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Task-based language teaching to improve students’ speaking achievement Nurulina Hakim; Mahpul Mahpul; Fajar Riyantika
U-JET Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Vol 10, No 2 (2021): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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The objectives of this research were to investigate a significant improvement in students’ speaking achievement in term of complexity, accuracy and fluency aspect after the implementation of TBLT approach. The topic of the material that this research took was Narrative text in an online class. This research was conducted at the tenth grade of SMA Global Madani, Bandar Lampung. Class 10 Science 2 consisted of 15 students was chosen as the sample of this research by random sampling. The design used was the one group pre-test post-test. Speaking test was the instrument to measure the pre-test and post-test. The mean of pre-test (58) showed an increase in post-test (64). The results of the t-value (8,235) is higher than the t-table score (2.1315) with the significant of two tailed 0,000 lower than 0.05. This means H1 is accepted.doi:
U-JET Vol 8, No 1 (2019): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik brainstorming terhadap prestasi menulis siswa. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 33 siswa tingkat pertama sekolah menengah atas (SMA). Tes menulis digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Repeated Measure t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada kemampuan menulis siswa antara pre-test dan post-test dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,05. Hal ini menandakan bahwa teknik brainstorming dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa.The objective of this research was to find out the effect of brainstorming technique on the students’ writing achievement. The approach of the research was quantitative. The subjects were 33 students of the first grade of SMA. The writing tests were used as the research instrument. The data were analyzed by using Repeated Measure t-test. The result showed that there was a statistically significant difference of the students’ writing ability between the pre-test and the post-test with the significant level of 0.05. This suggests that brainstorming technique facilitates the students to improve their ability in writing skills.Keywords: writing, writing ability, brainstorming technique
Improving Students’ Speaking Ability through Storytelling Technique at Second Grade of SMPN 19 Bandar Lampung Falera Agustina; Ujang Suparman; Mahpul Mahpul
U-JET Vol 8, No 1 (2019): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah ada kemajuan signifikan dari kemampuan berbicara siswa yang diajarkan dengan  storytelling. Data diperoleh dari pre-test dan post-test. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Repeated T-Test. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan signifikan secara statistik pada pencapaian pemahaman berbicara siswa dengan tingkat signifikan 0.00 (0.05). Hal menunjukan bahwa storytelling membantu memudahkan siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara. This research was aimed to find out whether there is statistically significant improvement of the students’ speaking ability after the students were  taught through storytelling. The data were obtained from the pre-test and the post-test. The data were analyzed by using repeated T-test through SPSS. The result showed that there was statistically significant improvement of the students speaking ability with the significant level of 0.00 (0.05). This indicates that storytelling facilitates the students to improve their speaking achievement. Key words: storytelling technique, teaching speaking, narrative text. 
Task-based instructions: Comparison of pre tasks between planning time and doing similar tasks in improving the students’ speaking performance Desti Mulya Sari S.; Ag. Bambang Setiyadi; Mahpul Mahpul
U-JET Vol 9, No 2 (2020): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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The current research focuses on the analysis of the implementation of task-based language teaching especially in the pre-task phase to  investigate which task result is better between doing similar taskand strategic planningin improving students’ speaking achievement in term of complexity, accuracy, and fluency. The research involved  two classes, experimental and control class. The researcher used random assignment post-test design. Based on the results, it is reported that: (1) there was significant difference on the students’ speaking achievement in term of complexity after having strategic planningtask; (2) there was no significant difference in the accuracy and fluency before and after the implementation of strategic planningtask; (3) there was significant difference in termS of complexity and fluency after the use of doing similar task; and (4) there is no significant difference in term of accuracy before and after getting the treatment of doing similar task.
U-JET Vol 8, No 3 (2019): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui lebih dalam persepsi siswa tentang teknik Think Pair Share. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 17 siswa kelas VIII di SMPN 2 Sragi. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan rekaman video dan wawancara. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk menganalisis penelitian ini. Sebagian besar siswa memberikan persepsi positif dalam hal tingkat kesulitan, tingkat stres, tingkat kepercayaan diri, minat siswa, dan motivasi siswa. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa teknik Think Pair Share memfasilitasi siswa untuk terlibat secara aktif dalam pembelajaran menulis khususnya pada teks deskriptif.The objective of this research was to explore the students’ perceptions of the use of Think-Pair-Share technique (TPS). The current study was qualitative approaches. The subjects of the research were 17 eighth-grade students at SMPN 2 Sragi. The data were collected through video recording and interviews. The decriptive analysis was used to analyze the research. The results showed that majority of students had positive perseptions of the use of TPS in terms of levels of difficulty, degree of stress, confidence, interest, and motivation. This suggests that TPS facilitates the students to actively involve in learning writing particularly descriptive texts.Keywords: perceptions, writing, Think Pair Share technique
Teaching Speaking Through Picture Series at Senior High School Students Putri Satya Fatimbhara; Mahpul Mahpul; Ramlan Ginting Suka
U-JET Vol 6, No 9 (2017): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan secara signifikan pada pencapaian berbicara siswa menggunakan gambar berseri. Data diperoleh dari pre-test, post-test dan wawancara siswa. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan signifikan secara statistik pada pencapaian bicara siswa. Data yang didaptkan dari hasil pretest dan posttest. Hasil nya menunukkan bahwa ada peningkatan secara signifikan dengan tingkat signifikasi 0.000.05. Disarankan bahwa picture series memfasilitasi siswa dalam meningkatkan pencapaian berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.This research was aimed at finding out whether there is statistically significant increase of students speaking achievement after the students were taught through picture series. The data were obtained from the pre-test and post-test. The result showed that there was a statistically significant increase of students speaking achievement with the significant level 0.0050.05. This suggests that picture series facilitates students to improve their achievement in speaking.Keywords: picture series, speaking, perception, teaching speaking
The effect of the online learning model of Rumah Belajar Muhammadiyah (Rubelmu) on students’ vocabulary achievement at second grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Bandarlampung Nadiya Hasna Amrina; Mahpul Mahpul; Hery Yufrizal
U-JET Vol 11, No 1 (2022): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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The research objectives were to find  out (i) whether online learning using Rubelmu has a significant difference on students’ vocabulary mastery at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Bandarlampung and (ii) the students’ perceptions of online learning using Rubelmu. This was quantitative research with one pretest-posttest design. The subjects use 30 samples taken from the second grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Bandarlampung. The one group gathered from the result of pretest-posttest to measure the significance difference were collected through the pretest and the post test. Questionnaires were used to find the students’ perceptions. The data collected were compared by using SPSS. The outcome showed that online learning using Rubelmu had a significant difference on students’ vocabulary mastery. There was an improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery based on the gain of mean score score that was indicatively increased from 59.5 to 80.5. Questionnaire was distributed to measure the students’ perception about Rubelmu. As expected, the finding shows the students had a positive perception of online learning using Rubelmu.doi:
Communicative language teaching in improving Student’s speaking achievement Retno Setianingsih; Mahpul Mahpul; Lilis Sholihah
U-JET Vol 11, No 1 (2022): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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The aim of the research was to find out whether there is an improvement in the students’ speaking achievements after being taught through the weak version of the Communicative Language Teaching method. The population of the research was the students of the second year of SMKN 2 Bandar Lampung. The sample of the research was twenty students of Eleventh Grade BKP (Bisnis Konstruksi dan Property) 3. The research used one group pre-test post-test design and the data were taken from the tests. The data were analyzed by using SPSS statistics 20. The result of the research indicated that there was a significant improvement in the students’ speaking achievement after being taught through the Communicative Language Teaching method. The mean score of the post-test (9.8) was higher than the mean score of the pre-test (7.2). By using the t-test, it was found that the sig (p) value is less than the sig level 0,05 (0.000 0.05) and the t-value (8.664) was higher than the t-table (1.729). It can be concluded that the implementation of the weak version of the Communicative Language Teaching method significantly improved students’ speaking achievement.doi:
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jwl.v7i2.12877


Dalam pembelajaran, guru memiliki tugas untuk merancang pembelajaran pembelajaran, melaksanakan pembelajaran, dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakannya. Untuk dapat melakukan tugas tersebut guru harus memiliki kompetensi yang berkaitan hal-hal tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini  bertujuan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru Bahasa Inggris SMP dalam menulis butir soal yang berbasis teks Inggris dari segi bahasa dan meningkatkan kemampuan guru Bahasa Inggris SMP dalam menulis butir soal yang berbasis teks Inggris yang memenuhi construct validity. Metode yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian yang berupa pelatihan penulisan soal Bahasa Inggris berbasis teks ini meliputi: (1) ceramah yang diikuti dengan diskusi antara instruktur dengan peserta, dan peserta dengan peserta; (2) pemberian contoh dan analisis; (3) praktik membuat soal tes berbasis teks secara kelompok; (4) pemberian umpan balik dan diskusi  hasil praktik membuat soal tes berbasis teks; dan (5) pemberian tugas membuat soal tes berbasis teks secara individu. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan ini telah mencapai sasaran yaitu dapat memberi pengetahuan dan wawasan kepada para guru peserta pelatihan tentang assessment planning, assessment of reading, assessment of listening, assessment of speaking, dan assessment of writing yang dapat dilihat dari hasil pre-test dan post-test. Para peserta pelatihan antusias dalam mengikuti setiap pemaparan materi yang diberikan oleh narasumber. Berdasarkan hasil interview dengan para peserta pelatihan terlihat bahwa pemahaman mereka tentang materi pelatihan juga meningkat. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa para guru peserta pelatihan ini merasakan manfaat yang besar setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini. Kata kunci: butir soal, teks, guru Bahasa Inggris, assessmentIn teaching learning process, it is a must for teachers to design, implement, and evaluate the process. To be able to perform the responsibility, they are required to have a competence related to the matters. This community service was aimed at improving the ability of English teachers of junior high school in writing text-based question items correctly and appropriately in terms of linguistics and construct validity. It was conducted through (1) lecture and discussion; (2) example of analysis; (3) practice of making text-based test questions; (4) feedback; (5) task of constructing text-based test questions. It could be concluded that the aims of this activity were successfully achieved in terms of insight and knowledge transfers to the participants on assessment planning, assessment of reading, assessment of listening, assessment of speaking, and assessment of writing which could be seen from the results of their pre-test and post-test. The participants were enthusiastic in following each part of this activity. Based on the interviews with the participants, they stated that their understanding also increased. Thus, it can be concluded that the teacher participants obtained great benefits after attending this activity. Keywords: question items, text, English teachers, assessment
Improving students' pronouncing of Friction Consonants through dubbing Video at the first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Way Jepara Putri Sari Ayu; Mahpul Mahpul; Dian Shafwati
U-JET Vol 11, No 2 (2022): U-JET
Publisher : FKIP UNILA

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The current study aimed to find out whether the use of dubbing video technique could improve students' achievement of pronouncing the Friction consonants. It was conducted at the first grade students of SMAN 1 Way Jepara, in the academic year 2021/2022. The study was a quantitative approach with the design of true experimental where two classes (experimental and control classes) were involved (X IPA 1 and 2),   each of which consisted of 30 students. The data were collected through the pretest and the post test in the form of friction consonants list for students to pronounce. The gain scores of both classes were compared using SPSS software 22. The results showed that i) dubbing video technique significantly improved the students' achievement of pronouncing friction consonants with significant level 0.05, and ii) there was statistically significant difference achievement of friction consonants between the students taught through dubbing technique and those through conventional learning method without dubbing video technique. The result showed that the students taught with dubbing video techniques had better achievement than those with conventional learning techniques. This suggests that dubbing technique facilitates students to improve their achievement of pronouncing friction consonant sounds.Keywords: Dubbing video, teaching pronunciation, friction consonants.