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Candrasangkala: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sejarah Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30870/candrasangkala.v6i2.9319


This study aims to determine the initial causes of the formation of the Karya VII Helvetia settlement, Sunggal Subdistrict, social and economic life in Karya VII Helvetia settlement, Sunggal District. This research uses a social research approach, by applying field research and assisted by literature in accordance with the discussion. For field research, the authors interviewed 5 people who had lived in Karya VII's settlement for at least 10 years according to the research needs. The data obtained from the results of field research and several literature sources were then analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. From the research results, it is known that the initial cause of the formation of the Karya VII Helvetia settlement in Sunggal Subdistrict was a strong desire to seek a better life in urban areas but this was not accompanied by adequate abilities, which automatically failed to compete in terms of quality. This made them bury their dreams of enjoying a prosperous life, living in a proper place and volunteering to live on land that is not their own or land owned by the State in Karya VII Helvetia, Sunggal District. Economically, in the Karya VII Helvetia settlement, Sunggal Subdistrict, by involving housewives to work as scavengers, traders, using the house yard to raise chickens, using the back of the house to raise pigs.
Local Wisdom and National Integration in Indonesia: A Case Study of Inter-Religious Harmony amid Social and Political Upheaval in Bunga Bondar, South Tapanuli Rosmaida Sinaga; Flores Tanjung; Yuri Nasution
Journal of Maritime Studies and National Integration Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.212 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jmsni.v3i1.4482


This study emphasizes on inter-religious affairs happened in Bunga Bondar, South Tapanuli began to experience turmoil when thenational movement era started in 1908 and itstillhappens to present-day. The Dutch colonial government advocated for inter-religiousharmony at a local level. The policy was pursued by the the Dutch colonial government out offear that the Indonesian people would developa sense of unity and fraternityamong them, thereby intensifying thespirit of nationalism. The Dutch government’s concern eventuallycame true when the power of the Christian wingof the national movement cooperated with itsIslamic counterpart. Along with the political upheavalsand social changes experienced by the Indonesian people, the harmony between religious groups in various regions was affected. Despite migration, changes of central and local leadership, and the flow of modernization that took place, the dynamics of inter-religious harmony of the 1930s are still present today.The tradition, the spirit of harmony, leadership models, and the application of local wisdom are all the key to the survival of inter-religious harmony in Bunga Bondar, South Tapanuli, as findings in research that can be used as a guide or model to build national integrity.
PERANAN DR. T.D. PARDEDE DALAM PEMBANGUNAN MASYARAKAT SUMATERA UTARA (1923-1991) Supriadi Hartawan Hutabarat; Rosmaida Sinaga
Puteri Hijau : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Puteri Hijau: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol.6 No.1
Publisher : Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/ph.v6i1.23224


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kehidupan masa kecil DR. T.D. Pardede dan mengetahui peranan DR. T.D. Pardede dalam pembangunan baik dalam bidang ekonomi, bidang pendidikan, bidang kesehatan, bidang kerohanian bagi masyarakat Sumatera Utara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sejarah dengan pendekatan heuristik,kritik sumber, interpretasi, dan historiografi yang berkaitan dengan konsep-konsep sejarah.Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan menggunakan studi pustaka atau buku-buku yang mendukung penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kehidupan masa kecil T.D. Pardede sangat sederhana semenjak kehilangan ayah tercintanya, sehingga beliau dituntut hidup mandiri untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya dan ibunya. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya beliau meminta izin kepada ibu dan pamannya untuk memasuki kehidupan pasar setelah selesai jam sekolah dan ibunya memperkenankan beliau berjualan di pasar secara kecil-kecilan. Berjalannya waktu T.D Pardede semakin dewasa, beliau sempat bekerja di perkebunan milik pemerintahan Belanda di Dolok Ilir, namun pendapatan dari perkebunan tersebut dirasa tidak cukup sehingga beliau juga meneruskan usahanya dengan berjualan gula aren dan membuka kedai tuak (minuman khas batak). Upah yang diterimanya dari perkebunan dan usahanya sudah cukup, sehingga beliau membuka industri tekstil yang berhasil membuat dirinya dikenal banyak masyarakat Sumatera Utara dan menciptakan lowongan pekerjaan yang besar. Tidak hanya berkutat di dunia pertekstilan, beliau juga aktif dalam pembangunan pendidikan dengan membangun sekolah-sekolah dan yayasan perguruan, pembangunan perhotelan, rumah ibadah, pembangunan kesehatan berupa pembangunan akademi keperawatan dan Rumah Sakit Herna, dan pembangunan-pembangunan lainnya.
Eksistensi Guru Mbelin Dalam Pengobatan Tradisional Karo Di Desa Kidupen Kecamatan Juhar Kabupaten Karo (1970-1990) Rosmaida Sinaga; Marsella Br Sembiring
Puteri Hijau : Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Puteri Hijau Vol. 4 No. 1
Publisher : Department of History Education, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/ph.v4i1.13891


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : sejarah guru Mbelin dalam pengobatan tradisional Karo di desa Kidupen, faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi guru Mbelin banyak dikunjungi pada tahun 1970-1990 di desa Kidupen, faktor-faktor yang mendorong bertahannya guru Mbelin dalam pengobatan tradisional Karo di desa Kidupen dan peramuan bahan rempah-rempah oleh guru Mbelin dalam pengobatan tradisional Karo di desa Kidupen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dalam kajian Eksistensi Guru Mbelin Dalam Pengobatan Tradisional Karo Di Desa Kidupen yakni observasi atau pengamatan terhadap keadaan-keadaan, perkembangan serta pengalaman di masa lalu mengenai sejarah keberadaan guru Mbelin dalam pengobatan tradisional Karo di desa Kidupen dan meneliti dengan bukti-bukti yang valid dari sumber-sumber sejarah, menginterpretasi dengan sumber-sumber keterangan yang di peroleh, dan membandingkannya dengan keadaan pada masa sekarang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keberadaan dan perkembangan guru Mbelin dalam pengobatan tradisional Karo pada tahun 1970-1990 berkembang pesat  hingga keluar daerah Karo. Perkembangan ini dalam hal pengobatan berbagai jenis penyakit baik personalistik (roh-roh halus) dan naturalistik (ketidakseimbangan unsur-unsur dalam tubuh) dengan menggunakan ramuan rempah-rempah alami dari alam dan tabas-tabas (mantra-mantra) yang dipercaya memiliki khasiat dalam menyembuhkan berbagai jenis penyakit. Proses pengobatan yang dilakukan guru Mbelin yakni mendiagnosis terlebih dahulu penyakit yang di derita pasien, kemudian menentukan metode pengobatan yang digunakan seperti menggunakan ramuan, metode tindakan dan gabungan antara keduanya, setelah itu dipakai oleh pasien dengan beberapa cara seperti diminum, dioleskan ketubuh dan lain-lainnya. Alasan masyarakat memilih pengobatan tradisional oleh guru Mbelin yakni kepercayaan masyarakat masih dinamisme dan animisme (serba roh), pengaruh tradisi yang sangat dipegang teguh masyarakat, biaya murah serta tempat yang mudah dijangkau dan rempah-rempah yang digunakan yaitu rempah-rempah dari alam sehingga mudah untuk di peroleh. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan eksistensi  guru Mbelin dalam pengobatan tradisional Karo di desa Kidupen pada tahun 1970-1990 yakni sangat eksis.Kata Kunci : Guru Mbelin, Pengobatan tradisional, Karo
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jupiis.v13i2.42020


This research is motivated by the need for an Interactive World History Babon Book Application as a big data-based digital learning resource that can be accessed by students of the Department of History Education from all over the country. This application is needed to answer the challenges of Education in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and the Independent Learning Curriculum of the Independent Campus. In learning world history/spatial history, lecturers and students usually only use printed teaching resources whose content is not relevant to the CPL-CPMK Department of History Education FIS UNIMED. This is because the currently available baboon printed books only contain limited material about the history of human civilization with a limit of years in the 20th century, while in the 21st century there have been drastic changes in culture and civilization experienced by humans, coupled with the outbreak of a pandemic that has plagued humans. also change the pattern of human life habits. Then the use of the interactive world history baboon book application will make it easier for students of the History Education Department to explore other learning resources in the form of multimedia such as audio, video, animation, photos, graphics, etc. In addition, the application will give students access to historical archives from the KITLV, ANRI, National Library sites, to the latest scientific articles through the Journal links that will be available on the application. Therefore, research on the development of the big data-based Interactive World History Babon Book Application that is connected to it is important to do. As for the formulation of the problem, among others: 1) How to develop an interactive World History Babon book application based on Big Data as a digital learning resource for History Education Students in the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Curriculum? 2) How is the Effectiveness of the Big Data-based interactive World History Babon book application as a digit.
Venereal Diseases Treatment for Merauke’s Marind (Marind-Anim) Tribe in the Dutch Colonial Period Rosmaida Sinaga; Hafnita Sari Dewi Lubis; Yushar Tanjung; Lister Eva Simangunsong
IHiS (Indonesian Historical Studies) Vol 6, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ihis.v6i2.16428


This article provides some proofs that influenced the increasing number ofMarind-Anim people who suffering from venereal diseases. It also providesfactual efforts that had been done by the colonial government as well as Catholicmissionaries in Merauke to overcome this problem. This study applies historicalmethods with four stages: heuristics, verification (internal and external criticism),interpretation/explanation and historiography. Primary sources obtained fromNational Archives of the Republic of Indonesia i.e., Memorie van Overgave van hetBestuur over de Afdeeling Zuid Nieuw Guinea; letter of the Minister of Colonies to theGovernor General of the Dutch East Indies; Report of Assistant Resident ZuidAfdeeling Nieuw Guinea to the Director of Government; and official printed sources,e.g., Volkstelling 1930. Michel Foucault's power relations theory is used to analyzethe causes of venereal disease in the Marind Tribe. The results shows that the causeof the increasing number patients who had venereal disease in the Marind tribe,Merauke, was related to their traditional understanding which legalized free sexand deviant sexual activities in the Marind tribe. The imbalanced power relationsbetween men and their wives and between men and adolescence men causingvenereal diseases and sexual perversions in the Marind Tribe. The strategyimplemented by the colonial government was to involve Catholic missionarieswho were trusted to overcome the disease by building a housing model that canonly be occupied by nuclear families who are not infected with venereal diseases.The colonial government demolished men’s houses because there werepossibilities of homosexual intercourses which become one of the causes ofvenereal disease among the Marind Tribe. In addition, the government requiredthe cenderawasih bird hunterers to have their genital health checked as a huntingpermit. The government built hospitals and clinics and invented doctors whospecialize in venereal disease to treat the patients. These strategies has succeededin treating and eradicating venereal diseases among the Marind Tribe.
Kesawan Region: The Old City of Medan From the Past to the 21st Century As Historical Tourism Cynthia C.A Sitorus*; Iren Sintiya Pelawi; Hery Junianto S Marbun; Tappil Rambe; Rosmaida Sinaga; Najuah Najuah
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Economic History, Education Media, and Humanities
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jr.v6i1.29339


Medan City is the capital of North Sumatra Province which of course is on the island of Sumatra. The city of Medan as the third largest metropolitan capital in Indonesia also has a long history that started from a village whose initial opening was the size of a field opened by Guru Patimpus Pelawi who came from the Karo ethnicity who until now is known as the founder of the city of Medan. And in subsequent developments this city was dominated by ethnic Malays since the founding of the Deli Sultanate by Gocah Pahlawan who came from the Aceh Sultanate which made Medan until now still known as Tanah Deli or Medan Deli and at a time not much different, a person from the Colonial nation (Dutch ) named Jacob Nienhyus around the 1860s established plantations especially for tobacco commodities which almost covered the city of Medan so that in the term Medan Putri was known or the producer of Deli Tobacco which was famous to foreign countries at that time. With the area of the plantation, of course, workers were needed, so Nienhyus brought in a large number of coolies from ethnic Chinese and of course the coolies needed a place to live. Until then the Kesawan area that we know today was formerly a Malay village which was then a result of the large influx of Chinese letnics making this area subsequently dominated by ethnic Chinese who then built houses in the form of shops and started businesses by trading and several administrative office buildings Colonialism also exists in the area as we can see to this day, both the buildings that still function as housing complexes and the remains of the ruins of the building's foundations. And until now this area has become one of the historic iconic locations in the city of Medan, especially at night decorated with various street lights that illuminate this area to just relax and even become a background in documentation for selfies to become a culinary center.
Kesawan Region: The Old City of Medan From the Past to the 21st Century As Historical Tourism Cynthia C.A Sitorus*; Iren Sintiya Pelawi; Hery Junianto S Marbun; Tappil Rambe; Rosmaida Sinaga; Najuah Najuah
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Economic History, Education Media, and Humanities
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jr.v6i1.29339


Medan City is the capital of North Sumatra Province which of course is on the island of Sumatra. The city of Medan as the third largest metropolitan capital in Indonesia also has a long history that started from a village whose initial opening was the size of a field opened by Guru Patimpus Pelawi who came from the Karo ethnicity who until now is known as the founder of the city of Medan. And in subsequent developments this city was dominated by ethnic Malays since the founding of the Deli Sultanate by Gocah Pahlawan who came from the Aceh Sultanate which made Medan until now still known as Tanah Deli or Medan Deli and at a time not much different, a person from the Colonial nation (Dutch ) named Jacob Nienhyus around the 1860s established plantations especially for tobacco commodities which almost covered the city of Medan so that in the term Medan Putri was known or the producer of Deli Tobacco which was famous to foreign countries at that time. With the area of the plantation, of course, workers were needed, so Nienhyus brought in a large number of coolies from ethnic Chinese and of course the coolies needed a place to live. Until then the Kesawan area that we know today was formerly a Malay village which was then a result of the large influx of Chinese letnics making this area subsequently dominated by ethnic Chinese who then built houses in the form of shops and started businesses by trading and several administrative office buildings Colonialism also exists in the area as we can see to this day, both the buildings that still function as housing complexes and the remains of the ruins of the building's foundations. And until now this area has become one of the historic iconic locations in the city of Medan, especially at night decorated with various street lights that illuminate this area to just relax and even become a background in documentation for selfies to become a culinary center.
Pembentukan Organisasi Semi Militer pada Masa Pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia Sonia R. Matanari; Harry Kriston Situmeang; Rosmaida Sinaga
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56444/mia.v21i1.1528


During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia, there was the formation of a semi-military organization which greatly influenced social and political dynamics in the Indonesian region. Semi-military organizations emerged as an instrument of Japanese control to secure colonial interests and also strengthen their domination over the local population and. With its semi-military organized structure, this organization curbed individual freedom and encouraged dependence on the Japanese government. Factors such as violence, intimidation and propaganda were used to maintain Japanese power in Indonesia. In general, this semi-military organization consists of young men aged 17 years and over who are healthy and strong so they can help them in the war. Despite claiming to bring stability and security, this semi-military organization often exacerbated tensions between the local population and the Japanese occupation.
Sejarah Dan Perkembangan Gereja HKBP Simanullang Matiti Tahun 1904-1945 Ezra Tamar Kristalia Simanullang; Rapmaita Lamaida Simamora; Yogi Kurniawan; Destry Stepani Purba; Rosmaida Sinaga; Arfan Diansyah
Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/innovative.v4i2.9995


Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedatangan misionaris ke daerah Doloksanggul, selain itu mengetahui Sejarah berdirinya dan perkembangan Gereja HKBP Simanullang di tahun 1904-1945. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode historis yang melibatkan analisis kritis terhadap sumber-sumber sejarah. Proses ini meliputi empat langkah penting, yaitu Heuristik, Verifikasi, Interpretasi, dan Historiografi. Berdirinya Gereja HKBP Simanullang di Matiti, tidak lepas dari peran penting salah satu tokoh penting dan seorang misionaris dari Jerman yaitu, I.L Nomensen yang diberi gelar “Sang Apostel Batak” yang mengupayakan  penyebaran agama Kristen Protestan bagi tanah batak salah satunya ialah daerah Humbang Hasundutan. Dimana Nomensen mengirim sesama misionaris bernama Pendeta Herling ke daerah Doloksanggul sekitar 1904. Kehidupan masyarakat matiti sebelum masuknya pengkabaran injil kental dengan penyembahan roh. Meskipun awalnya mendapat penolakan dari masyarakat, namun seiring berjalanya waktu ke kritenan pun diterima. Dan Seiring berjalanya waktu, dari tahun 1907 penduduk Matiti mau dibabtis, dan Perkembangan Jemaat HKBP Matiti semakin banyak.