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Implementasi metode bermain peran untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Barunawati Saleh, Sumanti M.; Sugito, Sugito
JPPM (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat) Vol 2, No 1 (2015): March 2015
Publisher : Departement of Nonformal Education, Graduate Scholl of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (313.91 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jppm.v2i1.4845


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Barunawati Kota Ternate dan seberapa besar peningkatan kecerdasan inter-personal anak usia 5-6 tahun dengan menggunakan metode bermain peran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam II siklus. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah anak didik kelompok B di TK Barunawati Kota Ternate yang berjumlah 25 orang. Kolabolator dalam penelitian adalah guru kelas B, sebagai pelaksana tindakan, peneliti sebagai observer dan guru pendamping sebagai pembantu observer. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, catatan lapangan dan dokumentasi. Observasi meliputi proses pembelajaran sosial emosional dan kecerdasan interpersonal anak. Catatan lapangan digunakan untuk melihat permasalahan yang dihadapi selama pembelajaran. Dokumentasi digunakan untuk memperoleh data yang berbentuk foto. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif sederhana. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kecerdasan interpersonal anak usia dini dapat ditingkatkan melalui metode bermain peran. Peningkatan tersebut sebesar 76%.Kata Kunci: metode bermain peran (role playing), kecerdasan interpersonal, anak usia dini. The Implementation of Role Playing Method to Improve Interpersonal Intelligence of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Kindergarten Barunawati AbstractThe study aims to increase interpersonal intelligence of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Barunawati Ternate City and how much the increase in interpersonal intelligence of children aged 5-6 years using role playing methods. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles. The subjects in this study are students in kindergarten group B Barunawati Ternate City amounting to 25 people. The collaborators in this research were the B-grade teachers acting as the executor, while the researcher was an observer and as a teacher assistant in the observation. The data were collected through observation, notes field and documentation. Observations included the process of learning social emotional and childrens interpersonal intelligence. Field notes were used to see the problems faced during the learning. Documentation used to obtain data in the form of photos. The data analysis techniques used simple descriptive statistics. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of this study shows that early childhood interpersonal intelligence can be improved through the role playing methods. The increase in the amout of 76%.Keywords: role playing method, interpersonal intelligence, early childhood
EDUKASIA Vol 13, No 2 (2018): EDUKASIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/edukasia.v13i2.2968


SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo adalah salah satu sekolah berbasis Islam dan juga merupakan sekolah inklusif di Kecamatan Karangmojo, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Studi ini bertujuan untuk  mengungkap : 1) Dinamika  pendidikan inklusif SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo,  2) interaksi sosial para siswa SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo , dan 3) Kerjasama sekolah, orangtua dan masyarakat dalam pengembangan pendidikan  inklusif di SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo. Penelitian ini adalah jenis kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: pendidikan inklusif di SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo secara formal dimulai saat sekolah ini dijadikan salah satu sekolah untuk uji coba terbatas pendidikan terpadu oleh Puslitjak Balitbang, Depdiknas pada akhir tahun 90-an bersama 6 sekolah lain di gugus SDN Karangmojo III, Kecamatan Karangmojo, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Secara umum, sudah ada upaya dari sekolah agar tercipta  interaksi sosial yang baik antara siswa reguler dan siswa berkebutuhan khusus, namun kadang masih muncul praktik “eksklusif” dari siswa reguler terhadap siswa berkebutuhan khusus,  dan terjalin Kerjasama sekolah-orang tua-masyarakat yang membantu pengembangan pendidikan inklusif di sekolah misalnya dalam bentuk komunikasi dan sosialisas, komite bersama, dan kegiatan keagamaan bersama
Creating Inclusive Culture of Elementary Schools Budiarti, Nugraheni Dwi; Sugito, Sugito
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun Vol 6 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
Publisher : SCAD Independent

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1030.198 KB) | DOI: 10.26811/peuradeun.v6i2.237


Karangmojo Sub-District, Gunungkidul Regency Is One Of The Minus Areas In Various Aspects Of Life With The Highest Number Of Persons With Disabilities In The Special Region Of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In This Area, The Forerunner Of Inclusive Education In Indonesia Was Born. The Purpose Of This Study Was To Reveal: A) Attitudes Of Teachers Toward Students With Special Needs As A Reflection Of The School's Inclusive Culture, B) Role Of Principals In Creating School Inclusive Culture, And C) School, Parent, And Community Partnership In Promoting Inclusive Culture. Data Collection Techniques Were Interviews, Observation, And Documentation. The Findings Showed That In General The Regular Teacher Showed A Positive Attitude To The Students With Special Needs In The Social Interaction, But Negative Attitudes Could Appear During Classroom Teaching Practices Involving The Presence Of Students With Special Needs. In General, The Support And Ability Of School Principals In Embracing All Parties In The Implementation Of Inclusive Education In Schools Helped To Support Creating Inclusive Culture In Schools. School, Parents, And Community Partnership Also Supported Creating An Inclusive Culture In Schools, But Were Often Constrained By The Social And Economic Conditions Of The Surrounding Community.
Islamic elementary school quality improvement in capital theory perspective Baharudin Baharudin; Yoyon Suryono; Sugito Sugito; Habibi Habibi; Ida Fiteriani
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 11, No 2: June 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v11i2.22255


Improving the quality of Islamic schools in the midst of advances in industrial technology 4.0 is an obligation in education world. This research aimed to explore comprehensive information in order to describe the trends and Islamic elementary schools’ strategies in making changes through capital theory approach for quality improvement in a new perspective in the globalization era. The capital theories aspects are: intellectual, social, spiritual, and financial as an analytical framework to find out how schools are transformed. Three Islamic elementary schools with type of A, B and C criteria have been involved. A qualitative approach has been used and the findings are described according to Milles and Haberman's clausal network model. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The research found that the strategy used by each Islamic elementary school in improving quality were different and strongly influenced by the leader in developing and utilizing the capital existence according to the situation. It can be seen that there is a dominance of one capital aspect that is used to facilitate the other. This presentation is based on the perspective of capital theory in the Indonesian context. In the future, it can be used as a basis for conducting further research in carrying out school transformation more broadly.
EDUKASIA Vol 13, No 2 (2018): EDUKASIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/edukasia.v13i2.2968


SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo adalah salah satu sekolah berbasis Islam dan juga merupakan sekolah inklusif di Kecamatan Karangmojo, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Studi ini bertujuan untuk  mengungkap : 1) Dinamika  pendidikan inklusif SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo,  2) interaksi sosial para siswa SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo , dan 3) Kerjasama sekolah, orangtua dan masyarakat dalam pengembangan pendidikan  inklusif di SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo. Penelitian ini adalah jenis kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: pendidikan inklusif di SD Muhammadiyah Sumberejo secara formal dimulai saat sekolah ini dijadikan salah satu sekolah untuk uji coba terbatas pendidikan terpadu oleh Puslitjak Balitbang, Depdiknas pada akhir tahun 90-an bersama 6 sekolah lain di gugus SDN Karangmojo III, Kecamatan Karangmojo, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Secara umum, sudah ada upaya dari sekolah agar tercipta  interaksi sosial yang baik antara siswa reguler dan siswa berkebutuhan khusus, namun kadang masih muncul praktik “eksklusif” dari siswa reguler terhadap siswa berkebutuhan khusus,  dan terjalin Kerjasama sekolah-orang tua-masyarakat yang membantu pengembangan pendidikan inklusif di sekolah misalnya dalam bentuk komunikasi dan sosialisas, komite bersama, dan kegiatan keagamaan bersama
Experiential-based training to improve literacy skills of traditional game for tourism workers Entoh Tohani; Sugito Sugito
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Vol 10, No 1 (2020): February
Publisher : ADGVI & Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpv.v10i1.28193


This research aims to develop the literacy skills on the traditional game for tourism village workers through experiential-based training. Traditional game literacy is attitudes, knowledge, and skills in managing traditional games to make it more meaningful for life, sustainable, and keep people away from negative social changes. This research is participatory action research and conducted on 25 workers located in the Yogyakarta batik tourism village. Data collected and analyzed by using qualitative methods. The research results showed that the action of skill development able to the target group realized the importance of traditional game literacy in the context of developing tourism services, having the ability to manage tourism services based on traditional games, and forming traditional game tourism management. Therefore, this skill development needs to be carried out continuously and meaningfully by optimizing the involvement of all parties involved in tourism development.
Evaluasi proses bimbingan skripsi mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta berdasar perspektif pembelajaran orang dewasa Sugito Sugito; Sunaryo Soenarto; Entoh Tohani
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 21, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (298.11 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/pep.v21i2.17150


Dalam menghadapi tantangan dan permasalahan abad kedua puluh satu ini, pendidikan tinggi memiliki peran yang sangat strategis. Mata kuliah Skripsi dapat berperan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan guna menghadapi tantangan dan masalah yang dihadapi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi proses pembimbingan skripsi dari perspektif teori pembelajaran orang dewasa, hambatan dan upaya yang dilakukan mahasiswa dan dosen dalam proses penulisan skripsi mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sebagai sampel adalah mahasiswa yang sudah menyelesaikan penulisan skripsi, dan dosen pembimbing. Keduanya diambil secara purposif. Jumlah responden adalah 190 orang mahasiswa dan 53 orang dosen. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket. Data yang diperoleh melalui angket dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) proses pembimbingan cenderung sudah menggunakan prinsip pembelajaran orang dewasa, yang lebih menekankan pada proses belajar mandiri; (2) hambatan yang dihadapi meliputi substansi dan metode penelitian, kemampuan bahasa asing, psikologis, dan kelengkapan sumber referensi; dan (3) upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan meliputi peningkatan motivasi diri, berusaha sendiri dan pemberian kesempataan dosen pada mahasiswa untuk menyampaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi. EVALUATION OF UNDERGRADUATE THESIS MENTORING PROCESS IN UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA BASED ON ADULT LEARNING PERSPECTIVEAbstractIn facing the twenty-first century’s challenges and problems, higher education plays a very strategic role. Undergraduate thesis can contribute in developing the ability to address the challenges and problems. This study aims at evaluating the process of mentoring through the lens of adult learning theory by looking at the students’ and lecturers’ obstacles and efforts in the process of thesis writing among college students. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach with a purposively selected sample of 190 students who have completed their thesis writing, and 53 supervisors. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed descriptively in percentages. The results show that: (1) the process of mentoring tends to have used the principle of adult learning with more emphasis on self-directed learning; (2) the encountered obstacles include research substance and methods, foreign language abilities, psychological factors, and reference sources; and (3) some activities done to overcome the obstacles include improving self-motivation, self-effort, and providing opportunities for the students to consult their problems to the lecturer.
VOCATIONAL AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS IN INDUSTRY 4.0 Sunaryo Soenarto; Sugito Sugito; Suyanta Suyanta; Siswantoyo Siswantoyo; Marwanti Marwanti
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan Vol 39, No 3 (2020): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOL. 39, NO. 3, OCTOBER 2020
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v39i3.32926


The teacher certification program has been implemented since 2007, yet the society has not optimally experienced the quality improvement of secondary education in Industry 4.0. This study aims to examine vocational and senior high school teacher professionalism in the age of Industry 4.0 in developing learning. This study employed the survey method with quantitative descriptive analysis. The sample of this study was taken from two provinces in Indonesia, namely Yogyakarta Special Region and West Borneo. The data were collected from 113 vocational and senior high school teachers using random purposive sampling. The instruments used in this research were open-ended and close-ended questionnaires. The results of this study show that there is still a low number of teachers with a Master’s degree; however, teachers participate in various capacity building training programs. Moreover, the most common training programs for the teachers are on classroom action research, scientific journal publications, curriculum development, and updating teaching materials. Furthermore, it is found that the number of journal articles published by vocational and senior high school teachers in the two provinces is still low, and as a result, bottleneck problems may occur in their career promotion. 
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 20, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/pep.v20i1.6952


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) memetakan Program PAUD fullday; (2) menghasilkan rekomendasi penyelenggaraan PAUD fullday. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei. Penentuan lembaga yang dijadikan sampel dilakukan secara acak sejumlah 23 lembaga se-DIY. Adapun hasil penelitiannya: 1) Standar pencapaian perkembangan anak sudah baik tetapi hasil capaian perkembangan baru hasil observasi dan penilaian kegiatan pagi sampai siang dan belum dilakukan terintegrasi dan holistik sepanjang hari; (2) rekomendasi dalam penyelenggaraan Program PAUD fullday adalah: (a) diperlukan kurikulum model pembelajaran yang holistik dalam arti menstimulasi seluruh aspek perkembangan anak dari pagi sampai sore; (b) diperlukan model penilaian yang integratif dari pagi sampai sore dari keseluruhan aktivitas anak, dan (c) pentingnya pemberdayaan orang tua dalam pembelajaran fullday dan lembaga telah melakukan pemberdayaan dengan baik.Kata kunci: PAUD fullday, kualitas layanan dan kelembagaan THE QUALITY MAPPING OF FULL DAY ECD FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF SERVICE AND INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAMS ECDAbstractThis research aims to: (1) mapping the full day early childhood program; (2) Recommendation implementation of full day early childhood education. The method used in this research is the survey. Determination institution randomized sample number 23 taken from the early childhood institutions throughout the District. The description of the implementation of full day early childhood are: 1 Achievement standard child development has been good but the results of the achievements of the new developments on the observation and assessment of activities in the morning until noon, has not carried out an integrated and holistic throughout the day. recommendations for the implementation of full day early childhood program; (a) required a holistic learning model in the sense of stimulating all aspects of child development from morning till evening; (b) assessment of the achievement of the child’s development has not been documented in a neat necessitating a thorough assessment model of the overall activity of the child; (c) the importance of empowering parents in a full day of learning , and institutions have to empower parents with the goodKeywords: full day early childhood , quality of service and institutional
Innovation Needs, Social Capital, and Learning Process of Batik Craftsmen Entoh Tohani; Sugito Sugito
Jurnal Economia Vol 15, No 1: April 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Institute for

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.699 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/economia.v15i1.22799


AbstractThis study aims to determine batik craftsmen‘s innovation needs and learning process in relation to ownership of social capital. This study is stimulated by an assumption explaining that batik craftsmen’s are able to fulfill their innovation needs through learning process by utilizing established social capital in the batik production context. This qualitative research was conducted on three batik craft SMEs in two sub-districts in Bantul Regency, the center of Yogyakarta's batik production. The research subjects were craftsmen, workers, batik organizers, and community leaders. Data collection is conducted through observation and in-depth interviews. Meanwhile the data were analyzed by using qualitative analysis techniques. The research result reveals that the SMEs of batik craftsmen have diverse innovation needs in expanding their business. Moreover, to fulfill their innovation needs, they also conducted both independent and cooperative learning by utilizing the existing social capital. Yet, the learning process has not been optimally conducted. Thus, empowerment efforts are necessary to develop learning skills by utilizing social capital to meet craftsmen’s innovation needs. Keywords: social capital, learning process, innovation, batik, needsKebutuhan Inovasi, Modal Sosial, dan Proses Belajar Perajin BatikAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan inovasi dan proses belajar para perajin batik dalam konteks kepemilikan modal sosial. Hal ini didasarkan pada pandangan bahwa kebutuhan inovasi dapat dipenuhi apabila para perajin dapat memanfaatkan modal sosial yang terbangun dalam konteks usaha produksi batik melalui proses belajar yang mungkin terjadi di dalamnya. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan terhadap tiga UKM perajin batik di dua kecamatan di Kabupaten Bantul sebagai sentra produksi batik Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian adalah para perajin, pekerja, pengurus paguyuban batik, dan tokoh masyarakat. Pengumpulan data dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam dan data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perajin batik memiliki kebutuhan inovasi yang beragam dalam mengembangkan usahanya dan melakukan proses belajar baik secara mandiri maupun kooperatif dengan memanfaatkan modal sosial sebagai hasil interaksi dengan lingkungannya guna memenuhi kebutuhan inovasinya walaupun belum optimal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan tindakan-tindakan pemberdayaan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan belajar dengan memanfaatkan modal sosial guna memenuhi kebutuhan inovasi perajin. Kata kunci: modal sosial, proses belajar, inovasi, batik, kebutuhan