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Kekuatan Tarik Sambungan Paku keling tunggal pada Komposit Polypropylene Hibrida Laminasi Serat Goni/Gelas I.D.G Ary Subagia; A.H. Yuwono; I.G.A.K.C Adhi
Dinamika Teknik Mesin: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Terapan Teknik Mesin Vol 9, No 2 (2019): Dinamika Teknik Mesin
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (546.304 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/dtm.v9i2.284


This research is to investigate the tensile strength of hybrid composite with lamination of goni and glass fiber reinforced on single rivet joint. Four variant of gony and glass fiber lamination on single lap-joint by rivet were manufactured and the gony fiber reinforced polypropylene composite [g5] and glass fiber reinforced polypropylene composite [G5] also produced for control. The specimen was fabricated through hot-press on the temperature of 200 oC as long as 60 min. The strength of the rivet joint has been tested on tension machine with load 5000 (N) and crosshead speeds is 1 mm/min. The research purpose is to investigate the tension strength of riveted single lap-joint on hybrid composites based on the fibers laminate variation. The tension test result of each variation of hybrid composites shown as follow; The average value of tension strength of hybrid composite (H1) shows the high value is 10,179 MPa with elastic of modulus is 3,867 (MPa). Meanwhile, the average value of hybrid composite H2, H3, and H4 have tension strength relative similar i.e; 7,88 (MPa), 7,792 (MPa), and 7,84 (MPa) that positioned between the composites [G5] and [g5]. The laminate stacking of fibers is influencing of the strength and elastic of modulus of hybrid composites.
Pemodelan Simulasi Berbasis Fuzzy Controller Terhadap Perilaku Yaw Rate dengan Pengendalian Sudut Steer Roda Belakang (4WS) Wajan Berata; I D.G Ary Subagia
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol. 6 No. 2 (2004): OCTOBER 2004
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

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Four Wheels Steering System drives (4ws) are increase ones quality of chassis system as propose improve the handling quality and increase the safety, comfortable, and stability control at the highest of vehicle speed. At the time of vehicle move yaw-rate will arise out because caused by tire characteristic and it is give effect to loss of handling quality and stability of vehicle. As control the effort of vehicle performance cause by yaw-rate effect on chassis system that it is use turn the rear wheel of vehicle, which capable to make an opposite direction or same direction with front wheel steering. The controlling of rear wheel turn on 4WS system is used side-slip control method and DC motor of position angle actuator so real yaw-rate will always neutral position of yaw. In this research is applicative the simulation modeling that conducted by utilize the fuzzy controller from Mat-Lab 6.5. As the result of the modeling simulation turn direction rear wheel give a most advance and effect to vehicle in handling the stability and yaw rate effort, so vehicle always stable when turn effort. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Sistem kemudi 4WS (Four Wheel Steering System) adalah pengembangan dari sistem chassis dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengendalian dan peningkatan keamanan, kenyamanan, dan stabilitas kendaraan dengan meningkatnya kecepatan kendaran. Yaw-rate yang timbul pada saat kendaraan bergerak karena perilaku dari karakteristik ban memberikan pengaruh yang sangat besar terhadap hilangnya kualitas pengendalian dan kestabilan kendaraan. Sebagai upaya pengendalian dari perilaku yang terjadi pada kendaraan akibat yaw-rate pada sistem chassis diberikan pengendalian berupa gerakan roda belakang yang mampu bergerak belok berlawanan ataupun searah dengan gerak belok roda depan dengan mempergunakan metode pengendalian sudut side-slip dan menerapkan actuator penggerak motor DC sehingga kendali sudut yaw yang terjadi dapat selalu dikontrol agar mendekati yaw-rate netral dari kendaraan. Aplikasi metode tersebut dilakukan dengan pemodelan simulasi mempergunakan fuzzy controller dari Mat-Lab 6.5. Sebagai hasil dari pemodelan simulasi didapatkan bahwa dengan memberikan sudut belok pada roda belakang memberikan pengaruh yang cukup signifikan dalam mengendalikan perilaku yaw-rate yang terjadi sehingga diperoleh kestabilan kendaraan yang baik. Kata kunci: stabilitas kendaraan, sudut belok roda depan, sudut belok roda belakang, fuzzy logic, yawing.
Integrasi Parameter Traksi dalam Pengendalian Perilaku Yawing Multi Steering Sistim I.D.G Ary Subagia
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Vol. 10 No. 1 (2008): APRIL 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

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Steering system is a direction component of vehicle. Steering system has to turn guide wheel and it is also have good handling and stability direction. In the last was developing a multi steering mechanism. The purposed of multi steering develop is control yawing rate when vehicle turn direction. The largest yawing rate is influences over steer, under steer, and confusing phenomenon that made accident. To develop multi steering performance do by traction control using the slip angle balance method and static margin method that use simulation model using Mat-lab soft wear. The conclusion the integration multi steering with traction control are more effective for handling direction of vehicle in low and high speed, because it may drop yawing response in turn direction. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Sistem kemudi adalah komponen pengarah terhadap gerak kendaran. Kemudi harus mampu membelokkan roda pengarah dan memiliki kemudahan pengendalian serta stabilitas arah. Akhir akhir ini telah dikembangkan suatu mekanisme kemudi dengan sistem multi steering. Tujuan pengembangan multi steering adalah mengontrol perilaku yawing yang timbul saat kendaraan berbelok. Perilaku yawing yang besar mengakibatkan terjadinya oversteer, undesteer dan gerak membingungkan yang dapat mengakibatkan kecelakaan. Dalam peningkatan unjuk kerja system multi steering dilakukan dengan pengontrolan traksi, menggunakan metode sudut slip berimbang dan static margin yang dimodelkan melalui simulasi menggunakan perangkat lunak matlab. Hasil yang dicapai adalah integrasi traksi dengan sistim multi steering sangat effektif dalam mengendalikan perilaku arah gerak kendaraan baik pada kecepatan tinggi maupun rendah karena mampu memperkecil yawing respon yang terjadi pada kendaraan saat berbelok. Kata kunci: Multi steering, yawing, traksi
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 16 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

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Salah satunya industri kecil pembuatan krupuk cacing ”Ibu Endang”yang dikelola oleh Ibu Endang berlokasi di desa Tuwed, kecamatan Melaya Kabupaten Jembrana-Bali. Walaupun Industri kecil ini relatif lama tapi peralatan yang dipakai masih sangat sederhana sehingga pada keadaan sekarang ini keuntungan sangat tipis, dikarenakan tidak dapat meningkatnya hasil produksi yang disebabkan keterbatasan peralatan produksinya. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, serta dalam upaya untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada, maka tujuan dan luaran dari kegiatan yang dirancang adalah :1)Menghasilkan mesin penekan adonan krupuk semiotomatis yang dapat menghasilkan produk krupuk dengan kinerja alat dapat dioperasikan dengan hasil yang lebih banyak dan lebih baik dibanding dengan penggunaan alat/cara konvensional. 2)Meningkatkan ketrampilan tenaga kerja dari pengusaha krupuk dalam mengoperasikan peralatan mesin penekan/pemotong semiotomatis dalam rangka meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas, sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan. 3)Pemberian pengetahuan tentang manajemen, keselamatan kerja dan pengendalian kualitas produk dalam kaitannya dengan penerapan mesin penekan/pemotong adonan krupuk ini. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan di mitra industri kecil Ibu Endang, Desa Tuwed, Kec. Melaya-Jembrana yang dimulai dengan peragaan alat serta pengenalan keselamatan kerja. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan tanggal 25 September 2016. Mesin pengepres adonan krupuk semi otomatis yang dapat membantu pengusaha krupuk dalam meningkatkan hasil produksi, dimana dari hasil percobaan tersebut terdapat peningkatan produksi pada bagian pengepresan hampir 4 kali lipat. Pelatihan ini dapat meningkatkan ketrampilan tenaga kerja dalam memproduksi khususnya pada bagian pengepresan.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 15 No 2 (2016): Jurnal Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

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The Negara city is an area that has already quite crowded, shown by the availability of many facilities, sosmall industrial/business group are emerging, one of which is an industry or group of enterprises manufactureof cassava chips "Niki Suka". Meanwhile, in the eastern region of of Bali island, there are UD. Gurih Sari, isa small industry that produces cassava chips as well . Production of chips is still utilizing local resourcesandproduced conventionally. UD Gurih Sari and Suka Niki Suka business groups, both have a similarproblem that is related to productivity, caused by small capacity and conventional of cassava cutlery/slicer, aswell as low educational background of human resources (HR). The aims of the activity is to generate cassavaslicing/cutting machine. Solutions or methods offered in this program is to replace the equipment or theconventional way with a cassava mower/slicer. Technical planning activities of our team was using someinput from business groups partner. The next activity in introducing the good management "of the company "that was dealed and desired by the partner. Then continued by the introcudtion of work safety. The firstcommunity service activities held on August 22, 2015 at Niki Suka women business group, located in thevillage Cupel, Negara, Jembrana District, Bali. The activities began with a demo making cassava chipsconventionally by Niki Suka women business group, continued by introducing and demonstrating themachine that we made. This training can improve the skills of the workforce in producing cassava chips.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 17 No 1 (2018): Buletin Udayana Mengabdi
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.033 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/BUM.2018.v17.i01.p24


The themes of the KKN-PPM program in Baluk village are: Empowerment and Improvement ofcommunity participation in the management of the potential of science and technology-basedvillages to Mandiri villages through programs such as: public health programs: householdsanitation counseling and counseling of clean and healthy lifestyle in children. school children.Environmental program: reforestation activities in the area along the village road. Increasedproductivity of community / business groups in the production of soy milk through the introductionand application of blender machine technology. Cost-efficiency with the introduction and application of biogas / biogas portable biogas technology with the use of cow dung for a day-to-dayenergy source. Increased public participation in all KKN-PPM activities. Increased communityself-reliance in continuing every program that has been accompanied during KKN-PPM activities.Method of implementation of activities is divided into three stages. The first stage is preparationand briefing, second phase of implementation of activities in the field, and third stage evaluationand monitoring for correction and refinement of program sustainability. Preparatory phase beginswith field supervisors and students with the village apparatus and community leaders to determinethe priority scale of activities based on the conditions and potentials that exist in the community,this activity was held on July 20, 2017. The implementation of activities carried out withcounseling and practice in the field , as well as mentoring by students participating KKN during thefield. The dedication activity is held for one month starting from July 22, 2017 until August 27,2017. While the third stage is the evaluation and monitoring conducted by the team of fieldsupervisors and coordinators of KKN to see the impact and sustainability of programs that havebeen implemented.
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 9 No 1 (2010): Volume 9 No.1 – April 2010
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

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ABSTRAC Peguyangan Kangin village has rice land about 77.65% of the total area of the village, and 37.33% of the population in the village has a daily job as farmers and laborers of farms.Most of the farmers and rural laborers in Peguyangan Kangin has joined 3 subak organisations. One of the Subaks is the second subak Peguyangan Kangin having Koperasi Serba Usaha. Types of the cooperation operation are such as savings and loan units, units of livestock, fisheri existes units, and units of service. Based on profile data Peguyangan Kangin village in 2008, control of economic assets was handled by the public in the form of assets and agricultural machinery industry . There are only 2 engines and 3 rice mills tractor operates in this village, and they belong to personal property ownership status. if the ratio is calculated using the average means the rice milling machine 1 serving approximately 151.9 hectares of rice fields. It means facilities of agricultural machinery is still unadequate and the distance from the fields to place far enough away so that the mill needs transport that eventually lead to the transportation costs burdening farmers. Through the program ‘vucer team’ that has been successfully designing and building cars slep 3 in 1 whereas the car is equipped with a diesel engine dafa 24 pk brand that serves to move the 3 engines at once; slep machines, polishing machines, and machine rice thresher. From the results of experiments or demonstrations using cars slep 3 in 1 is obtained very satisfactory results, which in this 1-hour car can get as much slep dried grain with 125 kg of very clean rice yields.
Rancang bangun sistem penangkap sampah Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) berbasis integrasi screw conveyor dan sistem pemantauan menggunakan Internet of Things (IoT) Putu Brahmanda Sudarsana; I Made Putra Arya Winata; I D. G. Ary Subagia
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 14 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JEM.2021.v14.i01.p01


Waste material flowing in rivers creates several problems in various aspects, especially in environmental aspects. One of the waste-capturing mechanisms which is widely applied is the trash rack. However, studies show that trash racks have the potential to block river flow which increases the risk of flooding. This study proposes a screw conveyor-based waste capturing mechanism with a modification of the blade’s design resembling a trash rack and integrated with monitoring system using the internet of things. The research was conducted through three methods of virtual prototyping, the CAD (Computer-Aided Design) design method through calculation of machine elements and 3-dimensional design process using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2018 software, the design analysis method which includes computational fluid dynamics analysis and three-dimensional stress analysis using ANSYS software, as well as methods for designing and testing monitoring systems using the open-source NodeMCU board and Google Firebase real-time database. The result obtained from this research are the design and specifications of screw conveyor components, v-belt transmission systems, ball contact bearings, and electric motors with a waste-capturing capacity of 0.368 m3/s. The results of the design validation show that the velocity of water flowing through the design geometry is not significantly reduced and the design is able to withstand a combination of self-load and pressure loads due to water flow. The monitoring website has been able to display real-time sensor-acquired data.
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 2, No.2 Desember 2007
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Frontal direction crash has become most serious cause in traffic accident. Based on the fact, this reaserch focused on the passenger movement in a frontal crash. The research was aimed to predict the direction of passenger movement and the benefit of using the seatbelt to decelerate the passenger movement in a frontal crash. The research was conducted by computer simulation by using Delphi 7. The inputs were vehicle velocity (80 km/h), mass of passenger (75 kg), and mass of vehicle (2000 kg). The results showed that in a frontal crash the deceleration of the passenger was smaller than that of the vehicle. The result of simulation showed that the force on passenger was 1.8352 N. If seatbelt tightness 1 N/cm2 was applied, the force on passenger decreased 468.56 N. In this case, the passenger still had relative velocity to the vehicle vrf = 1.75728 m/s and the force on passenger was 249.46 N. The seatbelt had important function to decelerate the passenger movement to the same deceleration of the vehicle during the frontal crash.
Karakteristik Traksi Sepeda Motor dengan Continuose Variable Transmission System I Ketut Adi Atmika; I Dewa Gede Ary Subagia
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 8 No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Inovasi teknologi otomotif khususnya sepeda motor terus dikembangkan untuk mendapatkankestabilan dan kenyamanan dalam pengendalian. Saat ini produsen sepeda motor telahmemproduksi kendaraan yang memakai sistem transmisi otomatik. Transmisi otomatikmerupakan sistem transmisi yang hanya membutuhkan pengendalian kecepatan danpengendalian pengereman. Dari konsep tersebut telah dikembangkan sistem transmisiotomatik secara variabel yang disebut dengan Continously Variable Transmission (CVT)sistem. CVT pada sepeda motor menggunakan speed governor yang mengatur kedudukanatau diameter puli primer untuk merubah ratio transmisi sesuai dengan putaran mesin.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berat roller sentrifugal yang terdapat dalamspeed governor terhadap kinerja traksi. Kinerja traksi dianalisa dengan melakukan pemodelanmatematik dengan kendaraan model sepeda motor Nouvo 115 cc, 4 tak. Sebagai parameterinput pada perhitungan meliputi : kecepatan (V = 0-30 km / jam, V = 40-70 km / jam, dan V =80-90 km / jam), torsi mesin, berat roller sentrifugal, dinamika kendaraan (gaya berat, gayahambat, dsb). Untuk dapat menjawab permasalahan yang timbul dilakukan penelitian denganmempergunakan metode simulasi yang dibandingkan dengan pengujian di jalan lurus datar.Dari hasil simulasi dan eksprimen dilapangan didapat : untuk berat roller sentrifugal 8 gr kinerjatraksi terbesar terjadi pada kecepatan rendah sehingga akselerasi pada kecepatan rendahpaling cepat dibandingkan dengan roller sentrifugal 10,2 (standar) atau 12 gr. Sedangkandengan berat roller sentrifugal 12 gr akan didapat kinerja traksi terbesar pada kecepatan tinggisehingga kendaraan akan mudah dipercepat pada kecepatan tinggi tersebut, dan untuk rollersentrifugal 10,2 gr (standar) memiliki kinerja traksi diantara roller sentrifugal 8 gr dan 12 gr.Kata kunci: CVT Sistem, Sepeda motor, Kinerja traksi, Simulasi, Roller Sentrifugal, Speed GovernorThe automotive technology especially motorcycle has been innovated to improve the handlingstability and comfortably. The developing of motorcycle technology has applied automatictransmission system.The automatic transmission has systems which need accelerationhandling and break control. From this concept has been done to develop automatictransmission system according to variable which said Continuously Variable Transmission(CVT) system.The purpose of this experiment is to know effect weight of roller centrifugal inspeed governor to traction performance. The analysis traction performance executedmatchematic model with motorcycle Nouvo, 115 cc 4 strokes as vehicle model. Parameter inputof this calculation include : vehicle speed (V = 0-30 km/h, V = 40-70 km/h, dan V = 80-90km/h), engine torque, and vehicle dynamic model behavior. For get the answer, the exprimentexecuted with simulation mode and then appealed with expriment on straightaway level.The obtained result on simulation and expriment : for roller centrifugal with 8 gr weight will gavethe maximum traction performance on low speed until the acceleration on low speed is fasterthan the roller centrifugal 10.2 gr or 12 gr. However the roller centrifugal with 12 gr weight willgave the highest traction performance on the high speed until the vehicle easy to faster in highspeed, and for roller centrifugal 10.2 gr weight (standard) have traction performance betweenroller centrifugal 8 gr and 12 gr..Keywords: CVT System, Motorcycle, Traction Performance, Simulation, Roller Sentrifugal,Speed Governor