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JUTI: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Vol 2, No 1 Januari 2003
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.154 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24068535.v2i1.a115


Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisa pengaruh panjang sinyal data primer, yang diolah menggunakan metode estimasi trispektrum, terhadap kinerja sistem pembicara melalui sinyal suara yang diucapkan. Proses pengolahan data primer ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan estimasi data magnitudo dan fase sinyal suara. Pada proses ini, sinyal suara yang berupa sebuah kata yang diucapkan, dibagi menjadi beberapa chunk. Setiap chunk diestimasi kemudian dicari rata-ratanya. Hasil estimasi ini, berupa data magnitudo dan fase sinyal, disimpan menjadi beberapa kategori, yakni disimpan seluruh data, separuh data, seperempat, dan seterusnya. Masing-masing dianalisa berdasarkan waktu eksekusi estimasi, jumlah data yang dihasilkan estimasi itu, dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja sistem pembicara. Dari beberapa ujicoba menunjukkan bahwa ukuran panjang sinyal yang diestimasi memberikan pengaruh yang cukup signifikan terhadap kinerja sistem pada seperempat bagian atau yang lebih kecil lagi. Lama eksekusi proses estimasi untuk seperempat, seperdelapan, dan seperenambelas bagian sinyal tidak sampai satu detik. Sedangkan untuk satu bagian sinyal membutuhkan sembilan detik, dan untuk setengah bagian sinyal membutuhkan waktu eksekusi selama satu detik. Kata kunci : Sistem identifikasi, estimasi trispektrum.
Segmentasi Kendaraan Menggunakan Improve Blob Analysis (BA) Pada Video Lalu Lintas ., Sutrisno; Cholissodin, Imam; Christanti, Rina; Dewi, Candra; Hidayat, Nurul
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

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AbstrakPenggunaan citra digital untuk keperluan penelitian sudah banyak dilakukan, salah satunya yaitu segmentasi. Segmentasi berfungsi untuk mendeteksi objek - objek yang terdapat pada citra, sehingga hasil segmentasi sangat penting untuk proses selanjutnya. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan teknik optimasi hasil background subtraction menggunakan kombinasi frame difference (FD) atau difference image dengan filter SDGD dan running average (RA) atau background updating dengan filter SDGD untuk diterapkan pada blob analysis. Alasan utama menggunakan penggabungan kedua metode tersebut adalah karena seringnya terdapat piksel objek yang tidak mampu dideteksi sehingga akan mengurangi tingkat optimasi pengenalan objek. Hasil pengujian akurasi dari 10 data uji yang masing – masing terdiri dari 30 frame menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ini memiliki nilai akurasi tertinggi yakni 90% untuk pengujian threshold dan 100% untuk pengujian ukuran structure element. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini mampu melakukan segmentasi kendaraan dengan baik.Kata kunci: filter SDGD, blob analysis, video lalu lintas, background subtraction.AbstractThe use of digital images for the purposes of research has been often applied, one of them is segmentation. Segmentation is used to detect objects contained in the image, so the segmentation result is very important for further processing. In this study, the results of the optimization technique proposed background subtraction using a combination of frame difference (FD) or a difference image with filter SDGD and running average (RA) or background updating with SDGD filter to be applied blob analysis. The main reason to use the merger of these two methods is that often there are pixels that are not able to detect objects that will reduce the level of optimization object recognition. The results of accuracy testing using 10 data testing for each data consisting of 30 frames shows that the system proposed in this paper has best accuracy of 90% for testing the threshold and 100% for testing the size of structure element. So it can be concluded that this system capable to segmentation the vehicle properly.Keywords: filter SDGD, blob analysis, traffic video, background subtraction
JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics) Vol 1, No 3 (2013): JREC (Jurnal Of Electrical and Electronics
Publisher : JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics)

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This thesis describes the design of an early warning system against fire, the overall systemconsists of hardware and software. The hardware system consists of temperature sensors and gas sensorsthat detect signs of fire the detection of gas, smoke and increase in temperature in a room. All detectedinformation is processed by a microcontroller atmega16 that function ring alarm form buzzer, exos fanand hydrant based on predefined parameters, namely ≤ 36 ° for safe levels indicated green, ≥46° forstandby levels indicated yellow, ≥60° for alert levels indicated red and last ≥80° for evacuation levelsindicated red and to transmit the data to the server computer via serial communication lines. BorlandDelphi7 as software (user interface) on a computer server function display and record the results of thetwo sensor readings along with the details of time, date, month and year.Keyword : Early Warning Fire, Serial Communications, User Interface, ATMega16, Delphi7.
Menakar Eksistensi Prosesi Adat Sasak Dilihat Dari Aspek Kesantunan & Penggunaan Bahasa: Teropong Pandang Sosiolinguistik Hidayat, Nurul
PALAPA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 3 No 1 (2015): Mei
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) STIT Palapa Nusantara Lombok NTB

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Komunikasi lintas budaya Holmes yang berkaitan dengan esensi kesopanan selama dekade belakangan ini menjadi satu acuan ketika masalah kesopanan dipersoalkan. Artinya, secara mutlak kerangka berpikir tersebut bisa dikatakan berlaku secara universal. Namun demikian, hal semacam itu mulai terbantahkan ketika satu fenomena sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat Peroe dijadikan sebagai bahan bandingan. Secara umum, Holmes menyatakan bahwa semakin tinggi kelas sosial seseorang, maka tingkat imperatif cenderung digunakan. Tetapi sebaliknya, hal yang demikian justru tidak berlaku pada prosesi Sorong Serah Aji Krama masyarakat Peroe. Pada fenomena yang dimaksud, tidak terlihat sama sekali penonjolan kelas sosial atas maupun rendah terkait dengan kesantunan. Selain itu, besar pula kemungkinan formula Holmes tadi berlaku terbalik pada fenomena tersebut. Atas dasar asumsi tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) stratifikasi sosial yang dikorelasikan dengan kesantunan dalam prosesi adat di masyarakat Peroe, berbanding terbalik dengan formula yang disajikan Holmes; (2). pada komunikasi lintas kelas, modus imperatif lebih cenderung digunakan kelas sosial tinggi terhadap kelas sosial yang ada di bawahnya, tidak berlaku dalam prosesi adat di masyarakat Peroe.
Acceptance Measurement of Health Insurance Information System Based on Technology Acceptance Model Nurhayati, Siti; Hidayat, Nurul
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 14, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v14i2.11374


The objective of this research is to evaluate P-Care BPJS information system based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The type of research is analytical, cross sectional approach. Number of respondents 206 P-Care BPJS users at primary health care. Data analysis using linear regression. Based on correlation test external variables with percieved usefulness, showed high correlation = 0.6 (p <0.001); external variables with percieved ease of use showed moderate correlation = 0.4 (p <0.001); perceived ease of use with attitude showed moderate correlation = 0.5 (p <0.001); percieved usefulness with attitude showed high correlation = 0.7 (p <0.001); perceived usefulness with actual use showed moderate correlation = 0.5 (p <0.001); behavioral intention to use with percieved usefulness showed moderate correlation = 0.5 (p <0.001); attitude with behavioral intention to use showed high correlation = 0.6 (p <0.001); behavioral intention to use with actual use showed high correlation = 0.7 (p <0.001).
Pola Asuh Anak Dalam Keluarga di Lingkungan Lokalisasi Padang Bulan Banyuwangi Ristanti, Kurnia; Hidayat, Nurul
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Family and community are determining factors of children personality. In family, children are introduced to a wide range of values and norms. The family is the first place of socialization for children, and then the second socialization is the community. If the children should ideally live in conducive neighborhood to support their growth, the case of children who live in prostitution environment is in opposition. Many children in the school who still live in are cared in prostitution environment “Padang Bulan” Banyuwangi. They grow up in an environment whose surroundings are focused on pornography. Their parents’ profession as pimps and their house in the prostitution environment make the children live in the prostitution environment. This research aimed to determine, describe and analyze the patterns of child care applied by parents to their children. The research used qualitative approach, and the informants were selected by purposive sampling involving pimps as the research subjects who had children and lived in the prostitution. There were three kinds of values instilled by parents to their children: value of morality, religious value and value of virtue in selecting friendship neighborhood.
Komodifikasi Tubuh Perempuan di Instagram (Analisis Wacana pada Endorser Perempuan di Jember) Al-Hadi, Robith Abdillah; Hidayat, Nurul
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Komodifikasi Tubuh Perempuan di Instagram
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract The research looked at the commodification of female body in Instagram. Commodification happened to parts of female body are used to gain the exchange rate. In this research, researcher saw a discourse on female endorser in Instagram. Hence, the researcher used the logic of commodification of Karl Marx, symbolic violence of Pierre Bourdieu, and discourse analysis method to analyze how the commodification of female body in Instagram is. The used informant determination method was snowball. The result of this research concluded that women in Instagram be commercialize by becoming themselves as an Endorser. The happened commodificationwas distinguished by categorization. Commodification on the face and hand occurred at endorser who wear veil with the product provision, but for the endorser who did not use veil, commoditization occurred on the entire body. On the other hand, endorser in terms of consciousness had two varieties where endorser who was aware that she was being commercialized. There was also an endorser who was not aware of and had their own ideals
Penyesuaian Pasangan Pernikahan Hasil Ta’aruf Awaris, Ahmad Fauzan; Hidayat, Nurul
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Marriage by ta'aruf (an introduction of the couples based on Islamic values) has lack of familiarity with either the spouse’s behavior or character because the process is short and the interaction is limited, so that people who perform ta'aruf are likely to face family problems, and their inability to adjust to these issues will tend to led to divorce. The purpose of this research was to describe the problems of the married couples by ta'aruf and the adjustment mechanism of couples married by ta'aruf in dealing with family problems that are much discussed in Family Sociology. This research used a qualitative descriptive method, and the research area was in Jember Regency. Informants were determined by purposive sampling, and data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. Data validity test applied triangulation technique. Data analysis was by collecting all data, sorting data, interpreting data and theory, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The research results showed that the couples married by ta'aruf had adjustment that marriage is a means to improve obedience to God, meaning that the interactions built are not only on the basis of the rights of and obligations of the spouse but also as a form of obedience to God; it is not a matter of unity and bound by the word of marriage, but there is a demand of rights, obligations and responsibilities that must be carried out, which are not only accounted to the spouse but also to God.
JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics) Vol 1 No 3 (2013): JREC (Journal of Electrical and Electronics)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

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This thesis describes the design of an early warning system against fire, the overall system consists of hardware and software. The hardware system consists of temperature sensors and gas sensors that detect signs of fire the detection of gas, smoke and increase in temperature in a room. All detected information is processed by a microcontroller atmega16 that function ring alarm form buzzer, exos fan and hydrant based on predefined parameters, namely ? 36 ° for safe levels indicated green, ?46° for standby levels indicated yellow, ?60° for alert levels indicated red and last ?80° for evacuation levels indicated red and to transmit the data to the server computer via serial communication lines. Borland Delphi7 as software (user interface) on a computer server function display and record the results of the two sensor readings along with the details of time, date, month and year.
Jurnal ENTITAS SOSIOLOGI Vol 8 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal ENTITAS SOSIOLOGI

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The purpose of this research is to describe the practice of gender equality for employees the CV Milzam Multi Sejahtera plywood factory in Jember. The method that used is a qualitative method with a feminist social science approach. Determination of informants used purposive techniques, with criteria namely workers who were working in factories and workers who had worked for at least 1 year. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The validity test of the data uses triangulation techniques. The analysis technique used the interactive models of Miles and Huberman. The theory that used is the Marxist / Socialist feminist theory. The results of the research show that: 1) In the system of division of labor because women are considered to have carefully nature, they are given an easy job, but require precision. While the job for men needs heavy labor. 2) In the salary system, women are considered as cheap labor, so they deserve a cheap salary. This is because women are considered as a side job. 3) The right to leave. Giving leave rights to workers is no different. However, workers who are licensed do not provide replacement salary. 4) Promotion of positions. The promotion of position can be obtained by anyone according to the requirements in the appointment of positions. So, based on the results of the research that in the CV Milzam Multi Sejahtera Jember plywood factory there was no gender inequality, but gender equality practices occurred. &nbsp;&nbsp;Keywords: Perception, practice equality, gender, workers, factory &nbsp;&nbsp;