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Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Ridwan Kamil dalam 'Talkshow Insight' di CNN Indonesia (The Form and Type of Illocutionary Speech Acts Ridwan Kamil in the 'Insight Talkshow' at CNN Indonesia) Veranita Ragil Sagita; Teguh Setiawan
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 9, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (47.191 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.9.2.2019.187-200


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi, dan (2) jenis tindak tutur ilokusi di CNN Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskripsi kualitatif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah tuturan yang diucapkan oleh Ridwan Kamil pada acara talkshow insight di CNN Indonesia periode 2017-2018. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC) dan teknik catat. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri (human instrument). Instrumen penelitian kemudian divalidasi oleh expert judgment. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode padan pragmatis dan metode agih. Berdasarkan analisis data dapat ditarik dua simpulan. Pertama, bentuk tindak tutur ilokusi yang ditemukan berupa deklaratif, imperatif, dan interogatif. Kedua, jenis tindak tutur ilokusi yang ditemukan berupa asertif, direktif, komisif, dan ekspresif.Kata kunci: pragmatik, tindak tutur, ilokusi, dan talkshow. ABSTRACT This study aims to describe (1) the form of illocutionary speech acts, and (2) the types of illocutionary speech acts on CNN Indonesia. This research is a type of qualitative description research. The data source in this study is the utterances uttered by Ridwan Kamil on talkshow insights on CNN Indonesia for the 2017-2018 period. The data collection technique in this study is the skillful free listening technique (SBLC) and note taking technique. The research instrument used in this study was the researcher himself (human instrument). The research instrument was then validated by expert judgment. The data analysis technique in this study uses the pragmatic equivalent method and the agih method. Based on data analysis, two conclusions can be drawn. First, the forms of illocutionary speech acts found are declarative, imperative, and interrogative. Second, the types of illocutionary speech acts found were assertive, directive, commissive, and expressive.
Penerjemahan Kosakata Budaya dalam Film `Yowis Ben I` (Translation of Cultural Words in ‘Yowis Ben I’ Film) Faijah Ida Fatmawati; Teguh Setiawan
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 9, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.629 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.9.2.2019.137-155


Penerjemahan kosakata budaya dinilai sulit untuk dilakukan sebab kosakata budaya bahasa sumber (BSu) belum tentu memiliki padanan yang sama dalam bahasa sasaran (BSa). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis kosakata budaya yang terdapat dalam film Yowis Ben I. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik padan translasional. Parameter yang digunakan adalah jenis kosakata budaya menurut Newmark. Hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut. (1) Terdapat 69 kata yang merupakan jenis kosakata budaya berdasarkan paramaeter jenis kosakata budaya menurut Newmark. (2) Jenis kosakata budaya yang paling sering muncul berupa sosial budaya sebanyak 26 data atau sebesar 37,68%. Selanjutnya, jenis kosakata material sebanyak 17 data atau 25,64%, organisasi sebanyak 17 data atau 24,64%, kial/kebiasaan sebanyak 5 data atau 7,25%, dan ekologi sebanyak 4 data atau 5,80%.   Kata kunci: terjemahan, kosakata budaya, subtitle, film.ABSTRACTTranslation of cultural word is considered difficult to do because the source language cultural word does not necessarily have the same equivalent in the target language. This study aims to describe the types of cultural word found in ‘Yowis Ben I’'s films. Data were analyzed using translational equivalent techniques. The parameter used is a type of cultural word according to Newmark. The results of the study obtained the following results. (1) There are 69 words which are types of cultural word based on parameter types of cultural word according to Newmark. (2) The type of cultural word that most often appears in the form of socio-culture is 26 data or 37,68%. Furthermore, the type of material was 17 data or 25,64%, organizational as much as 17 data or 25.64%, the gesture/ habit were 5 data or 7,25%, and ecology as much as 4 data or 5,80%.
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v4i01.4883


This research study aims to describe the rules of ellipsis in compound andcomplex sentences. The sources of the data were two newspapers, Kompas andKedaulatan Rakyat, the edition of March 2002. The data were collected by usingobservation and recording techniques. They were then analyzed by the substitutionmethod. On the basis of this method, the omission and substitution techniques wereemployed.Based on the analysis of the findings, the subject, predicate and object ellipsiscan be found in compound sentences and the subject ellipsis in complex sentences.The rules of ellipsis in compound sentences are that (1) the omission can be doneif the omitted element is the same; (2) the omission of the subject and predicate isalways made in the clause after the coordinative conjunction and the omission of theobject is made in the clause before the coordinative conjunction; (3) the referentialcharacteristic of the omitted element is always anaphoric. The rules of ellipsis incomplex sentences are that (1) the omitted element must be the same; (2) the omittedelement is in the clause preceded by a subordinative conjunction or the dependentclause; (3) the referential characteristic of the omitted element is cataphoric oranaphoric.
LITERA Vol 12, No 1: LITERA APRIL 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v12i01.1340


This study aims to describe definite nominals in the Indonesian language in elementary school students’ writings. The data source was descriptive and narrative writing of elementary school students in Yogyakarta City. The data were analyzed by means of a correspondence method with a referential division and a distribution method with element division, repetition, substitution, and deletion techniques. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that definite nominals in the Indonesian language in elementary school students’ writings consist of six types, i.e. (a) personal pronouns, (b) proper nouns, (c) possessive nominal phrases, (d) definite description, (e) demonstrative description, and (f) numeral description. In the realization, definite nominals –except proper nouns and personal pronouns– are not always present with definite markers. Nominals without definite markers can be definite if they are supported by contexts clarifying the referents.
LITERA Vol 19, No 2: LITERA JULI 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v19i2.33442


Salah satu indikator keberhasilan pengajaran adalah mampu membawa siswa dapat berpikir kritis. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk dapat menumbuhkan pola berpikir kritis adalah pemberian pertanyaan yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) tipe pertanyaan dosen dan mahasiswa, (2) dimensi kognisi yang terkandung dalam pertanyaan yang dibuat oleh dosen dan mahasiswa, dan (3) dimensi pengetahuan yang terkandung dalam pertanyaan dosen dan mahasiswa jenjang S-1 dan S-2 pada Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Data yang berupa pertanyaan-pertanyaan dikumpulkan dengan cara direkam dan dicatat. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah human instrumen dan indikator tuturan yang mengandung pertanyaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat ditarik tiga simpulan. Pertama, jenis pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen pada jenjang S-1 dan S-2 ada dua, yaitu pentanyaan konvergen dan pertanyaan divergen. Kedua, dimensi kognitif pertanyaan mahasiswa S-1 masih berada pada tingkat C2 dan C3, dengan tingkatan C2 lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan C3; sebaliknya pertanyaan dosen S-1 sudah banyak ke arah C3 dan sudah mulai ke C4. Yang berarti pertanyaan mahasiswa dan dosen S-2 sudah mengarah ke kongnisi tingkat tinggi. Ketiga, dimensi pengetahuan pertanyaan mahasiswa dan dosen S-1 mencakup pengetahuan konseptual dan prosedural, sedangkan dimensi pengetahuan pada pertanyaan mahasiswa dan dosen S-2 mencakup dimensi konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif, sebagian besar berada dalam dimensi pengetahuan prosedural yang berarti mahasiswa bergerak pada pola pikir yang lebih abstrak dan rumit.Kata Kunci: dimensi pertanyaan, dimensi pengetahuan, pembelajaran kelasDIMENSIONS OF LECTURER AND STUDENT QUESTIONS ON LEARNING IN CLASSAbstract One indicator of teaching success is being able to bring students to think critically. One way that can be done to be able to grow critical thinking patterns is giving good questions. This study aims to describe (1) the types of lecturer and student questions, (2) the dimensions of cognition contained in the questions made by lecturers and students, and (3) the dimensions of knowledge contained in the questions made by lecturers and students in the undergraduate and graduate in the Indonesian Language and Literacy Education Study Program of Yogyakarta State University. The data source of this research is the questions posed by lecturers and students in Indonesian language and literature study programs at the time of the class chase, both for bachelor and master degree programs. Data in the form of questions are collected by means of recorded and recorded. The instruments used in this study are human instruments and speech indicators that contain questions. Based on the results of data analysis three conclusions can be drawn. First, the types of questions posed by students and lecturers at the bachelor and master level are two, namely convergent questions and divergent questions. Second, the cognitive dimensions of S-1 student questions are still at levels C2 and C3, with higher C2 levels. compared to C3. On the other hand, there are many questions from the S-1 lecturer towards C3 and have started to C4. the question of students and S-2 lecturers who have led to a high-level technician. Third, knowledge on the questions of students and lecturers of S-1 covers conceptual and procedural knowledge, the knowledge on the questions of the S-2 students and lecturers included the conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive changes. Most are in the dimensions of procedural knowledge. That is, students move on a more abstract and complex mindset.Keywords: question dimension, knowledge dimension, classroom learning
Shifts and equivalencies of idiomatic expressions in novel “The Name of Rose” Aliurridha Aliurridha; Teguh Setiawan
Journal on English as a Foreign Language Vol 9, No 2 (2019): Issued in September 2019
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palangka Raya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.539 KB) | DOI: 10.23971/jefl.v9i2.1329


This research aims to find the translation shifts and the equivalencies of idiomatic expressions. Data in this research were idiomatic expressions found in the novel “The Name of the Rose” and its translation. The method of data collection used reading and recording technique with researchers as the instrument along with some parameters of idiomatic expressions that were proposed by experts.  In analyzing the data, this research used the referential and translational method with structural and componential analysis. The result found that there was another category shift that cannot be explained by the contemporary theory of translation shift. It happens because the contemporary theory of translation shift only focuses on the micro-linguistic level. This type of shift occurred in idiomatic expression due to the lack of equivalencies of the source text (ST) and target text (TT) whether in the grammatical system or the cultural difference. This research suggests that the theory translation shifts should be provided by semantic, pragmatic, discourse, and intercultural knowledge to bridge a gap between the two languages.
LingTera Vol 2, No 2: October 2015
Publisher : Department of Applied Linguistics, Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.745 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/lt.v2i2.7374


Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis interferensi fonologi, morfologi, leksikal, sintaksis, dan faktor penyebab interferensi bahasa Jawa ke dalam bahasa Indonesia pada keterampilan berbicara sis-wa SMA Negeri 1 Pleret. Subjek penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Pleret. Objek penelitian adalah interferensi bahasa Jawa ke dalam bahasa Indonesia pada keterampilan berbicara. Human instrument, yaitu peneliti sebagai instrumen utama. Data diperoleh dengan teknik SBLC, rekam, dan catat. Selain itu, wawancara dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi faktor penyebab inter-ferensi. Keabsahan data diperoleh dengan tiangulasi dan expert judgement. Analisis dilakukan dengan intralingual error analysis. Teknik metode padan intralingual yang digunakan adalah teknik HBB. Hasil penelitian yaitu, pertama, interferensi fonologi terjadi karena terdapat prenasalisasi berupa suara hidung yang mendahului fonem /b/, /d/, /j/, dan /g/. Kedua, interferensi morfologi terjadi karena terda-pat afiksasi yang dipengaruhi sistem afiksasi bahasa Jawa, yaitu (a) prefiks n-, ke-, ny-, ng-, m-, (b) sufiks -e, (c) konfiks ke – an yang mengacu ke - en, dan (d) penggunaan akhiran –nya yang merujuk pada panambang –e. Ketiga, interferensi leksikal terjadi karena terdapat penggunaan leksikal pada dan tak yang merupakan leksikal bahasa Jawa. Penggunaan leksikal tersebut menyebabkan kesalahan keba-hasaan serta semantis. Keempat, interferensi sintaksis terjadi karena (a) penggunaan pola frasa “adverbia pada + verba” dan “adjektiva + sendiri”, (b) penggunaan pola klausa “pronomina posesif (tak) + verba”. Kelima, faktor linguistik penyebab interferensi, yaitu kontak bahasa, transfer negatif bahasa, dan sistem bahasa yang berdekatan. Faktor nonlinguistik penyebab interferensi, yaitu kebiasa-an, dominasi penguasaan bahasa Jawa, dan sikap berbahasa. Kata Kunci: interferensi, analisis kesalahan, keterampilan berbicara   THE INTERFERENCE OF JAVANESSE LANGUAGE IN INDONESIAN IN THE SPEAKING SKILL OF THE STUDENTS OF SMA NEGERI 1 PLERET, BANTUL Abstract The aims of this research are to analyze the form of phonological, morphologycal, lexical, syntactic interference, and the factors causing interference of Javanesse language in Indonesian in the speaking skill. The subjects of this study were all eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Pleret. The object of this study was the interference of Javanesse language in Indonesian in the speaking skill. The research instrument was the human instrument. The data of this study were collected through SBLC, record, and noted techniques. The validity of the data was obtained through the triangulation technique and expert judgment. The intralingual error analysis was used for the data analysis. The results of this study show that: (1) phonological interference occurs because of nasal sound at the beginning of the phonemes /b/, /d /, / j/, and /g/; (2) morphological interference occurs because affixa-tion system is influenced by the Javanesse language, including (a) the prefix n-, ke-, ny-, ng-, m-, (b) the suffix -e, (c) the confix ke – an refering to ke - en, and (d) suffix -nya refering to the suffix –e; (3) lexical interference occurs because there are Javanesse lexical items causing the linguistic and semantic errors; (4) syntactic interference occurs because of (a) the use of the Javanesse language phrase patterns “adverbia pada + verba” and “adjektiva + sendiri”, (b) the use of the Javanesse language clause patterns “pronomina posesif (tak) + verba”, and (5) the linguistic factors which cause interference, include language contact, negative transfer, and proximity language system. The non-linguistic factor causing interference include domination of Javanesse language skill, speaking habits, and language attitude. Keywords: interference, error analysis, speaking skill
Adabiyyāt: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 4, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajbs.2020.04105


This research aims to find out the main problems of AI-based translation machine, Google Neural Machine Translation System (GNMT) or Google Translate, during an English-Indonesian book translation process. It also has the objective to find the solutions for the problems. To approach the translation issues, the study uses Christiane Nord’s four translation problems which consists of pragmatic translation problems, convention-related translation problems, linguistic translation problems, and text-specific translation problems. Molina and Albir’s techniques of translation are applied to fix the problems. The study uses qualitative methods to analyze the translation issues. From 5447 translated words, it is found that the main problems of Google Translate during book translation are linguistic translation problems, and there are seven translation techniques involved to deal with the problems.
Analisis Wacana Kritis Norman Fairclough Representasi Kehidupan Religius Cerpen Mbah Sidiq Karya A. Mustofa Bisri Ervania; Teguh Setiawan; Nurhayadi
SOSMANIORA: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.848 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/sosmaniora.v1i2.554


Critical discourse analysis (AWK) is one of the views on language in discourse analysis which views powers as always involved in the formation of subjects represented in language. The AWK model used in this paper is Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis. Critical discourse analysis which generally analyzes media texts can also be done to analyze literary works including short stories. The short story analyzed by Norman Fairclough's discourse analysis is Mbah Sidiq's short story by A. Mustofa Bisri which is presented in the book Collection of Short Calligraphy Paintings. In Norman Fairclough's discourse analysis, texts, discourse practice, and sociocultural practice are examined. Through the descriptive method, finally the three aspects of Norman Fairclough's discourse analysis can be answered. In the text section, the researcher can find three basic elements in the Norman Fairclough model, namely the elements of representation, relations and identity in Mbah Sidiq's short story. While this paper will only discuss one element, namely representation. Mbah Sidiq's short story above is an Islamic short story with a Javanese cultural background. The short story displays a portrait of the life of the Javanese and Indonesian Islamic communities. In addition, Gus Mus, through his short stories, also tries to criticize the behavior and social conditions of Javanese society and Indonesian Islamic society in general, which still cannot separate religious spiritual behavior from ancestral traditions which sometimes contradict Islamic teachings. This was done because Gus Mus in his daily life is a kiai, a preacher who cares for a boarding school, which incidentally is someone who has deeply studied and mastered the Islamic sciences.
Shifts and equivalencies of idiomatic expressions in novel “The Name of Rose” Aliurridha Aliurridha; Teguh Setiawan
Journal on English as a Foreign Language Vol 9, No 2 (2019): Issued in September 2019
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palangka Raya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23971/jefl.v9i2.1329


This research aims to find the translation shifts and the equivalencies of idiomatic expressions. Data in this research were idiomatic expressions found in the novel “The Name of the Rose” and its translation. The method of data collection used reading and recording technique with researchers as the instrument along with some parameters of idiomatic expressions that were proposed by experts.  In analyzing the data, this research used the referential and translational method with structural and componential analysis. The result found that there was another category shift that cannot be explained by the contemporary theory of translation shift. It happens because the contemporary theory of translation shift only focuses on the micro-linguistic level. This type of shift occurred in idiomatic expression due to the lack of equivalencies of the source text (ST) and target text (TT) whether in the grammatical system or the cultural difference. This research suggests that the theory translation shifts should be provided by semantic, pragmatic, discourse, and intercultural knowledge to bridge a gap between the two languages.