcement because the reinforcement ratio is the ratio of minimum reinforcement. Shear reinforcement of girder using the same diameter will produce the reinforcement needs with larger spacing while concrete strength increased. Maximum girder deflection that occurs will be smaller if the concrete strength increases. However, if the amount of reinforcement in the quality of K-200 more larger then the value deflection will be smaller compared with the quality of K-300. The lower quality of flexural strength concrete slab with the D16 will get smaller reinforcement spacing.Key word : bridge, T beams, quality variation, Upper structure