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HUBUNGAN PENGGUNAAN SUMBER INFORMASI KAMPANYE DAN PARTISIPASI POLITIK (Relationship between the Campaign Source of Information Use and Political Participation) (STUDI KASUS PILPRES 2014 DI KECAMATAN CIBINONG BOGOR) (Case Study Indonesian Presidental Election 2014 at Sub-District of Cibinong Bogor) Martha, Layung Paramesti; Saleh, Amiruddin; Rangkuti, Parlaungan Adil
Media Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Wahana Vol 1, No 12 (2016): Volume 1 No 12., Ganjil, Tahun Akademik 2016/2017
Publisher : Media Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Wahana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.101 KB)


AbstractIndonesian presidential election campaigns had been held by the candidates and the campaign team respectively from June, 4th-July, 5th 2014. This study was aimed to know the extent of utilization of communication channels both mass media and social media (new media) as source of information, compared with interpersonal communication channel, and how the level of utilization of the information sources by voters during the political campaign influenced the level of political participation in Cibinong. This study had been conducted in September-Oktober 2014 at Sub-District of Cibinong, Bogor Regency. A number of 200 people were chosen as respondents by using purposive sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed with Spearman’s Rank correlation test. Results showed that political participation in the engagement of campaigns as well as the surveillance were poor, while the participation in voting was quite good. In the variable of demographic characteristics, a negative significant correlation was found between political affiliation and the campaign engagement and so between the birthplace and voting engagement. On the contrary, the variable of age, income, and education had no correlation with all dimensions of the campaigns engagement. All dimensions of demographic characteristics including sex, birthplace, and environment had  a significant negative correlation with political participation. The indicator of sex and birthplace had a significant negative correlation with the amount of source of information use. The in dicator of birthplace also had a significant negative correlation with the frequent of accessing campaign sources of information. The utilization of campaign sources of information had a significant positive correlation with political participation in the dimension of the engagement in the campaign, voting, and surveillance for the election . Keywords: Political participation, source of information use, political campaign
Hubungan Penggunaan Sumber Informasi Kampanye Dan Partisipasi Politik Pada Kasus Pilpres 2014 Di Kecamatan Cibinong Bogor Layung Paramesti Martha; Amiruddin Saleh; Parlaungan Adil Rangkuti
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 13 No. 2 (2015): Juli 2015
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (486.218 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/13201513779


Indonesian presidential election campaigns had been held by the candidates and the campaign team respectively from June, 4th-July, 5th 2014. This study was aimed to know the extent of utilization of communication channels both mass media and social media (new media) as source of information, compared with interpersonal communication channel, and how the level of utilization of the information sources by voters during the political campaign influenced the level of political participation in Cibinong. This study had been conducted in September-Oktober 2014 at Sub-District of Cibinong, Bogor Regency. A number of 200 people were chosen as respondents by using purposive sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed with Spearman’s Rank correlation test. Results showed that political participation in the engagement of campaigns as well as the surveillance were poor, while the participation in voting was quite good. In the variable of demographic characteristics, a negative significant correlation was found between political affiliation and the campaign engagement and so between the birthplace and voting engagement. On the contrary, the variable of age, income, and education had no correlation with all dimensions of the campaigns engagement. All dimensions of demographic characteristics including sex, birthplace, and environment had  a significant negative correlation with political participation. The indicator of sex and birthplace had a significant negative correlation with the amount of source of information use. The in dicator of birthplace also had a significant negative correlation with the frequent of accessing campaign sources of information. The utilization of campaign sources of information had a significant positive correlation with political participation in the dimension of the engagement in the campaign, voting, and surveillance for the election. Keywords: Political participation, source of information use, political campaign
KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL ORANG TUA DAN ANAK PADA PEMBELAJARAN DARING DI MASA PANDEMI (Kasus SDN Cipayung 01 Kecamatan Cibinong Bogor) Layung Paramesti Martha; Maya Aurellia Permanasari
Media Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Wahana Vol 28, No 1 (2022): Volume 28, Nomor 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.339 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/wahana.v28i1.5225


AbstractInterpersonal communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between two people or among a small group of people, with some effect and some instantaneous feedback. Interpersonal communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between two people or among a small group of people, with some effect and some instantaneous feedback. Interpersonal communication between parents and children that occurs at SDN Cipayung 01 in general, the pattern of interpersonal communication between parents and children while accompanying learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic is very important. This study aims to determine the interpersonal communication of parents and children in online learning during the covid 19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques in this study, namely conducting in-depth interviews, field observations, and documentation as well as checking the validity of the data by triangulation of sources. . The results of this study indicate that parents at SDN Cipayung 01 during the COVID-19 pandemic played a role in raising children's learning motivation. This is because it is the motivation of parents that makes children more confident and performs in this online learning period by implementing a democratic (democratic) communication pattern where all children's activities in their homes are always  open  and they have rules that are mutually agreed upon by the community. child. The results of the researcher's analysis of the theory of symbolic interaction that can define the mind, self, and society are appropriate to discuss in depth.Keywords: Covid-19, Interpersonal Communication, Online LearningAbstrakKomunikasi interpersonal merupakan proses pengiriman dan penerimaan  pesan-pesan antara dua orang atau di antara sekelompok kecil orang-orang, dengan  beberapa efek dan beberapa umpan balik seketika. Komunikasi interpersonal adalah proses pengiriman dan penerimaan pesan-pesan antara dua orang atau di antara sekelompok kecil orang-orang, dengan  beberapa efek dan beberapa umpan balik seketika. Komunikasi interpersonal orang tua dan anak yang terjadi  di SDN Cipayung 01 secara umum pola komunikasi interpersonal orang tua dan  anak selama mendampingi aktivitas belajar di masa pandemi covid 19 sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komunikasi interpersonal orang tua dan anak pada pembelajaran daring di masa  pandemi covid 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik   pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yaitu melakukan wawancara mendalam, observasi lapangan, dan dokumentasi serta pemeriksaan keabsahan data dilakukan   dengan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, orang tua  SDN Cipayung 01 selama masa pandemi covid 19 ini berperan dalam   membangkitkan motivasi belajar anak sangat perlu dilakukan. Hal ini dikarenakan motivasi dari orang yang membuat anak menjadi lebih percaya diri dan berpretasi dalam masa pembelajaran daring ini dengan cara menerapkan pola komunikasi  demokrative (Demokratis) dimana segala sesuatu aktivitas anak di rumah mereka  selalu terbuka dan mereka mempunyai aturan – aturan yang disepakati bersama oleh anak. Hasil analisis peneliti mengenai teori interaksi simbolik yang dapat   mendefinisikan pikiran (mind), diri (self), dan masyarakat (society) tepat untuk  membahas secara mendalam.Kata Kunci : Covid-19, Komunikasi Interpersonal, Pembelajaran Daring
Pengaruh Tayangan Youtube “Video Eksperimen : Keliling Jakarta Mengukur Polusi Udara” tehadap Minat Penggunaan Transportasi Umum Prasetyo Adinugroho; Layung Paramesti Martha
Media Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Wahana Vol 26, No 1 (2020): Volume 26 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (884.217 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/wahana.v26i1.2100


ABSTRAKSaat ini, negara Indonesia sudah mempunyai beragam transportasi umum guna mendukung kegiatan warganya. Transportasi yang sudah ada di Indonesia seperti Commuterline, Light Rail Transit atau biasa disingkat (LRT), Mass Rapid Transit atau biasa disebut MRT, Bus AC Transportasi Daerah, serta transportasi daring (online berupa,  motor online, mobil online).DKI Jakarta berada di posisi keenam sebagai kota dengan kualitas udara terburuk di dunia, Jumat (13/9/2019) pagi, setelah di posisi ketiga. Berdasarkan pantauan dari laman dari pukul 05.46 WIB posisi Indonesia turun ke urutan kelima dengan catatan angka 148 berdasarkan AQI atau indeks kualitas udara dengan status udara tidak sehat.Video dalam akun youtube adalah hal yang menarik untuk dikaji dan diteliti. Karena dengan pembuatan video yang menarik, semua orang akan peduli ataupun mengikuti apa yang kita inginkan dalam makna video tersebut. Penyampaian informasi ini erat hubungannya dengan meningkatnya kesadaran akan manfaat yang dapat dipetik dari ketepatan penyampaian informasi pada masyarakat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh tayangan youtube “Video Eksperimen : Keliling Jakarta Mengukur Polusi Udara” tehadap minat penggunaan transportasi umum. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Menurut Hasan (2002:21), “metode penelitian adalah cara atau jalan yang ditempuh sehubungan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan, yang memiliki langkah – langkah yang sistematis”. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pengolahan, maka dapat diambil beberapa simpulan sebagai berikut :Dari hasil analisis regresi terdapat nilai t sebesar 7,498 dan t tabel sebesar 1,984. Maka t hitung t tabel (7,498 1,984) dengan level signifikansi 0,000 0,05, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara tayangan youtube “Video Eksperimen : Keliling Jakarta Mengukur Polusi Udara” terhadap minat penggunaan transportasi umum di RW 02 Kelurahan Jati, Jakarta.Dari hasil analisis regresi, terdapat nilai R square sebesar 0,608 ini berarti bahwa pengaruh tayangan youtube “Video Eksperimen : Keliling Jakarta Mengukur Polusi Udara” tehadap minat penggunaan transportasi umum adalah sebesar 60,8 % dan 39,2 % minat penggunaan transportasi umum dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti oleh penulis, seperti  kekurangnyamanan, kejahatan, dll. Kata Kunci : Youtube, Video Eksperimen, dan Transportasi Umum. ABSTRACT In Indonesia already has a variety of public transportation to support the activities of its citizens. Existing transportation in Indonesia such as Commuterline, Light Rail Transit or commonly abbreviated (LRT), Mass Rapid Transit or commonly called MRT, AC Bus Regional Transportation, and online transportation (in the form of online motorbikes, online cars).DKI Jakarta is in sixth position as the city with the worst air quality in the world, Friday (9/13/2019) morning, after in third position. Based on observations from the website from 05.46 West Indonesia Time, Indonesia's position dropped to fifth with a record number 148 based on the AQI or air quality index with unhealthy air status.Videos in YouTube accounts are interesting things to study and research. Because by making an interesting video, everyone will care or follow what we want in the meaning of the video. Submission of this information is closely related to increasing awareness of the benefits that can be drawn from the accuracy of the delivery of information to the public.This study aims to determine how much influence YouTube shows "Video Experiments: Around Jakarta Measuring Air Pollution" against the interest in using public transportation. In this study, the authors used quantitative research methods. According to Hasan (2002: 21), "the research method is the way or path taken in connection with the research conducted, which has systematic steps". Based on the results of research and processing, the following conclusions can be drawn:The results of the regression analysis there is at value of 7.498 and t table of 1.984. Then t arithmetic t table (7,498 1,984) with a significance level of 0,000 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a significant influence between YouTube shows "Experiment Video: Around Jakarta Measuring Air Pollution" on the interest in using transportation general at RW 02 Kelurahan Jati, Jakarta.The results of the regression analysis, there is an R square value of 0.608 which means that the influence of YouTube shows "Video Experiments: Around Jakarta Measuring Air Pollution" towards the interest in using public transportation is 60.8% and 39.2% interest in using public transportation is influenced by factors others that are not examined by the author, such as inconvenience, crime, etc. KEYWORDS: Public Transportation, Video Experiments, Youtube
HUBUNGAN PENGGUNAAN SUMBER INFORMASI KAMPANYE DAN PARTISIPASI POLITIK (Relationship between the Campaign Source of Information Use and Political Participation) (STUDI KASUS PILPRES 2014 DI KECAMATAN CIBINONG BOGOR) (Case Study Indonesian Presidental Election 2014 at Sub-District of Cibinong Bogor) Layung Paramesti Martha; Amiruddin Saleh; Parlaungan Adil Rangkuti
Media Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Wahana Vol 1, No 12 (2016): Volume 1 No 12., Ganjil, Tahun Akademik 2016/2017
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (572.101 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/wahana.v1i12.660


AbstractIndonesian presidential election campaigns had been held by the candidates and the campaign team respectively from June, 4th-July, 5th 2014. This study was aimed to know the extent of utilization of communication channels both mass media and social media (new media) as source of information, compared with interpersonal communication channel, and how the level of utilization of the information sources by voters during the political campaign influenced the level of political participation in Cibinong. This study had been conducted in September-Oktober 2014 at Sub-District of Cibinong, Bogor Regency. A number of 200 people were chosen as respondents by using purposive sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed with Spearmans Rank correlation test. Results showed that political participation in the engagement of campaigns as well as the surveillance were poor, while the participation in voting was quite good. In the variable of demographic characteristics, a negative significant correlation was found between political affiliation and the campaign engagement and so between the birthplace and voting engagement. On the contrary, the variable of age, income, and education had no correlation with all dimensions of the campaigns engagement. All dimensions of demographic characteristics including sex, birthplace, and environment had a significant negative correlation with political participation. The indicator of sex and birthplace had a significant negative correlation with the amount of source of information use. The in dicator of birthplace also had a significant negative correlation with the frequent of accessing campaign sources of information. The utilization of campaign sources of information had a significant positive correlation with political participation in the dimension of the engagement in the campaign, voting, and surveillance for the election .Keywords: Political participation, source of information use, political campaign
Media Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Wahana Vol 25, No 2 (2019): Volume 25 Nomor 2 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.188 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/wahana.v25i2.1599


AbstractDigital startup companies are new companies in the field of technology that are being developed. Digital startup companies use technology to innovate, evolve and adapt. PT Badr is one of Indonesia's local digital startup companies located in Depok, which was founded on May 15, 2011. Along with its development, the number of digital startup companies that have arise in Indonesia made PT Badr have competitors who have their own uniqueness so that Badr was required to build The company's Brand Image to the public. The majority of Indonesian people adhere to the religion of Islam, so that with the start-up digital start-up companies such as PT Badr will have selling values and characteristics that are different from other companies and be glimpsed by the public. Researchers are interested in doing this research because Badr is a digital startup company that has a unique concept and carries out preaching as an important activity in the religious life of Muslims. Formation of PT Badr's Brand Image using 3 methods, namely, Feature-based, User-imagenary and advertising. Feature-based that is done by PT Badr that is bonding with consumers so consumers, User-Imagenary conducted by PT Badr is a characteristic of PT Badr's service users that is Muslim and that becomes the value of PT Badr in the eyes of consumers, then the advertisements used by PT Badr only use media social advertising in the form of infographics and posters that have Islamic values that can be the main differentiator of PT Badr.Keyword: Digital startup companies, brand image, preaching.
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Volume 5 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.838 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/jpsik.v5i1.3290


This study aims to describe how the communication management carried out by DISKOMINFOSTANDI in an effort to improve service quality through the Si Badra Application program. This  research  is  a  used  of  descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the communication management process carried out consisted of four stages, namely the analysis, planning, implementation, and control stages. In this stage DISKOMINFOSTANDI was less prepared in the implementation process, namely the training carried out. But it is very good in the other processes.
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Volume 5 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.167 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/jpsik.v5i1.3286


This research is aimed to identify the effects of the intensity of watching the programs of iLook NET TV show on youth behavior in clothing. The purpose of this study is to find out how the intensity of watching the programs iLook shows teenagers in their attire in the school of SMK Negeri 3 Kota Bogor. This research uses X variables in watching intensity and Y variables in behavior. This study is using quantitative methods. The population of this research is sophomores XII SMK Negeri 3 Kota Bogor. This study included 92 people. The data collection techniques used in this study were mainly from questionnaires and observations. The technique used non probability sampling. The research agrees with thehypotheses on sthe study, it states that there is a influence between the intensity of the watch on teenagers behavior. Based on a test of relationship strength of 0,381, it can be said that the intensity of the relationship is judged to be very strong and comes out that the intensity of watching the iLook program has an influence on teenagers behavior by 0,145 while the rest (100% - 14,5% ) is 85,5 rated by another factor.
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jpsik.v6i1.5315


This study aims to analyse how the communication strategy is applied in socializing the Child Identity Card program. The study was conducted at the Population and Civil Registry Office of Bogor Regency and Cibinong District Region. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive study using two concepts, namely the communication strategy concept of R. Wayne, et al in Effendy and communication strategy barriers Ruslan. The results of this study note that the communication strategy step adopted pays attention to all components in communication. Even so, the results of the study showed that the socialization of the Children’s Identity Card program was still included in the Dukcapil program of the Indonesian Movement to be Aware of Population Administration so that for the child’s own identity card program currently the emphasis was on online media and the service went directly to the community. The process of achieving a communication strategy can be said to be good even though it is still not evenly distributed as a whole in the district of Bogor because there are still people who do not know the socialization carried out and are aware of the importance of the Child Identity Card program.
PENGARUH KESADARAN MEREK TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN DALAM PENGGUNAAN E-COMMERCE TRAVELOKA (Kasus Di Kelurahan Baranangsiang Bogor Timur) Fahmi Indra Wajdi; Layung Paramesti Martha; Intan Tri Kusumaningtias
Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (359.868 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/jpsik.v4i2.2513


The aims of this study are determine the level of awareness of the Kelurahaan Baranangsiang community brand and to find out how the level of brand awareness influences the community purchasing decisions of Baranangsing Village towards Traveloka E-commerce. The method used in this study was descriptive quantitative using survey research. This research was conducted in Kelurahaan Baranangsiang, East Bogor District, Bogor City with a total of 100 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study is a non probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling method. Quantitative data is presented in the form of a frequency table. Statistical tests were carried out with the help of the SPSS version 25.0 program. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the level of brand awareness of the Baranangsiang Kelurahan community was dominated by people with brand awareness at the brand recognition level. It can be concluded that brand awareness has an influence but the influence given is not too significant. But at the peak level of mind towards the level of awareness of the Traveloka brand weakening, which shows that the peak of one's mind can change along with the development of E-commerce that exists today.  Keywords: E-Commerce, Traveloka, Brand Awareness Level, Purchasing Decision.