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PEMBERDAYAAN PEREMPUAN MILLENIAL MELALUI LITERASI DIGITAL Ni Wayan Dian Irmayani; Ni Luh Putu Surya Astitiani; Ida Ayu Ria Paramita Handayani
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 4 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v4i3.17932


Perkembangan teknologi semakin berkembang dengan pesat ditandai dengan beralihnya teknologi mekanik dan analog ke teknologi digital, seiring perkembangan tersebut mengharuskan semua orang termasuk wanita untuk mengkutinya tanpa terkecuali para ibu yang hanya diam dirumah mengurus rumah tangga di haruskan untuk mengikuti arus teknologi yang semakin berkembang menerpa dunia. Literasi digital merupakan konsep yang membicarakan tentang literasi yang relevan serta literasi yang berbasis kompetensi dan keterampilan teknologi, komunikasi, namun menekankan pada kemampuan evaluasi informasi yang lebih baik. Selain itu, literasi digital sangat penting dan menjadi tugas kita semua termasuk orang tua didalamnya, untuk memberikan pengetahuan yang luas mengenai informasi-informasi yang tertuang didalam media dan internet. Kesenjangan digital yang masih berbasis gender menjadi tantangan bersama bagi semua pihak yang terlibat dalam media digital, terlebih dialami oleh perempuan yang berada di wilayah pedesaan serta kelompok lanjut usia. Dilihat dari sisi kompetensi literasi digital, perempuan berperan penting sebagai jendela akses informasi mulai dari pola pengasuhan anak serta pengawasan penggunaan teknologi di keluarga. Perempuan berperan dalam membentuk karakter bangsa. Mereka dapat mengajak perempuan lain untuk menggunakan dan mengoptimalkan penggunaan internet yang merupakan bagian dari kontribusi mereka terhadap pemberdayaan perempuan baik di ranah pribadi maupun publik karena perempuan adalah sosok yang unik dan multidimensi identitas. Perempuan tak hanya membangun dirinya dan keluarga, tapi juga membangun masyarakat dan negara. Sebuah keluarga dan bangsa akan menjadi kuat dan berdaya jika perempuan didalamnya kuat dan cerdas, sehingga dapat memanfaatkan peluang yang ada untuk mengaktualisasikan diri dan berkontribusi dalam proses mewujudkan Indonesia Digital Nation (bermartabat, berkeadilan, dan berdaya saing).
Webinar Online Literasi Keuangan (Financial Literacy) Bagi Generasi Millennial Ni Wayan Dian Irmayani; Ni Kadek Sri Mirayani; Ni Wayan Purnami Rusadi
Joong-Ki : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2: Mei 2022
Publisher : CV. Ulil Albab Corp

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/joongki.v1i2.378


The purpose of this financial literacy webinar activity is to provide participants with financial literacy skills, and to know the financial literacy abilities of the millennial generation and to increase the understanding of financial literacy of the millennial generation through the provision of webinar material. The material presented is about financial literacy knowledge, financial life cycle, financial financial planning process, scope of financial planning, and application of financial records. The participants were students from the Denpasar National Polytechnic campus, students from several campuses in Bali and outside Bali, high school/vocational high school students from Bali and outside Bali and general public. However, because it is still in the atmosphere of the COVID-19 pandemic, the provision of insight and assessment of insights is carried out online through the Zoom meeting application. There are 122 participants who are willing to take part in this webinar. The importance of knowledge about financial literacy to make the millennial generation financially literate. Financial literacy means understanding how to manage money, paying off debt, insurance, retirement savings, taxes, and financial products such as credit and loans. With a state of financial literacy, the millennial generation can use these financial products to achieve financial prosperity.
Strategies to Increase Financial Literacy, Deposit Guarantee Programs, Quality of Service from Interest in Savings Post the Covid 19 Pandemic Ni Wayan Dian Irmayani
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Manajemen, Ekonomi, Keuangan dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): May, 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/snimekb.v2i1.4606


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused job losses and an economic downturn, requiring strategies to overcome financial challenges. Encouraging a culture of saving from an early age provides many benefits, including instilling discipline, fostering a mindful attitude towards money, and preventing excessive consumption. Financial literacy is essential for avoiding financial problems that arise from low incomes and mismanagement, such as credit abuse and lack of financial planning. Recognizing the importance of financial literacy, this study aims to increase knowledge about deposit insurance programs to improve saving decisions. In addition, improving service quality plays an important role in attracting customers and ensuring success. This study uses primary data obtained from questionnaires distributed to BPR customers in Bali. This study uses qualitative data analysis which includes validity and reliability tests, normality and linearity tests, multicollinearity tests, and heteroscedasticity tests. Regression analysis and multiple linear analysis were used for data analysis.
Analysis of Factors That Influence the Quality of Company Financial Reports Ida Ayu Ria Paramita Handayani; Putu Diah Krisna Junitasari; Ni Wayan Dian Irmayani
International Journal of Business, Law, and Education Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): International Journal of Business, Law, and Education (January - June) Ongoing
Publisher : IJBLE Scientific Publications Community Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56442/ijble.v5i1.522


This research aims to examine the influence of company scale, ownership composition, and level of market concentration on the quality of financial reports of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). The data used comes from the annual financial reports of 120 companies during the 2015-2017 period. The purposive sampling method was used for sample selection. The results of data analysis show that there is a significant correlation between independent variables and the quality of financial reports. The results of the regression test show that company scale, ownership composition, and level of market concentration significantly influence the quality of financial reports. These findings indicate that companies with large size, consolidative ownership structures, and market dominance tend to produce higher quality financial reports. The implications of this research highlight the importance of good information management in a business context, as well as the need for transparency and accountability in corporate financial reporting.
Pelatihan Penulisan Buku Ajar dan Buku Monograf bagi Dosen di Kampus Politeknik Nasional Ni Wayan Dian Irmayani; I Wayan Agus Selamet; Kadek Reda Setiawan Suda
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bangsa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Maret
Publisher : Amirul Bangun Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59837/jpmba.v2i1.719


Tujuan dari kegiatan pelatihan buku ajar dan buku monograf ini adalah untuk membekali peserta dengan keterampilan menulis, dan meningkatkan pemahaman menulis buku ajar dan buku monograf melalui pemberian materi pelatihan. Materi yang disampaikan mengenai pengetahuan tata cara penulisan buku, macam-macam penerbitan buku, dan spesifikasi buku. Pesertanya adalah dosen kampus Politeknik Nasional dan masyarakat umum. Pemberian pelatihan dilakukan secara online melalui aplikasi Zoom Meeting. Ada 17 peserta yang bersedia mengikuti pelatihan ini. Pentingnya pengetahuan mengenai penulisan buku ajar dan monografi khususnya bagi dosen sebagai implementasi tri dharma perguruan tinggi, poin penelitian.
Supply Chain Management System Analysis in Improving Product Quality at PT. Kaya Kreasi Indonesia Ni Wayan Dian Irmayani
Indonesian Journal of Applied and Industrial Sciences (ESA) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): January 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/esa.v3i1.7697


The aim of this research is to explain how PT Kaya Kreasi Indonesia's supply chain management system contributes to improving the quality of the company's products due to the process of purchasing and determining fabric raw materials for clothing production in the company which is currently happening in the field, and how to obtain quality raw materials, on time, and in the right quantities until the final product is delivered to consumers. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data used is primary and secondary. Primary data comes from case studies and research journals as well as objective company data. This study found that supply chain management influences the performance of PT Kaya Kreasi Indonesia, which relates to suppliers, manufacturers and consumers. PT Kaya Kreasi Indonesia shows this good relationship by implementing ISO quality assurance, which provides confidence to buyers and suppliers during the product export process. Several factors, such as weather, human resources, production and delivery delays, are obstacles in PT Kaya Kreasi Indonesia's supply chain management. PT Kaya Kreasi Indonesia also has several ways to handle these challenges.
Application of Consignment Sales Accounting for Ardiles Brand Shoes at PT Ramayana Bali Mall in Ponegoro I Gusti Agung Ayu Intan Fatmayoni; Ni Wayan Dian Irmayani; Desak Made Indah Paramitha Sari; Helena Vilomena Iju
International Journal of Integrative Sciences Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): March 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijis.v3i3.8340


PT. Ramayana Bali mall is a retail company         engaged in the department store which has many branches in Indonesia. In addition to department stores that sell clothing products such as clothes,  Ramayana also has a supermarket or supermarket that sells daily food neds this study aims to mall complies with financial accounting standards. The type of research used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. This study uses interviews and documentation of the parties responsible for recording consignment accounting.  Based on the application of consignment accounting based on financial accounting standards, it can be concluded that PT. Ramayana Bali Mall hos not fully implemented consignment sales recording repots based on financial accounting standards in the income statement. We recommend that you record the sales of the consignment based of financial accounting standards, namely recording with a separate method to make it easier to calculate the profit obtained from the sale of the consigment
Marketing Strategy of Allisya Protection Plus at Allianz STAG Genteng Biru: Islamic Economic Perspective Ni Wayan Dian Irmayani; I Gede Sudiarsa
Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Technology Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): March 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/marcopolo.v2i3.7997


This research is motivated by the lack of awareness of the Indonesian people about the importance of insurance in future life. Therefore, a strong strategy is needed from the agents to market insurance to the public and to survive to develop the company, especially Allianz Insurance and Allianz STAG Blue Tile partners. This study is a field study using descriptive qualitative methods with research subjects consisting of core subjects and supporting subjects, namely Business Partners, business executives and allisya Protection Plus customers. The results of this study indicate that the marketing strategy of allisya Protection Plus Insurance at Allianz STAG Genteng Biru partners carried out by agents is as follows: segmentation, Target market, positioning, marketing tactics, differentiation, marketing mix, Sales, Marketing Value, brand, Service and process. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and understand the marketing strategy of Allisya Protection Plus Insurance at Allianz STAG Blue Tile partners. This study also aims to determine how the marketing strategy of Allisya Protection Plus Insurance according to the perspective of Islamic Economics. Allisya Protection Plus Insurance Marketing Strategy at Allianz STAG Genteng Biru Partners is carried out by agents by paying attention to several aspects, such as segmentation, targeting, positioning, marketing tactics, differentiation, marketing mix, Sales, Marketing Value, brand, service, and process. In addition, this marketing strategy is also explained in the context of Islamic Economics, where agents try to market products in accordance with Sharia principles and provide good service to prospective customers.