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Jurnal Kependidikan Vol. 1, No. 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (76.389 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jk.v1i2.10195


EVALUASI DIRI STRATEGI BELAJAR MAHASISWAPROGRAM STUDI MAGISTER PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INDONESIAAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil evaluasi diri strategi belajar mahasiswa. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan melalui instrumen angket evaluasi diri dengan skala likert. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, sebelum perkuliahan, sebagian besar mahasiswa memperhatikan silabus, mencari referensi, dan melaksanakan tugas. Tetapi, sebagian besar mahasiswa jarang membaca referensi dan menyiapkan pertanyaan. Kedua, selama perkuliahan, semua mahasiswa memperhatikan, mendiskusikan, dan melaksanakan tugas perkuliahan. Tetapi, sebagian besar mahasiswa jarang mencatat dan mengajukan pertanyaan. Ketiga, setelah perkuliahan semua mahasiswa mengerjakan tugas. Tetapi, sebagian besar mahasiswa jarang mendiskusikan perkuliahan, membaca berbagai referensi dan mencari artikel jurnal internasional. Sehubungan dengan itu, untuk memperoleh hasil belajar yang baik, pengelola Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta perlu memiliki manajemen yang baik dan mengimplementasikan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat, yakni strategi pemutakhiran metode pembelajaran sesuai kebutuhan pasar dan perkembangan jaman.Kata kunci: evaluasi diri, strategi belajar, perkuliahanAbstractThis study was aimed at describing the results of students’ self-evaluationon their learning strategies. The subjects of the studywere all graduatestudents of the Indonesian Language Education Program at Yogyakarta State University. The data were collected using a questionnaire of self-evaluation using the Likert scale. The data were analyzed through quantitative descriptive techniques. The results show the following. First, before class, most students focus only on the syllabus, search references, and perform tasks. However, most students rarely read references and prepare questions. Secondly, during class, all students pay attention, do discussions, and carry out lecture duties. However, most students rarely take notes and ask questions. Third, after class, all students do the assignments. However, most students rarely discuss lectures, read references and search for international journal articles. In order to obtain a good learning result, the personnel of the Indonesian Education Study Program need to apply good management and implement the right learning strategies in updating the learning method according to market needs and the development of the era.Keywords: self-evaluation, learning strategy, lecture activity
LITERA Vol 19, No 2: LITERA JULI 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v19i2.33442


Salah satu indikator keberhasilan pengajaran adalah mampu membawa siswa dapat berpikir kritis. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk dapat menumbuhkan pola berpikir kritis adalah pemberian pertanyaan yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) tipe pertanyaan dosen dan mahasiswa, (2) dimensi kognisi yang terkandung dalam pertanyaan yang dibuat oleh dosen dan mahasiswa, dan (3) dimensi pengetahuan yang terkandung dalam pertanyaan dosen dan mahasiswa jenjang S-1 dan S-2 pada Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Data yang berupa pertanyaan-pertanyaan dikumpulkan dengan cara direkam dan dicatat. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah human instrumen dan indikator tuturan yang mengandung pertanyaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat ditarik tiga simpulan. Pertama, jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen pada jenjang S-1 dan S-2 ada dua, yaitu pentanyaan konvergen dan pertanyaan divergen. Kedua, dimensi kognitif pertanyaan mahasiswa S-1 masih berada pada tingkat C2 dan C3, dengan tingkatan C2 lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan C3; sebaliknya pertanyaan dosen S-1 sudah banyak ke arah C3 dan sudah mulai ke C4. Yang berarti pertanyaan mahasiswa dan dosen S-2 sudah mengarah ke kongnisi tingkat tinggi. Ketiga, dimensi pengetahuan pertanyaan mahasiswa dan dosen S-1 mencakup pengetahuan konseptual dan prosedural, sedangkan dimensi pengetahuan pada pertanyaan mahasiswa dan dosen S-2 mencakup dimensi konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif, sebagian besar berada dalam dimensi pengetahuan prosedural yang berarti mahasiswa bergerak pada pola pikir yang lebih abstrak dan rumit.Kata Kunci: dimensi pertanyaan, dimensi pengetahuan, pembelajaran kelasDIMENSIONS OF LECTURER AND STUDENT QUESTIONS ON LEARNING IN CLASSAbstract One indicator of teaching success is being able to bring students to think critically. One way that can be done to be able to grow critical thinking patterns is giving good questions. This study aims to describe (1) the types of lecturer and student questions, (2) the dimensions of cognition contained in the questions made by lecturers and students, and (3) the dimensions of knowledge contained in the questions made by lecturers and students in the undergraduate and graduate in the Indonesian Language and Literacy Education Study Program of Yogyakarta State University. The data source of this research is the questions posed by lecturers and students in Indonesian language and literature study programs at the time of the class chase, both for bachelor and master degree programs. Data in the form of questions are collected by means of recorded and recorded. The instruments used in this study are human instruments and speech indicators that contain questions. Based on the results of data analysis three conclusions can be drawn. First, the types of questions posed by students and lecturers at the bachelor and master level are two, namely convergent questions and divergent questions. Second, the cognitive dimensions of S-1 student questions are still at levels C2 and C3, with higher C2 levels. compared to C3. On the other hand, there are many questions from the S-1 lecturer towards C3 and have started to C4. the question of students and S-2 lecturers who have led to a high-level technician. Third, knowledge on the questions of students and lecturers of S-1 covers conceptual and procedural knowledge, the knowledge on the questions of the S-2 students and lecturers included the conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive changes. Most are in the dimensions of procedural knowledge. That is, students move on a more abstract and complex mindset.Keywords: question dimension, knowledge dimension, classroom learning
Improving the story-telling skill of grade 1 students through the use of hand puppet media Siti Zuraidah; Kastam Syamsi; Ashadi Ashadi
Jurnal Prima Edukasia Vol 8, No 2: July 2020
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen PGSD dan Dikdas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpe.v8i2.33831


The purpose of this study is to improve the storytelling skills in language learning  of grade I students of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Sapen Yogyakarta using hand puppet media.This research is collaborative classroom action research with the cycle model design. The subject of the study was grade I students of Al Ibadi Muhammadiyah Elementary School Sapen, totaling 30 students, consisting of 16 male and 14 female students. The data were collected through observatioThe purpose of this study is to improve the storytelling skills in language learning  of grade I students of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Sapen Yogyakarta using hand puppet media.This research is collaborative classroom action research with the cycle model design. The subject of the study was grade I students of Al Ibadi Muhammadiyah Elementary School Sapen, totaling 30 students, consisting of 16 male and 14 female students. The data were collected through observation and documentation as well as using a questionnaire and test, and analyzed using the descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis.The results show that the use of hand puppet media in Indonesian language learning could improve the storytelling skill of grade 1 students. This is evidenced by the increase in the students’ average score and minimum mastery in their storytelling skills. The students’ mean score increased from 62 in Cycle 1 to 80 in Cycle 2. Likewise, the percentage of the students with minimum mastery increased from 40% (12 students) in Cycle 1 to 87% (26 students) in Cycle 2.n and documentation as well as using a questionnaire and test, and analyzed using the descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis.The results show that the use of hand puppet media in Indonesian language learning could improve the storytelling skill of grade 1 students. This is evidenced by the increase in the students’ average score and minimum mastery in their storytelling skills. The students’ mean score increased from 62 in Cycle 1 to 80 in Cycle 2. Likewise, the percentage of the students with minimum mastery increased from 40% (12 students) in Cycle 1 to 87% (26 students) in Cycle 2.
Pertanyaan Bacaan Teks Sastra Dalam Buku Ajar SMP Berdasarkan Dimensi Bloom Syafira Mahfuzi Ardiyati; Kastam Syamsi
JURNAL SYNTAX IMPERATIF : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan Vol 2 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Syntax Imperatif : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Rifa'Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36418/syntax-imperatif.v2i3.84


Penelitian ini mengkaji analisis pertanyaan bacaan teks sastra dalam buku ajar bahasa Indonesia jenjang SMP. Fokus permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah penyajian dan presentase pertanyaan bacaan teks sastra dalam buku ajar bahasa Indonesia SMP. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyajian dan presentase pertanyaan bacaan dalam buku ajar bahasa Indonesia kelas SMP. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah pertanyaan bacaan teks sastra dalam buku ajar bahasa Indonesia SMP. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yaitu teknik catat. Selanjutnya metode analisis data menggunakan metode padan metode referensial. Teknik keabsahan data yang digunakan yaitu triangulasi teori dengan derajat kepercayaan melalui teknik ketekunan dan pengamatan. Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu 1) Penyajian pertanyaan bacaan teks sastra dalam buku ajar Bahasa Indonesia kelas VII, VIII, IX berdasarkan Taksonomi Bloom mencakup enam ranah kognitif yaitu C1 (mengingat), C2 (memahami), C3 (menerapkan), C4 (menganalisis), C5 (menilai), dan C6 (menciptakan). 2) Persentase pertanyaan bacaan teks sastra dalam buku bahasa Indonesia kekelas VII, VIII, dan IX penerbit Tiga Serangkai pada ranah kognitif mengingat (C1) mendominasi dengan proporsi persentase lebih besar dibandingkan ranah kognitif lainnya, yaitu 29,17% kelas VII, 36,92% pada kelas VIII , dan 42,57% kelas IX.
Implementation of Online Teaching During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Teachers’ Experiences Rintani Hidayat; Kastam Syamsi
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 14, No 3 (2022): ISSUE IN PRESS
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (74.799 KB)


This study aims to analyze the learning process online, how is the level of readiness of teachers in organizing online learning, how is the level of readiness of students in receiving online learning. The supporting factors and inhibiting in implementing the courage system learning daring the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was conducted at one of Senior Hight School in Merangin. This research is qualitative. The data subjects in the study were all Indonesian language teachers at Senior Hight School in Merangin totaling six teachers. The data collection techniques in this study were in the form of observation and interviews. The collected data is then processed and analyzed to be presented in the form of narrative paragraphs. The data analysis process begins with data reduction, data analysis, interpretation, and conclusion.  The results of this study reveal that online learning has been carried out quite well by Indonesian language teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is because the teacher has prepared lesson plans, learning activities, and learning evaluations. The benefits of online learning that most teachers feel are increased competence in using technology for learning. Teachers’ adaptations to the implementation of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic include gathering information to increase their understanding of online learning through internet media such as Google and YouTube. However, online learning has constraints in the implementation of which is unstable tissue conditions and learners’ difficulties in understanding learning materials are unique challenges in online learning.
Diksa : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/diksa.v8i2.26229


This study aims to identify the needs of teachers and students on critical reading skills. This research uses descriptive quantitative research. Data collection tools are questionnaires and interviews. The subjects of this study were 23 grade VII students and 21 Indonesian language teachers in grade VII SMP who were members of the Subject Teacher Consultative Forum (MGMP), Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The results showed that female and male students had the same interest in reading activities, most of the students preferred to learn by discussion. Before reading the text, most of the students tried to guess the reason the author wrote the text, guessed the contents of the text from titles, and make questions to guide. From the teacher's perspective, it was found that the teacher felt that learning to read critically was a difficult task, the teacher needed a reading learning model using discussion. From the interviews, it turned out that the teacher had not taught critical reading skills in class. Critical reading skills are very important and needed by students today. Therefore, the critical reading learning model with discussion is very much needed by teachers and students.